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Show Trtnte Brisfi November Carnival Attracts Many To School TRENTON Many children Words Only THE CITIZEN, INS Sell The Stuffs With Classifieds Clean Out Storage Areas 15 14. 0 Cools Tho First TImo QUO TITO TRIES --TODD THE Mrs. Lona Holt and Mrs. Lola Llttledike accompanied 1. CARD OF THANKS SI MISCELLANEOUS II. UNFURN. annual Halloween Carol. Mrs. Smith-fielFOR SALE Holt Gloria of BENT FOR val held Tbursdmr night In the CARD OF THANKS and her mother, Mrs. Worde ad tool home. Ethleen could never Two bedroom FOR RENT LDS Chant extended a word of George B. Nielsen of Hyrum express our thanks for quite your anattnc and Principal Dale and spent the day visiting furnace. Can thoughtfriMU. CHURCH BOOKS IQSimeher announced the Mrs. LaNae DaUon and famClair Merrills the Preston Imp. Ok marchers and told of the Avlide, Myrna, Mlggs And and fllma to be shown, ily. Modern small FOR RENT waa had time hf the I. NOTICES, home. Good location. Can TWO CONFIRMED Genealogical and goblins playing be furnished if desired. CaU TRENTON At Fast meetgame and Supplies 1 am not which ing David Andrew and Ro- NOTICE mpmL officers and room mothera of bert Spackman were couflnn-e- d ble for any biQa contracted 11 HOMES FOR SALE The Ottera the PTA joined with members of the Church. by anyone other than mythe hi Preston to S FOR 8AUB self. Oran Bosworth. toachera la making tote a The Beprssratettvd Fra Choice sale. Home for Ik very successful party. Deseret Book CBiHiumy I. LOST AMD FOUND cation. Finished fall basehi This Area A. L Andrew aubmltted ment See at 198 East 2 at the Logan Hoapl- -' LOST -dWith Us Fra AH AMD EVERYTHING Dl BETWEEN 1, prwton. Inquire a or morning. Be U van door og. Golden color, canU faeast Your Jgmee Rawlings. IDS Book Needs actorily tkmed. Membership! received have hsiprmattoes Mrs. Andrew wen lfr. pad FOR SALE Three bedTHE CITIZEN into the ward were Farrell 0184. pjeaoanffy surprised Monday home. 2ft room frame afternoon by the arrival of Stevena, Barbara Butter acres of land to Whitney. vane aonJnJaw, Heidi and their two children Caff and Randan. Hartwrt FOR SALE Cottle Portable B Jolley. Good condition. Cbn-tahome is imHiw hif Mo Mrs. Douglas I. they Hobart con n this winter with lfr. and Mra. have bean on a building after I Leland T. Cottle, and Lewis 4. SITUATIONS WASTED BOTH PAPERS nr nrthia Church. RUN ALUMINUM SIDING -- Wm is living with his sister and Mr. end Mrs. Joseph K. aavu you that and moaoy Mr. Mrs. and VALLEY CITIZEN CACHE hrotholaw, (UTAH) and daughter Marlene Bruce R. Hansen. fra tho root of your Bfo. Pauline FUSION CITIZEN (IDAHO) attandednat 'Meeting la Spackman was sustained as 2tfeg!cS& Froo m. and . Sunday, a relief society visiting teachIp. Brother ui for er. 18 Fppt FOR SALE the daughter of Mr. CSC -- IS WORDS-C- HE hard Knight tie Feeders WANTED I. HELP TWO TOO? $L90 -- 18 WOBDft Knight la the ' type Damns. BUSITHIRD RAWLEIGH FolAtkinson. LOCAL TJMI FREE Start NESS AVAILABLE lowing the meeting, dinner FOR SALE Several ima aerved at the noma of Immediately. In Franklin food need P01 Lb jgr. gnd Mra. H. Butters, County end Preston. Selling Mowers. Idaho Appliance 14 HOMES FOE SALE 24 SEED POTATOES. Mr. and Mra. Bobert H. experience helpful but not 80 West 4th South: and Sport Shop. a birthday Bonder -required. Car necessary. PROPERTY INCOME Write DepLIDKIn riven Rawlelgh, FOR SALE party Roy Saturday, Bead Barley. Very dee S bedroom homo FOR SALE U(ht buggy Looking For 4 Pome The testimonial 420251, Denver,, Colo. at toe home of Mr. and Mra. COVE harness. Hemes. Brass cut-te- r with a separate ona bedbr H. Elder Geddas Ray wai Norman G. Dahle, honoring bells. 