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Show Weather, Newa, Send Newt Items Pott Information For Teat Ron to Dial DPG 2141 Information Office J' Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway Utah Published by die Transcript-Bulleti- n Publbhing a private firm. In no Company, Tooele, Utah, way connected with the Department of die MMMM Veterans Day Message Each year the observance of Veterans Day takes on greater significance. The reasons for this increased importance are twofold. In the first place, the ranks of those who have served their country continue to grow in numlier. Secondly, the ideals and principles for which they served are continually expanding in influence and value throughout the free world. The growth in the nuinlter of veterans is not difficult to understand. Many who have served in their younger years have returned to civilian pursuits; younger men have taken their places and they, too, will soon join the large numbers we honor each year. The increase in value and influence of the ideals and principles of freedom which inspire those who have served their country is also easy to grasp. Through their efforts, the number of people throughout the world who are led forward by them is forever growing. To those who have served, we owe a double obligation. We must remember their sacrifices, and we must continue to draw from their example, the courage and inspiration which the future Will demand from us. These things we must do if we are to insure our heritage and freedom. MAJOR GENERAL LELAND C. CAGWIN COMMANDING GENERAL, USATECOM -- Vol. 11 No. 9 by puhHdier and writ- ers herein are their own and are not to be con- sidered an official ezprearion by die Depart- Army. Opinions npwed ment of the Army. The appearance of adver tisements In this publication does not constitute an endorsement by die Deportment of die AMC, Two Certificates, Air Medal DPG Personnel Give to UNICEF Presented At October 31 Parade Colonel Joseph J. Rogers, Major M. Bernice Gill, SFC Elden D. were honored at the monthly retreat parade on Octolter 31. Colonel Rogers, Dugways deputy commanding officer, was presented the Army Commendation Medal with first oak leaf cluster at the parade. The colonel, who has retired from active duty after 31 years of service, received the medal from Colonel James H. Watts. THE CITATION accompanying Colonel Rogers' medal read in in part: "Colonel Rogers accomplished his responsibilities assisting the (lost commander in the direction and management of the free worlds largest Chemical and Biological proving ground and the planning, implementation and evaluation in support of the Department of Defense CB program. with Colonel Rogers accomplished these responsibilities remarkable dedication, responsiveness and efficiency. Through his dynamic leadership, he greatly improved laltor relations, honed to a fine edge the sharpness of the crash rescue operation, solved the vexing problems of air space control and established warm and responsive protocol activities. The citation also noted that Colonel Rogers' exemplary qualities of leadership, unusual understanding of personnel capabilities and broad technical and administrative knowledge have earned him the highest respect and admiration of his superiors and sufomlinates alike. MAJOR CILL of the United States Army Hospital detachment and SFC McKee were IKith awarded U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command Certificates of Achievement by Colonel Watts at the Octolter parade. Major Gill was chief nurse of the Outpatient Clinic at the hospital from June 16, 1965 to Novemlier 1, 1967. During this period, die demonstrated exceptional dedication and devotion to' her duties, according to the citation accompanying her Dugway residents contributed more than $168 to UNICEF through the annual "Trick-or-Trefor UNICEF' drive conducted on Octolier 30. Final figures for contributions are not available, as containers for contributions were also set up in the Imwling alley, the open messes and the Golf Shack. According to Chaplain (LTC) Glenn D. Lauliy, total contributions for this years drive will probably total more than $175.. Last years donations brought afomt $150 to the United Nations organization. More than twenty mepiliers of the junior and senior protes-tayouth groups, as well as some participated as solicitors in Monday night's al nt door-to-do- or Army of the products or services advertised. campaign. RAE McCLURE, chief of MS&DSO, is presented with an award from USATECOM which cited Dugway Proving Grounds outstanding contribution to the Cost Reduction reProgram for the fiscal year 1967. McClure