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Show Officers Sweep Football League Homecoming Victory for D11S. . . Mustangs Trounce South Summit Wildcats, 25-- in 1st Region Win by SP4 Rewkowski 0, The Dugway officers intraThe Mustang drove for their mural football team has all but The Dugway Higi School they got the ball. John Basilio second wore of the night, going swept the championship of this Mustangs made their homecoin- - returned the &xith Summit punt footlwll season with a record of 66 yards in 13 plays after anoth-ing a victory telehratiim as they 19 yards to the Wildcat 39 and 7 wins and no losses. er fml,le recovery by Donnelly, downed South Summits Wildcats it took the Mustangs only eight Led by quarterbacks Fete Sur led the drive as he picked by a 254) score on the winners' plays to drive for their first and Tom O'Malley, 43 yards in seven carries in- up Harrington home field last Friday night. touchdown. Mudine the touchdown run from have dominated league play they THE MUSTANGS garnered Two runs by halflwck Stan ni nut. Mcintosh's attemnt. 1 .1 r - over their close rivals of Head.1 ! f 1 ST.. v. ii'ii ineir tihim region vicrarv anu intra sur lutve me Mustanis a tint mude a to eive the Itltvked kik nriTi; quarters Company. J HE, win of the season liy scoring in down on the Wildcat 28 and a THE TEAM from Headquarthreat late in the opening Mustangs a 13-- 0 advantage at each of the first two quarters and pass from Dennis Iowe to Tohn scoring ters has compiled a record of when tney recovered - nan ume. quarter wrapping up the game with two McBride was good for 11 more fumble on tne iusiii seven wins and two losses so far, ncnun icm uiimvi and a first down on the losers' more tallies in the. final period. musas me with one game left to play. the thira first iney jng on the but play qiwrter line After holding the Wildcats 17. On the next olav. Lowe hit UuarterlNicks Glenn Haydn r...nl,Wl and Donnelly recovered tanes were unaliie to get tneir following the opening kickoff, the end Mike Donnelly for a score on their own fense going and the Mustang dc-- and Ronald Muncy have done for the Mustangs Mustangs scored the first time but the Mustangs were offside. an outstanding job in bringing fense, led by middle guard Duane 28. Clarke and defensive ends Mickey. Headquarters so close to the top. Haydn does well with his Alg and Phil Lowe, kept the Wildcats tattled ud in their feet also. He nearly kicked a, field goal this season - quite own territory. The Wildcats were a shot in any league. able to cross inidfield once durIn third place is the CBR ing the period and the drive ended on the Mustang 36 with troop detachment team, with a a fumble recovery by Dennis record of five wins and four losses. Their quarterback, DenLainoreauz. THE MUSTANGS got their nis Ward, is probably the leathird touchdown early in the gue's quarterback who runs the fourth quarter following a pass most. He has run several plays interception by John McBride for long touchdowns. . THE MET Team is in fourth on the Wildcat'38. The Mustangs were penalized 15 to their own place with a chance to captur49. On the next play Lowe passing third if they can win their ed to Donnelly for the score, remaining three games. Their Special yd. Bathroom Closet Comb. Donnelly catching the ball on record is three wins, four losses. Less the Wildcat 25 and going in for They face some stiff competition 10 the touchdown. Mcintosh's kick because they play two of those Discount - Cash & was wide to the left of the goal three games against the officers,, 19-Less and have one game slated with 10 posts giving the Mustangs a 0 lead. Headquarters Company. In fifth place is the combiLowe accounted for the final run nation team from the hospital Dugway tally with a Caulking Compound with 3:50 left in the game as the and the MP platoon. They have Mustangs drove 45 yards in six a record of three and seven which plays following a pass intercep- - makes it impossible for them to tion by Donnelly.. Lowe, in ad- - move up any higher in the stand- 1 dition to his touchdown run, also ings, as they have already played Door P scampered for 16 yards to the all ten of their ball games for A Fall clean-u- p 17 Wildcat 22 during the drive. the season. price In last place with a record Mcintosh's kick was again off of one and nine is the team of to the left. Coach Dick Ruben got in Dugway civilians. Lawn Fertilizers! THERE WILL be some ex every one of the 33 players who were suited up for the contest games left to play before