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Show - SB THE CmiEN, Narrator Lewtokn, Utah 14. INS Ftmtf Cmtt lOmlaaMnn Bilds Group Attends Colorado Event ! - ' I? Bahr.PiN'. -- - k ,1 iff -- " ' TV.p a1- riiOMhM Pta. i ONE COUNTER OF .y AT - j ,' -- Ml. PlMlk : - . 2teWU5R;-Vg'IV. ;'l lawk V VhNw 'v; : JTL'',vC1 Mb wwJv p,A CU f ) ' ' , i Hcdoli ggca EKH-A-SEEIC- .r Dox Wink, $L93 k Barbie Embr. Set Dkh 1 Wash Set Flip Fecee Teokk ReD Bank JEDSEY LOUra ALL COLORS e III g3 V , ALL REGULAR Me sw . er ggffl Sl Flip WINCHESTER f&JS FANNER M fLS7 .DICK TRACY gU7 Flop Go S217 AIL REGULAR DJS - 72 UOHiUn ROYAL HIGHNESS YAnnggc Sketa STOOL WIDE - $2.03 Pink, White. Yellow. Greea BYLOn BET . I I 37c Yd. "QUEEN ANNE 57c Box r.f $1.41 SPBAY PI 1FUHE FACE CREAM 9c LADY EST PluTu M Months M OdOdreas - 24 Mentha Tralalag Paata Uaderpaatki Sox Pajamas 4-- FLKX-O-GLA- i MeIheRtMeIgIeSuIEnIe y. PDESTOU LUHB T. IRL, t'l - t vw-f- c NOVEMBER . .,. IJO 61 nerrOl & Sons Jewelers Dell jensra Diamond Beauty! More Diamond Quality! More Diamond Size for your money! and sham City were visitors their father, Chas McGregor and at the home of Mr. and Mr. Reed McGregor in Cleveland. Mrs. Lorin Puter sprat Wednesday visiting in Logan at the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Panter. MR. AND MRS.. Charles Forman of Cleveland enpoy-e-d the company of two members of their family during' the past week. They were their son Keith and daughter Shirley and families. Mr. and Mr Kenneth Skinner of Cleveland visited in Ovid with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Skinner during the week, Thursday Mrs. Grice rie served dinner to a erf neighbor ladles who spent the day at her home NATIONALLY FAMOUS(hiFW DIAMOND RINGS Pina Tax Match Sets CARAT quilt. Wl HAYS THI OINUINI or DIAMONM QUAUTT Matwam $99.50 CARAT or DIAMONDS D U ran carat 0F $14150 DIAMONDS $239.50 OUMIIAT-nVMTCOl-B Bey New ut mengy-aovli- ig pricml YouD enjoy llfertm diamond lunuy . . . youU be proud of this esxileat investment. . Shap Greteh Bib 0alb AD rairk and Pant Sheet or Tod-- s Long Peptta taesers Rompera tori ud up , Beys, 14 Kami while or ygllew goM . ; t MONEY DOWN. TAKE A YEAR . NO Save BAT. AND MONDAY C. 14 'etafamteeb TOP Duster Brown Mi nifll Erais s. Har-gro- JEWEL TOP S. ! 7 Cherry Chocolates l o. CHAIR N Rhr-erda- le 152-01- TOYS 1 OUNCE ef Christ-offerso- EACH HARDWOOD PROTECTION lilf plaiting GAME FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Romper Room STURDY lltsud a "MATTELS" Gnns J FLEX-O-CLAB- .v It MATTELS" GAME mi-Tr- y Beverly w v i.rti.tf ftap Stak The Raft Mystery Games 1 'R 'SHOW USE ggc Phg. . For Each. A W ETCH-A-GBAP- H Boob T-i, rr , (tM .tilli. Doll Snltoaies ! low-co- et J.' $7.77 . Elnsingo lfr Cs "JaRy" Oner SUp fi a"fiT gp L flla f k m, to 333 Magic Wand Dolls Fra With Sticks v: um:i nonnnG boose . Dafli B ' '.M, ;gg33 4 BOLLS DOLL . 1 ay Me AND , Dnhhlo ao iU - "MATEY" to BUGGIES AlBOnr ; ; M 85 - 1. . 2teaeSF! , . - rr BBANDC K!). - M-:- : I g)95 STAI1P mDEn nmcTon ALL l.l i ie' V'J- - o li L" "BUDDY -; .' nOCHEY GAHE . I- AndSono W Vm'A , a v M- MANY OTHER SPECIALS P-'I '' i " OvimMItt ( ! L j : . . .i r. - ir ex-an- a . J 1 ; W.- Battoske ,, y: WeMCkto i , CORNISHMu computed Mr. and Mr Jhek Pearce to Salt Lake Saturday to attend Amaral lerviccs for John Luhbroi of Ora rfleid. Mr. Lambroi reskled ud waa a farmer in Cornish years before he and his 'family moved to u Mr. rad Mrs. Thsons Ken- Thatcher; Ward. dall and Ray Wllker sprat Ann Marie Is farmery from Thursday In Ogden rad Balt Thatcher and the daughter Lake CUy. Mr. and Mrs. Kan of the lete Roma Anderson. d Mrs. Anna Wilds of Presdall In Ogden for eye Mr. Wilker ton visited several days at home, coming at Mesas Coif mirations la Grand Juaction,Calo. and sistar, Mr. and Mr the home of her daughter and Cbarky-Lnrin Snlt family, Mr. and Mr Howard Waiver, son of Mr. a The Guide paMrs, Malvln Wotvar and Iram charlkNe , and DAYTON Hutu.' RosvoU, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clark qwt the past week rad Sindney Tttensor of Lewis- trol bon and their kadar. RoawaU also .of Grace are at the home of tboir wwif ton, Utah1; was a week and Mi Evelyn Wtnward, met both students at Mossa Cal-- and rant, Mr.'end Mr Rldk-ar- d guest at rthe home of his with : other Guide petrols of Gaitett whlle tholr par- - grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, the stake la Saturday ft I M end attended Btasmallim i Mr. , and Mr .Charks Mr , Lula WiUlanu and puter k visited relatives In gnnHg fehul In Mis. Von Young of Thatch Ward Sunday moraine. attended the AAUW study MBS. WILLIAM ANN MARIE Anderson and group in rrestoo, reccmnr held at the Utah Power and Mend from