Show PATENT A no united plates land office S it lake ty elul april ath 1905 notice is hereby given that rustier ru bitted mining piny a corpor i t on existing under tl e laws of the stale of w th ila pr i pal place of bus ness ahalt like city bait like county bbate 0 by edwards its attorney in fact wl u post office address is salt lake ly salt luke county utah bae made ap fora united states patent tor the topsy 1 ang lo 10 e mm ng claim s cuate in mining district jurth count utah cons sting of 1498 4 line r feet in jengel lopsy lode handsur face ground feet wide being survey no and described in the field notes and pla 0 the official sarvey on file in this offrice with magnetic 16 legreen 30 minutes east as follows at post no 1 corner of tl e claim from which the section cor common to sections 18 and 19 town ship 10 range 2 west aalt edke M bears south 4 beg 15 mm west lla 7 feet and from sa d po nt of be ginning running thence N 25 deg 15 mm eabe 1582 7 feet to corner no 2 tl ence north 36 mm west feet to corn er no 3 thence s uth 17 deg 39 m n west to corner no 4 thence south 89 deg 38 n in east 8 feet to corner 0 o 11 e place of cotal area acres and excepting from said aepli at on the conal ct area ditl lot 6 bention 18 en reka towns te in p 10 south of range 2 west bait like ise and meridian cons sting of 2 acres also ex eluding and excepting tl e inflict area of d eld m with the E arly roa lode led survey no contain ng 29 acres also exclude ng and excepting ahe coi flicht area of said o 0 with the alabu ma lode lot no containing acres also excluding and excepting the conflict area oi said claim th the crus ader lode survey N containing acres tal area excluded and excepted of 3 acres leaving a i et area appi ed for of acres said cla m la locate 1 in tl S ai and beulh westi of section 18 1 vi enship 10 south of range 2 west 1 lake base and meridian the notice of loo alion of tha sal 1 topsy mining lode lood tion mining claim being of record in the office of the recorder of jeub bounty utah the nearest known locations bearg the alabama lot the crusader Cru eader survey no and the early rose attend d survey no 1047 I 1 direct that this notice be published n the eureka weekly deporter Ee porter at eire utah the newspaper published nearest eaid mm ng claim for period of nine weeks FRANK D HOBBS reg ster edward smith claimants attorneys first pub april 7 1905 1 |