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Show THE CmZKN, Lwrirtw, Pttfc IB Nweato MB 14, Bowling Scores Pennets ELKS LEAGUE TEAM I W aso ALWAYS FI ROT QUALITY Thnx, FrL, Sai t Only Snowys 9 19 12 IS 14 17 IB Hobbs 15 14 . IWoMrs n ' X3m 12 12 Team, 2413. lnd. Sfan Dons Bakery IS Hansen, M9. Loyal White Satin Sugar 7 1st blah team, FRIDAY MIXED Team, 9870. DOUBLES 9 PJL Vie TEAM Wi I Halford; 2nd, Am Drive-In A A W 90S. 1st 'high, teML RDMTS dbtetoga sdhi Tt CM to Ad U IMF oe to puidpi to Ce Mtoi Kate Gopm. Hii9i to aeimair. lib M to M toa pw ate dil rigm He mt-C- C pw aut--to m ababssf M- te maMm Mir eniM it te apMi.sf Polar Bear lx: Debnoote-pia- 1 1 1 1 Team I .V DEDUCED! .Il'V r lift ; GUI - . FAMOUS 1M Hi ACRYLIC 1st RovenMSff. , : Single - Double bed First Security Bank Cnumeys Salas IW ten W x Dual CMiwL Donllo Bod Stee 9T x M" - REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE! a Rag.JH9J9 The blanket mtlHon happy sleepers, now fluffier, more beautifully machine washable with fap wonnth settings. Nylon' tending. Snap-fi- t eornsrs. iweebdge i cmMM iptee sf (Tin dmtle of lifii i HH MBu H Ssm&Jl nw ta sMI we; hi im niihIw wtete K! .' 9 SStfaSrif tell jS5 S UN it -- - MHMi IB mr pW-- ni tontcMm heUotta. y vi mm m umbhi V I?. oh ram , ,1786. let high. ind. Shames, Vic tiP ( y OH THURSDAY 9:19 MIXED DOUBLES W 14 TEAM WAR Oil, lfa; 3rd, Security Bank, 1741. 1st hiah. lnd. To-- 9 Rid, lint EMPLOYHS A EMPLOYEES Ualir Ikta Ait aN apliwri rtM paHkhala h aaa hr a IMml fSo vtaai " !lr,K " th3vsT ltoU y i nb bri M --STmmI iBWMtw - Mmtri. Sa team, Sguni 1741-2- Ugh yLumber, Ud teh 1 Owt A Weetover, 1828; trd Tanners Mens Wear, 4&; ted, Gordon Amos, 1st high, ind. Betty Nash, 445; Srd, D. A. e iNaih, CunStocks, 485. Lynn Henderson, ningham, 407; 2nd, Joe Hox-uuLADIES WEDNESDAY N1TE Porter. 394; TEAM W 3rd, Loyal Hansen, Grand Tbeatro 30 Roberts, 384. Johnson Drag 28 12 25 14 Snooty Cat FRIDAY 7 PJL 24 Pinson Eelectric 16 MIXED DOUBLES 20 Stans Market 19 TEAM W 29 Sett Ser. Laundry 20 23 telephone 18 Powerettes 21 21 14 Heusser Oil 26 iansen Glass 20 11 Cove Concrete 29 Johns Texaco 20 teckreU Plumbing 8 32 Doney Construction cherry red ptak AH 27 21 21 19 18 American Oil 15 Turners Mans Wear IS iPIcfenni Goofiwmr W IB 19 teckrell Plumbing Lowe BuUders 17 18 19 lowney Lumber rlnsoo Drug SO Preston Aid. Hos. IS 12 Farmers Insurance If 12 toberts A Morgan Don's Bakery 14 Evans A Cunningham 9 iLaBues Bea. Salon U 7 lllbert A Larsen 1st Ugh team, Sgamea, daughan A Weetover 4 Farmers Insurance. 1821; Hams 2 McEntire M NOWMBJS need by over pin - M HIM ' : 09. a5...Dswa OsuM team, Sgames, MONDAY MIXED DOUBLES TEAM W L i Deg. n, I Furniture I 'ELECTRIC BLANKET REDUCED! Nit'l hr He wmlchsIWM. Sutton, jus Irt Mgh,Ind.Sames, Wtt. HaHMSM; sndjteriene bum, 831; SrdRalph Hi Ins Iir ; high Mite ad . 2 nt OaL Pack.' 4tb Ward 'll n; 20 Kim's Texaco U A I Furniture 18 Merrill Jewdry IS 18 American Pood 17 Hanaan A Beneon M Eddyi Bread 9 Snooty Cat 1st high team, SfroMi Kims Texaco, UM; ted, A A W Drive-I1811; 3rd, U. Rovers s I Albert Glttens Team 9 Utah Power 1 It. pechei 1 THURSDAY 7 PJL COMMERCIAL ; TEAM W OP 19GS DILIL i Awe 111 -- 512-An- n fmNibnrs snbf ta a ' -T I "r 11 r iwIMm -, n, 409-Kr- ls la VtoMi aato-ta- r Ito Jtoltaa to aaia Ktafal amtni toMW tizzws: toa Uattai .JftfctaSWama --atotav.a wMUaalto. Qwaal mbU aa tato ana wfcnatoa S itolia. e aUBaatto yavniaailM wttoaat naf at feta tarn af aatan. Ito ta aMtoM u ape t tomar Ouaiarfe atataa. tator, Cwb to tova to.