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Show Paul Harvey Newt Choice A (Net Necessarily Nm) Clear-C- ut Mn. DeLey Palmer mb- - houie . . . NeU Nebu settl-erttn like that Idea ao baaia, each Usedon toe aame takingly driving Into the Lyle lag up hto iugar coupon By PAUL HARVEY Peterseas driveway when go-- Rake Deaa willing basis aa all others, but TVA rr.h name theSmator new name You town her the la mention a Re-- . . . shouldn't fids be an from home the lng (Met er night and being kidded by Mel Barnp wagering about Goldwater down aouth and wbUcan. cepdonT Senator Goldwater replied, Ltaeola Orme . . . Earl Her-- the number of abavea Mas the one point on which youll manner the rod No." rla herding hla Dayton Ex- - Norton could get Wall Between Getting Higher Though then la atm tome question our mlnda aa to whd called off the summit meeting, we are glad to aee that It la on again. Sen. Reed Bullen of Cache County, Utah, Who was obviously quite bitter because of the cancellation of the first meetingi remarked after that "we might aa well build a wall between the two states." The reasons for the cancellation, aa near can determine. Included: "L The of Idaho couldnt come, and L It was getting to be a meeting that would be too public. If the meeting was to hinge on the onor of ldaho being tbere. why was he not formally Invited until four dura before the meeting was held. And besides, the governor of Idaho, In a conversation with The Citizen, said last week, that If he was Invited, he would moat certainly send a fha-w- bs!s si saiviSK Saraash limited federal govern- - principles enun runoff during the race, the voter would get a and ment authority and getting book, "Conscience of a Con-thgovernment out of our servative," Senator Goldwat-prlvamer chasing back and forth Putted out fire In auto on They the idea er stuck to his guns to da- affairs. ta Logan to get tickets ter to-- county Jd Joy Hawn choice . ta cal people ter the Maori cracking ribs trying to get eminent and own-o- f SSUf dance sfaw . . . Deaa Bros-- bricks out of old furnace. state1 dual and SaiTol the pro- r,mtta.lNlfcof us. from enjoying his work . . . duction. there Gate ana Mickle Caller et al years Ok THE TVA IS "Socialist nave , been a getting moved Into their new representative. Aa for the second action of a group it was the teel of West Side termers In Franklin county that brought this matter to a point where Utah officials were willing to meet with those who felt they had cause for grlevanc- es. This was a step forward, and we also feel that though we would not have favor- ed a mam meeting, for little can be ac- compliahed; the type that was being 'plan-ned had merit. It would have been one with controlled attendance. In Salt Lake Now, with the meeting can wall that be broken City maybe down a little bit. We were disappointed in Governor Clyde ter making the statements he made following the first meetings can- - so-call-ed e - 1 USFJt now.tsoi J!Si 7. - g jSLwgp KSIS? officers Lynn )wn appealing and Democratic. The philosophy of fiie American way of life Is mat everyone has a chance to be President (if he fills the basic requirements . And Ittds Mr. Rckfeller does. And In additon, !he has the money and the financial back-- , lng to go through an expensive campaign. Yes, good luck to Mr. Rockefeller In his bid for the Presidency of the United States, but he Is not going to make it. We are Inclined to agree with Gov. Clyde, that the man who will win the Republican nomination has not announced yet And we doubt , late tell . It was another one of those summers In Cache Valley, then an of a sudden wilder came. Though fids was the sign of cold, wet days, with sleet and snow, we loved it . . . every moment of the passing snowing hours. There seemed to be such a cleansing teeter In that first snow, that first painting of the whole landscape In white. An of the dying summers foliage, the once pretty leaves that have fallen to the ground, the brown flower beds, the fading lawns, an of fids am at one time covered with a white mantel that seems so refreshing yet so cold, thereby bringing deep warmth to the the summer, the crops varied from farm to term, file lushness from acre to acre, the flowers from hue to hue and intensity to Intensity and from hiHiwm to tidiness, all suddenly became all became the same without any effort a pfwrfai enchanting white. And while the snow was falling,' some- me from somewhere unconsciously whistling, humming or even sing- lng a Christmas Carol and the thoughts went from the peaceful