Ugu vistt-- was taken to tho light auditorium. MTs.iWH-liu- byrin Thetcher with Mr. and Hospital ' during flu past week whore she had sniguy proslflent of die group, Mrs. Howard Young and conducted the' meeting. The ' School hi for appontottis. poop k studying People, Cuatomes and Hants of India. fll ... , f iV' rs Mr. imd Merit Wright a ?; of and ClWIIHa j it and Mr. and Mr Kenneth Wright of Loga vis Mr. and lira, Millm ' t hall. Mrs. Kenneth Wright Rollfo Society era uhn CORNISH ' and Mrs. Ifamtenhsll an Work end Bualneoi to Meeting condtion slater ;, waa bold October 2Ml Alice proved. A VISITOR AT THE homo Ann Bingham, HomeiAgrat ' Mr. and Mra. Roes Kendal I of Ida daughter and family, fratbo DLah Powu and Ught rad farfhnt aosi from Ofldra I Mr. and lire. Rabat C gave a. demonstration were visitors at the home of in Thatcher waa bar father. titlaT Ready For Chris- Mr. and Mr Em Kradall tmas. htteresting Chriatmaa the put we end. Joaqdi Stone of ItanUln. Off Winter andfooda were Mr. and MrElwood Ken-- Putting Mr. and Mra. Looto gifts, a non from enaon dlspUyaiL Re-- dell and son John from Ogden suggested XTM&IIMDII WM MfYM Df ud Mr. ud Mra. vtottod. Me . IStinw mothar,. wtigHNmi md the Ra-l- peon ud children from NaDk Stephenson to Thatcher. Mr I Lodcty Pireskkney. were raeati tiie raet Drat wUt mtD to Htth mn-s-s aato you up it midnight to Ogdon with bar aoa and Mr. and Mrs. Dyer Pitehu, weekend at the home of Mir. out thorn raid winter to dim In who were married Salt ud Mr Irvin KendeD. family. draft Fix yourself some Mr Emmett Carvia of Og- Lake City October 9, storm windows out of den recently visited at the honored by many friends and Ttf-FOt- b It's Wnrp'a HbU home of Mrs. Naomi Sanders relatives who caned at "Open I Just cut with shaaia . ; . assy at lease" held November In Thatcher. tack ovar scraena or frames Mrs, You'D bo anuf and warm aB Mr i Gladys WQUami of he home of Mr. end Thatcher recently aatared a larvey Pitcher. Many lovely TRENTON The aok flight winter lone and save up to 40 few daya visiting tolOdvala, gifts were received by thhe of the Top Pilot class with on Aid coats Warp'a eenuina, Mdva Cottle as teacher was cryetal dear Utah with two of her slaten. newly-wedA laata for yaaia at a fraction the held MR. AND MRS. Sunday afternoon. BingMr. Ray Mrs. end S Novrator coat of gtaa Only I7 a aquara GO. and pared ham Weldon McGregor, Mr. and Bingham spent yard at your local hardware or the to proMr Ronald Panter and fami- last Monday in Ogden, They lies were dinner guests at visited Roy Bingham in n gram. the home of a titter, Afton lospital, where he is recover- operation McBride, In Logan. The ocback. They also visited with casion was in honor of Mr Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bingham McGregors birthday anniver-ar- who have moved into a raw ShoHerpreet Bing-uu- n Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Panter tome in Ogden. Grace who had visited family Flexible Monday in Ogden with members in Clearfield and load of grain for the Grain Lon )gden returned home with from Grace. them. A large group from Bann Mr. and Mrs. Miose Only 291 Lin. Ft. nock stake spent Monday In vis-- t a left for Sunday sessions at the Logan Temple with relatives in California, on a special temple day lor oral member Mr. and' Mra. Gilbert Mrs. Lutttia Smith of lingham attended the Stock Cleveland spent a few days in Ogden last Saturday, in Salt Lake City with her Show lira. Charles Eddy and chilsister, Gladys Gray. Her dren from Clearfield accomslater returned to her home with her to spend some time panied them home for several days visit. visiting here. DeOONN PITCHER spent CulWith Shears & Tack On MRS GRACE HARRIS several last week with spent Sunday, Nov. 3 in Lo- Pauline days Rowher in a Pitcher gan at the home of her son City'-- hospital. Pauand family, Mr. and Mrs. Brigham is suffering from injur Norman Harris. A special din- line PHONES CH ies received in an auto acd-ner was in honor of the Harris twins birthday anniversary. Members of the family of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Neil sen who visited them on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Rasmussen of Thatcher, Mr. and Mrs. Roe Bennett of La-gMr. and. Mr LaFaun Johnson of Cleveland, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith NeOsen of Soda Springs. "A. F. SMITH of Pocatello visited relatives and friends in Cleveland during the past More week. week Mrs last of Thursday Bob McGregor of .Logsn and CLEVELAND - GRACE Mr. and Mrs. Loria Hogan and durfhen, Jan and Diana, of Thatcher and Brands Corbett of Once' attended the . BmMurIIIMi . K) PAY. 'SI1 ' U-lf-- il . ' .1. . , r' . jjj jr I: ..'A---..- ' .v f |