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Show December 23, 1961 Tabjpna 5th and 6th Grade Learn About Newspaper LAST TURKEY DRAWING HELD ' I,, TUHaiDE eREEUMGS page 9 newsprint (TABIONA) The fifth and sixth grade students of Kayleen Silver at Tabiona Elementary School have been receiving special guests for the past few Each of the guests are involved in the weeks. journalism business, which is the topic of study in the classes at the present time. Eldon Wilken, the first classroom guest, represented the Salt Lake Tribune. He shared his expert advise on writing news artieles with the students. Wilken has recently been presented an award for his outstanding correspondant work in the Intermountain area. Publisher of the Uintah Basin Standard, Kevin Ashby, brought example news pages to the school. He explained the processes used in pasting up the pages in preparation for printing. He also discussed the history and background of printing presses and M machines used to produce a finished newspaper. Merle Young from the NEWSPRINT outlined W the makeup of an editorial staff, ownership of various newspapers, the value of advertising to a newspaper, and what responsibilities publishers, editors and others have to the public in presenting the news. All of these guests followed their presentations with a question and answer period. Each of these guests were 'enthusiastically received' by the inquisitive students. Some of the class members have had articles published in NEWSPRINT in the past few weeks, so are putting their new found knowledge to practical use. Mother Goose holds Christmas Party At Roosevelt Elementary School Have a merry sleigh ride into the best ChritfHELSXESL The fourth and last of Ester Cambell the Chamber of ComPatty Warbce Fred Spencer merce sponsored Turkey Drawings was held Ed Talbut Saturday December 19 Gordon Bailey at the ZionY Bank David Sessions Parking Lot in Vernal. Janctt Weeks A large crowd of Ira Barker people were on hand to Eda Bingham wait in anticipation as John Luthi the winning tickets were Sheryl Weeks drawn by Chamber of Sherri Bradley Christmas Hard Time Coii t from pg 4 rate rose to 9 percent. Chicago-base- d International Harvester, which lost an estimated $500 million in the last fiscal year and saw its stocks plunge to a fifty year low, has one fifth of its 50,000 U.S. and Canadian employees on indefinite layoff. David Bullock workers Aerospace Some enterprising Nola Bristol also be able to not may people took advantage Wess Pape beChristmas enjoy of the large crowd to Jill Young cause of the spectre of give away puppies and Jim Gardner losing their jobs. sell fund raising tickets Elizabeth Harrison Lockheed decided to for the Civil Air Patrol. Farron Young production of the scrap 'This has been a Theda Washburn unprofitable Anne Marie Sonnie successful and enjoyTristar jetliner and will able promotion for the James W. Byrd have to layoff 9,500 city! Exclaimed John Shirlce Barney workers during the next Schwisow of AshtonY. two years, company The people who have Christmas Tree officials said. won Turkeys and beef Con'f Irom pg 8 A McDonnell Dougroasts in the drawings las spokesman said its are sure to agree that it each hand. still today, in the workforce in the Los And has been great way to midst of the tinsclly Angeles area has been spend a Saturday with about of the declining garishness morning in Vernal. 1200 commercial Christmas, people laid off Winners of the Dec. families recently. gather quietly 19 drawing are: Cessna Aircraft in around the living room Witchita, Kansas, laid Gyde Caldwell tree decorated lovingly Danny Smothers and crowned with an off 1,300 last month Vicki Davidson angel. Con't on pg 14 Diane Gifford A.D. Hallinger Anita Aldrisko Kathy Anderson Ruby Anderson Carol Dudd Mary Bergus Ed Carlos Judon Morris The Vernal Junior High Music Organization John Reed splendidly brought forth thee Christmas season Renee Cuningham with a spectacular presentation of songs and ChristWalfor Olsen mas melodies. Commerce members. 