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Show TEST RUN, Dugway, Utah, Fri., Nov. 3, 1967 SK.ruJiVW6s I mhi ik m SHU ters ww Army Opportunities For More Education YOU that if The future of America is written on school blackboards and in student notelxwks. The quality of thought in our classrooms today will determine the quality of our lives a generation hence, Novemsaid President Lyndon B. Johnson as he proclaimed 1 ber 1967 as National Education Week. Soldiers have several wavs to observe National Education Week through investigating the many opportunities for continuing Their In a story entitled Your education in the Service. Leave Picture in the October 20 EducaThe Armys Central hisueof the tional Development (GED) pn- 621-5, deoutlined in AR froneously sUted gram, ed of 27 pay votes much attention to the Unit- - leave year consis a,,d 7 Armed ed States hat, Forces Institute end 8 (USAF1). USAFI supervises the lHoo. 13, . administration of tests determin- Jan,y some S6 .school for or high ing eligibility Bwemen lJe college equivalency diplomas. schedule, it does not apply USAFI ALSO offers a maxi- Parlme"t .Army mum of 15 courses for academic ? the n8Jlrou1nd-oc- - Dua-credit as well as for year i cupational specialty (MOS) train- - willDugway consist of a total of 26 pay each relist This at is post. ing leave vised periodically to meet the on Sunday. January 8. 1967 and needs expressed bv students. AR 621-- 5 includes guidance will terminate on Sunday, Janufor persons desiring a career in ary 6, 1968. teaching after the completion of rii wwI2S2 savings wrrsows (jfittr. rwmruo) s? Correction cynrDK DDD REGISTER NOW FOR I1!? Ahl P6' TURKEYS their FOR (HE FREE TURKEY TO RE GIVEN AWAY' EVERY DAY. NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY AND YOU NEED NOT RE PRESENT TO WIN. DRAWING WHl RE HEU EACH REGBIB NOW EVENING AT fcOO PJH. PORTABLE e LADYS & MANS WATCH RADIO ' of Albertson's stocks ore and rich in vHol protein, trash cut from the finest groin fed cattle. AH Tosty-Tend- 100 BOWLING LEAN CUBE STEAKS 9 -- 98 TENDER CHUCK STEAKS -- .98 J8 TASTY-TENDE- WELL-TRIMM- ED R : LINES 1 non-prof- Ai Service Cluh ARE TO JOIN IN THE FUN Off OUR ANNIVERSARY. THESE PRIZES RE GIVEN AWAY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1967, 7:00 PJR. or OIDER. MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN. MUST IE vice-chai- r- 1 STEAKS sup-hav- Nov. Highlights PLUS MANY MORE PRIZES REGISTER NOW IN OUR STORE, NO PURCHASE NECESSARY 198 RIB STEAKS NE .59 The quarterly meeting of the Utah Area Small Business and Economic Utilization Council was held last month at Tooele Army Depot's Procurement Office. THE COUNCIL, established during the past year, has as its e purpose the promotion and and basiness e sma Pr economic utilization programs of Department of Defense, o thf mJr objectives 0"e , assure that t,c counc'l sinall business firms and concerns in labor surplus areas receive an equitable share in Federal prime contracts and subcontracts. The council also coordinates its activities with Federal, state, county and municipal governit ments, as well as other In addition, it organizations. strve t0 anl promote the Keneral industrial development of the community. ALL MEMBERS of the coun- cil are appointed hy the military activity which employs them; associate membership is available to personnel working with the Several uimsual and entertain- - government, subject to approval. ; ing events are on the calendar at by the council's executive board. I Chairman of the council is ; the Sandy Acres Service Club for the fust part of November. Harley A. Porter, Tooele Armv ; On the 3rd and 10th of the Depot; F. K. Jarrard from Ogden month, chess matches will lie Air Materiel Area, is held. The matches begin at 7 man; the secretary is Guv Niel--p.and prizes will be awarded sen, DPG Procurement Office in Salt Lake City. to the winners. THREE documentary films about the world of outer space will be shown on November 6 at 8 p.m. The films are First Man on the Moon, Paths to Space and The Satellite that Talks. The winter season is nearly! Art classes are in full swing us and it is time to make.' upon at the cluh. Tony Azzelio is certain that our automobiles and, the instructor. Persons who are are ready for it. Have, interested in attending do not equipment had your car serviced? Do you have to register in advance. you have