-- F1w.iI I. "i. .a . mM fch ftrilan Dm to itorta ; i.l to Mawly wmia mu tW uU ml all la aaaU Yaw to tan Wail SaithlpatiM pimiaan. m itotto SitoalatolMmkuS I aB. af 1NT mFORCEMENT 1 no. Jury aaa mmmImn.. 511-Fe- rn tto ta it ta mnlatial ill J3S& ttaw, ta tha ta. ttmvHwr iIwm. aal to vin aMto. A Watl amacr nuM to (ir rutfi- 823-It- Ihr af ito am SrtannlnU to toa taHtai a""' -- sggx tzgasw:is Aal that aalr part af ta ft. I . 1st high Cnudsen team, Grand theatre, 2282; 2nd, Johnson Drug, 1963: 3rd, Pin--I son Electric, 1951. 1st Ugh, lnd. Helen Fscknell, 483; ted, Alice Ward, 471; ted, Veta Bailey, 461. WEDNESDAY COMMERCIAL TEAM IBosen Dili Co. I W 28 Pack teather A Fur Idaho Appliance Bills Market at 19 IB 18 18 15 13 13 12 Johnson Drug Valley ImpL Kens Electric Anderson Lumber , 1st high team, Sgames, Knudsen Pack, 2377. 1st high, ind. L 3rant Fames, 571; 2nd,'Bev 10 Bums, UNIONS 489. The UK poee Letters To The Editor v PROFESSIONAL AND SMALL BUSINESS "Ito OM llaMa Ait af INI waalf aha Mm Wail watTta MlvMaab aaf ar 1 ttoaaM to to aoaatitutioaallj luhjwt to Hat Uator tta WlCfe Title II. aay anam arfea pan IkaaM to a Stoto ar ataaMpaWp mbU to iac dipping Contradicts Recent Citizen Editorial wash uviifs pt-MU- iy m The enclosed news item from the Deseret News, Church News section, Nov. 2, 1983, appears contradictory I to the editorial in tee Preston Citizen several weeks ago President which indicated Eisenhower was not friendly I with Ezra Taft Benson. Elder Benson Receives nirihowiir Book A pleasant gift came to the desk of Elder Ezra Taft Benson in a book written by Ipres. Dwight D. Eisenhower, and advance copy of The White House Years Mandate I wan piistSf solids! chooso any I I Hfaee 8, M, L Congratulations Mr. Cranney I take this opportunity mngratulate you ou Section to the office of lor of tee City of Preston, Idaho. , .J I believe teat the deriding factor favoring you aa the peoples choice was your promise of bringing much needed industrial development to this area, end the faith of the people in your ability to bring this about. I remind you however, that the basic strength of the economy of Franklin County la and always will be Its agriculture. 1 also believe teat you could no better serve the citizenry of Preston aiql I Holiday Decoraling Sag! Color-Dic- h s r xm4 Accent Bags! Ulv r savtngsonthe $BJ6 x liveliest accents a room can have! Scatter them boldly theyll bring new color xttwminii to jour rooms! Thick, luxurtoiu voscose latex back! rayon pile In Its f vibrant colon! . . . No-sli- p CIIADGE ,( IT - TODAY commltte favoring the Respectfully, Lester P. Seam. i .a l.unl aaveraa e u toliia nto Thai, tto Act ferlaaa IWnal aaparrbtaa ahaota every profclaa amp haalaan laaryara, raattan, anil ntabllihaMBta, doelon, lantaunuta, paioHna ita-ttathntna, hotoh, motota aad tadalna hoaan. Ito anllnt "nda fountain" wouUl be eovared. nf for Change 195386. On the of tee book dedicated To Mamie, President Eisenhower had written For Ezra Taft Benion: With best wiihez and with appme-iatlo- n for his dedicated work for American Agriculture during my administration. From hisfriead. Dwight D. Eisenhower." (Church Section Nov. 2, 1963) Sincerely, Mrs. Don Barger Star Route. Preston, Idaho fly-le- af I . . Ftiivitw Bibb SUNDAY VISITORS