Show not ce ot sale of execute on in the district court in and for sal lake county state of utah H W brown plaintiff vs mt nebo land and irrigation company a cor horation po ration defendant sheriffs sale to be sold at the front door of the county court house in nephi city juab county state of utah on the day of may 1905 at 11 clod a m of said day all the right title claim and interest of the above named defendant at the t me the judgment was doci eted to wit april 1900 or any day there after of in and to the following de scribed property situate in lying and being in juab county state of utah to wit LAND IN JUAB COUNTY commencing at the NW corner of the SW quarter of sec 8 tp 11 S R 1 E thence S 1322 ft thence E ft thence N 52 deg and 51 min E 98 ft thence N 48 deg 24 min W ft thence N 2 deg min E ft thence N 49 deg 07 min E ft thence N 11 deg 17 mm E ft thence N 60 deg 4 mm E tt thence N 28 deg 06 min E ft thence N 1 deg 27 min E ft theace ft to the place of begin birg containing an area of 15 acres more or less all of the above de scribed land being in the N halt of the SW quarter of sec 8 tp 11 S R 1 G county of juab state of utah 2 alo commencing at a point 60 rods S and 20 E of the NW corner of the NW quarter of sec 8 tp 11 S R 1 E thence E 61 rods and 11 links thence S 49 rods thence S 84 deg 00 min W 61 rods and 13 links thence N 56 rods to the place of be ginning containing an area ot 20 acres ani 28 sq ro ds all of the above de scribed land being in the NW quarter of sec 8 tp 11 S R 1 E county of juab state of utah 3 also the S half of the NE ter of sec 7 tp 11 S R 1 E and the NE quarter of the NE quarter of sec 7 tp 11 S R 1 E except there and 77 acres described follows to wit commencing at a point 49 rods N of the SE corner of the NE quarter of sec 7 tp 11 S R 1 E thence S 8 deg W 47 rods and 4 diaks thence N 10 deg W 36 rods thence N 58 deg E 62 rods and 19 links thence S CO rods and 13 links to the place of beginning containing an area of and 23 acres more or less all of the above described land being in the NE quarter of sec 7 a 11 S R 1 E county of juab state of utah 4 also all of the W half of the SE quarter and the E halt of the SW quarter of sec 18 tp 11 S R 1 E co nty of juab state of utah con area of acres more or less 5 also commencing at a point ft W of the corner of the NE quarter of sec 18 tp 11 S R 1 E thence N 38 deg 08 min W 95 ft thence N 11 deg 06 min E tt thence N 24 deg 37 mm E ft thence N 7 deg 38 min W tt thence N 67 deg 28 min E ft thence N 19 deg 42 min E ft thence N 51 deg 08 min W 20 tt thence W 1788 ft to the NW corner of the S halt of the NE quarter of sec 18 thence S 1331 ft thence E 1444 ft to the place of beginning con taming an area of 46 and 05 more or less all of the above de scribed land being in the NE quartel of sec 18 tp 11 S R 1 E county of juab state of utah 6 also all of the SE quarter of the SE sec 6 tp 11 S R 1 E county of juab state of utah containing an area of 40 acres more or less 7 also all of the NW quarter of the NE quarter of sec 7 tp 11 S R 1 E exempt 3 and 73 acres described as follows to wit commencing at the NW corner of the NE quarter of sec 7 thence E 35 tt thence S 37 deg 27 min W ft thence S 43 deg 37 mm W ft fience S 54 deg 20 min W ft thence S 23 deg 42 linw 22 ft thence N ft to the place of be ginning containing an area of 36 and 27 acres more or less all of the above described land being in the NE quarter of sec 7 tp 11 S R 1 E bbate of utah county of juab 8 also commencing at a point ft S of the NE corner of the NW quarter of sec 7 tp 11 S R 1 E thence S 23 deg 42 mm W ft thence W tt thence S ft thence E tt thence N ft to the place of beginning containing an area of 10 and 73 acres more or less all of the above described land being in the NW quarter of sec 7 tp US R 1 E county of juab state of utah 9 also all ot the SE quarter of sec 7 tp 11 S R 1 E except there from 6 and 30 acres described as follows to wit commencing at the SE corner of sec 7 tp 11 S R 1 E thence W ft thence N 58 deg 27 mm W tt thence N 37 deg 0 min W ft thence N 43 deg 40 mm E ft thence N 5 deg 00 min E ft thence N 48 deg 27 min E ft thence N 29 deg 00 min E ft thence S 1059 ft to place of begin nag containing an ar of and loo acres more or less all pt the above described land being in the county of juab state of utah 10 also commencing at a point 1192 tt N of the SW corner of sec 8 tp 11 S R 1 E thence N 63 deg 46 min E tt thence N 62 deg 61 min E 47 ft thence W 7 ft to the NW corner of the SW quarter of the aw quarter of sec 8 tp 11 S R 1 E thence S 8 ft to the place ol 01 beginning containing an area of 0 6 acres all in the SW quarter of sec 8 tp 11 S R 1 E county of juab state of utah 11 also commencing at a point ft W of the NE corner of sec 18 tp U S R 1 E thence W 2438 ft thence S 1331 ft thence E 1788 tt thence N 51 deg 08 min W ft thence N 21 deg 65 min E tt thence S 87 deg 55 min E 63 tt thence N 15 deg 30 min E 05 tt thence N 18 deg 30 min E thence N 28 deg 12 min tt