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Show CITIZEN. t-- THE , UtohNevenfoer It INS htaUla Idtb Fans Decreaiion Area Plan Possible, Says Local SCS Hon The American fanner io the moot oneeoooftd funner in flit vorid. On reuan io that ho io always ready to capture now markets for hlo products. Ibo door to another now mar kot bu now boon opened to him portiopo the moot hi crafore oI an. Qttjr people who dont have mom to play, hike. swim. or outdoor camp am karate-fatan and an wUUng to THE PUBLICATION potato out the opportunities for income from vacation forma and ranches, picnic sports areas, fishing waters, camping, shooting pnd cottage and recreation cites and the like. It die. cusses tool angles and financing, what to charge, how to advertise, and how to ded with cuotemoro. And it Mis of foe assistance available from foe U. 8. Deportment of it and other public Agriculture "TMa ia ono of the ways wo can atrangthan Band Amort local ca," ' John Bonnard, m Local land SCT ownora and operators can put idle land to woik and tan it info an patlrehr nei in ttoir '(oamirdmlty. It yog app a land owner or operator and want to more, about tkte coming A party LACK) haem, Williams foe Ward at local mpmaantathroa retiring Primary god Oonaoryation Set Norma Taylor, the local ofltoo oi of the U. 8. Depart of Agriculture, for a in copyof MsiBTt Rural Ba autumn colors and supper creation BWtoiyriaoo for was served to presided and fit Mro. Dee L. Andreaoen, this JOat off the Oi r PrioniyClasas Bold Hostings m oTS lo prooo, piwmgmn foe many way you can got mnm I m iwwm wp neao and taka of advantage tin increasing demand for fan in thaan-Th- e toed 80S office located at Preetou, Ida has coplao, Work Unit Con. mnwQ ay Mr. and Biro. mwiwi Mendenhall and honored guests and all Primary workers of Bannock Stake. Ctfts were presented to foe honored guests for their work to foe Primary. County Tax Money Distributed to Funds SixDlessod In Franklin - Biz babies FRANKLIN were given a fathers blessing and name Sunday. They included a daughter of Mr. and Mro. Jerry Hendricks who wao named Pattrida by her father assisted by grandfather Fenton Hendricks and Or. val Durrant, and uncles, and Darvel Durrant; two sons of LL and Min. Jerry Lowe who won named David Alan and Michael Jon aid by foelr grandfather, Cyril Lowe aoatoter by their father; a daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Kant Bmma Val-De- an Anthony Beckstsad who was named Anthony Olsen by bis father assisted by grandbfo. ms. Frank Olsen Beckstsad; and and Mrs. was his father David Wing Hawkeo. New the ward are and Cbm Lee and Mrs. Alan a pad Ltajd bv undm aim Bonce meirtbero of Boma .Joyce Bitters,,Mr. VMtthaad. - The Idaho Farm Bureau Convention will be held In Hotel Bannock at Pocatello with business motingibeln conducted November and 20 with Franklin County people participating. A membere of Dietrict I, two Director! will bo elected, committoc phio women! membere. The Thlont Find and Talk Meat Program wffl be held Monday aveningat - p.m. in foe osmopautan Room. District I winners who wiU ba competing are lfiao Patey Frederick, Preston, with accordion ofa; and Min Doily Hansen, Thatcher, and Mrs. Borden McCurdy, Grace, whs won Witt n vocal duet whUa accompanying on foelr guitars. Two winnera from each Dis trict win compete, and a Dew Toik Colonel Visits In Oxford Area from Denmark. Mro. Van Nesa WaUentino will be the speaker Wednea-day morning at foe Womens Breakfast At 10 a.m. George W. Abbott Attorney at Law, and Natural Resources Spoe- iallxt will apeak named Sunday EHAOfflcon CEJ&VELAND 1 Beautyrest Standard Sizes 79.50 Beautyrest 89.50 up J Super-Size- s Sunday at HIM CHRIITENItN Ussbugy i 4 S Mr. and Blrs. John Layne Willis, boy, Logan. Btr. and Bin. Willis Ed ward Shipley, girl, Logan. Bfr. and Mrs. Thane R. Dodson, boy, Logan. Bfr. and Mrs. William girl, Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hatch Roller, boy, Logan. NOVEMBER II Bfr. and Bfre. Bruce K. Thompson, boy, Logan. Bfr. and Bfre. Thomas John Ram age, girl, Logan. Bfr. and Mrs. Rodney Ghas. Wanner, boy, Logan. Bfr. and Mre. Albert Koch, boy, Logan. FRANKLIN COUNTY HOSPITAL NOVEBfBER 7 Bfr. and Blrs. Duane