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Show Ptago 4 BLANDING OUTLOOK MONTICELLO NEWS MARILYN R. ROWLEY Dean Robinson and for business reasons. by and Mrs Hr Susmers, parents Robinson. They are nneth Homor of Mrs. at the lives Saturday night danoes will be sponsored throughout the by visit with Mr. be Wednesday for a Frank danoe May 28, Recreation Hall. S instruction in square dancing in addition to the regular social dancing. Bezmion and Mrs. D summer first this Saturday, L will There Fhllmer ), Blauer and baby daughter flew into Salt Lake City Saturday from Washington, D.C. They were to arrive here The MIA. in the ( Donna Jay the will Redd home. Mrs. from Brigham living in City Tooele now. A Miss young Indian girl, Margaret Brown, has oome to live with the Gordon Bartell family. She is from Two Grey Hills, N.M. and is a cousin of Ruth Jane who She comes here. be 4 Sossksb to Sfcrl $COOSSS8 family. Mr. Swenson, The addlton to the Monti cello Swimming Pool Kijh School building will be manager, requests that all Interested in taking constructed fay Carter Brothers people of Monticello. Their bid of swimming lessons please register at the pool Monday, thm Fri$235,554 was lowest of nine subAges mitted to the San Juan County day of the coming week. 5 from years and up are acoept-C- o. Schpol Board. Eager Electrio The Married womens class is was low bidder for the elec- - ed trieal subcontract. In other scheduled for the early morning projeots, Young Brothers Con- s- ' hours and classes for other ages truotion Co., Monticello Submi- t- "ill fill ,up the remainder of ted the low bid of $26,605 for the morning hours. two The pool !will be open to the teachers' residences at and Ernest Sonderegger public from 2 to 5 p.m. and 6- -9 ISalj was the low bidder for p.m. the Mexican Hat Elementary Sohool If enough are interested in a with $15,370. life saving, water safety or Mrs. Willie Barton and Mrs. water ballet' olass it also will Elva Jones have been in Salt be offered. Lake City for a three -- ri.y trainin Civil Defense. ing course UIA Asks in ! ! meetings williams, were held near Relatives of Mrs. Thackers' last new week ; for at least Commission We this make re- Olson's quest because of raw materials authorship two policy changes in the past years, and the uranium industry's desire to carefully examine and review his record the prior to his confirmation aby Coas United States Senate mmissioner of the AEC, " signed Gordon Weller, Uranium Institute of Mr. Mrs . S., Jeannerett e was at a farewell party and W. honored baby shower Monday ! ! I niit at The to see the merica Here Institute of Ahas filed a petition with Uranium the Joint were Mrs. Thaeker's mother, Mrs. Lavon Bowden, and daughters, and received many lovely and useful baby gifts. Refreshments were prepared under the direotion of Mrs. Royos Higgs with Mrs. Claude Nugent in Favors charge of deooratlons. were to eaoh guest tiny crocheted booties whioh served as containers for after-dinn- er mints. The Jeazmeretts will be leav-iz- ig soon to make their home in t i 8-42- position with regard to 61 or write Mr. BOX Olson's appointment. 504 BLANDING, UTAH Georji Petty be wise Advertise I 3 BEDROOMS . mU ACCEPT SUALL DOOM PAYQENT Atomic postponement of Committee on srCIUlDADE for .the Mrs. Barbara hearings oa the confirmation of Energy Sharon and Ran&e, Loren K, Olson as a Commissioner Davis and Mrs. Joyoe Clegg. for the United States Atomic EnMrs . Aith Bloomfield and Mrs President Judy Lee and Daughters, Terry ergy Commission. Olson Mr. Eisenhower appointed Ann and cindy, were in Salt Lake on May 16, and the Joint ComCity lajt week for shopping and mittee on Atomlo Energy has medieal advice. on Friday May Mr. and Mrs. Iawrenoe Black scheduled hearings has but not, aocording to left Friday for Los Altos, Ca- 27, lifornia where they will visit Gordon Weller of the Uranium the family of their daughter, Institute, made adequate notice Mrs. Don (Eraa Lee) Zinke. Also to interested parties in the indmaking the trip were the Biaok's uranium and atonic energy to permit adequate study little Granddaughters, Jill and ustry, Mr. Olson of the appointment. Jan Carter. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bennion Redd is now General Counsel of the AEC. and family plan to leave ThursA telegram to Senator Clinton to day for a va oat ion trip New Anderson, of Mexico, California. They will visit Mrs F. Chairman Committee the Joint of, Redd's parents, Mr. and Mrs on Atomic Energy, reads as Vernon in Glendale. Traitor .Infeyj Very Small Down Pay Various Sizes & Types 28 to 45 Foot SU er TQADE for AHYTURK i The and Sperry, Sperrys are in Hawaii T follows: now, the Redds plan to meet their plane when they return. Mr. and Mrs. George Bloomfield left Tuesday for Salt Lake City "The Uranium of Institute America ..respectfully petitions the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy to postpone hearings on the confirmation of Mr. Small House Practically Her; on Vih ere 7 San Juan Electric nOOTHHlO, - HOTFOOT ZENITH UTAH - MOI SALES & SERVICE Lots of Storage Space Will Sell Cheap or Trade for Anything ? CONTACT Export For U TV, Radio A Appliance Repair in Blanding .MW EDWIN HAWKINS If it Pick-u- p & Delivery 8 Worth 33) Methodist Comnunity Quroh. S! was presented with a gift of reoords from the Methodist women of America. In a letter to the membership of the Uranium Institute, Mr. While the Weller explained, of America Uranium Institute one posito cannot be disposed tion or another at this time with regard to Mr. Olson's ap- Vernal. pointment as a Connissloner, we are deeply concerned that this hearing has been scheduled on so Weller inshort a notice." A- -l dicated that a full examination DRILLING COMPANY of Mr. Olson's record must be made and the effect of the pfATER WELLS SHOT HOLEsO) olicies which he has created CORE HOLES concerning the uranium industry SHALLOW PRODUCTION be fully reviewed before the DIAL OR uranium industry can take a Olsoa Appointment Rpy Thaoker son, Kevin. Energy Mrs. Jeannerett Honored at Party Delay Camp Point of the Mountain. were here at i 11 Fulmer and The Loren X. Olson as a commissioner for the United. States Atomic three weeks. Chandler's mother, Mrs. Mary Chandler, has been visiting plan to be here about two fully weeks visiting Mr. and Hs Ke- Curly May 27, 1960 Doing..... it's Worth Doing Wollll Dus. Pb. Bam 3666 Dwtesay Dos. Pb. 32! or at Uairf fatQSSi O |