Show with the amateur teams it would be hard to select more attractive suite than those which are now worn by the eureka player the a are also 11 made and look very dready the L team won aiom the Cleav elands at salt lake on saturday score ato 7 eddie haba who capt am 0 the eureka team last year played center field for the former team who who pitched tor park city in the came eureka at walker 8 field last season is anxious to come to thia city but at present there ie no place for him on the local team A eureka business man who was in park city daring the week says that the sloan of the Par kites is any kind of a team justee we can beat bureda the metropolis of gintic tintic has got a fast bunch and park city will have to go some to take first money As announced in our last issue eddie has decided to to eureka and wear a eureka uniform again thiela eason mr and mrs hahn are expected out from salt biake tonight or tomorrow and eddie will lay in the game next aday icahn is a man in almost any t antion and a heavy batter the solar plexus blow which the oregon si ore line team gave the Clear elands at salt lake last week was too much for the grain dealers mai ager of the lureka team received a letter wed nedday from manager smith of the cl av elands saying that the team would bo n able to fill its engagements with the bureda team jimmy cook is now playing with seattle having secured his release from the oakland team |