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Show pages DeoanberiB, 1961 nwBjKtat The Christmas Tree Story VERNAL WELCOMES NEW EXCHANGE STUDENT Linda Carnagie and her husband, Nolen, have recently come to our city of Vernal, from Walnut Grove, Missouri. Bringing with them their sons, Danny age 14, Scott age 10, and daughter, Laurie age 12, with a very special friend, Rosa Orozco, from Culiacham Sinaloa, Mexico. Rosa is an exchange student from Mexico. She is a senior in high school at the age of 18, where she finds herself in a very special world. For the first time in her life, she has had an opportunity to make snow balls from the flakes which fall from the sky, a sight never before seen to her eyes. She is very active with her family here in Vernal, as she is treated with the same love and care, as if were one of their own. Although her Visa is up in July of 1982, she would very much like to stay her in the United States. During the course of a school day, she is involved with everyday high school life, with subjects from English. War History, Typing, Speech, Drivers Ed., P.E.. and one of her favorites. Art, where she likes to draw and write poetry. But, most favorite, would be her War History teacher, Mr. Robinson. She has been with the Carnagies' since August. 198 1. Carnagies' are her first exchange home away from home. She had to make her own mind up as to whether to make the journey from the school in Missouri to Vernal. But, it was easy to decide since she is a part of the family, and would not like to separate from the Carnagies'. Mrs. Carnagie is a representative of the Exchange Student Program, based out of San She has had plenty of Diego, California. in the placement of all nationalities. She experience is eager to place one of those special persons in your home. As an exchange student, for a period of time, this does not mean that you have to send one of your own children to a foreign school to participate. All you need is a secure roof over their heads, a bed, and meals. The kids have a monthly alotment from home to provide the rest of their necessities, such as, clothes and school supplies. Linda and Nolan Carnegie and exchange student Rosa Orozco from Mexico pose here with the Camagle's children Laurie, Danny and Scott. saw RECEIVE BOWLING AWARDS of the Vernal Womens Bowling Association City Tournament were given their awards at a banquet held at the Lamplighter in Vernal, :V.' 1111 Hi j - .1 hop 'Kr1 Saturday. a. Bettye Guffey. iiJ sii ..iflti'y Secre-taryj- of the Association furnished a list of the winners: following ; Doubles Handicap; Alice Thompson and Donna Kessler. Doubles Scratch; Helen Hood and Doreen Hunting, High Game, Series and Handicap; Vicky Anderson (game) and Donna Kessler All events (series). Scrath and Handicap; Johnson and Betty Teresa Haslem, First Place Team, Handicap; Janet Hatch, Erma Caroda, Phylis Gibbs. Vicky Anderson and Losi Erickson. High Game and High Series; Scratch; Betty Johnson (series), Sarah Fister Maexer Elementary School had an open home last week so that the parents could come and enjoy the many things their children had been making In class. AH of the classes were decorated lor Christmas with many creative items made by the children. This Is a picture taken In Mrs. Zumbo's second grade classroom. (game). First Team Oaks. Scratch; pleasant 0f the Christmas season for my family. yyc are fortunate living jn a part 0f the country wj,ere this is still a possible, obtaining to get a tree from t pc-mi- a p0Wcrline . right-of-s- he malcea rea family of jt Rcturning and elsewhere in the . ),0llse 0f life. The shortest day 0f the ycar was a tjmc 0f festival for many ancjent cultures, In Egypt the people brought the lavish date palm fronds into their homes as symbols of immortality. The sacred oak. Boniface took his ax and struck the tree, toppling it. Immediately everyone noticed a young evergreen that had been hidden from view by the oak. The saint told the people. This night is the birth-nigof the Christ. This little tree is the sign of endless life, for its branches are ever green. See how it points toward heaven. Let this be called the tree of the Christ Child. Gather about it, not in the wild woods but in your homes. There it will