is Dugways Reduction Cost for the Program. Presenting presentative him with the award is Colonel James II. Watts, post com- certi-ficat- The major was also commended for her outstanding performance in the area of outpatient care and clinic management. efforts, the operational Through her diligent and efficiency of the clinic was raised and maintained at a previously mander. unparalleled level. BEFORE COMING to Dugway, Major Gill served two tours of duty in Europe and was assigned to posts in North Carolina, Tennessee, California, Texas, Washington, New Mexico and Hawaii. She has received the Army Commendation Medal and Armed Forces Reserve Medal, in addition to numerous service decorations. Sergeant McKee received his certificate for outstanding A new examination for summer employment with Federal service as technical assistant to the equipment coordinator of - will le agencies - the 1968 Summer Employment Examination Logistical Operations Directorate. Federal a with a agency All this jolt wishing His performance in that assignment was characterized by year. persons given must take the new written test. his outstanding leadership, initiative and an exemplary devotion S. Civil Service CommisThose who have previously 414, U. to duty. It was noted that his technical competence had contriE. Street N.W., Wash1900 sion. old examinabuted competed in the significantly to the effective accomplishment of the mission D.C. 20415. Applicants tion or who have ltecn employ- ington of Dugway Proving Ground. ed by the Government under must be sure to indicate where THE SERGEANT'S meticulous attention to operational and wish to take the written the summer program in past they maintenance requirements was instrumental in establishing standexamination. ards and procedures earning highly complimentary remarks by years must also take the exam. TIIE EXAMINATION is open visitors from forth U. S. Army Materiel Command and USATECOM. to high school graduates or apSergeant McKee came oil active duty with the Army in 1945. During his military career, he served several tours of duty plicants over 18 year, of age. Some of the summer jolts wlucn in Europe and was there during the Berlin Airlift. He also served will lie available require the use with the Military Assistance Advisory Croup in Arabia from June, of a typewriter or other office 1955 to Tune. 1956. A graduate of the NCO Academy, SFC McKees awards machines. Anyone wishing to lie Lieutenant Colonel Raymond considered for one of these jolts L. Farmer will present an uninclude the World War II Victory Medal and the Berlin Airlift must submit a certificate show- classified briefing on the mission, Device. SERGEANT FIRST CLASS BROSIl'S recently received ing proficiency on a machine procedures and services of the after the written test results Defense Documentation Center the Air Medal for meritorious achievement while participating in have lteen received. at 3 p.iit.. Xovemlier 7. at the sustained aerial flight in support of comliat ground forces in the One of the following will ful- Range C.mtrol classroom (S-4087Republic of Vietnam. SFC Brosius was presented the medal by fill the requirement for the cerColonel Watts. tificate: (1) A typist or slcno The citation from Headquarters, U. S. Military Assistance Scientific and technical perexamination taken after January, sonnel have lteen encouraged to Command, Vietnam, stated that SFC Brosius actively participated in 1964: (2) A notice from a typing attend the briefing, which will more than 25 aerial missions over luistile territory in support of or shorthand instructor; (3) A lie of particular interest to proy operations. certificate from a Jolt Corps ject officers, contract manageThe citation also uuted that, doting all of these missions, center or other public or private ment and technical procurement he displayed the highest order of air discipline and acted in acsocial and welfare agenev. cordance with the liest traditions of the service. persomu'l. technical documentaTHE CIVIL Service Com- tion iersDunvl. librarians, scienSFC BROSIl'S was commended for his determination to mission has scheduled four extists and engineers. accomplish his missiim in spite of the hazards inherent in reamination dates as follows: Lieutenant Colonel Farmer peated aerial flights over hostile territory. He distinguished himwill describe the current pro- self by his outstanding professionalism and devotion to dutv. Applications received by The sergeant served as an EOD advisor in Vietnam and is 8, 1967 - examination is cedures which are designed to save scheduled Decemlter 9. 