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Show Bowling Leagues Meet In Weekly Competition TEST RUN, Dugway, Utah, Fri., Nov. 3, 1967 Mustangs Score 3 Times In 2 Minutes In Upset Win The Dugway Mustangs exploded for three touchdowns within three minutes in the fourth quarter to down the Morgan Trojans score Wednesday afby a 20-1-3 ternoon on the losers home field, hi the Mustangs final game. THE MUSTANGS trailing 13-with seven minutes left in the game scored their first touchdown of the game on Stan Surs gallop over his own left tackle. Ted McIntosh added the extra point to make it 13-- 7 Mor0 32-ya- gan. On the ensuing' kickoff Trojan quarterback Hal Rees took the ball on his own IS yard line The Dugway bowling teams are in high gear this season with some fine representation, both individually and teamwise. The mens Monday night mili- tary league spotlights die Re- jects who are practically runfirst with place. They ning away have a record of 15 wins and only The win gave the Mustangs a seasons record of four wins against the same number of losses with two of their wins coming in region five play. Mustangs Drop Game To Park City Miners, 6 7-- Richardson and A pass play from Jeff Plott to Mike a point after touchdown conversion by Blaine Anderson gave the Park City Miners a 6 comeback victory over the Dugway High School Mustangs Thursday, October 19, on the winners home one loss. The team field. The pass, coming on a first ihe down play from the Miners' in yard line, was caught by Richard- - Reese son on his own 45 and he then 21-g- te of ElvSmf Y 1 in third place. Headquarters No. 2, boasting a record of 10-Competition in the men's Wed- Miners threatened again the game when Steve TWO-YEA- Bowling League .. Standing LABOR h"1.0, ' Ejj WARRANTYI 'URoque 241, B. Liles Smith 24lT High series . a -- u, Night Wednesday NOW in. 54bs. - nesday night handicap league first place - Sales Craft: won 17,1 is very close with the Sa' Craft Slaff. won 17 lost 7. - NCE p1 .!! tied for first. They have intercepted a Mustang midfield and got to the identical records of 17-R Wilcox 275-H. . Mustang defensive back Darrell . The Sales Craft team consists got away from two Mustang de- - Dugway 14. After three plays the c Hooiv ge7! Harris intercepted the lateral fenders to go the remaining 55 V Miners got to the 12 but an at- - of John George, Roy Keeling, 185 ott p & and dashed 20 yards for the tying Donnelly Bill Roy. Ray by AnderSOn S1 TOfF Scrateh emPodLfi'ld (mens):! score. MUSTANGS bad scor- - was Yarborough, Eldon Brooks and Wilco Schnuerle Within five plays coach Dick ed with approximately four min- Mustang. were able to Rae McClure. u' Rubens Mustangs had another utes to play in the third quar-rac- k w.Jlii Horfev THEIR OPPONENTS ou the mdy seven first downs up r p score. The Mustang line held ter when defensive halfback Den- - during the contest, three by rush- - Headquarters staff team are Bill .. . , w for three downs on the Trojan ' Snanp-- 1 I nis Lowe intercepted a Miner and four through the air. Stan Black, Wallace Bixby, Glade Yuxx.. j(j 26 yard line and on fourth down and line his on own 1 Bill Wilcox, the Dugway ball carriers Hooley, pass Sur Floyd High game - B. Faux, 223; as bad raced 75 yards for a touchdown, the pass from center th 25 yards in nine attempts. (Poppy) Ott, Rudy Hegdahl, F Rrnnfel and Trojan punter was downed The point after try was no good WBS followed by freshman Ed James Watts and Red Kirk. 183.' jje Schnuerle F averaee on his own 14 yard line by as the kick sailed off to the left Wsde, playing his first game in The team of Bill Roy, Bill Duane Clarke to give the Musts. luMy Nirfit place of the injured Dave Palm- - Wilcox, Fred Schnuerle threatened in the tangs possession. wRb 23 yards in seven car- - Run Larsen leads the league in Swingers; second1 p AFTER DENNIS Lowe lost d when Dennis ries. the mens Friday night scratch third place Monkeys"; p ' two yards on the first play he Lamereaux Drake through to block DUGWAY attempted twenty tournament. Their second-plac- e then rifled a pass to Freshman Park the a Miner punt on . , City with Golden hitting six competitors are Bob Solomon, " Ed Wade in the end zone good 25 and Duane Clark recovered pum, out of 14 attempts and Lowe Walt Cooper, Dave Maxwell and B1Q. hloh Rlak for another six points. On the for the Mustangs. A fourth down completing one of six tries. Wade Glade Hooley. a point after attempt Ted McInpass from Lowe to Mike Donnelly caught four for 41 yards and Switching over to the female Wednesday Morning tosh passed to end Mike Donnelly . was good for 12 yards and 22 for two had of Dugways bowling leagues, side good Donnelly for the score to make the final first down on the Miner with The we have Swingers yards. sec- line but the Mustangs were push- tally 20-1park City was able to gamer ielen Roy. Bobby Atherley, Eve- w! third The Trojans took the kickoff ed back and the Miners took only ejght first downs and a net lyn Kennedy and Betty Hender- PiBt down to the Mustang 15 yard . over. erf 35 