shelter no deeds of blood, but loving gifts and lights of kindness. In the Middle Ages a green pyramid was made by attaching boughs to a green wooden pyramidshaped frame. Today, some families still make table trees by inserting greenery into a wire mesh cone and decorating it. The manger scene is arranged around the base. At the same time, Adam and Eve Day was celebrated Dec. 24. A mystery play featured the Paradise Tree, or the Tree of Life a fir tree hung with apples and surrounded with candles. In Roman Catholic parts of Central Europe ht Druids and Celts of Britain and France kept evergreen, holly and Con't from pg 3 misteltoe in their homes as signs of hope and life licensed. The license is issued in the midst of the dark, to a person when cold winters. German evergreen boughs certain standards have and Scandinavian Yule decorated with paper, been met. These trees were for the people nuts and apples hung in standards include such a sign of life after death what was called the and a reminder that 'Lord GodY corner of things as a T.B. test, would come the living room. references, space re- spring again. The Christmas tree quirements, etc. and onSo in early Christian custom was going monitoring by the brought to times it was decided to SerSocial of Dept, England by German vices. The license also celebrate ChristY birth immigrants. But it did same time, to not become an requires that a person at the English Christianize the pagan custom until Prince more care for cannot than six (6) children festival. But, of course, Albert. Queen Vict-oria- 's total under the age of many of the features consort and a were retained, . The . six of a years - age, German, - prepared including their own giiety j reined,y.trheibclaboratefor for. Also they children. cannot care for more than two (2) children under the age of two Ereencry;'lheHghu children lit nasor the Light of the World, Castle every year, the gifts but all with a beginning in 1841. new meaning. When Prince AlbertY Many legends offer tree was featured in the years, including own. explanations how the Illustrated London There are many Christmas tree as we News, the people were reasons why obtaining know it came to be. One captivated by the eight-fo- ot child care services from story is about St. tree lit with dozens is Boniface who took the a licensed their provider advantageous to a parent. One, they know the home and provider have met with standards of the state. Two, they can feel more of candles and loaded Christian to with baskets gospel and Germany. One Christ bonbons. Piles of mas gospel to Germany. at its feet One Christmas Eve he presents lay and at its tip was an heard that a boy was to a small be sacrificed to the angel, holding Christmas wreath in pagan god Thor under a Cont on pg 9 The Rendezvous 2750 West Hiway 40, Vernal NOW OPEN place Lori Helen Hood. Betty Johnson, Diane Peltier, First Place in Singles the most Choose Your Babysitter VERNAL WOMEN Winners The annual excursion into the woods for a Christmas tree is among 5 AM to 1 1 PM Close 6 PM Christmas Eve Handicap; The Restaurant Beulah Hall. At The Rendezvous Breakfast Starts at 5 AM A Stove, Don't Buy Just Get a Blaze Kins Heatins System. Whatever your need, Blaze Kins offers exact models to meet See 'Ya There Home Style Cooking that need. Breakfast Lunch Note These Features: Automatic thermoatatic control Preheated air intake Airtight deagi Ruggedsted plate construction Firebrick-linefirebox Optional Jet-ai- r dniation system Optional Hot Muter component Bums as much fuel many stoves Solid door interchangeable with screen door for fireplace effect Generous-sizcooktop Large, stable pedestal base Completely elect ricaly welded for Ifdong durabity d a a Vt&w e e a j u Christmas Special Mini Tramps v one-Jhir- d 789-093- 3 1010 North Dinner Hook Your New Year's Eve Party See Our Famous & Unique Salad Bar. The General Store & Gift Shop S Open AM to 11 PM For Your Last Minute Shopping Gift To Intrigue You Dry Fork Trade Co. Open 8 to 8 till Christmas Custom Leather Work ol All Types. Types Of Custom Canvas Work "Canvas f i Meat Mrs. Zumbo, second grads tsschsr st Mssser Elementary School. By The Yard" All Black Powder Shooting Supplies lot Vs Show You How To (no Your Black Powder Bill. |