setting to the rush- lng shopper, the package wrapper, the the season iff warmth and gift giver love and thoughts of others. It was a beautiful scene, especially in beautiful Cache Valley. ... Last week the dtly of Payette, Ida., on 10 opened Mda for street improvementwill Inirtikw of dty streets. The work clude paving full width and curbs and gutters for those 10 miles. The low bid on the project was 1404,000, which, Incidentally, was flW,W0 below the estimated cost of the project Payette la a town about the size of Preston, maybe a little larger. It Is about three times the size ol Lewiston. For a town Uke fluff, the project Is a big one. However, It has been made much smaller by a federal grant that was available. Ontario, Oregon, a town across Am river, as we have mentioned before, undertook a similar project without the federal grant J y a i V i" t h 0 i; v V project money was Involved. The case of Payette is cited not because of the federal grant, but because the town did sqwwthtng. Ontario did something. An- other community, Burley, which Is much did something larger than Preston, also about the city streets. An was done In a planned systematic manner, nothing piece- meal. True, It costs the property owners money, it costs file cities money, but In the long haul it saves everyone. And look at the improvement made In the appear-ance of the communiMy. In Passing test Monday the that ff was . came to Preston. So instead of Joe gring to Reserve, the Reserve came . to Joe. f the mem- the ff ben group slmsst did- Di came via nuke to aegrilate tried Daytuud the aew read. He get stack decided it two of them went for a craw- - to The whole bunch are either captains, majors or colonels. There! tent a peasant among fliom. They say the reason Is because fliey are the only ones who have the something- to stick it out for i ' ' or-oth- ir iwiaiiMiiwiiiiiiiiMWBiiMiiiiiniii miiim- - iinim 41 . A 1 I A IJ 1R. I iQTl'fi V1CU A The Poets Comer mavr At Heroism Cy Lowe, Samette Judy, Wanda Monson, Becky Turn-start- s er, Bart LeRoy Johnson, Maurine KUppert, Randy Sharp, Kevin Blair, Tracy Littledike, Joy Bair, Either Larsen, Joyce A. Murrary, H. at Heroism chapter FraakHa written ter the book "Make Reader. The la part irt and written tat Franklin Are deep revines and GODS MOUNTAINS wild, sweet hudde-- tein streams designed by berries grace the mountain- - God above. ide YOUR PHOTOGRAPH sheltering broughs ofquak- - y ,alj ..yj pow)grapa the mountain thrush Just wasn't much to give." moun-Growi- A MUTED KNOCK on a door in the night, a hurried the rustle of closing being quSfiydon- word to ned, a an awakened child, Ed Nete: TMs la the third testalimrut ef the T. Plant. Jr., Jay Pruser, Bari Smith, 2 5 a cabhMteor- qgdte cloringof were the sounds of help 1H.tH5SSL"S!.S57w1a!: plly through Graee Jerdaa, wife pines, NOVEMBER IS the U. S. Senator from being asked and help being And peeping through-t- he -'ven. Souls morning sun with radiant Steven Coley, Myrtha West-oveIdaho. LaMar Cartson, Lew the aow MnesVand KARMA SMITH BELNAP left file world, each eased by Jy Webb, Note Stoddard, Reed tBy gpeckman, Charlotte Prat- c That first summer was dry, the loving hands of friends Up the path a mother deer Rexine Blaser, Deone knri they soon saw that to and her feline ascend, neighbors. saat, Stev B. Alder, Often when a call for as- - The winding trail portrays new scenes as they walk slstance oa a public project NOVEMBER was made by the maa pretld- - around each bend; Alysen Rawlings, Keith E. AlvoidL. Cox, Guy dug a M miles to stay heme to prefect the Cool. sDarklins. Debra Earley, Ray Morrison, ditch three and crystal dear Leo K. Hawses, Donald G. in length, bringing the waters settlement from the Indus, and HIVd with trout, Creek of to their farm Chris Maple Elwell, Johnson, Mary Once when all he mu and they flo. Louise Magnusson, Bwmi. tracts s to wort large enough Am er.'Bart Smith. Earner at the Lapwal Mis-- were nigging on'the lrrlga-111- 6 buzzing bees and but- tea few small dttehes a had tion ditch, William Garoer terfltea stop at each flowr NOVEMBER M been dug Rev. H. H. telr criraled Steve Spalding ukT hMUIjiratar edV staymd And gather fragrance which Morgan Carlson, Christensen, Albert Gittens, was bronglit to a small gar- - tlement. Durlm the day. 17 edourn the bui moun-Wood, Sherwin Niel- - du at CHd Fsrt Han, but the Indians, decorated in war tain air; Adams, Brace B. ptoaeers - of FruUla are paint and feathers, rode Into How beautiful Auger, Marilyn Cole, Phyllis credited with la: