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Show page 6 December 23, 1981 newsprint REDEVELOPMENT Con't from pg. 1 continued. 'Buildings cost money and I'm sold to cover the costs of the redevelopment. base would hurt us. concerned that the loss in tax into comes the increment tax financing if the Finally redevelopment district Caldwell feels that businesses the loss the picture. The funds used to retire the bonds sod DEPARTMENT downtown the were confined to for the redevelopment district come from' the but he is be to as negligible minimal would be so By John Martin increased property taxes generated within the from the taxes increased the that concerned district boundaries. be essential to the shopping shopping center would all Once a district is . designated, redevelopment The Ute tribes Audio Visual Departmental Fort nt 0f Roosevelt schools, ac the levies tax normal entities; to taxing property is Duchesne run on team effort documenting and urther suggested that Brigham City has a minor the other and the school is district, . city, county, To on hurting the the culture young. preserving by focusing eopment district that severely (ROOSEVELT) will freeze for the term of the bonds Elder Box entities; and District screen the with activities so on them School County, identify help Rox EWgr Now that the roads to ammortization. Any increase in property taxes will they can someday come to say. 'there an Indian. I the Roosevelt Regional e county commissioners have unanimously toward retiring the bonds. Each yearly increase Roosevelt City Council, can be up there, too." forwar(Jed a cttcr t0 the Park have been paved, go is called a tax increment. letter f 5 the puts the commissioners on tarry Cesspooch. Department Head, proposed there are some sched' Say for example you buy a piece of vacant piece rBC opposing the project, to the Business Committee in 1979 that Audio uled improvements that a Visual be run by a council of Elders. But that didn't should make the facility of property for 1.000.. That property is within utter aoeson to say: L'As the Board of district. our For redevelopment example work out because of the diversity of opinion among more attractive than letjsay commissioners, we feel that the frozen V on were the taxes at that property as the three Band representatives to how things ever. dv'ntacs 0f the project to the various taxing We then decide to build on that property. Its were done way back when. h any possible benefits. Because of The sprawling com- assessed valuation increases to The taxes Jfc 10,000.. Yet. the department has grown to four staff growth of the area, we believe that P. plex currently features ,he d.evc,0P?d Property now amount to 2.000. investors to incentive for taping cultural activities such as the Bear Dance. four ball fields, a soccer The taxing entities still get their200 but the other iccomplish Sweat Lodge, jerking deer meat, headwork. Todd to the me luiiu field, a depression 1.800 goes toward retiring a bond that helped to Prov,fle the proposed project, these Program which can be filled with Elementary Indian Day and the widen the street in front of the property and to refleveiopmcni...tMut, there. water and used for ice provide public parking across the road. Some of the tapes are 'for Indian eyes only. skating, and a grassy Once the bonds are paid off. the redevelopment Cesspooch said. "the Bear Dance and Sweat. Thatk picnic area district turns over the new and hopefully much is limited. But be shown why viewing them they can with just enough higher base back to the standard property tax to Indians here and out of state as a group. And to allow clearings entities. theres no way we'd sell those tapes. Cesspooch frisbee tossing and taxing Thatk what a redevelopment agency does said. volleyball play. the formation of redevelopment districts through The department has had criticism in the past The next installation tax increment financing. Now, to explain the using about making money off their work. But thatY not at the park will be benefits and the disadvantages. true. playground equipment The one hitch to a redevelopment plan is that it ,f, The latest production the video crew shot is Three distributors of a the remove or must rehabilitate guidelines Indian Santa, which will be shown to different such met with the redevelopment agency must follow. Blight has a groups at the tribal auditorium and at school. Roosevelt City Council rather broad definition and can mean the simple Must pointing a camera around Indians, on Dec. 14 to present of area an that is believed to need improvement Cesspooch said, 'is a growing thing. He shelved proposals. is easy to assume than that most It improving. one tape due to the sensitivity of an individual. According to City can be improved. Cesspooch believes you donll have to have a Administrator Glen anything is the subject so letk look at the general Roosevelt be to are that there educated, diploma many other Vernon, the council idea of redevelopment which has been embraced by avenues to reach the same goal. This is the thrust he plans to spend from the city council redevelopment agency. instills in his workers. 