28 South 1 West. room apartment both have NEAR LOGAN? See fids: Ida mother, Mra. Norman D. eld in Sunday night meet- WANTED AT Phone Pricnew Lennox fonacoo sigh Dealer in Preston and Needy remodeled 3 beding with Bishop Clayton LarDahle of Ogden. ed fra quick sale, POULTRY. PETS sen conducting. Former Cove Franklin County. Wrltu room, bungalow type FOR SALE Juke Bos. Buy tlonal values. Call Mr. and Mra. Donald L. 4S0-IDH 111 give you D. Pond o baseRichard full records the Ushop brick Rawleigh, Dept hone, FOR SALE Meat type regisAndrew and family of Rock- Mwiston was machine. Joe Lauritxen, Denver, Colo. the ment New carpets, Guta Boars and tered Dune ford Idaho apent the week- lemarks were the speaker, 17. REAL ESTATE given by the FARM HELP fireplace. 3ft at a price you can afford 552 S. 1 E. Preston. Tractor or drapes, end In Trenton. his am war land acres and missionary, to pay. Mart Stuart, Clark-Sta- FOR INFORMATION on Inparents Income progood FOR SALE Mr. and Mra. Jack Hale truck driver for beet harLarsen. mm. Ushop New ter fences. 2 Utah. Phone JO bedroom right. work Two, around for and family of Reno, Nev., Mrs were vest Year perty, surance. CaU Willis R. Bursung by Spencer Corral and good outfurnished Apts. Will Call partly here pent the week-enor 8828381 ton, Geddes and Mra. Ada Wright buildings, orchard and her mother Mra. Lola S. of Franklin. accept any reasonable p. m. Fire - Auto - Mortgage berries. Ideal fra on Balance down place MerrilL payment Health - Accident - life. CALVES Mrs. Thorn Ltttledyke livestock. FHA apprais8. BUSINESS low Interest rate. Contact Mr. and Mra. Morris Hill Mwiston ed. Owner leaving. Dale Taylor at 98 E. Cenaccompanied SpenOPPORTUNITIES SPINET PIANO to be raid and family of Ogden were crosscer and LaDawn Allen ac2or in this area. Want responcall SK ter, Logan, fast Sunday visitors in Trenton. growbreds, PRICED Thrifty, FOR QUICK Mrs. Wright, DUE TO PROMOTION have 0364. sible party to assume $18.75 Mrs. Sorenson of Ogden companied Holstein buU calves ing. SALE MANAGElayers were given by his Opening for month payments or win Hi steer far the spent the week-engood visiting two feeding, brothers Adrian Geddes MENT TRAINEE. Famsell of cash. Also ELECImm. Occ. 2184 N., 8 E., her Mrs. Joskind. Holstein and Guern14 FARMS FOR SALE D. Wilford Geddes ind o years, good TRIC ORGAN. Write Credily man Call SK or SK heifer calves from ephine Lapray. sey Elder Geddes has education and work recFOR SALE Mink it Mgr., Tall man Piano Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pierce )gden. Buy Wisconsin's better Hums. for future mana ,, entire ranch or select 12 weeks All and son of Layton, were week been called to a two year ord, .train to 8 calves Stores, Inc., Salem, Oregon. ager. ' Start 120 weekly. TWO BEDROOM home, full rfew mink for replacements. old delivered on your ap- FOR SALE Ms. sister and mission in Texas