of Mr. SCHOOLS and Mrs. Byron Hall were The hiU can avaa farther, Ihla Act taar, hatweaa IN aal Ml etatetn aew la a aanaled. Zeaeyeae win tan toe hate wNh ttaael preareaie, tor laetoau waalf tow reeahannte. tfator tin pimkieaa af toa Aet, Btetoe Owntotaearr af Haeattaa traaetor af ehlMiaa tone aaa etoeel ( . fin Ih cclll ntol hataam ITto wmtataa af Twetal SStotaaeV h af toan to tta naaeati that tha phraee i Dean-Nelso- h , toVtaaale tafrfeeattaa af tto MU). Uator toe aatheelty piapnil hi m ml flaeaiiaa, tin toUdhar. ta i waalf to aahjHl A miatol i htataito wU fiac af .toll CivU Bfahto Act af UN, wa vtomtoetajmitaMtatomtotaMto ato rMthai taMM m Mary Olson. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Archibald of Soda Springs visited with Mr. , and Mrs. Byron HalL Stephanie EVERYONE n Mr. and Mrs... and Mr. and Mrs. Garry Ban and family of Logan. . Stephanie Harris attended a party at the home of Lorain Keller of Preston Mr. and Mrs. Carl. Peterson and Roland Olson of Salt Lake City meat the week end visiting with their mother, I 'VvJ THE SO GAUEB TOFIEHM CHARGE THE EFFECTS OF THE Harris attended uwe ML mx ew HseiNRNBis wam w ifiEHCr s MHVACIVAUT ws a Halloween party at Jan Greaves in Preston on ween night Thursday evening Hallo- supper i guests of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Han were Mr. and Mrs. the people of Franklin County and Oache Valley than to Archie Lott of Weston. They tee office of May- have returned from Haor and your present position waii. just as chainnan of the Bear River Project, to continue to bring before the people tee benefits of the present Bureau of Reclamation proposal plan 1 for the development of the Bear River. This plan is the only ptea that can tease the primary deferent to a full agricultural development of this area. In praantiaa, deato ta pay neat af aaployam ttottrlna, Act ales waaBl aha I aial Cuailnliaiia new pawen to fetaiap not aalr emtority eyelen af aataa tot ataa entaeyee wlthla the eiaapaap tor which ha weifce. Thti It aa aaaaa tto Aat atom tol aal ultailtol pera to VBA hnpactoia to itaenalae wha thaU to hirel, arenetel. anted or tred, whenever a charm fa aude that iw aador rrllaloua laibrhnri (Vf tmlnntlnn") exlrte. J-- lift mi Beer control over the h Irina, it Cm Bibb BERTHA JENSEN gave the social science lesson in Relief Society Tuesday. Gloria Larsen sang a special number, accompanied by Barbara Hendricks. Mr. and Mn- - IaMont Anglesey and family of Ogden, were dbmer guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norris Preece on Sunday. Mr. and Mm. Ddl Allen warn Mrs. Sarah Geddea accom- and family of Oran week-en- d visitors Ids of parpanied' Jhae Glbeon to Salt Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Alents, Lake City Saturday to visit lan. They attended Sunday with their " Schodltogether. m 'bt t wit m) entnb to ippb to pm 9 m CM Ited M toNV toot CM ttdbttteMMnl mr muia NtortiM aeMM fraa m hi lie arinL H lib ai pa M tep ttb ite jhr C to A A ana Mwef ip tie Ito, U ya eat to pnane Kftr lad toatela ettSbMJr tts ate is toftfe tar, ttw triu to jew Cartel tote it dete eto to natoHae; toaaear ateftetonTtaiai If Si Thi ; it j.' , CONUinEE for, FIIIAUEITAL AIIEIICAI FREEI0Q Ilfi 520 Suit ft: 5i . Ipaaiareta by t ' to Mt vMt 8. 301 Firit WlilAH LCD Hmtecttsr, IE Stud. NI Voshingtocie D.G JEW L SVRHL MmL 1l i ; yi r. Vi V J'l I,,. 7 ft V if jt , ...I .' " . |