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Show I Tooele City latter-da- Churches Sunday Mum 7 JO AM.. 8:00 A M., BJ0 A M.. 10:00 A M.. 1100 A.M. and 000 P.M. Conlssaious: STAKE KENNETH C. JOHNSON STAKE PRESIDENT u. Week days Novum, Tuesdays Saturday 7JO 7:00 pm. fc 7-- 8 pm. 6 882-134- Monjfng XVopfcipat )1:00 m. CUtah School si 9JO a.m. Fdlowddp period - 10:30 am Infant ckn available at 0:30 4c 11 a.m. MVF at 8:30 pm. MIA, Monday Primary, Monday Belief Society, Wed. ,r .... Tueaday and Friday Sunday School Sunday Service Sunday Evening MIA, Tuesday am pm 7:30 .... B:45 am Sunday School 11.-0am, Morning Wonhip 6JO pm, Training Union 7JO pm Evening XVondtip Midweek Prayer Service, Wed. 7 pm PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF COD OF AMERICA Meeting Administration Building Hall nt 882-337- 5 am am am pm pm 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 11:00 Worship Service Church lor Jr. Age Evening Service Youth Service, Turn 7JO 7JO .... 1 277-676- I 8:30 Sunday School 9:45 am am Phone 882-264- 1 Tuesday. Bible Study . Friday, Miniriry School. Sunday Public Talk "YJOpm. . . 7M pm 10J0 a,, 882-464- Ik Oath h 8300am Ym form combination for good. Evnry man, woniM nd cMId needs tha influaaca af lha church. Sa, cama lal uo ga info lha haaoa of tha lard, laf us oupport har pragram am am 6:00 nm 10.-0- 1 Wonhip Eve. Wonhip Hour WEDNESDAY!. ' Mid Week Service ..... ST. BARNABAS 1:00 7:00 EPISCOPAL CHURCH Reverend Charles, W. Preble . . 286 North 7th Street Phone or RR2r4444 Holy Eucharist and Sun. School 8J0 of oarvico fa humanity, bo a faithful woah-o- r, a daily bibin raad- - Sacrament meeting Fast fc Testimony MIA, Tuesday Primary, Wedaaaday Relief Society, Tueiley 296-273- 1 EiY.C, Sunday ....... 7JO ron of man, whenever I doubt of life I think of Thee. So wrote George Matheson in his blindness. Whenever you and I doubt either God or man, we would do well to think of Jesus. His cross is a symbol of whatl God is and what we may become. The proud Roman at the foot of the cross said, "This man was the son of God. Jesus was supremely a man of faith. He had great faith in both God and man. We have faith in God largely because we must have Him. We are not sufficient unto ourselves. Do you have faith? Life becomes a radiant thing for people of faith, since they see so much deeper into the secrets of life. The universe opens its heart to eyes of faith; closed doors swing ajar when faithful steps approach; loving spirits smile their welcome to trustworthy souls; latent powers blossom in the presence of fidelity; young children and wise old age give themselves with abandon to those who offer confidence. God waits to share His blessings on men who can be trusted. Of the Pilgrims of yesterday, guided by the Divine, it was said. They were men of faith and very sure of God. Are you sure of God? Priesthood meeting Sunday School Relief Society. Tuaa. MU. Tuaa - am Sunday School. Clean brail 11:00 Morning Worship 8:00 Christ Ambsaadon youth mect- - Priesthood meeting Sunday