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Show iwtasnro f in "Border Meeting Today With Utah Governor Persona from Franklin and Cache counties were scheduled to meet with Governor m aiaas i yysy City to discus; disagreements. Thursday meeting was schednmmr uled after the meeting for Tuesday was can- - And neither side is willing to claim the resoonxlhlllty for canceling the meeting. THE MEETING today was arranged tor Mayor Sherwin Webb of neston, who laid that he had been asked by Gov. Smylie to head the Me ho group. The meeting today will be Change of Meeting Sherwin Webb complished than by a big summit meeting. In such a meeting everyone would be on guard for every word spoken, he added. The mayor also said that he was disturbed by claims celed by Gov. George Clyde made by those who sent the through Sen. Reed Bullen. He telegrams to the two (over d said that the action non, referring to the for R C. Cran-netaken by Gov. Ctyde after grams of Preston. mayor-elec- t talking with Gov. Robert E. They dkmt have the right to Smylie. the groups listed MAYOR WEBB laid that be represent in the telegram, such as the had been working with re- Chamber of Commerce, the cognised grams, officials of farm groups, the merchants the city, county and the state bureau or anyone in that on the matter and that he category. had been in touch with Gov. I REGRET whet has hapSmyUe's office several times. I felt that if representa- pened for apparently we are tives of the Chamber of Com- going In two or three directmerce, the county commis- ions in attempting to solve a sioners, and city admlnlstra- - problem that is already betion could sit down quietly fog solved. We have received bad publicity and critism all with Utah officials over the sent to them the cause incident and ask them towoct to try out solutions with the heeds groups together of state, more could bo ae-- problems of too ana. Mayor O. said this week that he was hot responsible for calling off any meeting. He said that he was Informed that the first summit" meeting was can- tele-sign- y, vs an open meeting. According to Governor Glyae, the reasons given for calling off the first meeting was because the governor of Idaho couldn't attend and that it was going to be a public meeting. According to MayorWebb, the group wanted to havocs quiet meeting with the governor of Utah to discuss the matter and he Unit that the meeting called for Tuesday was gattbg to open and nothing would 1 In between the canceling of the flrst meeting and the tfhfrfiiHwg of toe second, Russell G. Granney, mayor-eleof Preston, sent telegrams to both the governor of ntohft and the governor of Utah rimming that subverhad sive minority grams The mihiih toe of thomeeting was canceling wMniimT for, toe telegram read. It asked for another meeting. HOWEVER, Governor Ctyde sekl in Belt Lake that he had not received a copy of the telegram at toe time the second meeting was scheduled. Mr. Grammy aim said that at the time the flrst meeting was canceled arrangements de tofaold the meeting to as previously of Logan Ifrfllteri. Governor Ctyde, to speak- tog of toe two'meettogi, said that the Idaho delegation wanted "a scent meeting, and I wouldnt permit it. Sotiatnr Bullen said that he would bring a delegation of from Utahns responsible Cache County to toe meeting. IF ITS A misunderstanding, we want to get together and solve it If then are inequities that can be handled legislatively by the two states, we ought to take care of ct v in honor of the Volunteer Lewiston area. Firemen will be held Nov-- Chairman of the banquet ember 23 in the Lewiston this year is Blaine Durrant, Fourth ward Cultural with Clair Jorgenson in Hall. Again a capacity turn-- charge of the program. The out is expected for toe an- - program this year will fea- event. tore the North Cache High Last year some 300 persons School chorus under the dir-tons of sugar tribute to ection of Stratford Loosle. t IQ In Ground About - MnltUMI ground in Cache county, and 15,000 if. it doesn't storm agsin, they will be