Show squirrel came back hungry last spring a year david nigh of washington county found a couple of baby squirrels and he look them home says the hagerstown Hagers town ma 1 they were so little he had to raise them on a medicine vial and often in the small hours had to rise aiom his down couch and feed them by hand in the tal they were released and bounded oft tor the tall timber the other day nigh saw a red rel bouncing about at the woodpile and casting longing glances toward the kitchen the snow so long prolonged had evidently half starved the little creature and it was longing for its old home and hen mr nigh s son went out it readily surrendered once put back in its cage and fed a little it grew contented and happy so pleased in the fact that it could hardly get enough of its buzzer the revolving sun parlor at the end of ita cage and it made it fairly hum when it Is fat again mr nigh will release it of its mate there are no signs it succumbed probably to the iron stress of the ainger |