did guests Hoover UpCan earn f10, 000 first yew. We guarantee d family, Mr. and Mrs. proval. basement House, on large 852-vacuum. With attachright Write giving qualifications. to these calves be healf Spademan. ments. Half juice. CaU Fuller Brush Co., Box 1382, lot Call 1. CARD OF THANKS upon arrival Buy Many former residents of Utah. FABM 22. IMPLEMENTS Trenton came home the past Ogden, FOR SALE Total Electric confidence from Nolan week-enGold Medallion Home ra to enjoy the phealivestock Co., Phone CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE Two Hammond sant hunt. Park View Avenue in Lew- FOR SALE Four bar LH. Bonduel. Wisconsin. We wish to take this means One Wurlitser or-WESTERN organs. 1949 Side like Rake, new; Mr. and Mrs. Reed Raw- of iston, Utah. Three bedroom, Studl Half-to- n Two Spinet pianos, extending our appreda-io- n STORE lins and son Daniel motored brick veneer, and lots of FOR SALE Two AUTO Pickup, our to ced Instruments which and rubgratitude Engine, Champion good Conextras. to Pocatello, Ida., Sunday to istered family living be purchased at a SALE friends who were so may FOR BerContact Harold ber. many tact Spencer E. Nelson In visit their daughter, Deanna, Ready far Service. CH8-Rlc-h fraction of their original dnd and considerate during geson, Cornish, UL, Rteh- - 2114. W. C. Pack. OGDEN, UTAH who is employed there. Preston. cost For information write. and bereavement mond Exchange. Mrs. Legrand Reader Is re- our recent Piano Dept Fawson Mwig for Here Is an excellent op. everyone 1 bedSALE to Three want FOR thank cuperating at home following he Co. Pocatello, Idaho. portunity to buy now beroom homes. Sell as unit FOR SALE Wagner Tractor FOR SALE lovely floral offerings. fore Purebred Arasurgery. the big Christmas klnd-sOlof or B. E. and bian gestures Loader. many Fillies individually. Colts. and HyGood Heavy Buss Joyce Spackman who MAPLE FIRE LOGS Fra Sale duty, a Your kindness and season Western draulic controlled sen, 224 Candyon Rd. Loquality. J. R. Hatch, Bam CaU recently underwent an operaAuto more CaU gan, Utah. deeply store croft, Idaho. tion is also at home in a sat- sympathy are an annual FOR SALE Used Stoker-matipredated than any words volumedoing isfactory condition. of approximately Good condition with thanks can ever express. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed9150,004 Modern buildlarge fan. CaU 8824450 or er sprat Sunday afternoon at ing in good location with see Hyde Purser. Thelma and Jack AnHyde Park, visiting Mrs. Store service department and fondly drew Lamb, who recently unCARS and can be purchased on an In North Cache Valley derwent eye surgery. 99.54 CaU basis to advantageous IF YOU NEED SOMETHING DONE individuals. qua 24 FURNITURE AND a offered at Fixtures One 0! Tour Neighbors Can Do It APPLIANCES greatly reduced price, TYPEWRITER WASHING MACHINES PAINTINO AND write now fra fun particFOR SALE Practically REPAIR SERVICES DRYER AND DtONER ulars: DECORATING e new FROM CLEVELAND WON A KNIPCO HEATER living room FOR COMPLETE SERVICE typewriter ROBERT G. LARSON suite. Frieze cover, Carlson repair service check with Interior and exterior painting Furniture. AT PRESTON IMPLEMENT . . . WESTERN AUTO For Complete washing mach- The Gttben Office Sutnriy and decorating. Paper SUPPLY