thence N 76 deg 22 min E 9 tt thence S 73 deg 38 min E ft thence N 81 deg 02 min E tt thence N 58 deg 06 min W ft to the place of beginning containing an area of 56 acres more or less all of the above described land being ID the NE quartee of sec 18 tp 11 S R 1 E county of juab state of utah 12 also all of the east half of the NW quarter of sec 18 tp 11 S R 1 E containing an area or 80 acres all in the county of juab state of utah 13 also commencing at a point 2350 tt E of the NW corner of the SW quarter of sec 7 tp 11 S R 1 E thence S 13 deg 23 min W ft hence S I 1 deg 15 min W tt thence S 34 deg 35 min W ft thence S 50 deg 45 min W ft thence S 31 deg 58 min W tt thence S 37 deg 28 min W ft thence S 42 deg 30 min W ft thence W 72 ft thence S tt thence E 1320 ft thence N 2662 tt thence W ft to the place of begin bing containing an area of 51 and 50 acres more or less all of the above described land being in the SW quarter of sec 7 tp 11 S R 1 E county of juab state of utah 14 also commencing at a point 1484 ft W of the NE corner of sec 19 tp 11 S R 1 E thence W ft to the NW corner of the NE ter of sec 19 tp ll 11 S R 1 E thence S 1332 tt thence E 1494 tt N 13 deg W ft thence N 5 deg 27 min W ft thence N 24 deg 15 min W ft thence N 12 deg ia min W tt N 22 deg 45 min W ft to the place of be ginning containing an area and 90 acres more or less all of the above described land being in the NE quarter of sec 19 tp 11 S R 1 E count of juab and state of utah 15 also all of the E half of the NW quarter of sec 19 tp 11 S R 1 E containing an area of 80 acres more or less all in the county of juab and state of utah 16 also commencing at a point 1190 ft W of the NE corner of the SE quarter of sec 18 tp 11 S R 1 E thence W tt more or less to t e NW corner of the NE quarter it me quarter of sec 18 tp 11 S R 1 E thence S alfi ft thence N 42 38 min E 62 ft thence N 15 deg 16 min E tt thence N 13 deg 41 min W tt thence N 41 deg 22 mm E tt thence N 10 deg 53 min W ft to the point of begin nigg containing an area of 2 and 88 acres more or less all of the above described lands being in the bb of sec 18 tp 11 S R I 1 E county of juab state of utah 17 also commencing at a point 49 rods N of the SW corner of the NW quarter of sec 8 tp 11 S R 1 E thence S SO deg 00 min W 49 rods and 4 links thence N 10 deg 00 min W 36 rods thence N 58 deg 00 min E 62 rods and 19 links thence li rods and 2 links thence S 2 deg 00 mm W 56 rods thence S 82 dea W 9 rods to the place of beginning con taming arf area of 18 and 26 acres ill of the above described land being in the NE quarter of sec 7 and the NW quarter of sec 8 tp 11 R 1 E county of juab state of utah 18 also the W half of the SW quarter the NE quarter of the SW quarter and the SE quarter of the NW quarter of sec 5 tp 11 S R 1 E salt lake meridian area acres 19 also the W one half of the NE quarter of sec 19 tp 11 S R 1 E containing 80 acres 20 also the NE quarter of the SW guarter of sec 19 tp 11 S R 1 E salt lake meridian and 40 acres more or less 21 also all water rights belonging to or with the aforesaid premises or any part thereof all of the above lands comprising an area of 1206 and acres more or less add to no 19 also commencing at the SW corner of the SE quarter of ahe NE quarter of said sec 19 running thence N one fourth of a mile thence E tt thence S one fourth of a mile thence W ft to place of beginning con kalning 7 acres and rods i commencing 35 rods and 6 links north of the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of section 19 in township 11 south of range one east of the salt lake meridian thence run ning north 44 rods and 19 links thence east 26 rods to the center of the creek thence southeasterly up the creek 45 rods thence west 36 rods and 13 links to the place of beginning con 8 acres and rods of land also commencing 49 rods south of the northwest corner of abe southeast quarter of section 19 tp 11 S range one east S L meridian thence east 58 rods to center of the creek thence west S 42 deg 52 rods up the center of the creek thence west 21 rods thence north 31 rods to the place of beginning containing 7 acres and rods of land also commencing 35 rods and links north of the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of section 30 running thence east 42 rods and 13 links to the center of currant creek thence up said creek rods and 20 I 1 aks thence west 44 rods and 15 links thence rods and 13 links to the place of beginning containing 32 acres and 2 rods also lot number two 2 the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the north half of the southeast quarter of section one tp II 11 S range 1 west of S L meridian ning acres more or less al the west half of the SW ter the NE quarter of the SW ter and the SE quarter of the NW quarter of sec 5 tp 11 S range 1 E all of above land in juab county state of utah purchase price payable in lawful money of the united states of america J WHITEHEAD sheriff of juab county state of atah first publication may ath 1905 P |