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Show May 27, 1960 Pago 3 BLANDING OUTLOOK Down the Street Up & with AUDREY HALUDAY hr Mr Eds on Black and Mrs and and Mrs. Horaoe Stevens Friday to take Bruoe Hunt Mrs children to their left & in Wic- home 20. Calvin Perkins home has been purchased by the Don Davis' They will move in soon after school lets out Mrs. Wiley Redd has been hoThe will Texas They returnweek before a visit for spitalized slnoe last Sunday She ing to Blanding Mrs Ida Mar Markam is visiti- is feeling better at this time the home of her parents and hopes to be able to return ng at Mrs home this weekend Mr and Wiley Redd Falls, hita Donna Mrs Bell left for her Mrs Randy Carol and son Bathemess of Salt. City are California home on Sunday, after home of Mrs. the at spending the past six weeks with visiting Hunt Mrs. Bathemess is her mother, Mrs Hattie Barton. Myrtle Mr. and Mrs of A few friends dropped in at the the daughter Barton home on Saturday evening Wallace Thompson Mrs Inez Conway and Mrs. Beth for a farewell party. Mrs. Clint Palmer is caring Wright spent hies, in Cortez, Colo for the two small children of The sixth grade of the BlandMerle Palmer her sister Mrs ing Elementary Sohool were enter (of Fillmore, Utah) while their tained by their mothers at a mother is hospitalized on Thursday afterMrs Hattie Barton is visiting lovely party noon Graduation hat3 made of for a few days with her sons at on them Lake , . Moab, Utah The faoulties of the two. Elementary schools had a surprise party May 19 at the Blanding Elementary School for the teaoh-e- rs who (for various reasons) will not be teaching here next year Those honored were. Car- at crepe paper were put the door Fun dances and parlor games the order of enter- were fried delicious was served. chicken luncheon A of local boys will group LDS Mission home on enter the tainment A Wright, son of men Cochran, Ann Olsen, Linda Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wriffrt, will Bob McAffee, Bohn, Garda Adams and Louise be going to France; son Of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne He Redd the Southern States; Anyone interested in the life Affee, to Jon Hunt, son of Mr and Mrs of Christ surely should see "The Joe Hunt, to the North Western Big Fisherman" now showing in town Dr Walter Fallon left Tuesday Lake to get his mother who flew down from Montana She and then go on will visit here to Durango, Colo to spend some for Salt June. 27. Lynn States and Cleston Laws,, sen of Mr and Mrs Bill Laws, to England Mr grade Davis treated his sixth olass to a at the pool swimming on Wednesday party family will when school is out for a seriously ill over to Sevier Mr Eldon Haag and short vacation and Mrs When County they return they small daughter will leave Sat will move to American Fork to time to with her make Utah their sister home who Mrs is leave in Provo, Mr. Haag will teach in Provo High Seminary next and also attend the BYU to make Don Olsen and their home Mr Olsen and Outstanding stud fints in all fields of study were honored at San Juan High Sohool last Last Week Busy Week For San Juan Seniors Thurs- day. Claire Sheridan and Kermit The last week of school is a Butt were voted the best all one for all students and busy around students Scholarship te&ohers, but especially so for awards went to Cathie Dlioksn-sta- ff the They graduating seniors. Lawrence (Xiymon and Deanne Garnered the Burtenshaw have been there Olsen will tea a Sunday afternoon, given for them by the Elk's Club award, the .valediot-orla- n Junior class It was held on award and the soienee the lawn of Junior class sponsor Lawrence also received Kendall award Those Young's home awards in soienoe and English as were served punch and well as the United Nations attending cookies Assisting with the Other U.N. award winners award Mrs Jim Terrell and were were Mike Hurst, Corry Jones, plans John Oakes, Junior advisors and Loran Jeannerett A senior assembly was held Dale Jones received recogniat which- time the tion for his work in band and Wednesday were olass will and - Diane Harris for her work in For outstanding work in Chorus home Ec, Julene Laws and Nicky Black won medals P. E. Class awards were given to Josephine Dutchle and Johnny Helquist Top read were Eagerly-awaite- to be distributed today students in soolal studies diplomas Following were Lou Ann Laws and Andy Mike-s- ell Language students Pets Black and Ann Harvey reoelved awards and Linda Rae Blaok and Bob James were named the outBob also standing math pupils received the Shop award Julene Laws reoeived an award from the the week will be the capped and receive the their commencement exerolses a public danse will be held in the high school auditori- um, and later in the evening the graduates will celebrate with a supper at the home of the senior advisor, Mrs Joe Nielson Palette Club as the all around senior girl Nicky Black was chosen the outstanding prophecy yearbooks d The ollm&x of tonight when gowned seniors - IT ADVERTISE PAYS athlete other English award was to given Betty Jones, and Arda Sheppard and Julene Laws reoeivThe ed commercial medals Jaok Palmer was presented as senior olass salutatorlan One student from each olass Mrs March year was ohosen to receive citizenschool there next year work. on his masters degree Mrs Mrs. Olsen had a Sylvia Nielson, swimming ship medals; Haag will teaoh third grade in seventh grade; Detty Raok the Provost Sohool The new party for her school class on eighth grade; Don Brown, ninth, After the . swimming Seminary teacher for Blanding Tuesday. Andy Mlkesell, tenth; Dale Jones roasted marshweiners and they will be Mr Ferrill Lazonbee, mallows in fronl of the Olsen eleventh; and Milton Harvey , from Aurora, Utah twelfth home Mr Osborn took his fifth Numerous athletic letters were Wiser on a class field grade trip Fri "Vm not saying shes a bad May 20 They were accompanied to the Blue Mountain by Glendora cook, said the boy friend, "but Galbraith and Audrey Halliday I know now why her family prays After spending the day hiking before every meal. We wish to sincerely thank and playing games they were Poor Reception all of the very good people treated to a weiner roast by The geography teacher asked for their help in our deep Mr. -- Osborn a sorrow and loss of our dear question about the EngShelia Perkins, daughter of Bobby To all lish Channel. little boy Lawrence. Mr and Mrs Carl Perkins, celewho helped in our home, to brated her thirteenth birthday all who brought food, flowwith a party at her home on May Also who ers and money the Ronnie at honored were since teach also-give- Card of Thanhs Timo Saving Rubber Stamps furnishod quickly at lowost prices offered their homes for our relatives to stay and the many other kind servioes. The Jess Grover Family OUTLOOK HUHSMER TV SERVICE MAIN OFFERS STORE ALL-DA- Y AT FIRST MORTN A. MAIM, MOAB MONDAY & THURSDAY SERVICE IN BLANDING (CENSED CONTRACTORS FHA LOANS LUMBER & BUILDING MATERIALS ROOFING FLORMAN PAINT HARDWARE I it DOORS PIONEER FURNITURE GLASS MHO omm mmm sww BLANDING UTAH - TtUVISlOU SAtAU APPLIANCES Goiger Counter Repairs - Sjjiwt - Gmsrtid Seme ON ALL MAKES AND MODELS A |