School . Relief Society, Tues. MU, Tuaa latter-da- Crantsville and Tooele Priesthood TOOELE BEVERAGE CO. ALLENS FOOD TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Johnson 74 East Clark Street 83 North Broadway Compliments of Mr. Tooele, Utah Ml 47 South 1st West Street Tooele, Utah J. C. PENNEY COMPANY GORDON FURNITURE COMPANY Cordon 60 South Main Street Tooele, Utah el 38 South Main Street Tooele, Utah STOKER MOTOR COMPANY DONS BODY AND PAINT SHOP Radiator Repair and Class Installation Office 970 North Main Street Tooele, Utah TOOELE DRUG COMPANY - 215 North Main Street (Next to Alliertsons) 882-356- 8 Street Tooele, Utah 227 North Main Street Tooele, Utah CLYDE GIBSON TIRE SHOP Formerly Red Jones Custom Recapping New and used tires 727 North Main, Tooele, Utah 882-035- ALS DRIVE INN CAFE 17 East Fint North Street Tooele, Utah 494 South Main Street Tooele, Utah. Phone 882-11- &C SERVICE AAA A Emergency Road Service 47 West Main Street Crantsville, Utah, Phone WENDOVER BEST WESTERN MOTEL Free TV Wendover, Utah 1 Phope 605-221- G & H STORE Mr. and Mm. Ray Celdinacher Crantsville, Utah O.K. TIRE STORE Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Steadman 930 North Main Street Tooele, Utah 884-33- BRYANS ARCTIC CIRCLE Mr. SATISFACTION CENTER G. E. Construction Company Caamercial, Industrial, Residential Comtructtap P. O. Box M - Tooele, Utah 3 HILLCREST CAFE 915 North Main Street Tooele, Utah and Mrs. Roy Bryan 196 North Broadway Tooele, Utah re 398 North Main Street Tooele, Utah STATE LINE CAFE Anne Smith Wendover, Utah JAYS MOBILE SERVICE STATION Mr. and Mra. Jay Ilule Crantsville, Utah 1 JO pm. 7JjfS p.m. 4J0 pm. .... 10:30 Bishop Bert Williams 11:30 a.m. 1 JO MU. Idea Primary, Wad. Relief Society, Tuaa TOOELE FIFrll pm. 3:30 pm. 7:30 pm. 4:00 pm. 10:00 am. .... Bishop W. J. Tweede . 9JO am. Sunday School 10 JO i Priarihood meeting 1 JO Sacmment meeting pm. MU, Tues. p.m. i Wed. 4:00 Primary, pm. j Relief Society, Tuaa . . . . 10:00 a.m. i TOOELE SEVENTH r Bishop Ceorge 9 JO a m. Sunday School Priesthood meeting 10J0 1 1 JO pm. : Sacmment meeting MIA, Moo. 7JO pm. ; .1:45 pm. : Primary. Tuaa 10:1X1 a.m. Relief Society, Wed TOOELE EICHTII Bishop Kenneth Richardson 11 JO am. 12 JO pm. Sacmment meeting 3JO pm. Sunday School Prieathood moating MIA. Wed. Primary. Moo. Relief Society. ! XVed. '. 7J0 pi 3:45 pm. . . . 10:00 a.m. XOPEIJ? TENTH BISHOP LLOYD ELDON HANSEN Sunday "School 11:00 a.m." . Priarihood meeting Sacmment Blasting pm. pm. 12J0 pm. 3 JO pm. 7:30 pm. MU, Moo. . . .' Primary, Tuaa 3:4) pm. Relief Society. Tuaa 10:00 am. LAKE VIEW WARD Bishop Charles Lindsay Price Sacmment meeting . . . : 12:00 noon .... a.m. . Prieathood meeting Sunday School 9:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. MU. Tuea Primary, Mon. .... 