feudattoa of the Acock, James P. Hansen. one-ha- lf a j a SM 01 Jest n Fun u and fed buttermilk and broad. The Indians were just tearing by the tiiqp fiie mu came igbt IN THEIR ATTITUDE to- ward the Indians, Mormons differed greately from their the fron- contemporaries tier who belived to only good Indian was a deadlndtan The Mormons hiriTn mHui respect for Indians, believing them to be a branch of the Sarn?r.Ienterte1ed u prorid-pearan- ce ft w uff the time; so kind. How we talked and laughed . together, was cloudy or fair, dear sister, count- lng all both have had 11 AJli5ou Yiiarling, How mh I4S-IIT- Par Tour fl.10 for Sin Months lu Cache County, Utah oounty, ILH putalda WiTNl Bl BBLL J. WAITBB ROSSL hr the Amarieaa Nawapapor Rapraaantatlvaa, 401 Fifth Avsnua, Niw .Tork, .Snr York. Utah's Kswoat Weakly Wswapapor sorrlus tbs communities of Richmond, Lawlston Cora aad Clarkstoa la beautiful North Cash Valtey. 11.10 It t lu, 11 of Israel. Their attitude might be summed up in a let ter from Brigham Young to tiers ol Filmore in 18& "w to feed and clothe 2teem soyoufar as it lies in Power, never to turn yur teem away hungry from your oor teach them the arte of husbandry, bear with them In Cffiildren nS. to never consider their itealinV ,.equivalent for Ptty The srMsa S' thf h SteSf downS mote control and switched channels out difficulty. beuWSSr complaffi abSit control. the yen !lt ' "Oh, said. in the valley A fo-- Lewiston State Bank r: ey LEWISTON, UTAH mU.' ' rA u. ' A rr iW., i',1( . , n s with- - tod iSSSte uked tfaz customer Jb? Ste going doWn the every time I want to change the channel. toajnce kuL Each Satan dadl-torn- 108 Doesnt It wort? the best financing I meana to me. television on wheels with bank bulldihg, a young man cal point sf eammulty Ufa. Came running downstairs Just By fell thira ware 60 fern, a puffing. FrankUu.. Fused to-Ulutto ' where can I get an at-- getbar b the splrftual te a hurry he 'Said, cation of ferrind' their Lord, ' ' Mr. Breastrui repUed ttat imxar- r, and by commnnl- re be had Jzst eeme, ty wart pnjuta, then sat. "I know, he said, but they tiers achlevsd a virtual all busy, and Im In a fly unity. Togstharfiiey labor-hurr-y and I want a divorce." oa, njdkwC and photo- never know, my lu a our share. you smile In this graph; Mautitel to see, "Dad, said Johnny look- - d7 tbo strew was renMved m the dirt fleer aad re-up from his homework, eed sa fluff evenrtldag Is water works aU one word or do pell it wife a trotdd ba eaa for Saaday services. TMs trade afc was the eattaral Publlafcad mnr Thursday by th Cltlian Publlahln Company, I. P.: Bon SIS, Lowiatou, Utah, Phono Sntorod aa Moond elaaa mattor at tha Lowlatoa, Utah, Post Offlca under thO aot of llareh it, I mad whats on your mind You give me such an uteRt With those dear brown eras Most everything u live, - at me, yes, all You smile We Finance as u v ie r a i tm ng mImitm - SSySS BASTS JBi ft Bt &S5 Mta. .nm ?L2S S'118 ZfffjffS: te notify the mu while ..Carol Lee Smith, Connie Although every man, wo- Tom McNeeley, man, and child ms working Mauglran, Ada E . Cox, Greg Karren, long , arduous hours to secure the balance of the 20 yean the tint nights sleep la ev Alonzo Doane, Euen Pack, the settlement, the pioneers required since they have only oral weeks. Marvin Spackman, Karren did not intend their children feel he a few yean left. The young Actually, said, I Sorenson Wtoona Sorenson, to grow up in Ignorance. Un-ones don't Want to start from very relieved ud yon know, til fliey could build a school the beginning of the two de- - he added, there Is victory la house, the home of their of defeat. He dismayed om cades. Hamah Cornish teachers, the letters he received coz (Cornish) was used. Her 20 his camGARY FISHER from over gratutetteg him students had the distinction m the West Side tells a good paign aaa told of the flowers ta tee first is a hunting STphoae calls that he had A mu who owned a hand- - school m 2?j?ed fljh iUny-4- hat Eeleeflou on rotisserie received was ha, gtory. day. operated --O beculng a chicken In his back IN THE FALL of 1680 togs Jrfl-TS'SToriWISE ONE FROM WES-th- e yard and turning the --crank 'were cut and hauled from S TON SEZ If you want to get for It, whu a beatnik walked Deep Creek canyon and by JSSSS? out and stay out of due, by. "I don't want to bug late spring of 1661, a school ur Wage. ya, dad, said the character, house was completed. It was bushes near the O but your musks stopped la tern room with the water and was fire. Apiece In file east end and your monkeys weedSa' 'lng the heat, and boasted the 10 hi. Everybody sh toxeswitl1 a smile. I tried It, 35tto Say from but they wanted cash. Like Uke Cl of the bird was kicking up Prestu and have a ball with houses, its roof and floor were a fuss. Cliff grabbed the race cars. However, one A business tycoon was Inter-- also of dirt They had me the thing and rang Its neck, of them doesnt stay the viewing the applicant for the reader for each class, and waswout a 15 punder. 