10.000 to 15,000 The study area for a potential redevelopment He told Union High Indian students that 'each of to set up a playground district includes most of the retail businesses in is it us given a certain gift, find it, use and do the best near the center of the . town. That includes almost the whole of downtown .t,. you can with it. Be the best in whatever you do. majonty of the probity nun. park. Access would be Roosevelt. Also included is the land that Regional His strength comes from belief in the Sweat convenient to the thatwereto have to say would districl will develop its shopping center on. Lodge, which is the underlying guide for the crew in baseball softball comcould easily redefine the The Roosevelt plan calls for Regionals center to JPPcn ,thc city agency its work. He said the old people tell him 'that the who don want to see exclude those plex, the lower parking be built, possibly with assistance from boundaries to spirit is still here; it still comes to us, but we don't lot, and the picnic area. motion. into money. The help rendered would theP,an put recognize it like in the old days. ernon is for the redevelopment ,n8 City Administrator Glen Funding in come form of the extension of utility the likely The Tribal Audio is the first one there and the last so that all those from will the come forward to hearing public project and the curbs and lineS.road gutters improvements, one to leave. This is prevalent in their documenting county opposing the redevelopment plan can hear a lucid tribal meetings, tapes which are sometimes viewed primarily This recreation money. The increased taxes from the completed explanation of the technical aspects of to verify certain points of argument or decisions received Roosevelt year shopping center would then begin to retire the redevelopment. IbehevethatifyouundersUndthc made. from Du12,000 redevelopment you will be for it, he said. bonds Concerning future litigation, Cesspooch said chesne County, only Vernon believes that the redevelopment plan is While the shopping center is being helped, more much of tribal history is whitemanls words and of which was if Roosevelt is to remain a vital city. He "essential 5,000 toward of the redevelopment money would go they can be twisted. Now. we document everything The remaining raPld development in Vernal and that spent. improving the downtown business district. Better c'tes t,c without edition. And we know who said what. with on the cityk doorstep in Ballard, as scheduled 7.000., along is one major concern. General Jerry Jcnks. a crew member, wants to put the whatever the county parking that the city must keep pace with. beautif,cation. including helping to renovate store competition message across to Utes that we got something, and the city for the fronts is another Gordie Harmston calls the plan a Councilman gives possible project. Cleaning up that our culture is just as viable and alive as other upcoming year will go streets and alleys would be a natural use for the sot ,n the arm for downtown businesses. He also peoples." noted opposition from within the city. That into the redevelopment money. He said documented tapes are "bringing us largely playground. The benefits are obvious. First, a new shopping opposition is to the fact that the city council together, and that the change and progress has to Vernon said that the center is themselves to the redevelopment agency being opened, where before there would appointed be marked. "Once forgotten, well never get it council will make a best advise (from APA). Our said hoard. have been little chance of such a development, back. .. decision concerning Was to do it like we did it.- - Ho feels Harmston, is in in not the order importance, Rosie Cuch is using her training as a graphics Svhich distributor to Second, only more accountable. lo. the the revitalization' of the .downtown that.,the city. council-iperson "I was brought up in the old way. she said. purchase from, within refurbishing, an than independant board would hdve 'And I can see things being lost. So she wants to the next few weeks. business district. In the city official's eyes, people heen. Roosevelt can have its cake (a new shopping center) help preserve culture to help somebody besides "Our hope is to have the Both Mayor Ralph Shields and Councilman and eat it (help downtown businesses), too. herself. Sorenson are very mindful of the long term Garth equipment installed and are What the disadvantages? She said the old folks complain that 'kids donT the benefits. "This opposition." said Sorenson. ls playground ready The idea the to redevelopment major opposition want to learn. So the tapes will help pass things on. for use before next comes from the two major taxing entities outside coming from political entities that don understand to give kids a grip on culture so they can pass it on. summer, he said. the city; the county and the school district. In any the long range goals. Mayor Shields said that over The other staff member just starting is Torrie Playground equipit is these two entities which the long run the plan will benefit all. Ncphi. who was taking classes, but has found the ment proposals ranged redevelopment scheme Both Shields and Sorenson pointed to "suffer Their tax would the most. during the practicality of processing film exciting. from 8, 000. 