7J0 pm. pm. 3:10 10J0 am. 83 North Main Street Tooele, Utah CHRISTENSEN & GRIFFITH ALBERTSON FOOD STORE MCFARLAND & HULLINGER 10 JO a.m. PEDERSENS INSURANCE & REALTY 324 North Mata Tooele, Utah - Phone 882-31- 110" South Main Compliments of 7JO pm. 3:30 p.m. BESTWAY BUILDING CENTER TATE MORTUARY Home of Quality Value Can 44 East 1st North Street Tooele, Utah .... Meeting Relief Society. Tuea Crantsville, Utah 1:30 am. 10:00 am. 2:00 pm. 1 Sunday School Priesthood meeting Sacrament Meeting STAKE PRESIDENT FIRST WARD pm. Rons 66 Service 409 North Main Street, Tooele, Utah Phone 882-14- j TOOELE THIRD pm am am pm 7JO pm. 4:00 pm. Saints y Sacrament meeting MU, Tuesday . Primary, Thuta Relief Society. Wed. V. BRACKEN .... 2:00 pm. i SHERMAN A. LIXD1IOLM STAKE PRESIDENT TOOELE SECOND Bishop Charles Lampson 9:00 am. Sunday School Saints Bishop Jack McEachem 130 jecramant meeting 12 JO Fast meeting Priesthood meeting 9JO 11 JO Sunday School 1130 Relief Society, Tuaa. 7JO MIA. Tues. 4 JO Primary, Thun. 9J0 .... NORTH TOOELE STAKE TOOELE STAKE LEE i Church Of Jesus Christ of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y , 11:15 am. J 11:15 a.m. j 8:15 a.m. Primary, Wad. .... Revival BEEHIVE STATE BANK Fine Printing JOHNSONS INSURANCE AGENCY 7th and Dates Streets J. E. Mayfield, Pastor P-- VERNON WARD ' Bishop Raymond Pehnson 7:00 pm. Sacrament meeting 11:30 an. Fast meeting .... .... Rev. Father Thomas A. VanSkee Man, Sunday 1 nm FIRST ASSEMBLY OF COD time service Wednesday: Family night 4dult Bible Study and Prayer, 7 JO Communion Service - First Sunday In the Month in morning wonhip Wo-"- n Missionary Council - Second Monday of month at 7:3a Men's Second Monday of the month at 7:3a Sunday School officer's meeting first Friday of month at 7ja Miafonettes first and third Thunday of each month. Page Sponsored In The Public Interest By The Following Tooele County Businessmen Publishing .... Our lady of the Rosary Catholic Church - Primary. Wad. . . . .... .... . . P- - 8:00 a.m 10 JO a.m. 7 JO P-7:30 pm. 3:45 pm. masting Fast masting . . . 7:30 pm. 4:00 pm 7:30 ..... Sacrament 3J0 pm. 100 pm. MIA, Tubs. ' 3 J5 pm. STOCKTON WARD Bishop Kenneth Thomas 4 JO pm Primary, Moo. Relief Society, Tues. 1100 am Fast fc Testimony 12J0 noon ST. JOHN WARD . Bishop Fay EAhlstrom Sarframant meeting 4JO pm Priesthood meeting 9J0 a.m. 1115 am. Sunday School MIA, Tues. 7JO pm 3JO pm. Primary, Mondsy Relief Society, Mon 10J0 ax-- . Fast fc TasUaumy 12:00 noon WENDOVER WARD Bishop Preston Nuffer Sacrament meeting 100 pm Priesthood meeting 9JO am 10:30 am. Sunday School MIA, Tuaa. 7JO pm. 3J0 pm. Primary. Mon. Relief Society, Tues. 10J0 am ' Fast fc Testimony 11:45 am . 1 . . . MIA, Wed. Primary. Tuesday Bishop Allen W. Jordan Sacrament meeting 6JO pm. Priesthood meeting 9J0 am 10J0 am Sunday School Player Meeting. Wrd. . . . 7JO pm. DUCWAY CHURCH SERVICES PROTESTANT Sunday School 9JO am . 10:45 am Morning Wonhip ingi 7 JO Attend the Church of Your Choice in Tooele County This Sunday TOOELE TRANSCRIPT & TOOELE RULLETIN Sunday School 9:45 am Morning Wonhip Service 11:00 am Service 7JO pm Evening am. 1000 am. Relief Society. Thun. LAKE fOlNTWARD WENDOVER BAPTIST Stanley B. Norman, Pastor - Priesthood meeting Sunday School .... 