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Show May . -- . 7- - -- t u..,,. BLANDING OUTLOOK . 27, I960 Publishad ftTery FViday. at .Blanding, Utah ' i . t m t i . . mm. : - j 1 JX S i V f 1 1 " . 1 .J Xi w 1 . PUBLISHER Cox . ' CORRESPONDENTS J V t v'. V;;. ' " ' , Graoe Shuaway, East Blanding Mildred Rwooe, NW Blanding -- . SW Audrey Halliday, Blandly. Joanna Pierce , Bluff Kola June Pehrscn, Mexican Hat Blood Drive Nets 48 Pints Tuesday TTie the American Red Cross at the recreation hall San Juan County, one year San Juan County , six months Elsewhere in USA. 1 year Elsewhere in (.S.A. 4,00 225 450 250 6 months m wmm mmm at Blandlng, Utah 'Second Class Postage Paid dMl & 11 . ; I ! was on held Tues- with 48 pints of blood being donated. Altho this under amount is considerably that of last year. Sue Graves, . Subscription Rates: : ' 24 May day, -- . for blood by annual drive Red Cross Blood Chairman, to thank .everyone who all blood and workers who (Turn to the ave 1CA American Legion Post Blanding wishes donated volunteer of so freely Col. 1) i will hold its annual 4th No. 97 of July Rodeo on July. 1 and 2, according to Lorenzo Dawkins who is in charge of publicity for the oelebratlon. At a meeting Saturday night the Legion elected DeReeoe Nielson as Rodeo Chairman & then assigned Richard Perkins zo look after the Lyman is to Horse Racing. Teek be in charge of the consesslons are to meet Saturday night from now until the celebration date in All every committees -- order to keep the Mr. Hawkins ball rolling, says. Pgiii Official to Speak Here Sat Bates Wilson, Superintendent Arches National Monument and National Monument will talk at a public meeting to be held at the City Hall tomorrow night, Saturday, May, 28 at 7:30 Bridges " . ' t" ,f ? . r. Ground' clearing'- got underway - this, at the. .week on Recapture stV The'.mill is to. , sawmill'1 new' Creek. Summer a jer- -. become ' Hudspeth rra'nent operation' , of Utah Division, Sawmill Ccmpary the management under be ..and will of Harold. will Rounds" who move "begin on May. Free lessons will .bti. given on all band 'and oonoert 6roh-est- ra -- instruments for a- - period of six weeks, July 6. Mr. JHanilt on who i s pr.o Ensemble groups will beet duririanager of the Prir.eville Ming the day and the full High achine and Supply Company, a Kud-- J. School Band will rehearse eaoh Blanding thy.s week dire ctl n, the-?- ' ending on , . speth subsidiary, says machinery Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. There will bo over one hundred for the installation will start this moving from Oregon students taking . . jpompwjy for the necessary this Light IVIIfltfi power. mill dill get its logs. Vfrbm .Elk .fountain where Hudspeth .as . ! - were underway ..otiatioh Iwcie'k v.'ith Utah Power and ' in the part .summer band program. . Twenty of $drly next month. mill is to be a double-c- ut these are beginning pupils, inbahd. mill with a capacity of cluding dix new vj ol in students. 6;qQ(3 .'bpar feet, per shift, All. classes .. will he held in e c tedV bpei by, air and le tr i ci ty the High School band room. - , way Two purchased 20,000000 board of Fonderosa Fine from an ! Present Act Plays ex-'ceSs- 'Jhe Dianding rjof merbialgrt expects to use at a rate of approximately 5 million they get the operation underway, 'operator j feet annually. Ihev;. say . for Bridges National Monument under "Mission 66" and show a set of slides of the Needles Area. The meeting is sponsored ty the Chamber of Commerce and the General Public is urged to according to President attend Lorenzo Hawkins. "The will 3rd Ward rection of will be be under Wanda the di- Elack, "Cousin From Sweden" under the direotion of Welda Nielson will the 1st Ward. This entertainment is free and there will be a matinee on Tuesbe by day at their ition badges in recogn- Bob-O- at of their preliminary A this year. Several other surprises approx Elementary School. the first Plaques honoring plaoe winners of the derby and ribbons went to the following bqys: plaque for first plaoe in the speed division of the handmade cars was won by the speed champion, Errett. Curtis Alan 5:00 p.m. HOMES - - SUMMER COTTAGES PATIOS AND CAR PORTS CABINS STORE BUILDINGS - DRIVE-IN- S - - GARAGES TRUSSES STORE FRONTS lOOpmeit FINANCING on Sommer Cottages 75 men e r . : Area s'. Largest Stock of Residential and Commercial Wiring Supplies HO. PHO. 2907 267$ Res. Bus; ... , ' -- : . V . . . . await- attending the meeting at the Blanding iuately estimate will-bthat their a for employed of ' Investment in the area will 10. or more ears, mary period of which Ireach 300,000.00 by,, the titfe wll Ee recruited locally. . Officials work belated in the Scout program. several was the also given honor boys who won top places in the Pinewood Derby held March 31 of ed those at 8:30 Perfect Hideout", by the time both nights the monthly Clsb Paok Meeting held last Thursday evening, Cdb Scouts received thirty-seve- n At 1st and 2nd Ward two one --act 150000,000 feet of coir- .- Mj.A's will present D. S. ReAlso in codiedies in the L. timber. creation Hall on Tuesday May 31 theafta is Van estimated 50,000, and Wednesday, June 1. Starting 000.. feet of Spruce which the .ardestircated .to contain in will outline plans - 20. ate in Frineville, will Sumner band from' Trjnevi lie, Oregon. Mr Rounds and Frank Hamilton, of Mr. Wilson Program Se here ''alsd : i o'clock. r EL'EOTRI'OT FHA & CONVENTIONAL FINANCING |