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Show I 1BE CITIZEN, Lewtotea. (Jtak November 14, INS risnUlR Brltfs Cm Irish Former Classmates Hold Reunion Gathers In Commemoration Oi Birthday Grap and COVE dinner Sunday guests of Mr. and lira. Ivan AUen and family were Mr. and Mri. Marlon Allen of Clearfield. Florence Rich, Dene Kartchner, Jim Rode bush and Mr. and Mrs, Terry Qrlffln of Logan. The occasion waa in commeratkm of the late Mrs. Suaie Allen who would have been 100 years old on the 19th of October, Mr. and Mrs.- Alfred AL of Lewiston sgent Sunday Mrs THURS., FRL, BAT. dancing, with games sion for the L.D.S. Church with games and dancing; in the North British Mission. Prizes were awarded for the He is the grandson of Mrs. most colorful socks and rewere served. Loretta Barnes and the son freshments of Mr. end Mrs. Lyman Es- Sports director Gloria Larsen kelson former Cove residents. and dance directors Joel ani MR. AND MRS. Norman W. Ila Miller were in charn. Preece and Clndl, of Glen- Retold stories were given ny dale, California, and Mr. Orlo Allen and Brice Allen. Fire did minor damage Spencer Preece of Seattle, Wash, spent several days Elijah Allens machine abed. with their parents Mr. and The fire was caused by faulty Mrs. Norris Preece. wiring. The Logan and Lew. The MIA held thir Hallo- Iston fire departments ween Party Tnaaday evening summoned. ir mis- FRANKLIN Former class mates enjoyed evening. and Darlis Noble were the hostesses at the Hawkes home in Franklin. The girls, Ramona Hull of St. Anthony, Camilla d of TVm Falla, RaNae Palmer of Sugar City. Diane Homage of Logan. Thedora Petteroorg and Judy Larsen of Preston and tynn Moser of Whitney, spent a pleasant evening. Refreshments ware served. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Curtis 74 and sons of and Mrs. Jerry Low and family were Sunday dinner coasts of Mr. and Mrs. Lowe anc Superintendent Donald Jay Hobbsand fomily of Shelley were Sunday guests of Julis and Mrs. Leonard assisted in making the third birthday of Linda Smith enjoyable, by mak a trip to Idaho Falls Sat Mr. Hobbs son, William Biggs and Sam- NOV. 19 "Hy Six Loves" Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mather and sons of Smithfield were Sunday guests of Mr. With Debbie Reynolds and MrrMarlow Woodward. Monday evening twelve Feature Starts 7:11 and 9: students of the Sunday school class, taught by Kaye Woodward andSam Alba Junior, MON. AND WED. enjoyed n party at the Ivan H. Woodward home. Games and lunch w as the evening's pleasure. Mr. and Mr. Meri Stokes The FUrst James Band and family of Logan vlsitei friends awl relatives Franklin. Saturday. Feature Starts 7 :H and 9:19 uel R. Handv. Elds Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Kent Van Zimmerman and baby of Salt Lake City day. Linda Is the daughter were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant of their tether and grand-tethe- r Smith. Henry Atkinson. Ada Wright, Vella and Relatives and friends from Franklin attended an open Myrtle Woodward gave vocal trio for the funeral house for Paula Sant Newby of the tiny Allred boys, Tues- at the home of her parents Lewis and Don Sant in Pres day. ton. Paula ta the granddaughLewie Mrs. Mr. end Earl of ter Henry Atkmian. assisted in moving Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Chambers into Mrs. Charlotte Bell, childand three her daughter a ground flow apartment, and. Mrs. WUttam Ro-- n Friday CraatySCDai in Ogden - while Wayne ta ren of Ogden visited of , Whiteman Air with Mr. end Mrs. John wheelto confined still a JLttsxd EUetiia