ine, dryer or inner service. IT MAY BE YOUR TURN in Preston. Phone Beautiful hanging. First quality work- FOR SALE COMPANY aU makes. We service Terms Plano, cheap. Spinet Checketts. P. O. Box 1031 Clyde Maytag SEWING MACHINES If desired. CaU 8624854 in iPhone We repair an makes Singer Hotel Shop. 24 North Ogden, Utah the evenings. Sewug Machines Sales and Interior ft Exterior s. painting FOR SAIE Service. CaU Ned M. Mahogany 14 UNFURNISHED APTS. DRAPERIES AMD How-eFree Estimates. Hansen card table and four Phone folding 237 East First UPHOLSTERY Brothers, Motel. FOR RENT Three Room chain. CaU Phone South. Wash room, Complete decorating service, apartment WINDOW SHADES FOR SAIE Upright Plano. free home estimates on Window heat furnace and hot waShades cut to size good condition. Terms. curtains, Very ter. 40 W. 1st No. draperies, TIRE RECAPPING free. Lame selection of 8524297. Petersen' storing. colors ana fabrics mounted 80 II. FURNISHED APTS. enr mid Upholstery Sava Your Tires! FOR SAIE Used twin maton vour roller if desired. Recap North State. Phone percent over cost of coil spring. Frame M. H. Co. tress, $290,000 WORTH OF PRIZES SmaU FurFOR RENT King 087L tires by recapping with cold and headboard, 989.54 Carlnished Apt Utilities except O.K. Tire Shop, rubber. PLUMBERS son Furniture. paid trip to Dimaylaad or WwWngton, lights. 47 8. 1 E. Carlson 8EPTIC TANK CLEANING 25 Wart Phone Lynn FtckreU, Phunblng L D. CL for fudtr of 4 . . . or fMlOO coah Apartments. FOR SALE First South. Used wether. Septic Tanks cleaned for CaU Lynn Hammond Bedrie Organ 15. Carlson FurniWorks. less than 140. FOR RENT Two, 2 be8 FackreU In Preston, ture, Preston, 8624757. GJC. Color TV Set droom partly furnished Smith-ftolor Ralph Bans, fixtures. aid plumbing footer-to-hoRadio Apts, at 172 E. 1 N., PresFOR SAIE New PhOco JO UM7 collect. ton. CaU SK Phone' Preston Collect We print anything, stationery, Stereo. Floor model slightKodak Movie Csmsraand Projector Outfit fra Appointment invitations, bust ly marred 912484 Cart For an your plumbing needs, wedding Huffy Rider Lawn Moww ness forms, booklets, mink son Furniture, Preston, can Phone for Lumber. Preston Six trucks FOR RENT One or two complete f G.E, Portable Dfahwarirar any8524614. We now have a cards, testimonials, Ready-Mi- x bedroom Concrete, Servfurnished AM-FThe Preston Citizen. Radio thing. R.CA. Canada Stereo with an for fun time Good location. 87 8. gravyour Phone 8824154 types ice, Paving, piwniw FOR SALE Used recliner convenience. CaU Gene Larson, Vented Portable Farm Beaten 10 Knipco FV-2el fm dirt Contracting 2 only excellent condition, work, curbing, sidewalk, INSURANCE 925 end up. Carlson Furni Many, many more valuable prises listed on die en(AU Types) 14 FUHNX8HED HOMES patio. Fra free estimates Travelers Insurance Mover ture, JPrestra 2524727. with received STORM DOORS your velope you NorCo., can Valley Paving and FORRENT man Rids, agent at Gran-ne- y 580 South 2nd Ready-Mi94 SPECIAL SERVICES 160 South rOR RENT PLUS mere Hum 6,000 Chevrolet Partly furnishPhone West, Custom atamtaam made or ed smaU home. Close in. We wHli RWlOtti wooden framed storm doors SOME REMODEUNG blfH Pertable Farm Hasten CaU 1181. ra see at 45 TV RADIO AND HI-F- I aU and contract labor win andwtadows. Pay no more N. 2 