'one speller for the whole post of chauffeur. track too well at a O . . . Specially whu must have a very care- - ecbool. Hie slates ani I a Is racing the other Charlie Petersu te . ful chaufeur, he said, one pencils the studuts O who will not take theslighest came from the gay. He was ap bright ud east of Franklin. early after the Prestu dty SOME TIME AGO, accord- - risk. elerau last week aad proud-- ing to Carl Brostrom, who "In your man, sir was Eadosed tasMe the fort ly predalmteg that he had maintain! the First Security the reply. "Id Uke to have theicbeel htustsmvil abe my wages in advance a meetiag houe atoi a-, i?tnut, that portrait ! gSrtraS The Mountain To Mohomet So p. - i. By BARNEY BICE . s Air Reserve J Garner Air Reserve 9426th outfit, the from uigan, turned Squardon the tables, or the miles on him the other day. For IS to years he has been going Login for the reserve meet-- SSStaTSffi. r, seo- Their street Improvement wasdone to when flmiasi and about Seven ions enure improvement was completed the town had streets paved with a top Quality No federal paving and curbs and gutters. nt -- -to- JSS While during lng free enterprise and voting for Santa Claus. There have been a(R. HARVEY and ' ot of them of the six other states dfminUng that the Federal wMeh fluff sprawlag shrink back hydro eleetrie down to the size our Constl-- complex serves. be. Even Tennessees Repub-Theyrtegm intended lt ,hould federal licin congressmen, against Brock biff and government mendlim, Quillen, were quick to cotton of favor to they m disassociate themselves from the Senators view. price supports. Theyre against federal Another Republican competing with ragman from the TVA area but theyre wJd he cant understand industry, private ta favor of the TVA. why Barry went out of hla There are many Southern- - way to look for trouble, era who, like the rest of us, have fifced about dieting, but I BELIEVE, when the Senator Gold-Ic- e they continue to eat cake and smoke clears. friends wffl remain cream when Uncle Sams iff fronds . . . proud that he buying .well Smator Goldstar, at thta pocrisy In all of us, was confronted with the iMctfic political toes. tfae Seasit0T wfll question of TVA. to explain his spouiorShlp of an a billion dollar irrigation pro- SHOULDNT this his southern Ject for his borne exception? state ol friends wanted to know. Arizona. His enemies demand "We agree with you, Sena- - to know, and his friends deter, that all tedastrles should serve to know, "How is this be free to compete on a fair different? Gong-governm- Sha-ned- Brencke ey, Deane Edwards, Wanda Palmer, Diane Robert, Raymond Sparrow, Iyman Sharp, Ann Davis, Edith Duersch, Karen Lee Years- ley. by-an- y e Happy Winter reasonable definition, and the Senator said so. He said he thought It would function more efflcientl; and more fairly in private hands. UPIs Steven Gerstd polled South- - gevere-Goverame- Birthday a nu ment-owne- d and Ben talking In front of the court City & Streets i . . . Mrs. that It will be Barry Goldwarather unfortunate. is which ter, We honesfiy feel that If Mr. Rockefeller had stuck it out last time and had been pwmiMted, he would be the President of the United States today. His vice west suniiii tunning mate, Mark Hatfield of NOVEMBER IS Oregon, had been picked and In the two Michael Oliverson, wIm the voting public would have found more Mies Peterson, y appeal than was found In President Ken- - Webrter, mn Choules, Timothy L. and Lyndon Johnson. But flute has gjtKathy Bergeson, Darla been too much happen since that time, and Rockefeller udll find that the odds are too great Glen Housley, (Mo Bodily, Yea, good luck, Mr. Rockefeller, but we're sorry, youre gonna lose this one. Jorry Jorgensen, Janls Berm : Warmth ter a picture Faekreu frying to run .husband Lynn (to tell down deep, g, . , lot. of nome . Work ' on the completion Baird home . . . Karl Alder Good Luck Nelson, But luck to Nelson Rockefeller In his the Presidency of the United States. like Mr. Rock-It takes man of courage to make the political scene lnter-itinefoUer Good bid for e te as |