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Show a IBB CITBKN, LnWii, Utah SAVE CUfin November 14, INS SAVE SECONI SAVE Iritb Notes 52nd Anniversary Couple - BIS WEEK Mr. and Mrs CLIFTON Wesley Hawkes and Mr. and Mre. Ray Croshaw went to Logan and Brigham last Friday to celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Hawkes 52nd Wedding Anniversary. They enjoyed dinner at a cafe In and returned home in the evening. The occasion was also celebrating Mr. ad Mrs. Crothaws SI Wedding Anniversary and Sirs. Croshawi birthday which was Monday, NovTll. F1EEZEE 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Croshaw and son, Gayland went to Providence last Monday evening and visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Croshaw and family. The Roy Croshaws has a new baby girl, born Oct. IB, which now makes three boys and four girls in the family. ' Mrs. Natolie Mendenhall left on Nov. 3 to go to Elko, Nev. to spend the week with her son, Arlo, and wife who are the proud parents of baby boy, their first Mrs. Mendenhall returned Sunday. T PORTABLE TV SET a CUBIC FOOT WESTINGHOUSE rwFUT FREEZERS Lifetime Paicetaia ateriers, Gaaranteed Waterproof Warranty ol CLAUDIA 5-Y-r. FULLY r. J-Y- FeOtf Spoilage GUARANTEED Oa all parte aad labor, Ahmlahod pletaro tabo; Tula telescoping aatoaaa; Available la charcoal or Over pewter (Utah 15-ia- Wamatj W.T. Westinghoose Upright Freezers Rendlesbach. They returned home late In the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hawkes entertained at a flu course chicken dinner Its Saturday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Croshaw and son, Gaylan, Mr. and Mrs. Claire J. Croshaw and two children. TfciTi Lynn and Randy, of Sal Lake City. The occasion was celebrating two wedding anniversaries and one birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Claire J. Croshaw returned back to Preston where they had spent fee week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lower ana son, Mlcheal. Mrs. Adell Viehweg took her Primary Scout boys to Magaette BafiUa Lock. Shdvea far fast, ovoa Air-Swe- .... W.T. ELECTRIC RANGE - Featartag ST WESTINGHOUSE Preston last Saturday mor- oa All Fear Soifaee Write. 139.00 W.T. Factory To Ton Savings Cnrtis-Halh- is BEFBIGEBATOBS 12 CU. With L FT. WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR Goaraataed Tree Freexer, aad We Meaa TRUE FREEZER. SU. oooooooo r W. sr EnTEDT&iniiEnT SUPERB TV, PLUS HI-F- I POSITION REALLY REG. FOR FRINGE AREAS Lo-ga- s. Alvin Hebdon. Thro theirson, Floyd flrom Pocatello went up and brought them to Pocatello to visit Friday and Saturday with Floyd and KindaU. Thro Floyd brought them back to Downey where they had left their car. They arrived home Sunday evening after a very enjoyable weeks visit Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hebdon had Mr. and Mrs. Ether Spackman from Preston over to dinner Tuesday and to visit enjoyable afternoon was spent playing games and visiting. A dinner was served to Am fifteen women present, and lovely gifts were presented to Mrs. Coburn. The Coburns an moving to Salt Lake City to the near future, where Mr. Coburn has ben enployed tar several years. Mr. and Mrs. Shdl Ray. mood, Bountiful, spent Wednesday and Thursday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Bergeson. Mn. Raymond is a sister of Bln. Bergeson. Beginner. DANCE CLASSES NOV. 15, AT THE FIFTH WARD AMUSEMENT HAIJ. I p.m. INSTRUCTED BY Wayne and ErtinlU Anderson T Ideal For Carrying and Storing Genealogical Becords aad Boohs -- -N- AUGAHIDE POWER CHASSIS - DAYTON Friday of last week the Teachers Quorum, under the supervision of the First Counselor in the Bishopric, Perry C. Phillips, enjoyed a swim at Lava Hot Springs, (hi their return home a chicken simper was served to them in the Cultural Halt MRS. MARY J. JONES to spending the wink end visiting with relatives In Logan. Friday two members of the school board. Chairman Cluff Kendall and Perry C. i, visited the high school in Dayton and the grade school in Clifton. Mr. and Sirs. Orsro Nelson had as a guest in their borne during the week, Sirs. Nelsons daughter, Sirs. Jean Clark of