E. Preston. werfli flSf.H aeoh for these materialsDora easy home and car then ready-madProtect your a your men to he glvea away by custom buOt exportly fitted 14 UNFURN. HOMES' AU makes TV and Radios renew win derifli or. Bob Acock doom and windows at HanUffVNK HOCK OK Pilfq. Free eettiMtee. Knlpee Dsalanl sen Glass and Feint Phono layout tubes and parti ta Cacha Insurance. Phone FOR RENT g Antennas and FM. INSURANCE home. Fun basement FurTV AND RADIO TUBS 8 ntf repaired, HUNTERS Dan't Delay. ..Bring la yaw Tacky Klava Tsday See Bob Acock Insurance. In Aon. our anft d Tested. BriogtayourRad caxpent nace, drapes. Mall CONTEST ENDS Midnight, December WEDDING CAKES 55. CaU JENSEN Radio and Tele-to and TV tubes and we wttl teat them fra you. Era's AND DECORATING FOR INFORMATION ON Preston. INSURANCE Can Willis R. FOR SAID OR RENT -- TV, Radio and thrives Cekee for Electric, or 881 aD occasions. Weddtra Burton, Modem 2 0364. Flre - Auto - Most- Lee eai Five acres a apraiahy. 48 FOB SAIE -P- auuttfol eahgs can Don Eddto or or Griffith Wert nSeftoFhrst their parents ttniiii COVER THE WHOLE AREA d, Pm W-ldO- L i towSStS From Richmond, .Utah To Grace, Idaho - - ,satlsf " WITH CITIZEN CLASSIFIEDS MI-144-2. - - FREE 14 SPECIAL SERVICES THE CTITEN a complete pair service 24 AUTDSFORSAU - 1902 FlymMttfti sacrifice- - prfeKi FOR SALE Fury at a? FOR as SALE-U- BI SALE-H- IT 'TWO ct At-bhu- o - TW Testimonial Held For - Hbrianuy 852-188- 6. - 9, n, via-lu- d 747-321- ng 8, 882-01- -- ANGUS-HOLSTEI- N -- d FOR SALE tot ft km 22-3- 8 - 1981 bLss. 14 AUTO QCT1I AOCK GROUP PM fra Gaamnteed 87. TRUCKS. TRAILERS - FOR SALE yack. Excellent com CaU Goocge Alder, 1918 FOR SAIE Ford pickup with a motor. Good 952-1985- 18-f- L M ' .' FOR SALE 1956 Tntnnutlra Stan track. Sm wheel base. New tires ai . al 8180 1 motor. Phone 1484429, L von Wickham, Franklin. ; FOR SALE 1958 GM.CL track, custom cab, all steal flat bed. 1800 actual miles: CaU Robert G. Lowe, 644 2251, Franklin, Idaho. - 24 MOBILE HOMES - sister-in-la- ,f fta i tape-write- r. mle-sto- " rsSf repairman. Preeton. Ntf-882-04- QMn. rawoffffiyg 55 by 10 wide FOR SALE Trailer House. Contact Gyl-d- e Spackman. South State, Mor-lan- 1 852-038- 0. 852-126- 8. 758-474- d n. 852-114- 2. 882-173- 4. NEED AN EXPERT) - c. 852-191- lifted FEED AHDEHS0H - two-piec- - - 852-015- 5. 852-184- ARE ALWAYS PRICED TO SELL s. reg-Bull- - Cranney s Cam 3. 62 Chev. 4-- GaUude, U - 852-168- 7. 4 All-expe- 882-12Q- L 852-087- - '59 Chev. Btecayne, Overdrive d, - - 882-12- CONCRETE-READY-MI- Sed. r. 58 Chev. $895 Sport Sedan 4-- '57 Olds 0, x, - 858-157- 5. 852-04- 63 es $595 Sport Coupe r. '57 Oldi $695 Sedan r. '57 Firm. $395 Sedan 4-- 56 Merc. - gay-moot- s. 251-108- 7. 4. Preston Implement Co. 852-015- 0 8 S. Preston. 7474201 $395 : $495 i Segan r. '56 Pontiac Sedan v 4-- 56 Dodge? $495- r. Spt Coupe '56 TlbgiL'$595 r. Sedan 55 Olds, v-- v ! $395 H. T. Sedan 4-- 55 Ford Sedan 4-D- 53 Chev. r. Sedan TRUCKS '61 Corrait $1295 pckup 61 GMC $1695 Pickup, Trims. '60 Chev. $1995 HJ. Trade 50 Fozd: . fife-tlon- 852-18S- . X M 852-060- Sed. $695 Feiriane, fBZ-072- 7. 00 $1195 4-- '58 Fold 852-122- mo Sed. 4-- hut-chin- 852-024- 6, $2095 Sedan V4, 61 Foid $1395 Bf & on $450 Tkqpk TERMS TO FIT EVERYONE OlANNEY rQ)eviiiCo. Phone 852-11- 61 j |