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Show 27, 1960 May Pag BLANDING OUTLOOK Down the Street & Up with the subject Senices CoBducted for GnmrCliiM meeting of. the club, on June "Who Knew and Under- -j Best" quartet composed stood him ! MILDRED RASCOE Needlewoman gathered at the home, of Yerlene Peterson Monday and Tuesday to work on a quilt 5 ' 7j t of Dale Jonas, Pete Blaok, Clyde Palmer end Stanley Bronson sang "I'll Serve the Lord while I am Young" A held j and another uncle of the deFuneral servloes were decided to meet Lawrence during the summer and to! Saturday, Kays 21 for ceased, Melvin Grover, President which is to be a gift to her Latter Day the Grover in Ralph have a of the Townsend, Montana Stake, picnic the fourth week of Saints brother, George Peterson who mls each month . Chapel A poem written gave a talk. by recently married were whioh The servloes Texas Mrs an the at was visitors arrived students read in aunt,.Lenore First grade Ellett, J D Sheridan home Tuesday and by Bishop Kilns Black of by Kenneth Ellett followed by a room picnioked Harvey's Margaret Here for Claire the 2nd Ward, began with organ song by Aaron Harvey a oouple of miles north of the Wednesday A song, The next speaker was Patriarch Park Terraoe School Wednesday Sheridan's graduation are her muslo by Dianne Harris "The Lord the tty is H Shepherd" by Albert R Lyman F. Cheatham After remarks grandmother, Mrs noon Helping with the Tranwas a followed choir prayer by of an Mrs HD Mrs Burdette by Bishop Black the ohoir sang aunt, Palestine, sportation were Don Grover an A Unde, Morris of by "Sometime We'll Understand", and given aunt and Glen Mrs her Freeport, Shunway and on a Alene May, spoke a Mr neighbor, and unde of Ft Stockton, prayer was offered by Willis H, Mrs. Craner Tson B, and , their Mr, and Mrs A1 Stooke and Burial was in the Blanding and daughter Betsy daughters Kay, Alloe, Janet wise be Cemetery, with the grave dedicaEt Cetera Club members enjoyed Valeria will be leaving early tion by Ralph Hurst Sunday morning on a vacation a Recent Beatnik party at the trip to Missoula, Montana to home of Mrs Bryant Jensen The women twice-monthl- oon-duo- ted . Shum-.w- ay Advertise visit relatives Refreshments followed an evening devoted to oomposing "beat " poems and exhibiting their tal- and Wilbur Sandra returned from Salt Lake Tuesday where mother and daughter went for medical tests and cheok-up- and Laws Mrs Mr ents in modern art Sunday School pupils in Mrs Wally Jeannerett's olass surpri- s sed her with a party Childhood playmates and neigh- at her Y-MI-- home night last Friday afternoon The Raymond returned supper at the Sipes home of Mrs Richard Perkins recently from South Dakota where Mrs Sipe had been The affair brought together Mrs visiting reLelia Palmer, Mrs Glen Shumway, latives Mr Sipe drove up to Mrs Hanson get her, and on their return, Glen Black, Mrs Mrs Bruce Hunt, Mrs they have moved into the home Bayles, Ervin Palmer, Mrs Bernard Black formerly oocupied by the Raymond Mrs Ed Black, Mrs. Don Tooley, Lyman family. bors got for a Monday LaVell is now City, Wiohlta Falls, Palmer Odassa from Driving, up Mrs last visit were living in Salt weekend for aH. quick The D. Jordan and Mrs Hunt Ik Mr. and Mrs. attraction Texas day night honored and Mr their was new Sal Regular 19.95 Otthf grand-bab- y, Mrs will be moving dan Royce Higgs The Gideon Association of trie Hosts were Mr to Moab soon and Mrs Ralph Noonan Other Southern Baptist Church is havmeeting party-goe- rs were Mr and Mrs ing an assooiational from Churches R here Mr M. Jim Foster, and Mrs tonight. Montloello, and Itaylor, the Jim Terrells and Mr Price, Moab, A and Mrs Dragerton will be represented J D Sheridan Farwell gift of Silver was pre- Everyone is welcome to hear the main speaker at 7:30 tonight at sented to the honored couple If rumor were truth, there the local Baptist Churoh would be 70 families moving into Chapter Bland ing when the sawmill at who Beta Beta OLYMPIC is completed The Bat. Regular 44.95 them The 75 men, some of would be employed loeal, road from the mountain down to the site of the mill has and completed, been grading and being done in . Tuesday Claude Nugent, and Rascoe Mrs George nirht. Karr will president a second for and them will be year. Serving with sec- Ilrs Wayne vice-presid- ent COSTUME JEWELRY IMVMIY x Harold Rounds and George Erb, who have been associated with the mill at Mancos, Colorado Present hopes are to have the mill ready within 45-- California bound fregallas and Janet girls plan to leave ing on a leasurely coast. They will at Lehi are days Myma Whitman Sunday The morn- trip to the spend Sunday with Miss Whitman's relatives, and at another night Janet, 70 who has been Instructor at to plan San Lake spend Tahoe girls PE will visit a friend in Sacramento, and My ran, Leaving her Waukasha, plans to Oakland Also in Lehi in day will be Ann Merrell Job at visit Sun- She will take part in the Alexander family reunion, and will drive her own oar to California, following Myrna and Janet Gloria Pollard with a farewell was surprised gift at Tuesday meeting of the Oil Wives Club Three tables of pinochle players met at Mrs. Clauds Nugent's home for the The Pollard family occasion afternoon's will make Moab school is out their Mrs During ths business meeting, the group voted to send letters in town, to other organizations ' in for completing help asking the fund established for the purchase of a new resusoitator Several TB members ollnio and home after Boyd Errstt will be hostess for ths next offered some bank To carry out the program topio "The printed Word," several me- mbers read parts in the play, "Trifles," by Susan one-a- ot Glas-p- talent Unknown ell was discovered in Mrs Dale Skelton Also reading parts were lire Royoe Higgs, ndall, Mrs C Mrs I T. Kuyke- H. Thomas and Mrs Rasoos Officers met Monday afternoon, and the following committees were appointed: Program and year book, Mrs Dale Skelton, chairCleve 3rook, Mrs Eddy Jordan: Membership, Mrs Wayne Karr, chairman; Mrs Frank Flom) man; Mrs Social, Mrs Regular .89 $1 helped with the to help at the blood 1 Juan High (6)95 fa Mr Mrs. Frank Flom, recording leveling is Mrs. Cleve Brook, preparation for the building of retary j Mrs and the mill. In town to help with corresponding secretary) the details of the business are Eddy Jordan, Treasurer now CASE The , an estimate of 666 WITH GENUINE LEATHER TRANSISTOR final meeting of the club a bit, though, year saw officers installed for pioture changed ' when seme checking up disolosed Beta Beta Chapter at the home of Recapture 95 and her Julie Jordan, Jorand Chari otts Eddy parents dinner and card party Satur- A E pot-lu- ck and Mrs Tooley Lake together GENERAL ELECTRIC Clarence Tregallas, chairman) Mrs I. T. Kuykendall, Mrs Clauds Nugent) Publicity and Sorapbook) Mrs Ways and Means) Mrs C H Thomas R. M. TaMrs ylor, ohairman) Eddy Jordan) Mrs Ssrvios, Georgs Rasoos ) C H Mrs Thomas ohairman, OUTSTANDING DOTS IN SWIM ACCESSORIES Masks Nose Plugs Fins Snorkles Ear Plugs Swim Caps ATTRACTIVE STYLING IN PASTEL COLORS MW eQMPAMV PLUS TAX |