Show AN grant ng rig to the bocky Roc kyMan moin la ta n be I 1 telephone cn t I 1 y be it ardai e I 1 b the B ird ard of con bonin in s I 1 of the county of 0 f nab state of utah sect on I 1 ta at I 1 it I 1 pro eire is hereby gra ted to the rocky kooky mount in beu bell at lele ale I 1 I 1 bone hone 0 blany a cor corporal on ts a c cassois and ass au gns agns tl e r to place and hainta a poles and wires with the cross crossari arl a 8 braces and other fixtures dec nee essary over an it pd the tho streets alleys and pub ic ie M ays f ft ti s 8 id county for ahe he purpose of ng rig tha cuhlic corn coni mun bytel by ruleph eph ie le sect on II 11 natal 11 at a I 1 poles set upon the h s of ani sail I 1 nty ea all not be less than twenty five t bitet in length i nd ad shall be stripped of bark and diee ff ee from knots section III tap poles aej M wires shall ie placed under the d bretoi re t 1 of be he ar ard tf f kunuty comin es so boners beet sect on IV in LOGS loos derat on whereof the FUI phi I 1 rocky mountain bell feleppo a e an ap ny shall furn sh free tree of charge harge for blunty cf anty bus ness dees and wita oc hanga sera vice u upon pon anyone ex hanae maintained by ea d company within juab josh county one te tel phone instrument the same to be p need aced at any po of n within the radius of such excl ange des gnatek by the bord of Coun um s onera boat st ct cm in V no electric light or wire udd for corri ing heavy currents pf a e eo ec ir i f ty approach to ir cross thel ne oj 91 any telephone sire at a d stance of laes loss then than four il feet either above or below belov said telephone wire and shall be securely fastened on sip ports placed as tar far as practicable frona from said telephone wire ahei ever any such wire is ma n tamed in violation of provisions hereof the owners or persons in charge of said wires shall same upon re ce ving a aar wr aten notice to do so and in cage ease they fail to do so tl e 0 same may be ren 0 ad by order of 0 the sheriff at the owner a s expense bee bec ion on VT VI any person not having the right cr authority to do EO who sl all interfere with cut remove deface or destroy any telephone wire fixture or instrument wi bin hin the phelim lim ts of ear sail I 1 corn ty and any person ditl out authority ut hority to I 1 so who dball 11 use sa d poles for the purpose of p pasting sting bills or adver t bernen berents ts of any k nd whatsoever or who s all 11 v elate any of the brov a ons one of tl ti is ord nance shall I 1 ie a deemed guilty of a miche leaner leanor and upon colv action thereof 0 all be fined in any sum lot i ot exceed ng 50 00 and tie tl e costs of the prose prosecutor cut O 0 I 1 eor for eael offence sect oi i VII VIT the provie p uns of I 1 Is s or oid d n nai ai ce sl al all I 1 be bevo vo d u dunles ale s an L acon d dional acceptance nee thereof iii placed on fi a e in tl e office of the county clerk by the thesa sa d R c y mounta mounts bell tel telephone abone company with a twe ty 20 days from the linoal r this ordinance se sect et UD on the period of this f fra ra i ch cb be ei el all be twenty five years subject to the tho terms and cond lions hereinbefore conta ned and the right hereby granted shall hall not be exclusive but the board re serves the power to grant to others a al I 1 ke r gl wl to t of o v av ai al a d pr delege beet sect 0 I 1 IX this ord acce ance shall take ds days from balcof passage paso d by the board of county on nty corn coin in ss oa on monday april ari 1900 jr e orge eorge mccune Charma cha fl the foil following ing members of the board voted as fol lowson the passage of the above ord nance aye mccune bassill hassell and el bertson no 0 ahtes t jacol colenan cole nan clerk of utah I 1 ss county of juab juabn 4 jacob coleman co nty clerk cleric of the jaunty oty of baab of utah do here baert fy tl ti al at the f I 1 i go i g is a full true MI copy of a i 0 d I 1 a ce granting fr yr r 83 s t lie tie bocy M unta n I 1 II 11 I 1 pi one con p y a corporation corporal ton aagard aa eard ibe the bon I 1 of cm sa 6 corers it of the cou iv tv of J ab 0 i the tl ird day it of april A D 1903 IN TI T is I 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the orp ate se 11 of the sa d county of juab 1 S 8 3rd dakof apr I 1 A D 1905 seal goal jacob colemam Cole raal county clerk firby publication april 14 |