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Show - and once theyre yours, clot ties take good care of them. Don't ' try to become a pro overnight to become expert in any sport takes patience and practice. You will hud the invigoratfor a day, a weekend or an ing extended vacation. Be a good nd hve fu"! thii winler it SHAPE Headquarters in Belgium Share mkT Freedom 5? Sign up for rs - U.S. SAVINGS - REWARD STOLEN FROM OUR CAR LOT 1966 Chavalit Super-Spo- rt Dork Green Color hl, " i1. Are you physically fit? Autho- nties warn that you must be physically fit before beriunine any program of exercise or sports. You can tone up by start- ing right now to walk a little more each day, and to gradually exercise each morning, afternoon winter thin Wire egukl' tock,nS. 0 as the most valuable pitcher in baseball and at the same time been stretch tights, not over heav;,,,,,, the mot valuable player woolen socks. Again, the reasoiin their league? is tight fit. Authorities advia 8. What are the colors of the that your skate boots, to be wel8 rings in the Olympic symbol were &V fitted, should be one or two fulnd 4. How many times has the U. 8. ai j7.. regula defended the Ameri- shoes. Another thing to remembe luccessfUlly Cun yacht racing trophy? ca. is that whether youre an exper 5. who was the most famous or beginner, chances are youn woman archer in U. S. history? ANSWERS headed for a fall! pu E8 4. DON'T JUST jump inb d!H"td"ia i munds lik,"15 " fo d,- htleSTthe Black Vinyl Roof Cover Four Speed Transmission build-la- g The recently complete Supreme Headquarter Allied Power Europe (SHAPE) 86 milea froai Bruuela near Mona, Belgium. Since SHAPE moved from la Iwh Franca earlier thio year, diAcuities have occurred with postal deliveries. The Belgian official government has ended the confusion by establishing SHAPE, Belgium, pa the for SHAPE, which ia tha intcrnatiosmlly manned hendqnartcra in Europe for the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's uniled defense organisation. To write to someone ia SHAPE, simply use SHAPE, Belgium, or, if using Army Phot Office facilities, add APO New York 09055. (ANF) lS - u, - 1 b, STAR-SPANGL- ed - bind-balanc- Pion fnwwiw? ef sunset MASON "VeketW AirTnAineBd Skew thst emdle few kffi m ! end let fee walk an Over for in dw, opert end work and ana and weena ef tent widrtw tkst fusrantoES cunfarisMs fit Priced to me fee menef tae Net cold in stacM enlf Ihieei mm, yew enrkerieed Mwannfae men. Contort me far FREE kew rfmarinf cewFeit 2)0 UflM mi sPtnmUMM0' The DPG Test Run Rsalty ATTN! VETS AND CIS! Payments less than rent! Vacant, immaculate 2 bedroom home. pm are fm ecorecutive Except with bortnem fin, and ceoots with the Tiwwcript red CASH IN ADVANCE. AN ERROR hi a rienifimi ad ffieuld be reperted The pwm h nqmnr1- - fm ane Memrect inmrtien only. ALL CLASSIFIEDS wffi be Mduded far the TEST RUN, b dhtrOmted te MSS Dngway rtaving Crew RATES MONTHLY NO. 1673 BFOE MEETINGS 2nd and 4th TUESDAYS at 8 at 61 N. MAIN pjn. CRI ORDER OF MOOSE LOYAL day NO. 2031 MEETINGS WED. 8 p.m. 2 PHONE CRI 882-108- LEGION POST 17 MEETINGS 2nd and 4th AMERICAN THURSDAYS. 8 p.m. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 2 and 3 rooms. ' New kitchens and appliances, including electric ranges, automatic gas heat. Air conditioned. Large recreation area. Rates start at $75 per month with all utilities furnished. Rent by day, week, month or year. Linen service available. WESTERN APARTMENT, 515 North Main, Tooele. Ph. 882-006- 2. ATTENTION ' IOOF MEMBERS TOOELE LODGE 47 MEETS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 8 p.m. IOOF HALL, 10 N. MAIN CHARLES B. PAULLIN CRI SECRETARY 882-374- bed-room- s, . 