Salt Lake City. The Nelsons attended Sacrament meeting Sunday in Mink Creek. Mr. Nelson bad the honor of confirming roe of their grandsons a member of the church. Monday morning Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nelson drove to Soda Springs to be present at the funeral services of Mrs. Nelsons cousin, Pharis Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Blau and their son, Reid, drove to Salt Lake City Monday afternoon. They were overnight at the home of their er, Kathie, and her husband, Lyman Winger. The accompanied Blaus, Kathie, spent a profitable aa enjoyable day on Tuesday in Genealogical library, Da-lor- I, THE VERY BEST SUPER Lay-Awa- y BECLIUEBS CEnTEn STEREO, AM A FM RADIO. REG. T. If Thto Freeser does not keep year leo Gream Sold WeD Reload Year Pnchaoo Price. over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Vleh-we- g n and Bro. Marlow of their with spent Sunday motherTMM. Adell Virtweg. Also Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Moser of Preston. Thro all enjoyed dinner rod visiting before returning home tat the evening. Mr. rod Mrs, Ed Hebdon left Tuesday for Idaho Falls where they visited Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr. and Mn. HaroId Habdon and family and Mr. and Mrs. Deward Hebdon. Thro they spent and Tinirs-Mr- Teachers Quorum Goes To Lava T B cousin, Wilford Hess, brought her home. He alio visited DayteiBrltfg ning to a special scout demonstration held at the Oneida Stake House. Boys from our ward who attended were: Gaylan Croshaw, Val Dee Westover, Micheal McDermott, Donald Fisher, and Nolan Holler and Keith Olsen and Marlow Smith from Oxford. The boys were served punch and doughnuts, Mrs. Maxine Chotiles of the Ward Primary presidency hel to take the boys to Prestoi RAY CROSHAW of the Oneida Stake High Coucil and Dennis Winward of Dayton who is a returned missionary went to Mink Creek last Sunday night and attended Sacrament services there. They were both speakers at the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fisher and D. N. Jessop attended the annual Farm Bureau meeting in Preston Mwwfay night new officers were elected and other business discussed, refreshments were MR. AND MRS. S. H. Atserved by the Ladies Chair- kinson, accompanied by their man. sister, Emma Phillips, went Friday night the school o San Lake City on Ifeasday, to attend the funeral serpersonnel held their get party. It was an vices of their cousin, . Giro honest to goodness Hawaiian Soden. Mast Dinner was served on Wednesday afternoon Mrs. low taMes with a pillow for tone Schwarty and Mrs. e a chair, food wai eaten with Henderson, gave a stink fingers. After which a pro- Shower in the Scnwarto homo gram was enjoyed and games for Mrs. Donna Coburn. An UN Heat A Big, Big Ovca aad Unda Susand was under the direction of the music teacher, Ha BOLDS 741 Lbs. a IT. - Door Lateh with FOR ONLY SANT, Martin and RaeLene Croshaw went to Soda Springs last Saturday with the Wes Side Ugh Saiool chorus and band to participate In the music concert held there. The played. A good time was had oy all. MR. AND MRS. WILFORD Sorensen of Salt Lake City visited Saturday with his sister, Mrs. Edith Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Welker and children of Salt Lake City alio Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goold visited Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bailey and son, Dean, from Pocatello spent Saturday and Sun-h- ii folks, visiting and Mrs. Charles Bailey. Also Sal were Mr. and Eldon den and Sunday they and Mrs. Glenn Andersen and Girona and John of Smithfleld. Glenn is Mrs. Bailey's brother. Mrs.-- Janet Davis wont to Salt Lake City Wednesday with Mr. rod Mrs. Leland Ashcroft of Hyde Park, Utah. They went down shopping and on business. Miss Adell Viehweg who Is attending school at Provo came home Saturday to spend the week end with her mother, Mrs. Adell Viehweg. Her YIP Cases RUGGED NM9 W.T. Now For Christmas Electric And FURNITURE 0 Perfect For "Barbie" DoBs and Clothes Too! Other Styles Bp To $2195 CACHE VALLEY'S LABGEST VOLUHE APPLUUICE DEALED Phono 852-01- S0 U OFFICE SUPPLIES PHONE 852-015- 5 |