dug, according to officials of the Amalgam- .sv ated Sugar company.. r.; The Franklin County divi-- ; fi' sion of toe company , reported this week that there were still 9000 tons. of beets left In the ground In that dteL sion. A few of those wwr to the Bancroft Grace ana, but most of them were on the West Side In the RaUfc-llarea in the valley. n "1 Jacees Ready Fireman Dinner 15,000 Tons Beets Still PT THE .CACHE tii-- A. sponsIbTe7or toe torartaSf of Insurance rates in the center of toe City of Lewis-Firton. The Jaycees have taken on the project this year of gat-nuting the community revalued in an effort to lower the rales since it even further area. The department al valley IAHTV r.l vol. n NO. I LEWlSTOUf, UTAH THURSDAY, NJSLSll " J- Itll Connie Bunn and Beth Skid-omore, sang. The combined girls choruses of toe two Richmond wards sang "Blass . This House. Prayers were given by Sn-mar Jessop ana Wayne ,P. Traveller, counselors In the stake presidency. Joseph Day of Cove led the Congregation- el ringing. lei of the wards in the stake, patriarch and former stake pictures of the stake presl- - president H. Ray Pond out- dency, ward bishoprics, and lined the history of toe Ben-family group pictures. A son stake and toe tabernacle. forge copy of toe Book of Both President T. R. Holt Mormon which had been an-- and former president Merle ut . tographed by many of toe Hyer spoke. A double mixed members of toe Benton stake quartet composed of Willard was also placed in the com- - Jessop, Del Bullen, Roland er stow. Anderson, Jerry Bonn, Etoto During the ceremony, Stake Ntoison, Bonnie Ann Miller, Utlly Uuyaa NC Play Neara Production Time The MW acres accounted being constructed of for about six to seven per- - white bride and being trim-ceof the total crop In the mad to a pals turquoise bine. In the comer stone were Cache comity harvest Mr. fenith and toe Frank- - placed pictures of the old lln County divisions reported tabernacle that was toft that the receiving tsations condemned after the recent November 21, 22, and 22 will be tto dates for performances of the North Cache school (day, under the direction of Mrs. Elaine Carlson, speech teacher. The play is " Molly Morgan, based on tin story from the book Pastures of Heaven, written by the wortd reknown author John Steinheartbeck. Tto story la warming and realistic and me that would be enjoyed by everyone. nt ' -- . were operating to excellent earthquake, pictures of the shape and receiving the beets earthquake destruction, hit-i-n tory of the stake and histor-good order. whole affair was to a head with the . of signs in Franklin county fields T'No Hunting by Utah Hunters." Reasons' given by the farmers for the action was tort beet trucks had been stopped while hauling to Lewiston and sot his other reasons. to a life once time oppor- Franklin Ben Johnson, soon end week last tunity comity prosecuting attorney will get his first taste of the when sridtois week that meet. of toe stopping of Moose after about Idaho beet tracks came Ralph Roberto, to toe of hunting flvedays to my attention. I felt that Island brought ana, park there was a bottleneck somehis flrst moose. The where in the situation. which took four toots He said that this was the to finish him, weighed about reason he wanted both govto 800 pounds live weight.. situathe and to ernors meet, HE PLANS TO tan the hide tion be presented on a state administrative basis. THE GOVERNOR of Idaho entered into a reciprocity meat so to doefft know agreement with too Utah Tax what it tastes like. commission, but fixed the Roberts was hunting in tto maximum gross weight of area about halfway to Kil-otrucks at 18,000 pounds. This of Island park. He agreement went Into effect hunting for a couple of days with another group August 1, 1963. According to Johnson, this that was out after deer and agreement is Impractical be- elk, but then went out on cause today steel bads and his own, spotted toe moose dump trucks loaded will about 30 yards from him and his flrst shot went through average 24,000 pounds