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Show TEST RUN, Dugway, Utah, FriM Nov. 3, 1967 Chaplain's Corner Prayer f St. Francis of Assisi Lord. make me an instrument of Your peac. Where there is hatred, let me w 1ve; where there is injury, pardon; where there U doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy; O, Divine Master, much seek grant that 1 may not so console; to as to be consoled, understood, as to understand; to to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned and it is in dving that we are born to eternal life. 1 DEL MONTE mmmwmm. QUALITY GIANT CANS . . .eeaaeiiiiei.& m m. m era. mm m mm mm meevt. m m- v - r'seetmw 46-OUN- CE a i i CAN LlfrOi. Girl 6c Off ... BAKING POWDER fed. Con-li- Pkfl. MUbury Ira 19c PIE CRUST MIX 19c SPAGHETTI Homeejyle or Chicken ' We. i 19 & Cant-Hu- Stems lU-a- 19c nfi t Ohmm. .... V 19' r M 19c ... . ff II " 10c ii tkiifK irpwni in hhm . . . CDAAUETTI 19WOx. Cm 19c lawni Mix m If Great Northern, Pinto, Kidney er led Pkg. r, m 11 MUSHROOMS TOMATO SAUCE sI CHILI BEANS INEAPPLEJCE....2f-19- c Ca- n- RoyaTTreat Pa. 19' KRAFT DINNERS lb. Pia Can -- Del Mont (no. 300 .... Mild American Spaghetti or Mae. . . . 2brl9c LGRAVY MIXES. frto211 tkf x v di bby (POTTED MEAT iHOz. i IP DUBUQUE VIENNAS CE i i ' M r 1 M wwgw Mm - .iBtdMrvVV m I WIIBUrAl 11 W m I I a. I If v111m -- A w w r V.Aftllllll'l x k l 1-- m. m 1 H mW 11 llll lllf ivi m -- 11 w sejateT" A inUICY'lV 111! I -- I fc 1111 - II - r O TaVTJ MS' rv y iV 11 lIf W i it SERGEANT KENNETH L. FARSIO of the CBR troop detachment is shown here amending his enlistment for a period of two years. Colonel Ralph J. Rashid administers the oath. Sergeant Parsio will be leaving Dugway soon to attend the Army Language School for a period of 47 weeks. Franco America. 19' SPAGHETTI r v i ii j n a.i 'in i Miri m if ii r f 3 j BETTY CROCKER COMPLETE MIX. PKG.... cVi-O- Z. f i i i DGD DBUCIfJUG ass ra . U.S.N0.1FIRM U.S. No. 1, BAKING LAQGD UTAH am FRESH WHITE SNOBALL FRENCHES YELLOW DU88GT POTATOES CAKE OHIOH8 S Dibs Dibs. MORS D 1 SPti jIALIST FIFTH CLASS Michael IVT.nnJ the Dugway Proving Ground Certificate of Achievement from Colonel James H. Watts, post commander. Specialist DeCrand was cited for his service while stationed with the Met Team. Army Schedules April Modification Of Officer Efficiency Reports I ,2,7 -- vKrgarTne 53c 1 MUG 10 COFFEE IJ lisxrrr.y ... 19- iioprop I lea, fc lf I teg Mttt DuPont $M I Slyto Ijiper er PDAY i illFQYPAl llunce Cm ,Mnch SANWcIIk HtSS RUBBER AUTOFIMMAT MUTAU WKIEBrTS Annj'a current officer efficiency reporting system will be modified effective April 1 "to permit selection boards and assignment officers to identify more readily and accurately the officer's true performance and value to the service." Changei include elimination of the "Letter Report" and 90 days aa the minimum rated period for field grade officers in the same principle aiaignment. The new form require! specific evaluations not included in the current form. These rating sections are: performance of duty factors; promotion, schooling and aiaignment potential; and overall value to the service. Personnel officials said rating officer! frequently commented on the aspects of performance and potential of an officer but had not previously been required to assign a specific rating as required with the new form. The present form has been in uae aince Sept SO, 196L I (pi .FlEEZE i E3 """"eeeeeeeeBBBBeeeBeeei n Uwllto Outrun ' lBfeO' m m m W mmw " Qsd m i - -- m : |