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Show May 27, 1960 mwm ii Pago 0 BLANDING OUTLOOK The ; 1 j I ! 1 into Piano Recital Set trail then takes you on Chessler Pule to a view-- point that at ion is beyond the imagin- -i Another great breath taking experience in this area is to stand 2,000 feet or so, on a ledge above the oonfluenoe of the Green and Colorado Rivers for Sunday The publlo is piano reoital to PM invited to bo held Sunday Afternoon at two o'olook at tho taplls' high school auditorium of Mrs Dale Skelton will pro -Playing for and natch the gray water of the aont tho program and will ba rolativos frlonds Green eventually take over the brown water of the Colorado as Sylvia Nlalson, Janie Perkins, they merge into one river at Mike Halliday, DeAm Halliday, Sandra Perkins, Shiela Perkins, that point Niels on, 'Sandy Nielson and It is with reluctance that one Donna approaches the lower end of this Daaraia Jonas area to olimb through what oould ONE OF A KIND be called "The Devil's Gap" and A housewife called in a plumber, then journey on into Beef Basin and while he went to work fixing where you can view the numerous Indian ruins whioh are looated the kitchen sink, her cat watched on the floor of the basin and with deep interest. "Thats quite a cat you have, are accessible to the traveler instead of high in the ollffs as the plumber remarked. Seems to are so many others in this area know just what is going on. Yes, agreed the woman Its - three pictures above a Siamese, you know. were taken on the trip Top A Siamese, eh? said the shows entranoe to plumber. Then, glancing around the pioture Needles Area from Beef Basins the kitchen, he asked, What hapCenter pioture is the "Angel pened to the other one? The Arch" s at bottom is a view of Needles from Chessler Park .VJjSicXSE - Trade With IT PAYS Local Merchants' We (Smftetekte the CLASS of 1960 mi Amrnte LADIES summit Slacks 1.59 Blouses 98c Surfers 1.39 Ladies Shorts 1.19 CHILDRENS last Corrlne Rohring, week-e- nd "Angel Arch" or as it could " The Trojan Bayles, again be called Parley Hurst Horse Arch." Climbing up the canyon wall to under the direction of Soott Bayles took a jeep tour into the stand in the large arch is well worth the effort when you look Needles area At the Mrs Hurst says the trip was at the vista beyond "Goblet" a thrill to be remembered and foot of the arch is the his written the following ac- standing there to oat eh the on Marian Bayles, and Mr and Platte Mrs 1.29 SLACKS Ladies' Beaded Imported tears from the "Crying Eyes" west from Monticello the opposite wall of the canyon the trip takes you through In- Many delicate and lovely arches found in these canyons dian Greek and on into the Salt are this Creek Canyon Following up the One is loathe to leave counts Driving different forks of the oanyon the lmgin&tlon runs rampant and among the very colorful rocky formations can be seen everything from a battleship to a You hold your screech owl breath as you pass through the narrow aperatures where the rocks almost seratch the paint on both sides of the jeep The crowning thrill of this oanyon is the beautiful aroh, probably, area. Going over "Elephant Hill" is a little breath taking and more so as you see "The Needles" silhouetted against the sky line travels into "Devils Lane" where huge red bluffs seem to hem you in on all sides of the narrow oorridor Of extreme inOne terest are the Indian some picto-grap- hs appearing on the sides of of these bluffs tr m DOUGLAS & FLORENCE |