or JJf more. He said the agreement toe animals nose. The moose hould hive had a 2MOO groes then turned and ran and Ro- berts sbot. again, toil time farmers realized the from about 150 yards. The situation too late, but early enough to protect themselves, therefore they didnt dare bjm," Roberts raid, cross the line. H daanod it out himialf He said the bottleneck in and with toe aid of some tiie movement of the sugar bunfen to the area it was beet crop from franklin nminl ibort 6 quarter of a County to toe sugar company to Lewiston is costing tbs farmers thousands of dollars to time, labor and delay. Long Unas of auger beet trucks have been found at toe beet mm on the Idaho ride of the line because tto beets from fields nearer the Utah line could not be moved Into (Continued on beck page) "'tto ut Conferences Today Cm. ConferParent - Teacher ences will be held at North Cache High School on Thursday .November 14, 1983. This day is especially designated for parents ana teachers to become bettor acquainted and to agree upon a course of action for cooperative effort to help the student. Parents are advised to follow the community visiting Howschedule If possible. ever, if the time specified is Inconvenient, parents may come at a time more eon- ventonL COMMUNITY VISITING HOURS 12:N to 1:M p. m. -CNewbie, Ceehe tarkatas, 1:M to 2:30 p. m. tthfldd. 2: te 1:31 p. m. -see, Hyde Perk. 3:30 , Ren- - to 4:30 p, m. Uigglgsaiy Callgd TgfifMlLakgs Elder David R. Bartow, son of Mr. and LEWISTON Mrs. Granville Bartow of Lewistm, has accepted e " tew cell for the f Gnat' wiMtni. t kT testimonial win: tte bald Sunday, November 17, at 8p. m. in the Lewiston Third WanL Elder Barlow enters too mission borne Doc. 2., . Lewtetse, to 1:31 p. m. -Open far any parent enable to meet toe sehedale 4:30 far their As a means of conserving that time, it is suggested parents make a list of the problems which they would like to discuss with the teachers. Consultation Him may be limited to three or ' four minutes per teacher depending on the number of parents attending. K I f young school teacher expert-encto-g her first Job at teach-to- g In "Ho to the road. He half of lint a time back to fc Island perk, ROBERTS SAID that the moose wee high average to size with some going up to 700 to 800 pounds. His permit was one of 84 given out to the state toil knows year, and as far as he Frank-55fjg 0 wiy one to un coonty to get one. He said 44,14 now ,tht will be in- an Aj?5tter lUfhiailnrt L Lewiston Library Shows Paintings - ttet in toe region. She is very versatile with hfff oils, wa-ter colon, pastels and etch- togs of many different sub- tecta. g During the play, candy will bs soltf with toe proceeds to the Richmond and utetimiwMt South ward building fends. The play will be presented to most of the Preston wards, with toe exception of the Preston ' Eighth and Fourth, will present The Case on a Tuesday night and most of them will be on November 19th. Some 35 characters are involved to the production that It a takeoff on speaking and communications in church positions. The setting la a court room and the characters are trial characters. teacher. . leff ft. A series of LEWISTON AO wicill ,0ft 06 ITIBK . .y of by Cache paintings graipp Valley artbts will bo exhib-Red again tola winter at toe 411114 h 4rouP 4001 004 wan4 lwirion Library. The works of lfrs. iundatrum of Richmond opwi oauy be shown during toe month that the organisation wd- from 2 to 7 p. m. The public of November. uuh hunrn. Mrs. Sundstrum possesses to invited and urged to visit a style unlike any ether er- - tteee exhibits, ALBERT MOSER, petal- - V w' members are: Molly Morgan, Rhonda Glover and Myna Allan; Bill Whiteside. James Kofoed; Willa Whiteside, Joyce How- ell; John The cast EVW1. MT8e dITUI BMBT06 Cheryl Kfonford; Mrs. Gieo Mas Banks, Ctoay Griffin; Banka, toudyn Harris; Pat Humba Geo Mou&en; Mrs srisasa.TKr an gen, Stephen Hendricks, former county commissioner uhm. pur. said that the purpose of too Allen HansenWayne Carl! organisation is to keep good