Itateo Base in Knob Nostar, chair. Ha fall some time ago Adamson. Mo., spent Several days with Dennis Ralphs, Von Atkinfrom a scaffold while at her .parents Mr. and Mrs. son, Staatra Hawkes and work, and a series of opera- Party Honoii GrOver Allen. . G. Bernard attends: join tions have been mode. lira. Deceased Man V meetings 0 Division the MR. AND MM. Ivan Allen Lewis spent n couple of days of Sou artvH"tn" state and family attended the reFRANKLIN Saturday the with her daughter. their ty Church at 7:30 p. m., NoAnnouncing ai Po.Districts Cooservatiop hai port of her cousin ( Famlss C. Lowe 17. Hobbs andCUnt visited evening, Meda A.C.W. vember Chatterton Laura Nov. the of week, last IS, p who catello Tuesday Hatch, k social at her home recently returned for a weak in Brigham City. a Utah Gwen Giboon, Nov. 5. 'from a 2tt year mission to organization of Preston Comthe of to honor in Franklin of the Junior Sunday School She was a guest of Mr. and eonservatton soil All the Rare Tongan Mission In munity Church has stated late Wallace Chatterton. took charge, while Kevin Mrs. Orval Chatterton, 1 in southeastern Idaho the islands, y Guests were Mr. and Mrs win serve an old Mr. Chatterand Mrs. Dick they and Atkinson, Denny Wright, were represented of and 5 Melvin under byjui little Randy Shyral Dinner from McKay Dixie woodward toon part ton and son. BEST AMERICAN Mr. and Mrs. Willis viaora from each district at went a major operatkm at the to 8 p. m., In conjunction with In the Senior Sunday School, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilk- Weston, HHn fH Mflg. of Lake Salt Chatterton Ctty, and LJ)A Hospital talAgan the event FILM OF 19621 COVE Young people at with Reed Stockdale conduct- inson Junior and family of Miss Pamela Resolutions were prepared Is redverlng satisfactorily. Cartridge 0 and Al- Salt Lake City were guests dimer are tending colleges the for Warren Tickets Ed ing, Timo Magazine Robinson, for presenta: Mrs. approved Sett Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Neta Allen and son LM . lor adults, and 75c for are David Cornish at convention ba, Sherdia Lowe and Jared of Thelma Doney. state at the tion 1 Mr. Lucille Mrs. Douglas Corbridge, Eskelson, Varr, be pur- College, Lynn Taylor at USU, Lowe took pert and on Mr. and Mrs. Paal Wilkin- Mrs. Mrs. Loretta Banes, and Mr. children,at the may Hoyet Whitehead, Mr. to be13held 18.at Pocatello door. The Roland Rich at BYU, Clinton Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Hen- son Senior, of Grace took and Sirs. chased to Nov. Wallace Chatterand Mrs. Norris Preece, at Kent Rich, Jim dricks of Cove were Sunday Annie Wilkinson for a week. have prepared handtended the testimonial or Elton, Jr., and Airman Bruce Stanton Hawkes presented Larwill which Camma and gift items, , dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson is with her Chatteron, Mr. and Mrs a report of activities of the der Van Eskelson in Ogden made and also home son at USU. Mrs. Jerry Hendricks and daughter Jessie in Cove. Willis Shup of Lewiston, Mr, Franklin Soil Conservation afternoon. Van Is be for sale, Mr. cooked deHcastee. and Mrs Patricia. Gerald and Mrs. Ernest Mylorie, Mr, for the port year at this The Westminister FellowMr. and Mrs. David Wlaf Wright, Estella Wright, Ra-- I and Mri. Ernest Daley, and meeting. Repute were also NOTICES LEGAL 39. right and Randy at- Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Write heard from representatives ship will operate Gw Bingo and family of Salt Lake City man i tended the of each of the other districts meeting of