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Show 10 Pag mxm mi 8th off vary wall last week with the presenting a program based on Internal ion Friendship with Gary Carr acting as master students of ceremonies The 27, 1960 news By NOLA PEHRSON grade graduation oana seen by the The May BLANDING OUTLOOK dirty faoes happy girls tand the mounds of petrified wood ihey had gatherParents should be aware ed. of the that Mrs Wright and Mrs Hinton outstanding have resigned t after serving were rendered New by faithfully for two years usioal numbers There three the upper grades leaders must be found before the Harold Baum were 5 graduates troop aotlvity can resume this Ronny Nieves Gary Qarr Monk Mr Harry and Terry Page Bill Goforth and Mr Jack Pehrson with the help of the troop eommittee members held a Court of Honor and weiner roast for the Mexioan Hat Boy Soout fall. Mrs. iness Bob trip Nieves made a bus- to Monticello last returning the next reports she was glad 1 Wednesday She day to get bade where oool and Hndy isn't snowing as Roger Wakefield although at least its it troop and their parents Thursday there it was Oakes a Mr Bill now gave has his night. short opening speech, on the family home again after nearly merits of scouting after whioh two months He met the train in advancement four boys by pins were given to Pueblo Colo. Saturday morning and two daugwife his carrying Rloh-a- rd Goforth Rhodes and Stephen Pehrson hters Mr who havrf been visiting rank tenderfoot their in St. Louis Missouri. relative and Ronny Nieves and Terry Page Ckrold underwent eye surgery have passed into 2nd olass while in the east reoeived 13 bpys and E. E, Briton Mr. and Mrs adults felt the event to be well parents of Lorine were reoent worth attending Compliments go guests of the Wayne Wright famWakefield to Roger for his comLorine and their Wayne ily petent handling of the food daughter to Grand returned Judy served Junotion with t them for a few The outgoing P.T.A. presidency They then drove two vedays headed by Mr. Wayne Wright were hicles back to Mexican Hat for happy to turn over the reins to the Myron Ferees the new offioers last week Mr The Richard Pehrsons went to Bob Maurice will be the new Mo&b Saturday night to attend with Lola Page as president reeeption and vioe President Louise her sisters wedding and Alioe John are The newlyweds MoElwaln as seeretary make who will their new Thayn The Girl Scouts spent a most home in a trailer house in East The soouting enjoyable nlte when evening last Monday they were treated to a steak fry by their leaders Finch Mrs. Josie Mrs. Vivienne Fletoher and Mrs. Marge Apland took the troop to Monument Valley where they hiked hunted rook played games sang songs and rounded out the entertainment by telling stories around the bonfire The Brownie olos ing- -f soouts held summer or-t- he their party last Thursday with nine of the Mrs Frieda ten girls there Their leaders Hinton and Mrs Lorine Wrigvt with the help of Anee Mrs oomnlttee members Maurioe and Mrs Josie Fletoher took them to Monument Valley for a weiner roast The evening was a complete success as could be The Moab brides parents and sister . young Woodrow Adair Mr and and Mrs Audrey who are well known in this area were amoung the out of. town' guests Mrs. Bill eye Thompson underwent surgery Friday morning the Mission an eye ellnio. specialist at Dr. Grady from Los Angeles perforned the operation which was very suooessful. Mr. Clifford Scott, returned last week from, hie vacation with relatives in Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs .? Glen Maudlin were in Durango on business last Wed. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph VanArdale Jr. has as guests the Grady Leavells of . Fry Canyon last Mrs. Leavell is Virweek. By MCKAY KUNZ Certificates of Achievement in Solsnee presented by Future Scientists were Amerioa, Soientists was that of inking today in the high seores in Mathematlos as exercises at the Park measured by aehlevement tests awarded student-promoti- on Sohool this week Terraoe While individual Elementary Future Solentist of Amerioa has names with aueh test soores are an elementary school division in not given out, is noteworthy Teaohers Selanoa National the that five of the six ranged in Association of the NE.A Was- the 1 3th and 14th grades (averThe awards were freshman and hington, D C age eollege Fifth-gramade to the seven sophomore levels) and the other students pictured above (left to in upper high-soho- ol level Ruth Martineau shown Kay Mary Tests have that this right) Louise Watkins Caroline done well has in their lyman, group Palmer Jed other work too euoh as spellTaylor Sterling Joe and The other students of the Stevens lyman Holding ing. her certificate is Louise Thy lor olass are making satisfactory it de aohieved highest score last progress also In the field of week on the final seienoe examDan Bruoe Johnson N&kal, art, Next of the year ination in Terry Shumway, and Tony Keith scores below this group were stand out Joyee Black, Attainments sueh as there are Danny Pendleton, Just as important as aohisvenent in other fields suoh as athlet-io- s bought for his daughter? Mr Brueo Holland of Denver, and undoubtedly . more Colo, was an overnight guest of Important when it oomes to a Mr. and Mrs. Hor&oe Marold last basis or background for suoooss Mr. Holland will be in oollege weekend. and professional remembered as a sohool teaoher sohools. However this does not here last year. minimize the lmportanoe of Mr and Mrs Ernie Sorenson physioal eduoatlon for purposes have enjoyed a visit with their of health or sportful compedaughter, Mrs. Phillis Burnett tition. and son Danqy from Naturita, And to our now group of Future oolorado Soientists s May you find your Mr and Mrs Morris Brown and futures in sohoollng and in recMesa went Verde to careers be whatever may family they much were and ently impressed by very challenging the apparent energy and lngen- ulty of the anolent Indians, as who Has everyone ginia's sister. seen Ralph Sr's burro that he ;are W'VWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvvvTT of and Darrel Kuykendall Another notable achievement of six of these pietured Future most The visitors to this park Bob MoElwaln and Ken Families and Mr Bill camped out Saturday night at Narraqulnlp reservoir near Apland Cakes Free. Mr Cakes took his Kyak Cortez which proved popular with both The surehlldren and adults prisingly mild weather helped make the fishing and other nat- ivities vary enjoyable DIXIE SERVICE GENBMLB "Some of the Best Service in town" TRY US 1 Let Us Spring Clean Vosr Car .. . Wei Prepare it for Inspection Phono mid. pm 221 . |