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Show S t S 4 'J J.I May 27 , i960 . Af , .. -r-- v " N !.. - vv - - " - Srfx. 4 .,4.A . 4.W Vt&Trirfii. ? ' v" ifc. ?', .,.-. -- 4 ' ft i fr1 s ' s SSK.TrA-,r- - Page. 10B m.ANnTNG OUTLOOK vc'.' :' bcSs vr vVj! - ;': Uifficult feat3 people who attend the Graoe sponsored by Evans Heview to be held at the ing Wards of of the acrobatic repertoire. A Matinee talented aerobatic dancers in Her act is one among many Frontier Theatre on rune 4th. The entertainment i3 being for children the west, Fretty Kathy per forms thrillers in store for landing This lovely Kathy Anderson young lady is one of the most many y.; of the r.o.?t . ini; $ i . ft Navajo Chicken PaK t at Blaff Celebration 0 t car races this I I city. SAN JUAN SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL CALENDAR 1960-- 61 29 Registration August 22 will i i. ? Sunday 50 at Bluff sport oars Spectators are stand well back raoe courses, requested away from to (teaohers meet tho August 26 at their assigned schools, 9 a.m.) Teachers Institute 1 (Montioello High School) orMow Teaohers known well 8:00 a,m, Ted L, Fouts, Ted L. Fonts, of Four Wines. All Teaohers 9:00 a,m, ganizer of Sports Car events Grand Junction is Trek Has ter thru out the middle west, announa,m,-12:10:00 Visual Aids Workshop The San Juan Education and reports that many well known ced today that the unusual "Trek 12:30 p,m, Winds" is drawing Association is planning a luncheon to be followed sport car drivers and navigators of the Four J One of the oars and drivers of national will participate. by their Assoolatlbn meetings, School Begins August 29 navigators is thirteen year old reputation. School Closes the 1961 who This event, sponsored by , L. Eeds, is rapidly gainMay 25, Club Rocky Mountain Sports Car ing recognition as a mathemaHOLIDAYS WHICH WILL BE OBSERVED ARE: tical wizard and navigator. of Grand Junotion, Colorado, and -- -labor Day An afternoon of thrills and assisted by the Four Corners September 5 UEA 30 29 Convention and fun is assured as the horses Foreign Car Club of Durango, September Max Nix Deer Hunt Car and October 24 the Colorado compete against the sport ears, now November 24 and 25,, .Thanksgivings Incldently these are not r&oe Club of New Mexloo, is a 2 Oar Vao&tlon 23 December Christmas to horses but Indian ponies & cow concept in Sports January aotlvity. The trek oourse is laid out Maroh 30 and 31 Spring Recess Time ponies. Sharp turns, grades and a quick will keep thru the Four Comers Area of the obstacle raoe drivers busy, Utah, Arizona, New Mexloo and At noon a lunch will be served ' (TURN TO PAGE 11, COL, 2) Approximately , make up the Trek of the 30 i f 4 t r om T 4 Itaff to be Feature: da; the L.D.S, Church. with special aots is scheduled. ? The participants in the "Trek (teachers are not required to be present unless !qt the Bluff City Chamber of of the 'Four Winds" will have a Commerce for which there will be requested by their prinoipal) ohance to see a fast dissapear-in- g a oharge. The raoes are free, August 23 Principal's Workshop one-rowhen an of earler age teaohers to be held in the The time, about 100 p,m,, the sport (Including the Navajo have a chicken pull plaoe Administration Building at Montioello, 9 a,m,) the fields adjacent to before the start of the. sport Recapture Motel in. Bluff City, Faculty Meetings August 24 and 25 1 k aft . the combined .'land- '' turn-arou- nd . |