UMBMjlW Ufa Mr. Susan Mr. Thompson po Ifari Ufa illffMH a dovmhUl The University of Idaho alumni from southeastern Idaho will gather at foe Hotel e Bannock for festivities following the second annual renewal of foe football series with Idaho State University Saturday, Nov. 16. Jim Lyle, University of Idaho Alumni Secretary, urged grads to Join their former classmates for the reunion beginning at 5 p.m. In foe Pioneer Room. post-gam- BUssionuy BntnrasHomn Elder Jerry Ielson, has recently returned home after serving two yean in the North Scottish mission. He will give s report of his missionary work in Sacrament meeting on Sunday, Nov. 17, in the Preston Sixth Ward look by (UnTtKomson $12.95 taikmd io follow every move with aery a beg or At last! A brilliant combi nation of wool and nylon nag I atratch (aspedally wovan to etretch ONLY up and )FUIS aN those distinctive Mr. Thomson touches": permanent creasing; contoured back, front extension waist band, affueb able side button, concealed applets to hold tope In place and exclusive contour shaped zip fly front for a amootfi, sleek Superbly ... Npllno. Afl happily hired in Italian Riviere colorsl Live and play In fit that keeps its shape (and yours) wearing after wearing! Two lengths to fit 54" and under and 55 and over. Colors figure-fabulo- Colors: Beige, Bfbss Green, Charcoal Blue, Black, Gold, Deep Brown. Sizes 6 Through 16 USE THE CONVENIENCE OF YOUR BLOCKS CHARGE ACCOUNT Open Friday 'Till chapeL 8 p. m. 3 Steps To Hake Home Improvements Snccessfnl 1 Analyze problems and decide on facilities needed. for a bid or estimate. J. Walter Rom, mutter in foe dus ton Past Offiee. Member if BommI for Pamphlet ou Bsad-aehto Dr. Store ChrisSo. Main, tensen, SmllfofMd, Utah. University Alumni Schedule Meeting mnBiVffgdf) Street, Prevent Serious sleek, slender is Contract your Local Supplier or Bunding Contractor d., I I for that girl, Preston. es of Pres- tt a year. "s rratoiaa. Arrange your Financing at LEWISTON STATE BANK It has been our experience that home fmpmwmnt tore Jecte have your Lewtoton State Bank rates fa 3 eootty usually xpply dealer foe Caribou . r By Marriages PuUUhon CHIROPRACTOR RIGHT AWAY tore Mrs. Annie Haleb? Bfr, ot Sendee and If H PANTS whoviSci A testimonial wno LAGO TH HATCH of Ogdra, held November 3 at the WU- - vlsltod hla parents Mr. and Ward chapel honoring Hatch on Us Kider Crate Hubbard, son of lira. Thompson home from Portland, way Mr.and Mrs. Wesley Hub- - Oreg. hard Mr. and Bfre. Henry Elder Hubbard has been Hatch visited their aunt Bfre. called to serve an LD6 mis- Elsie BfbCaidey at fteston, sion to Scotland Thursday. Barry Kendall of Ogden SUPPER GUESTS sited on his rai GUSVELAND Supper during file week. guests at foe home of Mr. Earl and Sadie Hatch and and Mrs. Harris Stephensen family of Farmington, Utah, were Mr. and Mrs. Hy Mc- visited Friday night and Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Theone and Bfre. Henry Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Ray BfR. AND MRS. Wendall Wilker and Mr. and Mrs. Mu-r- Nellsra and son of Ogdra visMendenhall. ited Saturday and Sunday, with her brother Bfr. ana Blrs. Cluff Kendall. Bfr. and Blrs. Ernest Olsen attended the Bfaori Concert NOVEMBER 7 at Logan Saturday evening. Paul James Bottino,.22, Lo- - Hrare and Lavoga Hatch and Utah and Ann Plncock, and Bui ton and Mere far),Logan, Utah. children were at the college to meet the buses as they NOVEMBER 8 arrived from Idaho. Bfany of Meres relatives were in 28, the Douglas Dockstader, group. The children return reston, Idaho and Blare Jo ed home with their grandparMorrison, 24, Preston, Idaho. ents. Mere stayed to visit her PnhUoher every Thursday by the Ctttara PubHsldtef Ire., 11 South State SEE YOUR PHONE E-T thday to her ovei mwn- gOM gprly Tupoifay Wayne D. Ben, HEADACHES PRESTON C-- S-T-R-- Fnnntagtoo nSg UQlUss Hcsta IF YOU HAVE EAST ONEIDA In d NOVEBfBER elsewhere in foe Body THIS IS TRUE. Many Obsesses express themselves first as headaches, and if not checked right way present themselves later as serious organic FOSS FURNITURE CO. BE FTT tt CHIROPRACTIC It has been said that Headaches ere wandag signs that there is illness x ratontod hoi frmn foUr