0 DONE - 77 LEONARD , - 7 jl" iiT 11ELP WANTED years experience. Top salary. Top health benefits and vaCRI cation. 882-300- 5 state farm insurance companies II FURNISHED TRAILER HOUSE for rent. Stockton. See Parley Eyre. Phone FOR RENT - 3 room nicely furnished, modem apartment. 35 West 3rd North Apt. 1 $65 li noil duplex. Utilities paid. Couple, Isalxy welcome. 698 North Main. WANTED SITTER wanted at my FURNISHED APT. Suitable for nmne. Phone 6 after middle aged couple. 0 4:30 p.m. 882-041- TrrI Frigidaire Dryer has Durable Press Care DPC. Proper temperature plus emfof cycle cooldown to bring Durable Press items out of the dryer ready wear or put away without ironing. Gentle Flowing Heat. Pampers fabrics, dries them fresh and soft. Setting. For airing and fluffing. fine mesh Dacron lint screen. It's right on the door for easy cleaning. 882-367- -7 NEED A RIDE to Salt Lake Tuesday thru Saturday. Working hours 8 to 5. Call 882-151- 7. P-- WAGON 63 BU1CK SPECIAL 4 door, autopower matic transmission, air condition. Call steering, FOR SALE - 1968 Pont. Tempest stand. V 882-378- 3. MOBILE HOMES NATIONWIDE WARRANTY! i. 180 North 3rd 297-525- 6. FOR RENT - four bedroom home $125. 205 East First South. See Saturday 12 to 4. P-3 BOARD AND ROOM - one or two men or married couple. 160 So. 2nd West. THREE ROOM APT. for rent. Partly furnished. No smokers or drinkers. Call 882-156- 1. P-3- UNFURNISHED one bedroom apt. Frig, and stove, air conditioned, carpet, drapes. $95. 260 North 1st East. Phone CRI 882-459- 7. - -3 884-663- 882-203- 9. C-7- -9 . 882-096- 4. 882-134- 2. 882-414- 5. 882-242- 3. 3 882-242- 3. - 882-357- 2. 882-473- 1. Sick-ne- v. 882-121- 8. 882-428- 3. 882-197- 2. 882-306- 4. Nov. 21 P4) FDR SALE - 2 liedroom home, drapes included at 414 Parkway Ave. or call CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING at your corral. Professional work. You call us - we do the rest. WHOLESALE meat - USDA Choice or Granites Aristocrat. Ilalfs or Whole 51 cents lb. Price includes processing TOOELE ICE AND COLD 884-382- C-t- o 0 882-473- 882-351- 6. cab over camper, heater, sleeps six; 8 ft. high pup, equipped; 8 ft. low pup, floor model, insulated; 10x47 ft. Mars, three WANTED - Junior bowlers every Thursday 882-320- 4. 882-320- 4. 882-999- 882-31- 59 LAND FOR SALE FDR SALE - lot at approx. 771 So. Coleman. Suitable for horses 0 Almost one acre. Ph STORAGE Ph. 882-260- 882-471- CUSTOM KILLING, UNDER STATE INSPECTION CHOICE CRADE A CRAIN FED BEEF, 50 CENTS MUTTON, LAMB, 53 CENTS; PORK, 38 CENTS; PRICES INCLUDE PROCESSING PIIONE 884-383- 7 1 or 882-117- 9. CRI 10 at 4 p.m. Tooele Bowl CLI bedrooms; 10x45 ft. Fleetwood two bedrooms, make offer on down payment and assume contract on this one. 8x25 ft. WANTED Sparton. A nice one; 8x27 ft. Roadliner, needs some work. WANTED - Junior Ixiwlers every Bargain priced. Thursday at 4 p.m. Tooele LARSENS 1090 West 1st No. Bowl 9 or CLI Tooele, P-t- 881-551- 9. 882-112- 9. INVENTORY CLEARANCE ON NEW one bedroom apt. 6(f East CAMPERS AND TRAILERS 1 4th North. Phone or 1714 ft. trailer fully equipped . 31-- 3 and self contained; 15 ft. trailer. Sunset interior; 8 ft. MothersBIG helper a GAS dryer 882-262- 1, 882-389- 4. 