the necessary emer Children's classes begin at 6 gency equipment? Now is thep.m. and the adult sessions are tjme c.iect your defrosters, scheduled for 7:30 p m. blades, tires, fan belts, wiper feawill lie Pool tournaments chaini and a olher foment to tured every Tuesday during the imre ,ha, i in g(K)d 9 month. All enlisted men are in- - condition and ready for the add- vited to try their skill with the winter'driving. Snow glrain n theY "Y b,gnovT FORGET that bingo tires added gpenj t winter driving, for all EM and their dependents can saveIK1,a ,()t of tiie and is featured every Wednesday misery. night. Prizes are awarded to all NOW THAT you have your the winners. car ready, how alxiut yourself? Wednesday, Novemlier 13, is Are ready mentally? The the date for the screening of a best you and most modem equips feature film. Cap- ment can lie dangerous if you, tain Newman, M.D.. starring the have a poor atti- operator, Dickinson Cregmy Peck Angie tudetanl safe v. Our knowledge, and Eddie Albert w,ll begin at and mr loward are the kev fae- driving practices On Novemlier 17. there w.U ,Q stay aIive inxpite lieasw.mm.ng to.irto the inthxir (he ilwnaised hazards ,rf win- pool in Tooele. Transportation ... will b. provided hy tlw dub. 'll,, ,low ,im( For more information, please con' to and from work and traveling tact the service chili staff. to appointments. We must, at all times, exercise extreme caution to make certain that we are not the victims of our own nr someone else's carlessness. The inherent hazards of driving compound themselves many times Attain this Christmas, for over when snow and ice are on the 11th consecutive year, the road. We must lie prepared the Department of Defense mentally to meet the challenge and the Communications of these increased dangers. Workers of America (CWA) One car rollovers resulting will cooperate in the CWA's from skids on slippery roads Christmas Telephone Call are common in the winter. This is one type of accident where Program. seat lielts have proven to lie highThe procedure this year will follow that started last ly effective. We know your chances of survival are much year with calls, including greater if you stay inside the vethose awarded to families in hicle in a rollover. Be certain the United States, being inthat you and your passengers are itiated oversea and placed strapped in. You might find that on a collect at home basis. seat lielts are a little uncomfortThe CWA will reimburse the able at times, hut you can lie sure families for the charge. that they are better than a 'Since 1057, the CWA has stretcher or a casket. made available a sum of 1 REPEAT again, have your money to the United Serauto made ready for the winter, vices Organizations (USO) but alxive all, remember that it Prothrough its is you, the driver who must lie to be used USO gram by prepared. Clubs stationed outside the The fact that you are here continental United States to today is a just reward for your pay for free telephone calls safe actions yesterday. home at Christmas time by selected service men and 600-2(X- BAR-B-GRI-LL ;7 Utah Business Council Meets degree-completi- PLUS . service. Many colleges and universities offer extension courses at installations. or near Anny-wid- e Other opportunities for adult educatinn in communities around military posts tnav be explored. THE ARMY has a program, in which a student can study for a college or graduate degree on campus, To qualify, the applicant must completed one overseas tour and must lie able to complete a degree program in 12 months. In the case of a graduate degree. one semester or six months is allowed. The student must pay for his own tuition, books, and travel expenses. The Army offers cash in recognition of MOS proficiency. Soldiers, E4 and alxive, with two years service are required to ), take an MOS test annually. AR Enlisted Personnel Manage- ment System, provides that if he passes the test he received 30 per month. Are You Ready? - full-leng- th 51 4$1 ASST. COOKIES FRESH RAISIN BREAD ITALIAN RUM CAKES FRUIT-FILLE- D COFFEE .69'. ES, CAKES 49 ST ORANGE JUICE i?ara'of1Oz k IRON Cypmi Gordon OFTCHARACItRS lAPO o lAH.lt 2 STATiq Florida, Fresh 12-e- x. 8 1 Thooo Budgof-Souer- s PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY THE FRIENDUEST STORE IN TOWN! 227 N. MAIN - TOOELE Pk. 69e ON VOIJK ff Christmas Calls Scheduled Again women. (ANF) I r v !r |