11 Young (ROOSEVELT) Christmas came to Roosevelt Elementary in the form of a nursery last rhyme Friday. T hree hundred first and second grade actors and actresses became characters from 'Mother (loose' land in a charming play depict-- i ng the style of Christmas Party nursery rhyme characters would enjoy. The play centered around the children who belonged to 'The Old Woman in a Shoe.' and all of Mother acton and actresses get chance to perform at Roosevelt (loose s little charmers. Mother (ioose was Katin portraved h Hall. 'The Old Woman in I he Shoe' was Sharon Kirchcll. he children took the parts of every imaginable nursery rlnmc character from 'Mary Mary Quite Contrary" to 'Simple Simon.' All of the costumes were made and designed by the parents. hey wen simple, effective and I I with life sie animals, lovely angels, the holy family, wise men. shepherds and kings. It was a touching and fitting Imish to this unusual Christinas play. With a east ol three hundred children to direct, the teacher and stall ol the Roosevelt Elementary outstanding did an job ol organization and production. I he stage were done by (iary sets imaginative. T he Kcvscrand Joe Arnold. climaxwas play Boards ed with an outstanding Bulletin by manger scene complete JoAnn llardv and .love Brown, window paint-- I eslie ings were by Brown and, the accnin-pianiloi the play was I I lia belli splui. One ol the students. Megan Davis accompanied the children in the song 'Still Still Still, with st lone Bells. I hc piogiam diicctors were Milieu and Rodney .lean I Idndee. I lie Roosevelt I is entirely made up ol lust and second grade students. Many ol them are bussed Irom aieassivoi Cr.n't on pg 16 "A Splendid Performance" Su7ette Cooper Ray Persson Mildred Bradford Julie Hancock James Hallack Linus Harrison Elder Armajo William Gates Doreen Werdorf Terry Muer Earl Gurr Karen Sheers Donal Zauler Callee McKee Parlic Coope Arnold Bartles Pat Person Loraine Wood Angela Romane Denise Riding Jenifer Kelly Mary Nit Angie Bailey Leo Snow Suie Bartel Connie Jolley W'alleen Green Charlie Gardner Debbie Porter Janet VanCleef Pat England Mary Ann Butler Elder Weber Melvin Anderson (Dugg) leola Atwood Jack Harrison Jeff McCkan Miludy Vetasque Stacey Simmons Bob Jameson Steve Deardor The show started with a spark of taste. 'Poor Wayfaring Stranger.' then followed by one known to all. "Lying in a Manger.' which brought the audience to a quiet tingle of warmth. As they say. the show must go on and it did ! With a beautiful 8th Grade performance of 'Alleluia, followed by 'I Honestly Love You. and 'Just When 1 Needed You Most.' A change of pace from the show choir thrilled all with a routine of 'Boy From New York City, 'with Tracy Caldwell at the reins with marks of a real soloist. Bringing out the real thoughts of many people at this time of year, was done quite intensely, with this song. 'Love is in the Air... Abundance of talent was shown to the audience, with the Glee Club giving their tribute to 'Angels We Have Heard on High.'to be followed by Still, Still. Still. Then a bit of excitement as the Glee Gub performed a special thought? "Nuttin' for Christmas. with character showing through as Tyra Upshaw. Renee Stone, Vauni Rease; added their soloist. Before you knew it. as if it were magic, voices from the rear came forth, with the 9th Grade boys dressed in black and white and the girls dressed in black, lined in rows. Segregating the audience, a site to behold, as the girls began to sing "Time Gone.' Slowly the girls made it to center stage with Lisa Van Wagoner bringing up the rear, slowly making her way to center stage, with a beautiful 1 Wonder as 1 Wander,' showing a melody. brilliant star performance, of a star... The boys joined in center stage with, "How Far is it to Bethlehem. The 9th Graders joined in another version of 'Alleluia.' This special night draws close to the end, with the finale. "The Christ Child is Born.' as a great round ui applause ot appreciation gleamed through the auditorium. Hands up to the whole program!!! The evening was most enjoyable to all and to all a good night. |