882-473- 1952 FORD V-- 8 pickup radio, heater, excellent tires. $245. 5' YEAR by General Motoral 882-005- 0. 882-260- 7. 882-022- 8. Warranty far repair ef any defect Prelection without charge, plus Plan (parti only) lor furniihma replacement lor any dafacthre part of the dnve yitam, conslitinf of drum ihafl, dnim bearing, pultaiya and drive motor Backed Unfurnished. St. sale. 882-014- 4. Q 884-551- 882-103- -3 882-252- 1. MUST SELL - 1956 Vollowagon Radio, heater, sunroof $200. , Dtyar 882-130- 6. -7 TWO ROOM HOUSE for rent. VEHICLES FOR SALE 1958 FORD FOR RENT - 3 room basement apt. Nicely furnished. 3 882-261- Modal DAGN. Snowcrest Whita 882-418- 3. P-to 882-059- 3. BAY Even this budget-price-d - 884-340- MECHANIC WANTED at Bonneville Motors. Must have 10 HANSEN 49 S. 1st. East 25 SEWINC MACHINE repairing -Quiet street, large lot, zoned All makes 2.50 service call infor horses. Available immedicludes oiling and cleaning ately. Can be occupied while APPLF:S FOR SALE - 3.50 and loan is closing. For more inTooele, Stockton, St. John, Melba Drive 374 2.75 lmshel. Crantsville. Used for sale. formation call Dottie Keysar, 31 Ph 8824392. SAGE KENNELS boarding cats, small dogs, 75 cents a day. DONT merely brighten your carHAINES pets . . . Blue Lustre them Larger breeds $1. P-. . eliminate REALTY rapid resoiling. Rent electric slmmpooer $1. 191 North Main Gordon Furniture, 60 South OFFERS PIANO TUNING and regulating Main. Work guaranteed. SO MUCH FOR ONLY $16,900. Nov. 28 ONLY 5 years old. Well cared foil for brick rambler, 3 bedrooms FOR SALE - skis, size 914, miller bindings, double italion finished, extra one partitioned 9. FAUCETS REPAIRED boots $40. Contact David in basement, 214 liaths, coved 2 Birrell. 8824)050. base lineo., range and hood, patio, plenty of cabinets, lazy for cars, INSIDE STORACE susan. Beautiful landscaped FOR SALE - golf clubs and bag and trailers, trucks, campers, vanl. Owner transferred. Beginners set. $20. Contact boats. Inquire O. T. Barms, CHECK ON RENTALS David Birrell, resibusiness phone de nse phone TIME FOR GENEALOCY WORK CRI Remember Xerox copies are FOR SALE - choice red potatoes Frank Grgich, Erda, us serve Let very good. you. 13 ' FREE PICK UP TOOELE OFFICE AND DELIVERY Call 882J394 ' Lawn mowers, precision sharRED WINTER POTATOES "De- 8824556 livered" $3 per hundred. To 8 Evenings pened. All makes. Small engine after 5 p.m. order call G RANTS VI LLE OFFICE repair. Saws, scisaon, knives 114 West Main Street sharpened. CAL FARRING5 Phone TON, 287 Marvista Lane. Full FRI time. . REGISTERED Britainy pups, FOR SALE - home with three old, proven in the rentals. 379 North First West, field in Idaho. Guaranteed to WE REPAIR all makes of stems, Tooele. Inquire 303 Clark radios, black and white or and not Ire gun dry. Ph hunt St., TV's. Fast Guaranteed color 2 Crantsville, before 1:30 p.m. weekdays. Service. Special service to DugSaturday and Sunday anytime. way once each week. AL AND 28 LID FURNITURE & APPLICRI ANCE. HICHLAND UOMEfor sale. Own-o- r FREEZER - Kcnmore 17 cu. ft. will sell for FI I A Like new. $100. chest tvpc. appraised value. Owner will finance SCHWINN bike - built for two ELECTRIC IRON repairing All makes. Steam irons cleaned with small down payment. $50. PH and repaired. ELMERS, 38 C&G Nov. 28 CRI WEST VINE. FOR SALE - lovely large older 1(K),(NK) BTU updraft furnace. Good condition. New motor. GENERAL REMODELING fam-il- y brick