00 to period of bond retirement, as few asbase, success stories. Shields talked about as or redevelopment ten many Cesspooch said of the Program at 10,000.. All sorts of as 30 revitalization of Salt takes downtown while, the years down the road, would not increase Todd Elementary that it makes Indians feel good playground equipment within the redevelopment district. Sorenson pointed to the competition of the about themselves, and that it helps was included, from That fact, the school district and the county University Mall inOrem to Provos downtown. understand better what we're about. and swings Mayor-eleand Councilman Lawrence Yack gyms jungle would rightly reason, could lead to higher taxes for Basically, the program is an example of Tilling to summed up the feelings of both the perhaps all rest of the the contemporary taxpayers. the cultural gap, which is the ultimate goal of the wooden structures with The counter to such reasoning is that the proponents and the opponents. After a recent Ute Audio Visual Department. "To do away with nets, slides, And bars. disadvantage is first a short term one. Second, and meeting with the County Commissioners, some the hollywood stereotype. Cesspooch concluded. One promising line of most important, without the redevelopment serious questions concerning the loss of tax revenue equipment is conven- district, the tax base could erode through continued to the county and the school district arose in his tional in design but is deterioration. Third, and most POLICE CAR CRASH APPLICATION important, the m'nL constructed of steel "As far as I'm concerned." Yack said. "This from 5 Con't pg. Con't from pg. promise of a future large tax base could be a hollow wrapped .ith fiberglass one without the redevelopment plan. In other redevelopment district is about the only way to nutrition, psy- sheathed in heavy-dut- y ogy. words, the tax base freeze could easily occur upgrade the older business district. Maybe I'm just chology. and micr- plastic. It comes in without the benefits of the plan, the (which is a felony). He but Ive still got a lot to learn about redevelopment was incarcerated in the Nursing bright colors which are obiology. ,l." not occur. may classes include, County Jail. guaranteed not to fade Hopelully everyone involved will learn more What has hit the fan so far on this issue? The injured man. a in nursing, or rub off. Bout it at the public hearing to be held One thing that the public must remember is that Monday, basic ni.it li rev lew. basic passenger in the small ec- 28. at 7 p.m. in the Roosevelt a licensed Practical your elected officials and appointed officials are Council City a medical-Mirgnfor car, was treated chambers. nursing, N ui sc much as trouble the sublcties having understanding laceration of the eye at nursing, and awardsScholarships of redevelopment as you are. are availe Pool devclop-ohsth and Valley the Ashley growl Within stuable last two weeks, Roosevelt City sent Medical Center and tries. dents. in henursing as out letters the Tournament of invitation to all the affected taxing Registrar, , s. pharma-s- i later released. well as .lean Smith, the entities. It asked for comment on the (ROOSEVELT) miliars. and Director Sport Shorts of Practical redevelopment plan and invited them to the Alan (Mad Dog) experience Nursing, can be Mondayk public hearing. As expected, the MojadoY five consecuappiopi late, Duchesne contacted for informaBoston Celtics Coach County School District and the tive week winning lul completion tion at or by Duchesne County commissioners are concerned. at Happy Bill Fitch has had his streak lie pniL't. mi prepares writing the UBAVC. s "Development no. redevelopment yes, said Howard's Pinball share of with ill pinctiiul nurse to Box 367. Roosevelt, Duchesne County Schools Palace was ended in last officials in the of Superintendant past. lake t lie Mate Board Utah S4066. Lowell Caldwell. He indicated that the school weeks But the sparks could l si I'ool I xamination. pool tournais very concerned about the possibility. That ment. board really fly this season, exams that Passing kind of development brings in people, those people SUBSCRIBE TODAY after Fitch Cure. individual Vernal, the Terry recently ijiialilies have kids, and we have to school them. he was the winner. Glen said: Wilkerson. Roosevelt lf you put the brains came in second place, of three officials in a with Yancy Dalton. hummingbird, hell still TEAM EFFORT USED TO RUN TRIRES AUDIO VISUAL SUBSCRIBE TO NOW newsprint Park to have Playground Equipment Greetings Wishing you hitppy ItolitUiys LADDS FLORAL Venial Roosevelt Jffin, tree-fill- ed two-th.r- ds . . t Hint ailed Iciice." . . liis iiiinii sliiill he . The Iri n e ot Isiii.ili i:( 1010 North Vernal Avenue 789-093- 3 Happ Holidays n non-India- ns ct 1 thick-heade- d, intro-dnetii- - ul ikJ i O PoLV NiQlTC 722-45- run-in- Reilly Work Fast ioi;f,hw00,ev'"' Mad fourth. Dog fell fly backwards. to Sport Shorts MAY THE STARS SHINE BRIGHTLY ON YOU AND YOURS AS WE CELEBRATE THE WONDROUS MIRACLE OF HIS BIRTH. Year End Clearance Sale Lowr Low When defensive end ;Hvin Bethea sacked quarterback Brian Sipe in the Oiler- - Brown Prices, Everything Goes!!! game Now andUoed Fumiluro Stoves - Tires andWheWs - Dishes Car Parte Door Knick Knacks - Gift Items - Antiques - Knives - Toole - C.B. Radios Antique Radios - Clothing - Bicycles Ski Equipment and many miscellaneous items! -- -- -- JCPenney If you dont see it, please ab 'cause ive probably havm it TrariTi Treasure Duchesne mote, Much happiness to you and your family! hlflar Ella fashions UMNaiaHUI o earlier this season, it looked like the two were exchanging angry words after the play. Annually, it was a friendly chat, according to Bethea. Elvin says, 1 just told him I had to go now, but I'd be back to see him later |