Show TEN GIRLS IN ONE curious case of abnormal personality reported in england the I 1 ondon lancet gives lars ot an extraordinary case ot multi pie personality the patient Is a girl between twelve and thirteen years of age who has developed ten vane ties ot abnormal personality she conies of healthy parents and was herself healthy in mind and body until she was attacked with influenza then the changes of personality mani tested themselves some were corn some sudden and others grad ual in appearance in some cases the patient was totally and in all partial ly ignorant of her life during other states acquirements such as draw ing and writing and also the normal faculties were present in certain states but lost in others while in a blind condition she developed the tac alty of drawing with the aid of touch alone this sense being enormously in creased in delicacy her character chir acter and behavior in some states differed widely from what they were in others the phases varied from a few minutes to ten weeks the normal state grew gradually less fre quent and of shorter duration until it finally disappeared the various stages lasted about three sears altogether until ultimate ly a particular abnormal stage was reached in whick she remained at the dae of the report in this stage she was intelligent and able to work |