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Show TEST RUN, Dugway, Utah, Fri., Nov. 3, 1967 Your Civil Service Retirement System Thii it the twenty-sixt- h in a series of Question and Answer articles on the Federal Civil Service Retirement System. Questions answered are those most frequently asked about the System. Any other questions you may have will be answered by the Civilian Personnel Division, Employee Services Brandi. Q. HOW IS THE amount of an employees annuity determined? A. . The amount depends primarily upon an employee's length of service and his "high-5-" average salary. These two items are used in a formula which produces basic annuity. The basic annuity obtained by using the formula may then be reduced or for various reasons. Q. How is an employees length of service figured? A. ALL PERIODS of creditable service, except any fin1 which the employee owes a redeporit, are added together. The odd days in the total are dropped and die time (years and months) remaining is the length of service used in the annuity computation formula. For example: Periods of creditable Service Years Sept. 13, 1932, to Nov. 27 9, 1936. Nov. 4, 1937, to Oct. 14 11 12, 1952 Mar. 1, 1955, to Dec. 10 10 31, 1965 0 28 Total 22 36 Length of service is 29 years, 11 months, with 6 days being dropped. Q. Is there any limit to the length of service which may be credited? v A. No. Q. HOW IS AN employees high-5- " average salary figured? A. The high-- 5 average salary is the highest salary obtainable by averaging the rates of basic salary in effect during any five consecutive years of service, with each rate weighted by the time it was in effect. Here is an example of an average salary computation which covers the 1961, to December 31, 1965. Time rate Rate in was in effect Effect Year Month From 1161 to 111161 .0 five-ye- ar period from January 1, 10 111261 to 101362 101462 to 1464 1564 to 11 . . 123165 Total 11 0 . . . "High-- 5 Dugway Girl WHERE PEOPLE WORK More and more, people will be working for big business, in the years ahead. But small and medium-size- d business still take The Theta Chi chapter of 62 per cent of all workers. All Tri Delta sorority at the Unitold, some 5 million business en- versity of Utah recently announcmost ed that Miss Karin Creenhalgh terprises operate in U.S. of diem are small with average has joined their organization. Miss Greenhalgh, a 1967 employment of 13 people. graduate of Dugway High School, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DESALTING PLANTS Wayne J. Greenhalgh, 23 East Water shortage in some 1st Avenue, Dugway. areas of U.S. and in other countries hastens building of desalini-zado- n DOMED CITY In 2067 we will be eating plants. During 1966, 17 plants, with total capacity of synthetic foods, living in domed more than 11,000,000 gallons cities and commuting to work per day were added throughout along computerized traffic lanes. These predictions were made by the world. a group of technology experts, including 180 deans of engineer ing schools. CY FURNITURE and Equipment manufacturers WHILE YOURE orators now turning attention home READING . . . a office away making is . . . this item, someone n home. Expenditures for of The car. a frequency ce furniture will result in a buying 10 million market by 1970 if nationwide car sales is one car seconds, wth continues at only half every one and current rate each year. Joins Sorority - Strike Special! ! (Everybody Welcome) 1.40 Shampoo Sot 50 Haircut 1 2.75 Yaluo 1 n Any Permanent Wave Over 7.95 Now Vl price O Indudinq haircut Good ivory Jay Except Sat. Tooele Beauty College OIL SOURCE First oil output from shale lands due by 197(1 Land mostly located in Colorado expected to yield up to 58,000 barrels of shale oil a day. Military Bus Fares Change Most of the bus lines in the United States have either discontinued their reduced fares policies for military personnel on leave or have curtailed the number of points between which the reduced fares are available. As a result, the reduced fares are NOT available for travel Western Family BRAND. A BUDGET FAVORITE No. 2J4 CANS ovaaa;Dap bgdmddI cvniTC dddad CffiTIFRESH FROZEN ; 1 I pASCOFROZEN CONCENTRATE) those far away loved ones. Complete selection of gift maps, bows, ribbons, etc. HOOD'S .... 4 ft. Mali' Mpv, N POUND UUKE IFKWKJ CAKB Sail .7V 124. sin WUEL Ol PCXITOYO FHAsi HI HUH IN FLUFFY ALL 2-3- AU 70c 83 ! $1.12 BMKZ1 7S VIM TAB UTS GIANT PACKAGE qk( 10'OPP UPE30UY BOTTLE 5t.....4w79c j9c j69c ...Uf .... UQUID ... DOvTuQUID S' OTP MAR3AVn' Vc 2i-- 4c HNSO WAN WuT. Diahwsher 48 ASc 7Sc All tea 3i 44te tBA KEDll IV (OUBiO WN FRIDAY. SATURDAY BAM SUIT WHITGJ BREAD IMF t Swlli UtiLOsOff DOnMtf Shop Hoods selection of Christmas Gifts for FRESH-FROZE- i originating at any print west of the Mississippi River. Milibus tary personnel planning travel on leave or pass in other areas should inquire in advance whether the reduced fare is in effect between their print of origin and their destination. The Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service has asked the carriers to reinstate the reduced bus fares throughout the country. Overseas Mailing Doadline is Nov. 15 ROSEDALE FRENCH IN-- S TOR PAM OCSRMAM cctfoinm CAKE. 4 BA KER Y. APgl PIE |