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Show Pago 10A T DONORS..... BLOOD to assist whpn was not the local Martineau, Lela available. into full play while final physloian The following is a list of tha drmr-': donors who gave a pint of blood. arrengoasuts for the blood nada when it ' Joa layman, Chloe Shumway, Vint ingwort bang Cleon Shumway, . Ui-oi- Legal Notice IS Nielson, Pendleton, Vta. Melvin Hurst, Scott Hurst, to-w- 1CC474, Engine No, 3578C4 1 1552 Ford ft. Socket Pair Tool Wrenches Water Tank Set 10" Elevators 1 Set 7" Elevators Set 5" Elevators 2 HOURS OF EXCITING ENTERTAINMENT t - 12", - 9", - 7", - 6", - 4" Bit Guages: - 12 58", - 11", - Bj", - 8", - 6 58", 38", - 5" 1- 2- 3- 2- 1- 1- 1- Bailers: - 11", fi', Sand Pur.p 1- 1- - - Si" 9", 1- - Grace Evans McGibbeny 7", or Bailer 1 4" 2 1 Sets Drilling Jars 7a" Fishing Socket 3 1 Combination Rope Mandrels Drili Bar"- Snatch 1 Fair THE WESTERN ENSEMBLE I 8 i Pretty Girls - Beautiful Costumes - Top Quality Singing oeks 32" Tool Wrenohel 2 Produced and Directed by : 1- 1- 1- - . 1- 1- 1- -6 EVENING SHOW 8:00 MATINEE 2:30 Shive Block Block Hook Chain Hols 2 Chain Tongs 9 Turn Buckles . President Butane 'lhnk 1 1- Brow, at Frontier Theatre 4Ji" Stem Rope Bits: Jerry Hopkins -- 1 250 Gallon 1 575 Gallon 1 Dump. Box 1 1 1 1 Stevens, Verle M. Stevens, Allan Black, Kay Jones, Arland Esklund Dora Shumway, A1 Stocke, Lorenzo Hawkins, Howard Hurst, Pauline given under the sponsor Lisonbee, Homer Taylor, Neldon ship of Blanding Sports Don Bryant Jensen, Coohran, to men Club, according Smith, Ivan Watkins, and D. P. . winch and "A" frame -- are invited to register at J & J Glass Co., for gun safety class to be Erie Spudder, .ier. ::o, : Sheppard, Oley Black, Morrill it: 1 24L .12 lle M. Boys and girls, between lU and 21 years of age The Blanding LDS Wards Have Combined to Bring You the the City of Blanding, a Kunioipal Corporation of the State of Utah, will receive bids at the City Office in .Handing, Utah, on or before the 15th day of June, I960 for the sale of the following desoribed personal property, 1 22 0. Sheppard. HEREBY GIVEN: That . Vfe. 27, I960 ANNOUNCEMENT Bl&ok, Saun Bohn Ruth Dan necessary to oall in an out of Raddy Opal Blacky IXiana Carlson, town physloian to be in attend-- 1 Gordon Reddy Delbert C&rkhuff , anoa. Platte Bay las y Ton Brockmeier, 24 With lass than hours notlea George. D. Janesy fyrna Tregallas Or. E. I. Maxwell of Cortez, ftrold Lyman, Franois Nielson. Colorado left his busy praotloa Kent Redd, Hazel lynan, Stevens, Black, Horace 1 Lorenzo Moss, Shirley Palmer, Judy Tatro, Park Quymon, Stanley NOTICE May BLANDING OUTLOOK Rl 9" Casing Lift 14" Floor Clamp Wl2", 10", d" Rings and 14 Slips 1.3" Casing Lift 1 1 34" Table Pipe Slip 1 2" Table Pipe Slip 4 i X 4 Stakes WTurn Buokle & Dancing 1 1 J Loop Latoh jaok Johnson Bar Set of Tool Wrenoh Dutohnans Set Cable Latohes 1 6" 1 1 1 716" 600 1 1 i FAMOUS OCONNOR and His Gold Cup Warning Feats of Hagic I 6X19G Monaroh Sand , Line on Spool 34" Drill Line on Spool 2,000' 34" Drill Line on Spodl 700 34" Drill Line on Spool t 5001 said City. All parsons dssiring to bid on ths purohass of Said personal property shall da posit writtsn bids with ths Rsoordsr of said City now owned by- - or before the hour of 10:00 o'elook a.m. on the 15th day of Juno, I960. ' Ths City of Blanding ressrvss ths right to rsjsot all bids and THE MAC BAY TROUPE with Ks Unusual (land Balancing Performance on to waive all informalities. Ths BLANCH DUVAL and Her Famous Parakeet Circus tsrsa of ths sals shall be oash. Dated this 12th day of May, 1960. GITT Or BLANDING hr f a 1 Mi. R. Hurst MiySr ATTEST Francis D. Nielson pseorder mmmamms -Evening Performance: Family Ticket - 5.00 Individual Tickets 1.50 Maticee: Children Under 12 Yrs. - 25c Over 12 Yrs.-5- 0c |