citing On All Sherwin- the Mustangs last home game of this intramural season comes to Morgro - 50 Lb. a close. Two teams from Tooele the season. -- 10 Williams All Dis. SUR LED the Mustang ground Army Depot are slated to come gainers' with 91 yards in 16 car- - to Dugway to play the officers ries, followed by Lowe with 32 and CBR. On November 3, the Head- yards in 12 attempts, and McBride with 36 yards in 8 carries. Lowe quarters team will travel to hit on six out of 16 pass attempts TAD to play a game against the including the two touchdown 533rd Ordnance Battalion, On November 9, during half- throws. The Mustangs racked up 13 time at the post football field, first downs while gaining 159 trophies will be awarded to die yards on the ground and 85 in championship team and various the air. The Wildcats were able individuals for their outstanding to get only 96 yards on the jfforts during this football season, ground and completed only 3 out Lawn .. ft. aiul li i the ., ull i2mini two running following . ," lhrew t0 McBride P- -S 9 and the Mus- " ' haHlwck went in for the l" . Ted McIntosh added n: . ive the Mus- As i . Km. lailfiS a 1 v-- CT fj 80-ya- Some Real Bargains to Get Your Home Ready for Winter and the Holidays! wnt?f!L with Linoleum- 429 additional 27,s Carry additional dis. Grapestake Fence 6ft.HigA 29c Tube ft. Weatherstrip ft. for 35' 5 2" others 12-ya-rd Off C"y. Headq.urter. PFC LARRY C. MARABLE, a member of Headquarter, Colonel James H. Watts. PFC from Month of the Soldier Port of the award the crives three-da- y pass. MaraMe also received a $25 U.S. Savings Bond and a USCGTo Open Competition For Academy The United States Coast Guard has announced that the next annual competition for appointment of cadets to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy at New London, Connecticut, will begin soon. Competition starts with the College Entrance Examination Board tests which are administered on December 2, 1967. These t examinations will lie given in over 3000 test centers in the U.S. and overseas. Appointment to the academy is obtained through competitive examination only; there are no congressional appointments or state quotas. The examination for an appointment is open to any unmarried military or civilian male who will have reached his 17th but not his 22nd birthday on July 1, 1068, and who is in good physical condition. curriculum at The four-yethe academy leads to obtaining a Bachelor of Science .degree and the commission of ensign in the U. S. Coast Guard. ar FOUNDERS ALUUtYl NUT OIMUTY DAY VALUES m Paints DONT MISS THESE GREAT VALUES IN Remodel now! Be ready for the Holidays! Come and see our wood OUR SPORTSWEAR DEPARTMENT panels and ceiling tile. Financing arranged to suit your budget. All Stepladders 15 Off Seed 4 ft. and up in height I 63 ( Kentucky Blue Merion Be ft, is fc Farm & Home Supply Broadway Phont 272 No. of 16 passes good for 15 yards against the stingy Mustang defense. Three passes were intercepted by Clyde Rasmussen, who got his fifth interception of the year for the Mustangs. The Mustang offensive line was led by Rasmussen, Chuck Noyes, and Mark Heriein. 882-33- m mm HBrt m mam mm My a EoyEach CENTER day, for 2 days: Friday and Saturday, FABRICsam will toll two used machines in stwing condition for only 99c ach. Other models $4.99 - $9.99 - $14.99 - $24.99 - $29.99. Within ftinehina flBM Mir OUOrantOO of mOTrtV DOCK wani 90 days K lotsotisfitd with purchase or full credit toward tne purcnaseora SINGER sewing machine. Pmamlw pin III luSth nnnniiiiir i Mil mi in I iieswl fllRinrn h - m L J 0MolMI) itlHUIIIIlL Mu CTVI EJU ATE sewing machine dams, mends, embroiders without attachments. SINGER quality at a low price, xig-za- g IMG 15 So. Main m i Hf Malta.. mil tS?7 J m MM OO mm mt rtlHrliHdminrimuin.liwliiM Grand Opening and Anniversary Specials is V Double Check Values i Store Wide Clearance Nov. Regular 1.98 Regular 1.79 Special Special 1.59 1.39 Life Buttons Remnants Vi Prko 2 ."S""1 Regular Regular 69c 391 Special Special Special 1.19 2 yds. M 3 yds. M DoMPkgs. miy No Returns Smotk,d Sports Yarn Bulky Yarn Trimmin9 Spe,tra Ya,B Close-O- ut ' 25 ' r- - Nylon lace Knitting Mohair QnwvAA Worsted Yarn 7" to 24" Yam I0W.B 15' t.35' 1.29 49 Zippers. Inclusive 3-- 11 Regular 1.49 m Reduced to only B Sh 38 From Friday to Saturday, November 3 and 4 mm SPECIALLY PRICED WOMEN'S STRETCH PANTS, PRI NT TOPS Forformals . 882-23- 70 Afliss This 3.. 25 Layavays Easy terms Don't . . skin, off " No Remnants No Allowances No 15 S Main 10 Sale |