Logan. games, NOTICE OF ELECTION were Sunday guests of Mr. in the Third Sunday ward to witness The Waites showed films of Fish Fond, and promise Gene and Mrs. Hawkes and and assist with the "ming a recant trip to Hawaii. , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVBUT NOT MUCH variety of and of Jan Christ EN THAT on the 2nd day oi family. Sunday a christening din- off, blessing son of Mr. and Mrs. ner The public is invited to par- December, 1963, at the Cleve was for Fairview Girl the given Alan Vaterlaus. land Church House, an Elecof Mr. Mrs. and ticipate In this evening of tion Anthony win be held to elect two Holds Party TORG BY RHYME ketand of Loan, at the At MIA Tuesday, conductgood food and fellowship. ed by Sondra Hobbs, Warren Commissioners. One from home Of Mr. and (2) E. Miner Mri. Dr. of Topic Michelle Wil FAIRVIEW Lloyd Royinson and Marsha Perry son had a birthday Bruner's Nov. 17 message Subdistrict Noo. 1No.and In Beckotead Whitney. on party Friwere the and Subdistrict 3, program will be Lost Men and Wo- from Guests were Mr. and Mrs. noma. tter at ( day evening Woodward led the Those as Oommlsslonen Frank Oban- - and the An- Myrtle rn," using as his test Luke were: JoAnn present Cleveland Cemetery storing, accompanied 15:11-3His Sermonette tiby Hall, Barham Gilbert, Phyllii Bocksteod family, Diane Bennett Maintenance District for th thony THURS., FRL, ONLY Mr. ana Mrs. Willis Chat-irto- Franklin tle, "Hm." Jensen, Stephan! Harria, Mar-tonTOBO PORTER and Polls shall 5 four NOV. girl years. and fomily of Salt to the late Dr. Nlel Rawlings, Cathlyn Raw-ing- i, During the afternoon, mem- be open from one oclock to Bine, Lae dinwere MariKathleen Church Hall and City Family bers of the Sunday DOUBLE BILL that orthadonista oclock in the afternoon. ner guests reported of lleda C. Lowe. from will motor to SpringviUe, com- lyn Rawlings. Games wen near states were Burton R. Rulon itl Mr. and Mrs. Darrell ing in to assist with Dr. played, lunch waa served and Utah, where former Preston Cleveland the gifts were opened. Woodward and family of Po- Bins Intern Pastor A. Donald until the Maintenance KbsiDuuxa 1mt Mmqoiin catello were overnight guests cancy patients Coleman will be ordained and can filled. be moDa8ilvaiiDAWDA galled as Paster of the No. 61- 5- Published Nov. 14, of Ivan Woodward and Lanm The Theology leaaou for MBA11 Communi- - 21, and 28, 1963. before driving on to the Salt the Relief 8octoty wet Sprlngvllle-Payao-n nmM nuw pcimv City airport to meet ducted by Fern Porter. of Mr. and Delbert Mrs. Woodwards sister VaL Dunkley, nutated by Martin has completed a misVaterlaus. Yelena has Ruth Paridnson, Rebecca lust com a mission to Packer, Fern Porter, Mil- sion in the CaUfarnte Mis-H- e With the Three Steeges returned home tost faiglawil dred Ollveraon and Leah Mrs. Dale Marler and three Lowe, gave tee leaaou. Lota week. He reputed in n Testimonial held to visited Atkinson directed the sing- in the CornSunday evening ay with Ear 1 tar Esther inf, accompanied at 7:30 PJL, ther,. Isnbell Bradford Ann Durrant Aifooda Hawk- - ish churchhouse November 10. Beyi flamptea of was In charge of the eix Mb., spent mess OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST, AND NOW WEVE hie parents, Mr. and Oxford Briefs was given by SAT., SUN., MON. Mrs. Larin Hampton, NOV. Looassisted Chatterton, by THIS BIG MORE THEM FOR CUT Pres- enjoyed a vacation of ts Owen and Mildred OUver- - tonMr. Alton Fisher visited his Mr. inf and fishing. Mon- and Mrs. A.L. LarreT Hobbs and BUSIER DOOM NMWXS St PBE-CHMSTHIrt children spent