home. Completely carP'-fireand Two rooms, basements finished, peted draped. alterations, carports, garages. places; large living room and BARBIE DOLL, 22 complete dinine room, modem built-i- n outfits, 3 wigs, car, ward-roli- e .kitchen. Three bedrooms. Fencase, play house, excel- DRAPERIES READY JHADE or ced in and beautifully land- P-- 3 lent condition. CUSTOM BUILT. All fabrics, scaped yard with a sprinkling modem designs. CORDON system, dog run, 8x10 playhouse. Large furnished baseFURNITURE CO., 60 S. Main OVER 66, (XX) homemakers cant ment rental unit with sepaCRI Ire wrong They use new Host rate utilities and entrance. Ph to clean their carpet without 5 after 5 p.m. HAVE YOUR insurance rates water and walk on immediateRent gone up? Check our low rates. Machine $1. Gordon ly. PEDERSEN INSURANCE NICE two lied room home fn the Furniture Company. AGENCY. Highlands we can sell to a vetCRI eran with no down payment, no closing costs, just move in. STEWINC HENS for sale HUNTERS Accident and Hunt and Long, Ph IIAcL-NoInsurance by day or week. 21 I HAVE a large Rotavator that PUFFER INSURANCE ACEN-Cwill chop weeds, trash, even 191 North Main. Phone MUST SELL three liedrooin com stalks and mix with soil. CRI full Iwsernent, garage, Now is best time to prepare patio, air conditioned. soil for spring planting James TREE TRIMMING and removal, 8 Bevan. 8824X164. P4) Free estimates. Call 8824)527 or o Nov. 3 FDR SALE - nice 3 lied room BITLDINC LOTS home. 21 West Apple, CrantsFAUCETS REPAIRED ville. $11,950. No down payCHOICE BUILDING LOTS -ment to veteran. Hunt and on time 2 and own Buy your 1 or own lot. Janies Bevan, Long Company 882-35- FURNISHED APT for rent. -165 N. Main 8 M 882-022- ' 882-108- 1. 882-356- 1 atch. FOR RENT apts. Cookfacilities. East Vine 364 ing 7 after 5:30 St. Call 2 CRI p.m. 882-116- 8. 882-333- or 882-401- 1 882-047- 5. IRONINGS MUSIC CHAUDOLN CO., 6 220 S. Main, Tooele. Ph 882-343- 0. - 2 CRI HOUSE FOR RENT new kitchen. $88 monj JL. FENDER GUITARS - amps. Salt Lake prices. As low as $8 down and $8 per month. BUY watches, diamonds, old gold or better still - trade them in on new ones. Will trade one silver dollar for 3 Kennedy half dollars. Bateman Jewelry, Your Silver Store, 5 CRI North Main. 884-505- 5. FOR RENT SPECIAL NOTICES WE FOR SALE 882-253- 1. WOMEN WANT WORK See him now! ft. Main Si. 882-232- 1. lcbiree. ml MISCELLANEOUS Woodward bn typo) 10 cants pm word - Rurtorm (dark 50 cmrts pm imeo - Up to mm Mcli (monthly rate) 1 pm lock - Over ana inch (monthly rate). inch Dhplay ode LM ns WUlAM HARHSON REAL ESTATE TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATESi 5 carts pm wood Regular (Nght fan typo) HBBDCQBOQ self. 5. Good common sense helps make a good sport. Select your accordwinter sport carefully ing to your interests, your age and your pocketbook. Take your time in selecting your gear and CO. The Thermometer is Going Down! Warm Up with a Red Hot Want Ad! y1 e- MANTES CHEVROLET 33 -- rule-of-thu- you have soon this ccr lately, or. know whore it Call might bo Iff hWt l,H spmts depends as much on skiing that has overtaken Ameri uut ug oauis miuij ipuai ber muscle, and agility as it ca, but in French it means tha pisor 0,1 sk,1- 1 H 1." i binding, on a pair of skis: I to tackle dtii"& mI pampas 2. Which way does the wind ) Pj" pus blow? Usually square in your proper gear is as imMq us iaqj, a0pi anq 'E961 u! face, whether you're walking, portant as