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Show 27 f 1960 May o ' Rates Want-- Ad 10c per 50c minimum PLANTS line with for first consecutive same copy j Mar-glo- ; runs of with every 5th run free Display advertising in Want-A- d columns per column 'inch 80c Card of Thanks 10c a line with 81. FUR SALE Plants Tomatoes: Early Canner Moscow, Wilt Resistant Moscow, June Pink and Beefsteak Also Chili peppers, Bell pepContact pers and Cabbage, Weldon Holt. Ph. 3727 i insertion 8C per line with 40c minimum for subsequent, minimum ir. Blurt. $15 .GO W, W. Simpson, all utilities of leather fob. FOUND on FOR HIRE Have T,D. and Ph. FUR Blade. 18-An- gle Rails. AL A Box New Pump Moab. 702, 3-3- 412 COMPLETE Lino of see Helen Produots Engle hart behind Englehart Cabinet Shop or oall OR Everything fully guaranteed or your money back, 8-3- 966 li NEW Bulldozer, Truck and Compressor Jbevercn mm rubber Variety's Army Surplus Fs'.one 3871 Vi. Cox Raft Ph, 2201 lynn Wright, a per wetK, Inquire paid. FOR SALE house key3 on 2 be, Station Bluff, Utah. FUR QUICK SALE ROCK HOUNDS Please note I have a 24 inch rock saw and V will do custom sawing of rock, gens, wood or bones Leland Shunway, Phone 2516 Modern Apartiten-'-- FOR RENT MoNess J Page 11 BLANDING OUTLOOK for hire SUPPLY... 8nd oolored poster paper. Large and small sizes. At Bland ing . or write Box Call OR Outlook 233, Blending, Utah FOR SALE Typr.tr Her FOR SALE- - Organ, heme model t be repossessed in this vicinribbons for all popular nskts. Assume balanoe of oon ity. Standard and Fortable. Outlook For more tract. information Office write Credit Dept., Box 148 , Licensed HELP WANTED.. H. Station, !alt City , run shop to Utah, operator beauty for 2 or 3 weeks while manager FUR SALE. . , Call Leona .Large fireproof goes on vaoation 16 inch Electric neon safe, Carter at Louisa s Beauty Shop 8-4- 126 water flood program is nearing reality for tho Greater Aneth Area according to the Oil & Gas Journal of May 23. Under plans being formulated the area is to be divided into four operating units Designing of the Aneth Unit to be operated by Texaco and the Mo Elmo Unit to be operated by Suand perior is well advanced under-way flooding operation may be by January, 1951 Rather ford A 2400 foot Juan Fiver or (2) deep wells could get water from ha artho Da Chilly formation ticle said that the latter me- king size souroe ntioned that the gravel saved may be used so bed water ray b for irrigation needs four units cover about 500 wells with anticipated primary production of 160, COO, 000 barrels of oil. Secondary' recovery by the water flood method is expected to more than double the Unit to be operated by Fhillips anticipated primary recovery be oper over a and White Mesa unit to 15 11 to years period of on which ated by Continental, The above map shows the conplanning is less advanced, may fines of each of the proposed be under flood later in the same water flood units year. The The Two new locations have been will entail the announced for San Juan of 200 to 240 water both Lisbon Frojects program drilling injection wells into which 20C, barrels of water would be injeoted daily Water is reportedly available from 2 sources; (1) Wells 20 to 45 feet dtep could obtain suf- of Albuquerque has staked a Mississippian test 2 miles south east of the Pure discovery Pubco 000 ficient '.rater from edge of 'While Pure has mostly east picked a location for its fourth Devonian well to be located in the-grav- the beds along the County, Sec 24, twp 30 s Range 24 San east -- and check preteotor. Call 2491 or after 6 p.m. call clock, Phone 3821 HORSES FOR SALE One saddle horse arid one mare and oolt Call Gordon Adams at or 8-3- 531 MONTICELLO 3436. L.W Graves w w I Sv.vSFfc w iWiVASj I Ralherford Unit SPORTS CARS Colorado and oontains an ultraa concours precision rally, is Elegance, a hill olimb, competition against Indian quarter horses, and many other special events not ordinarily associated It will be with sport3 cars- held the three dvs of May ! McElmo Creek -- News Items o by MRS. Hr and Mrs H. E. BLAKE Mr McAlister Page, Arizona Wilbur and Helen Henderson from has a government