Thursday In Temple geeeien waa a mu kumh ms im Amu pnarTm Mr. Mrs. and by. Douglas Albrecht Berta and Mrs. Loretta visiting with Diek Via Dyke ftCMNUnLNMMMKIUMI Meda C. Lowe, ier mother-in-laof Poca-ellSTARTING Mr. Mrs. Marvin visited Mri. Lavona WATCH YOUR HEAD . . . YOU MIGHT BUMP IT ON OUR LOW, LOW, Elders presidency, Robert Mr. and Mrs. LesterNeeley, NOVEMBER 15 Atkin- - latch and nt the home family laworth, Larrel Hobbs, Lyle BUT IT MEANS EXTRA SAVINGS TO YOU. OVERHEAD Monday. Nash and Ronald Womack Steven Hatch, who la at- - WILL SHOW SAT., SUN., Briefs they were snccess-ettln- g endtog school taOgden.vis- the potatoes MON., THURS., AND COVE PriThe parenta Mr. and Mr. dug with the assistance of FRL, ONLY the mary Class met Sunday af- Thompson Hatch over many others. They are inter- ternoon Lego, Utah week-enin the chapel and reested in selling them for ceived their honors and Inmissionary project structions .for tee comlnj Phyllis Klngsford had Parents were speda year. quilting party at her home Teacher Barbara Question DeEsta Porter. Quitters them presented lelga Hampton, Gretta with their compasses and Erma Woodard, the years work. Replained Can Pontiacs possibly Retta Lowe, Porter, freshments wen Co- rlene Hampton and Velds Pitots are Klrt served. Alton, )lsen were served refresh getting better Hendricks ments by the hostess follow- Egan, JanCornish. better and better? President Margaret ing quitting. Lorraine Taylor and Bishop Joyce Woodward of Paul, Clayton Larsen were present da., and Robert Womack Wednesday afternoon the Adjustable cheese bin ti end butter keeper held their honor Barley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Wo- masting and received their mack and family. Sunday, wings from teacher, Velta JetCoid Shelf ad Robert and Lynn Mae Egan. The oyce, INI Meat Chest parents Woodward were rthmw were special guests and pinguests of Mr. and Mrs.- Ce- ned the wings on each culd. Answer di Woodward and Norma. In turn the children told had Velda Womack spent the learned thing they Refreshments weekend in Salt Lake City as in Primary. e guest of Mr. and Mrs. ire served. Top Pitots are Hoard Moss and Richard. Nlel Alton, Russell Durrant, Principal LaReen Lowe and Terry Eskelson, Trene Egan, he Franklin teachers wan Terry Eskelson, Tkena hosts to the Mink Greek Jill Alton, Douglas Dana Andorra and - Community Church Sets Dinner For Bazaar vialt-Saturd- ay Lor-Hawke- s Beck-stee- "Dr. IIoif . 1 . Cocunnnily - Theatre pot-hic- Cove Students dto-tric- ts faih-Turke- Mend Colleges . la-di- m Some Souse Dart-Throwin- g GRAND Poofry - Daly THEATRE the 2. n e 14-1- The Prosfam "Around The thi bds World In A Daze'if lb. E-lai- ne Drive Down By The Tracks and SATE Wel-Ho- 'Tory As never Before On Appliances. Oi The Pagans" rs lf-0-1- Ib. SAL- E- AS w !!!THE GBEST CKSgg 1 Uye Bye Birdie' fc. na KEATOM o Grand Theatre ... Cm Co-Pil- ot d. Car-bridg- e, gy-ren- e keep on and Top-Pilo- Jst-Col- d . . - ut WHEH T0U Medal NEED KB-M- Heres 16.1 cu. ft of refrigerated spaco that "8" fits (n the floor spaco of an old-fashio- Tf 9JV . . n' fl - A 4 . US SOUTH . - D00E 1 u ) - G TV tmv at vous auihoruio kniiac ncAtaa Olmptoto Bapply of LD8 Books tha floor wMmlTslDBn look St ft today 1 JEnSEH BADIO ; GIVE A herniation permit! M eccsplaW hade K More than 70,000 people boaght new PtaHac and Tempest! daring October. ned saw tUq cfo-yothis "extra" food mF (taiga to nmida trittflid increeafay otongo rate Bupsr-tW-n fwilnJ ONLY i': A GIFT The Prestatt Gtizttn - Palau lapleaeul Company PH2ST0K, IDAHO 47 tr i North State .. i i i! ' a - r v V |