skill -When q J buying skis, remembe UpoQ jnoj skating or skiing. One good way s P face from wind- - these suggestions to protect The cram t length of the ski .vacation-in-thbum and your le'8J u in normal rtit sun tan at the same time, is to UMq moj)r ,0 cream lotion or yur weight should be fron -- Xigap ipeqnj pus I carefully apply he to the wrist when ground before yoq expose your skin to the wind. Play it safe and you'll your arm is raised above your head. If your weight is greater, look your best all winter long. uW be 2 to 3 the ski 3. DON'T SKATE on thin th if inth JOIN THE longer; ywr weight is advice. Ice dealing dates back then the ski should be 2 to to the early days of the Scandi- FREEDOM PLAN navians and Germans, and the 3 inches shorter. Women and be-der lem we and M fPnners . of bone skates j made were wr.., earliest skiera- t0 i 8 sTsavi or wood. Ice skating as a sport BONDS NOS y. ' diorter ski. NEW FREEDOM SHARES didnt exist until the Iron Ag-eabout word Most safety: and wasnt introduced into this ccidents in skiing occur when country until Revolutionary War from ca"not days. Skating then as now was e, offset this, safety lke To a graceful sport, requiring good but to be a sense of rhythm, and ing,were dcfigned, 8 they must be athletic ability. that are proper- - over bindings well are there Today mounted and adjusted. Safety 12,000,000 skaters in the United V Local Man Demonstrates P whom are of States, many expert considerable bu a number How to " Walk on Air figure skaters, and probably the broken legs and other injuries most the skate is popular figure avoided by their use. style skate. If you're buying figure ADDITION to the safety sfotte. (one, dmt haw ditly be sure your sfos binrfing convex blades which permit you s. These areindispens- to turn sharply without lifting cajch-rtrapso that a ski which has been freed from the foot doesnt go N Ska ie pee fee a FREE kerne scooting down the slope by it lim- - Horn. OfficH: goomington, eONDe NEW FREEDOM SMARB Ever-increasi- JT. . " When lake, and stream, freeze over, and city and country alike are carpeted in snow don't hibernate! Bundle up and get outdoors. Be as healthy, tanned and active as you were during the summer, by participating in winter sports. numbers of Americans are heading to the your skates trom the ice) remem- ber that good skating boots fil Arrs the fastest growing , port in the very tightly at the provkk t tha NFL chin(re t0C Wigg1ng reinforcemade in iU records governing of- iatinc. at,n& fee at instep and ankle, and come irfensive backs for the 1967 season? hockey, bob sledding and to- - half sizes with a variety of widths E. Who are the only two playcre bagganing, as well as long walks .re worn oveto hmve won the Cy Young Award Figure "- -""S in LOST AND FOUND FOUND - Pekingese dog Male. 893 S. Coleman. 882-227- 1. P-- 3 PROFESSIONAL mg care. Car- pets and upholstry cleaned in your home. Free Estimates. 882-465- 4. 24 n. POODLE CROOMING Marvin, Toy studs. - Paul 882-212- 31) VACUUM" ELECTROLUX CLEANER Cive yourself a break and enjoy a cleaner home. Designed especially for the busy house wife. Cleaning time cut in half. Sales and Service. (Juries M. Palmer, 35 East Main. 21 Crantsville, Utah LOST - probably May or June, NOTICE HUNTERS lxiys black and red reversible Hunting iu Erda will lx1 l) Jacket. Size 18. REWARD. permit nuly. Limited to three da vs. Signed Property Owneiv p3 882-460- 5. .IMI3 |