trip fa ilontaui and Lewiston, Ida., whraf they visited their dan- BCopday Geo-rog- DR. Were headquarters for Beautyrest made only by Simmons LOOK FIT FEEL FU And kqts. 0oov09 Canned Helmandoilar BARBARA of Ogden vlsltad her parents Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Human- dollar over 8m weekend. Mr. Jay Bakar and grandson and a neighbor vtottad at foe Bakar hrare Sunday and They also visited Mr. Hatch. lira. Henry LADIES: Radiiigfafi Births 1 d. Karl Kendall of Ogden, inSunday on Us farm. vites membere and friends to sprat Mrs. Mari Bakar returned home Bfonday from Aberdeen sbP vWtfd fad flsvsUii-tiric- s vhwp Iritis Mrs. Scoff Pierce utf family for. the put 4 CLIFTON Some changes n were made in foe Ward Is Sacrament meeting last night. Douglas Fisher, second counselor, was released from the Bishopric and Paul Sears as ward dark and Dale Ralph as assistant ward clerk. Sustained in their places were Paul Sears, second conuse'.or, Dale Ralph, clerk, and Lynn Atkinson, assistant clerk, They were released and sustained by Pies Carl Mortensen. Speakers at the meeting were Douglas Fisher, Paul Sears, Dale Ralph, Lynn Atkinson and LOGAN LD8 HOSPITAL Pres. Burton, Pres. Hawkes and High Councilman, Thao NOVEMBER S Bell. Also released by Bro. and Mr. Bln. Jack Sonder, Jack Wood was Mrs. Connie Westover as drama director girl, Logan. and sustained in her place Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fredrickson, girl, Logan. was Mrs. Ruby Ralph. NOVEMBER I Mr. and Blrs. Boyd Bditton, YOUR. HEALTH girl, Logan. OVEMBER 7 AND e Mr. and Blrs. Howard Anderson, boy, Oxford-Cllfto- standard double bed mattress. Yet, for most people. this size to an old fashioned an high button shoes ifn just too small to give them the room they need for proper rest. Super Size Beautyrest to the answer. Hie unique construction of this mattress assures two people of single-be- d comfort in a double bed . . . because the springs are separate, work independently, wont sag. Even the heaviest husband cant disturb his wifes sleep. Let the sardines sleep like sardines. But why dont you visit our bedding department and look at a Super Size Beautyrest. Take your choice of firm or extra firm ... tufted or quilted ... and get the size that fits your needs. week-en- Resources.' President L. B. Martin Sat-withh- Counselor Eight out of ten couples still try to sleep on a d. ilater Helen and husband and the other ndatlvea during week they will lie toUtah Mr. and Mrs. Rex Waldron and family from Samaria, Ida., and Bfr. and Mrs. Melvin Coburn and family of Ogdra visited foelr father Fred Coburn Sunday. 9--U. BEAB CHORUS MINX CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Norman Larson od Sacrament meeting fat Rlvetdale. Featured was the Pacific Southern attending are Bln. Von Ihpy were aa oaceiknt grotty. . and Mrs. Ariel Hack, They wm vary colonel m alternate. Mrs. Merita their nd pfMi and Hick Gilbert and Mrs. C. K. Bai- pants. Tuesday, Mr. T. C. Peterson, AFBF, Director of Program Development division, and C. L. Tyson, lferchandis- tog Manager 'for gunUst Growers will ba convention speakers. The annual ban- wet will be held itadtar i 7 p.m. in the Coomopofiti Room, the address will be Dr. Ivor Btornien, Agricultural Expert Sleeping Like Sardines? Russell Fisher of New York visited his mother Cecil Fitter over the week-enJudy Short of Salt Lake in who is attending ached Logan, was a guest t bar grandmother's home over foe Col. OXFORD Fet meeting fa fof Oerofond Ward Btohop Peon Panter masting. T fate winner wOl be chosen conducted son of Mr. and Mf. Ifara to attend and jurttefaafa foe National COBTWflOfl Wright PW gtyra the mnpn of Gin Lawrence by Richard i, Doe. foe ttrae days, the Garbett winbe dli-- El Red ABdrofsp gras IW- im rattan on foe munifllfir tiiflid as Activity t to the MIA, Jotyle Antyagian ed. Franklin OQUBty Gantt B. Fish. was ouofalnod as or and J. GUfbrd Forsgren, fount director. BrfaaMen-denhal- l, wifo Heey A. Becksteeaand Jane Smlfaarfa Gpr-olFrank 3. GObezt no niter' Skinner wpre rekiued. voting CllfltiBrisfi II Iritis Oxford la aid OttllofaS. Ut LEWISTON. UTAH YOUR BANK IS AS NEAR AS YOUR MAIL BOX WHEN YOU BANK A? LEWISTON STATE BANK |