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Show TEST RUN, Dugway, Utah, Fri., Nov. 3, 1967 3 SPECIALIST FIFTH CLASS Donald J. Holland receive! the Dugway Proving Ground Certificate of Achievement from the port commander, Colonel James H. Watte. Holland was a member of die Met Team and has completed hit active duty commitment. Military Reservation Air Fares Suspended During Holiday Periods Military reservation fares which allow servicemen on leave to travel on civilian airlines at two thirds the usual fan will not apply during the Christmas and New Tear holidays, Department of Defense officials have learned. A majority of civilian air carriers have advised DOD special rates will not apply during the holiday period because of the high rate of travel Military Reservation Fares will not apply during the following times: 0001 1200 0001 1200 1200 1200 ' Dec. Dee. Dec. Dee. Dec. Dec. 15 through 2400 17 1200 1200 20 24 1200 29 1200 81 2400 Dae. Dee. Dee. Dee. Dae. 16 18 28 25 Jan. 8 80 FURNITURE SpeA of exeats baa and fat fa meat fee your HMPjeyl 1 W3 0 e ALBERTSON'S Grade 'A' r- -- SALAD QUART BOTTLE MM95 J . 0 STEAKS LEAN L- -f e e 10 n SOFT-PL- Y PAPER TOWEIS CHUCK " LJ Id JUMBO ROLLS inii jr. Mo f w (JeSeDeAa lalSp0Ctod DRESSING Early American Couch Only U TOM TURKEYS .89' O TIIDICVC .89' -i UCM i uniit i ntn j srrcxrrr: 39' !d TOP ROUND 59 u 'n GROUND ssw; FRESH ri II wm prm picf KRAFT SLICED CHEESE $19995 NOW tm mi mm, BONELESS Hide-A-B- ed Queen Size Reg. 269.95 I KRAFT NATURAL CHEESE $149'5 Riviera XI TENDER RIB ROASTS CATTLEMAN'S ROASTS Hide-A-B- ed Sp.de. X m Swift'i Praniwsji Tasty Tender weU trimmed Additionally, Defense Department officials have cautioned servicemen that travel by Military Standby Fares during the holiday! will be difficult, since unreserved seats will be extremely limited. PILLSBURY U LAYER VARIETII Naugahyde 2-p- c. 931 Couch and Chair Now 4-p- CRISC0 SHORTENING Bedroom Set c. Special CUT GREEN BEANS s ate DASH DETERGENT CHERRY CHOCOLATES Me new $9995 Zenith Mattress or Box Springs CRACKERS each Only Nylon Carpeting A Wide Selection of Colors I .Special U sq. yd. ADDI Linoleum Now 99 sq. yd. I TOOELE MERC CO. R OfJM Mn. md Fri. nit! 'til 7 MARGARINE SHASTA DRINKS GRAPEFRUIT r--. CANNED AAOIK AJbaftson's Save today Armstrong Vinyl I II $495 sr. I EC ScWetey fi Lbs. $1 fCRISP CALIFORNIA CELERY EXTRA FANCY ONIONS .12 LARGE FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT ,12 .8 PARKAY PILLSBURY MARGARINE 2i. QQ, SNOWFLAKE DINNER ROLLS; :: Pkg For 29' |