10J0 am pm 3P-- Bishop Melvin Dunn Sacrament meeting 8:45 Fast meeting am 9J0 am Susrday School 3J0 wabd THIRTEENTH 8JO Priesthood meeting 3.45 pm. Sunday School Relief Society, Thun. MIA. Wad. Primary, Turn. .... pm m- - 9JO am. . Bishop Sacrament meeting Fut meeting Priesthood masting Bishop William B. Johnson 5JO pm. Sacrament moating Priesthood meeting 9JO am. 10J0 nm Sunday School 7JO pm MIA, Mon. 4JO pm Primary, Wed. Relief Society, Tuaa. 10J0 am 12:15 pm. Fast k Testimoo y THIRD WARD, Crantsville Bishop Marian C. Durfee WjNDAY: pm. ward Erickson twelfthCeorge N. SECOND WARD, Crantsville 2. Phene . 430 West 1st North Radio KDYL Bilile Study pm 3:00 Sunday School Relief Society. Wad. MIA. Moo. Primary. Moo. .... CHURCH OF CHRIST TuhlkOnk Bishop Ceorge Sacrament Meeting Fast meeting Priothood meeting .... JEHOVAHS WITNESSES 240 North 2nd Street Janies P. Brunty Presiding Minister ;. eleventh wardC. Elton ... . LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th Street Ac Birch Avenue Rev. Janies L Schwandt, Vancancy Pastor 7136 S. 17 E. Sult Lake City 1 Phone Divine 'Services 7:30 3:45 jn- - ' 4JO pm. Primary, pm Prtnfcry, Tuea 1030 am Relief Society, Wed. 1100 dooh Fast fc Testimony . . DUCWAY FIRST WARD Bishop Lowell A. Griffiths . Sacmment 4:00 pm. meeting Priesthood meeting 9JO am am Sunday School 7:30 pm MIA, Turn 3J0 pm Primary, Mon. Relief Society, Thun.. . . ,1040 am Fast fc Testimony 130 pm. DUCWAY SECOND WARD Bishop James B. Slade Sacrament masting SJ0 pm Priesthood moating 8J0 am School 1145 am Sunday 7 Tues. JO pm MIA, 3J0 pm. Primary, Tiles. 9:45 am Relief Society, Wed. . 12:30 pm. Fast k Testimony ERDA WARD Bishop LeRoy C. Rose 7 JO pm Sacrament meeting Priesthood marring 130 am 10J0 am Sunday School 7JO pm MIA, Tuaa 4JO pm Primary, Wad. S JO Relief Society, Mon. pm . , . .11:45 am Fast k Testimony FIRST WARD, Crantsville Bishop Wayne Anderson 5JO pm Sacrament meeting Priesthood meeting 9JO am 10J0 am Sunday School 7JO pm MIA. Mon. 3:45 pm Primary, Mon. S JO pm Relief Society, Tues. Fast k Testimony , . y'-flam FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 597 South Main Street Rev. John Shugart Phone pm am Bishop Floyd N. Maxwell 6:30 pm. Sacrament meeting 9JO am Priesthood meeting 1030 am Sunday School 7JO pm. BJ0 am. 11:00 4:00 10:30 :00 .... 10J0 am. Simday School Relief Society. Wad. MIA. Mon. '. Wed. CLOVER WARD CHRISTIAN FAITH CHURCH 560 South Main Street Services: SIXTH WARD Bishop LeRoy Skidmore P--Sacrament moating 1 JO pm. Fait meeting 7:45 a.m. Priesthood masting 8J0 pm .... 7:30 pm 3:45 pm. MIA, Tuaa. Primary. Wad. CLARK WARD Bishop Charles Strombcrg 9:00 am Priesthood meeting 11:30 am Sunday School Sacrament meeting 5J0 pm. 1 JO Fast fc Testimony pm METHODIST CHURCH 78 East 1st North 0 Elden F. Nicholson, Minister SB" Hiduip Jirliii Burguvnr 6:311 pm. Sacrament masting 1:00 PFast mealing 5JO pm. Priesthood mealing H:30 am Sunday School Relief Society, Tuaa. . . . . 1OJ0 am. Saints y GRANTSVILLE ST MARCUER1TES o FOURTH WARD Church Of Jesus Christ Of Come worship with us |