yards on the ground while son currently in first place in P , 99 , line before being held for downs . . Following a fumble recovery completing 12 out of 25 passes the womens Tuesday night R . .j and then were able to get the by Dennis Madsen, the Mustangs good for 158 yards. handicap league. Close behind j: im ball for only one more play bethreatened again in the second Clarke, Clyde Rasmussen, John them are the Monkeys", fea- Mixed Lea from fore the game ended as the drove Basillo and Lameraux led the turing Millie Fox, Norma Garrard, quarter when they their own 48 to die Miners 28 Mustang defense, Mustangs racked up three first FrnJLai fiS place - Zumwalt, Schnuerle. downs before relinquishing the but were again held for downs. THE occupy R THE SECOND half kickoff pigskin. the first-plaposition in C. Ritchie, Ritchie, scorThe Trojans opened the was fumbled by Park City with womens Wednesday morning u. 1 M. Minard; third Do share loose defensive linebacker Bal-- j when on the Mark your Hereim Rose with falling ing handicap league Bate, R. Bate, M. Kim Warner intercepted a Dugball for the Mustangs on the lesteros. Tosh Salvador, Vems P for freedom Wilde, J. Wilde. fc, 40 runline own his line. Two on Miners Norma yard Makuakane and arei way pass Hii average - R. Larsen, 185: SIGN UP FOR and dashed 60 yards for the score. the way. ning plays lost five yards and leading S. Zumwalt, 168; High game - S BONDS SAVINGS U.8. minMike to with tallied Golden two from two They again passes NEW FREEDOM SHARES boats Zumwalt 244; F. Schnuerle 237. utes left in the half when quarEd Wade fell incomplete. Minard 598; S. terback Rees went over from the supply most of the meat require- - Hign series. M. The Miners then put mi their Zumwalt 588, of ments Japanese people. Mustang five yard line. only sustained drive of the afterTHE TROJANS were still noon when they picked up four in the running for a berth in the first downs to drive to the Musstate playoffs until Wednesdays tang 30 before Lowe intercepted the pass attempt and raced game, but the defeat dropped to fourth place in the regions fifor the Dugway score. Ted Mcnal standings. Intoshs kick was no good. Sur was the Mustangs leadLate in the third quarter the ing ground gainer with 132 yards Miners drove to the Mustang in 18 carries with Lowe getting ten before the Dugway defensive 42 yards in 12 attempts and John line led by Duane Clarke held McBride 25 yards in 10 rushes, for downs and the losers took line. as the Mustangs d gained 199 over on their own AFTER AN exchange of punts yards on the ground. Lowe completed seven out of the Miners took over on their 11 pass attempts with Wade own 21 yard line and Plott threw catching four for 33 yards, Sur the bomb to Richardson for the 2 for 19 yards and Harris one Park City touchdown. Then An- derson calmly kicked the extra good for 22 yards. defense point for the margin of victory. THE MUSTANGS led by Dugway s leading candidate for honors, Duane Clark, Mickey Alg, linebackers The eggs of the great white John Basillo and Clyde Rasmushereon, native to Europe, are sen held the Trojans to 105 yards 40 per cent larger than those of on the ground and the losers the same species, living in North were able to complete only two NINE YARD GAIN - Mustang quarterback Dennis Lowe is brought down by South America. out of 13 pass attempts good for Summits Jim Bigelew after a nine yard gain by Lowe in die second quarter of the Mustan46 yards. Summit game won by Dugway by a 25 to 0 score last Friday evening. g-South got up to the 20 and lateraled to the halfback Bill Pyane but RS PARTS AND Military League (Mens) Monday - Rejects; RIGHT BEHIND them in p secondplsce is Headquarters No, 79-ya- rd 7-- is composed WtiMpool the Thursday night finally, mi league has the team of gbiriey Zumwalt, Fred Schnuerle, Ann Larsen and Russ Larsen in fjfg place, followed by the quartet of Brent Ritchie, Chris Ritchie, pat Minard and Mike Minard. handy size 7. ' t Id 25-yar- d WHIRLPOOL DETERGENT andJ'' ,, Recommended by the world's leading manufacturer of automatic wushers n Biodegradable . . . decomposes in sanitary systems leaving no excess foam. rd ? ril W 12-ya- rd . ( five-yar- " (AFP Fcatan) The Apollo command module GflffcO, HdE) Qldlb? Gte 03) 030 dscb 9 o 0 (E) (MkD GZhd o(Mb? Ulm-iiiif- GD l (3D OflDnsi rano CTiffinn (to id 2anyn m mally required range. flwft by an electric The U. S. Saturn V moon rocket is powerful enough to end into orbit all the previously launched American AUTO GLASS Qgajffii -- (pen, that will return American confrom the moon tains about 15 miles of wire, more than enough for 50 homes. However, the spacecraft uses only 8,000 watts of electricity the voltage nor- oawaw GEnGEEIUSEB INSTALLED WHILE YOU WAIT INSURANCE CLAIMS IgHEBtBHS' l:iaa(?B OKI W&& 0i MAUD I0TNIV WONT IIAIC mi) ikSSiLiiilb & L!lo 01 lPyivR FrW Mdn AGalvery AUTOOUSSCUT ANDWSTAILB) BRADSHAW pacts auto Makt 50 N. Tooelo Whirlpool Economical . . . to you use less per washer L-TR- Y A BOX TODAY! HAIR DRYER with each Clothes Dryer. Sold J |