position waitMichigan in their Alfa Spyder ing for him there as "Ranger." The Bill Peters from Tusoon, Mrs Anne E !fyde has been on Arizona will also be here and the ailing list the past week shower was given nice bridal Wednesday evening at the Donald Blake home Mize in honor of Kiss Nell Mrs Janet Hostesses were Blake and Mrs. Myrtle Skidmore The bride to be received many nice o useful home gifts for her new Relchsteln from the First Baptist Church in Grand Junction, Colo filled the puat the Community Church lpit Sunday in the absence of Rev Rev Lee Campbell, He his wife. The ladles was accompanied by of the mission olrcle served a banquet for the Lions Club Monday evening Marlin Dalton of Koab was visiting relatives in Monticello Friday, The Community Chare h Mission i? I e and 30. Steven Booker and Thursday for Sac- Bill Beaver, former regional ohildren left of the Sports Car Club Mr director ramento, California where America and a rail 1st of NaEooker has a Job in a lumber of tional reputation will compete in mill well known black Porsche. Mr and Mrs Frank Hornke of his Another competitor of internatwere calling Long Beach, Calif fame will be Tom Wilson of on friends Thursday morning in ional California in her MercedMonticello First on Mrs H E. Niles, The team of Delaine es Benz Blake, befSre going to the Rod- and Laura Stark of Los Vegas, ney Pehrson home for lunoh Nevada in their Porsche are also Mr and Mrs Raymond McAlister honors on this trek. out and family left Saturday for And for top East there will be from the A -- 28-- 29 all top national drivers have learned to respect the Peters combination. Also Martha 7eit-lo- w Twin A from Denver in her Cam is one of the toughest women country competitors in this She asks no favors and today. Mg-- successfully competes against of the Mercedes a most interesting is Bnz 300 SL from New Mexico with frie the top male drivers, the 13 year old child E. L. Eeds boy as navigator prodigy This is rapidly gaining world Circle met Kay mbers present 18 Mrs with 12 me- Pearl Black was elected to replaoe Mrs. ftith Booker as ving who Mrs. Thelma elected as lovely luncheon was A away. president vice-presid- was is mo- Harr&l ent served t Test Injection White Mesa Unit as a mathematical Wells spent a part of this "Mother's wizard for ary- Day" month working on gifts and one to reckon with, preparing shqrt skits for their Mr. Pouts states tlat altho parents. Den 1 had prepared the there will be approximately' 50 skit, "Help, Doctor," and Den 6 cars in the trek he is quite ave the story of "The Ghost recognition : and a navigator er of Ship." pleased with the the cars and drivers that have Tveryone attending the meeting With contestants of was given a free gift recognizentered. this caliber there will be fire- ing the theme of the month, works and rugged competition "Showboat", and a hilarious time ensued when the boys discovered every foot of the way. the gifts to be free samples of air, in balloons high-calib- SCOUTS..... earned beys that have Hens are: Bayles, Mahon, Clyde Helquist, and Layne their badges Ran-d- ee Joel the won Bayles, Bayles, Kelly Johnson respectively Bayles, Burke Black, Dale second, third, and fourth pl&oe Black, Darrell Blaok, Jeffery ribbons in this division. Plaque for the best designed Black, Gerold Bradford, Russell Steven car was won by Bruce Johnson, Bradford, Jay Brand, Buroe Cornwell, with second, Curtenshaw, design champion, Kenneth Dennis Cosby, Fitzgerald third, and fourth place ribbons awarded to Darwin Francis, David Darwin Francis, Bruce Grover,. David Harvey, Dennis Hawkins, Harvey, and Hans Bayles There cars were designed and Clyde Helquist, Charles Higgs, Steven Jacobsen, Bruoe Johnson, made by the boys and their fathFtyan Johnson, Mike Lacey, Steven ers Jed Lyman, Curtis Mahon, As the boys were not expecting Lacey, the awards at this l&te date, Darryl Shunway, Kerry Shunway, Mark Shunway, Lloyd Shunway, they were pleasantly surprised. Many mothers also were surLarry Skinner, Gaylen Stevens, Miike from Terrill, Thomas Thompson, prised by receiving gifts their boys, for several dens had Jay. Dee Tregallas The |