1967: time and money in defense-relate- d now assigned as an assistant EOD supervisor .at Dugway. lie lias Dccem-ltc- r research, development, test received umiierous decorations and medals, including the Bronze applications received by examinascheduled 8. 1967 rials (Republic and evaluation activities. A short Star and the Armed Forces Honor Medal, tion January 13. 1968; applicafilm explaining the lieuefits of of Vietnam). tions received by January 4. 196S DDC services will accompany his I scheduled examination FebruJ The Finance and Accounting Ofpresentation. 1 receivl Hie Defense Documentation ary 10, 1968; applications I fice has announced tliat payI 1 ed by February . 1968 - scheduled Center was created to support checks will he issued to civilian I March 9. 1968. all research, development, test examination 1 1 employees on Thursday, Novem1 or post-- , and evaluation activities. The received Applications I ber 9. The alteration has lieen 1 1. 1968. 1 marked after February centers services include acquiring made because the normal payI ' I will not lie accepted. technical documents, announcing ! I day, Friday, Novemlier 1U, is a mail1 the acquisitions for official use Applications should lie (Veteran's Day). legal holiday ' Ex) ed to Summer Employment through (lie Technical Abstracts 1 No. amination. Announcement Bulletin, and supplying them upon I request to government agencies. Summer Govt Employes Musi Take 1968 Exam - ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, MD. Highlights of the Army Materiel testing course presented at the U. S. Army Test and Evaluation Command headquarters here are discussed by Colonel James R. Chapman, left, director. Nuclear Biological Chemical TestUtah. ing Directorate, USATECOM and course conferees from Dugway Proving Cround, and Andrew T. Attending the course from Dugway are William J. Haslem, center, llercim. DoCUIlieiltalion CdltCr Speaker To Visit Here ). counter-insurgenc- sec-mi- - 1 THREE YOUNG WINNERS of the Dugway Proving Ground Fire Prevention Poster Contest pose here with Mrs. Florence Fuller and Dugway Fire Chief James I. Alcorn. The three young ladies are (left to right) Teresa MacAlee, (third place), Mary Gentry (second place) and Susan James (first place). e. McKee and SFC Arthur B. Brosius Utahn Awarded Bronze Star Sergeant 'Fifth Class Thomas T. Brown of Plain City, Utah, was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star Medal with V Device at the retreat parade on Oc-toli- er 31. Sergeant Brown, a specialist fourth class at the time of his lieen death, had previously awarded the Purple Heart in recognition of his valorous action. On August 7, 1967, Sergeant Brown led his squad in an airmobile assault against the Viet Cong in the Hoc Mon District of South Vietnam. He was killed during the military operation. Sergeant Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tad L. Brown of Plain City, received the medal at the Tuesday parade. RO A Schedules Banquet at Hill The Intermountain Retired Officers Association has scheduled a ladies night social and banquet for Saturday, November 18. The event is open to all members and their guests and will lie held at the Officers' Open Mess, Hill Air Force Base. INSTALLATION commanders in Utah and the governor of the state, Calvin G. Hampton, have lieen invited to attend. The speaker for the evening will lie Brigadier General James II. USA, Ret., the executive of the Retired OfBan-vill- nt ficers Association, from Washing- ton D.C. General Banville is visiting Salt Lake City at the special request of the officers of the association and jt is expected that he will present the charter of affiliation to the local group at that time. The current officers of the group are: LTC STUART L. Callihan. USAF, Ret., Centerville, Utah president. COL Donald I). Bode. USA, Ret., Salt Lake City - 1st and former commanding officer of Dugway Proving Ground. CWP Dunithv E. Green, USA (WAG). Ret.. Salt Iatke City - 2nd COL Nathan H. Maxer. USAF. Ret., Roy, Utah - 3rd -- nt CVVO Wallace W. Bixliy. USA, Ret., Dugway - secretary-treasure- r. The present meinliership ) ros- ter of the local group, in addition to Mr. Bixliy. includes: Rudolph E. Ilegdalil, COL. USA. Ret.; Gerald A. Corwin. LTC, USA. Ret.; John R. Coates. MAJ, USA. Ret.; George E. Breedlove, CWO, USA, Ret.; and Brady M. Earlewine. LTC. USAF. Ret. DUGWAY personnel desiring further information afomt the iMiiquet or details afomt inemfo'r-slii- p may contact Mr. Bixliy in the Personnel and Administration Office or at his quarters. Potential memlien are invited to the event. Y outh Activities Ca rnival - Saturday, N o vember 4 Post Gym 10 A.M.to 10 P.M. - Food, Fun, Prizes -- e, -- |