son, Kathryn Gutke, Vickie relations between the. form- - J Ctajjf JnieL Mar- - MS than 50 percent of Hamp, and Ray Pitcher, the revenue of the State aiTBfSLi Bi, conies from out of state poo- of pie and we welcome them to this may. along with student toe state, Mr. Moser said, directors, Marita. . Packer, Maridra Bod- he added, Mrcta However, S '2 all sportsmen consider the Individual rights fanner of the ask for permission or-Lo- ns Fran the start Molly lies about her background and family, saying that tor parents are rich, and that they have always treated her splendidly. This lie leads to more lire, until Molly flnaly tells the truth to Bill Whiteside, a young man who has fallen to love with tor. The school board to Molly understanding after explains her many lies and she Is allowed to remain as a Rehearsals for the North MOLLY MORGAN Cache school play, "Molly Morgan, are going well. Above, Rhonda Glover as Molly Morgan, and James Reload as Bill Whiteside, rehearse a romantic scene to Act H. The pOy is directed by Mrs. Elaine Carlson. It will be speech and drama speech directors of toe two time to many of the MIA wards are to charge. eve-wit- e small valley called Pastures of Heaven. Unspeakables Case Due At MIA Tuesday o this Tuesday toe groups pro-sent The Cue of too Unneakabtos. The production was first presented at the MIA June conference end then was scheduled tor the wards on November 10. Some of the wards will be holding theirs at a later date. In Richmond, toe Richmond and the Richmond South, wards have Joined forces for the play. The Joint production win be held to toe Richmond community building on Tueeday at I p. m. Mrs. Bonnie Ann Miller and Mrs. Eva Godfrey, INI in the beets v lAnother colorful stop to the of the ground construction of the new Ban- holds. eon stake center took place with the traditional Sunday In the area, county according to Del SmHh, dis- - cornerstone laying ceremontrict manager, there are 6,000 lea . acres of beets In the county : Laying the comer stone still In the ground but they wen George and (Rear Aa-should be oid by the end of derson whose father laid the U the weather cornerstone to the old Bon, the week sen Stake tabernacle which 40,11 down to make way Everythtog Is ota ritajj w building. The Mr. fonito now, nicely in the old build- serious. butthe situation is m He said that if another storm comes it may be impossible B-to dig tome of the beets and they will be toft to the hL ground. Another storm would teSTeK Parent - Teacher NOV. 14, sIHllBenson Stake Center Cornerstone Laid gigging la . er ' st Preston Man Gets Mrs. Unite Schneider, teacher of GETS READY Junior English at North Cache High School, readies a file on each of her students to preparation for consultconferences are being with parents. Parent-Teaching held Thursday, November 14, from 12:30 to 5:30 at North Cache High School. . p. m. Proceeds from the banquet will be used to buy equip-ment and uniforms for the Volunteer fire department The department serves the Lewiston, Cornish and Cove . i ' MVlo'issj '.t? constructed Erickson and Amirtte Cooley, and Costumes for the 1021 aatitog when dlroctfam KJL pocted." MR. MOSER also said that it was true tost the border war was discussed at a recent meeting of the , and game association, by Idaho Fish and Game of-but the meeting was not called for that purpose, nor was it ptonned that way. WERE THEY THAT BIG? Ralph Roberts, district forest ranger in Preston, holds a pair of moose antlers wfach were taken from a moose he shot near Island Park. He buds the antlers with arms extended, making them appear a Utile larger than they The Citizen Photo are. pheasant hunting laws, ' The-- - franklin County Flhs and Game association will not, nor has not, be- come Involved In the border war as such. . LiMlianiftt 1 ffHM WOS 1 ftnri-fis- silUlXIh tvte The North Agriculture gywa Vocation-fidal- s, Department Merhanic to .Youag Fam1jtartMtelm' Anyone tatareatodfo these classes toet were unahUte attend on tola nlchtmevMHu tact Dick 0ra H. Mauchto v t |