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Show I THE CITIZEN, Lcwlsteu, Utah November UcIbmUI Dritli 14, IMS Ru-lo- i , Threes Children Confirmed Johnson and A. J. Mendenhall; George Marlin Dere-mla- h waa confirmed by hla father, James, assisted by Bishop Ballam and Bishop Spaclman. Memberships for LasTy and Louie Draper and son Patrick Lary were accepted In a the ward. Released was Bair as a Primary teacher, Ina Anderson as Primary secretary and Sber-wl- n and Marian Bair as lead Hma cbU-dr- son waa confirmed by Blah were confirmed mem- - op R. J. Spademan end Earl ' of the, church ; in the Smith; Euxabeth Ann Smith want fmtdey services was confirmed by her father, Earl, assisted by Rosa RICHMOND ed Beiny Daly ZIP PEBS V ,!,l " ers of the Mutual Marrleds. er, Wayne Purser, assisted Sustained were Luella Bair by the father, and Bishop n as Primary secretary, Ina Thompson,' The meeting Anderson as Primary teach- was conducted by Rood er, Clark and Opal Rigby as Woodland ' with music under Mutual Married! leaders, direction of Ruey Forsgren Margo Anhder as secretary to and Adoola Dennis, ' Prayers the Jr. Sunday school and were ter Edward Miner and Ronda Anderson as Mark Brown;.; secretary to the Sr. Sunday Monday evening class leadschool. The meeting waa ers and priesthood advisors ducted by Funk of the South ward met with prayers by Brent and Floyd White. Music was under di the bishopric ha1 a family night Each organization rection of Biine lou Bagley pledged themselves to hold and Leone Robinson. a building fund activity. IN THE RICHMOND ward Bishop R. J. Spackman spoke the Infant daughter of Jeff briefly to the teachers. Prayand Janice Butterfield waa ers wen by Thera Anhder christened by her grandfath and William Pack. Lu-eU- any. uwm GccJyear Shoe Service . con-3alv-in . f. ! Monday evening the Richmond ward Primary held a preparation meeting, with Mrs. Josephine Kofoed conducting. Prayers were by Mary Tripp and Laura Lou - son was given Mrs. Adon- la Dennis. were served to 15 Butters and Sharon Prison. the FRIDAY EVENING Richmond ward Mutual Married! held their first meeting of the season iq the dub rooms with Frank and Ramona Lamb in cnarge. Prayers were by Reed Woodland and Bob Johnson. The let-soBooks In The Hume, n 'VA'rt, Mrs. Favel .But and was given by Scott Theurer. and Helen daughter Peggy spent some Anne Erekson Kidd served refreshments to time In Nampa, Idaho as ests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 21. Short but impressive funRoskelley, parents of Mrs. eral services were held for Plant As a service project memVictor W. Christensen infant son of Wade and Tess Chris- bers of the Saucy Satellites club made and presented tensen at their home last week. Bishop Rulon Thomp- a set of kitchen towels to son conducted. Prayers were the community buDding. CUb offered by Garr Christensen members include Shirley Miland Hazen Hillyard. The ler, Mary La Halverson, Despeaker was Carl Carlson. borah Johnson,' Mary Bair, Toad A. Carlson dedicated Diane Hulet, and Elaine Anthe grave In the Richmond derson. Their leadar la Mrs. cemetery. Family members Lorraine Hulet Mr. and Mra. Delbert Egan coming for a distance included Mrs.: Bruce duff and son attended church in Logan on and helped conLance of Boise and 1ft. and firmSunday a grand daughter, Mrs. Thad Carlson of Brig- Brenda Sue Jamas. Doner and visiting wera enjoyed ham City.'., 4-- H ; School Board Ain Curriculum Revising Pimp. A revised tip a urricuhun pro- Many young people In the gram la tbs Caaba Coaly pest have been forced by heir a circumstances to schooling before conw Mr. school, Dieting high Johnson declared. He said that although free public high schools are available I for all,, many pupils elementary supervisor. It was pointed. out by Ifin. school before graduation, The I Wallis that there will be one adult high school rands stablisbed for basic reading series under the revised program. A people, d will be these individuals of fawWM among the district's chers to determine whs are employed during the series is being used ual school hours. Further each school and whether more, adult attendance in a lor not the teacher uses regular school is usually discombination of the basic couraged by school officials. reading and individualised Therefore, if high chffoi becomes a realapproach. Teachers will be asked If ity, It they have an additional adult high school I phonetic bode to aid teachers, Board members agree to and for explanations on the review the proposal and deJunior high and senior high cide whether or not it will school reading programs. be adopted by the district Whether or not test results at the next meeting. show progress in reading will also be asked. Mrs. Wallis said a r MEETING of reading scores for a four (Continued from page 1) year period indicates that the Cache County norm for Utah with this grou weight comprehensive and vocabul- bottleneck problem. ary is above the HE ADDED, the reason norm in almost every inwanted to the governors stance. She said that students In the district are now get together was because If can make an impractical being graded on phonics hey agreement, they can mate leach term. raise the Possible programs for ed-- amendment andMJIOO graai weight to and thus make R presented by ,Mr. Webb tn--I pounds metical for auger beet eluding faculty trucks. programs, elementary, jailor high and senior Ugh proAMERICAN FALLS grams as well as some for VISITORS I school patrons. LEWISTON Mr. Cari Johnson, director of Mrs. Blaine Lemon and two pupil personnel in the presented to board daughters of Roy, Utah, and members a proposed revised Mrs. Gerry Bair and chOdreQ system for adult high school of American FhDs, Idaho, completion. He pointed out were weekend guests at the hot it has bora reviewed by high school principles and home of thellr mother, Mrs. counselors. Anna Talbot . District was discuss before members of the hoard of. education last week by Kenneth J. Webb, asslstan; superintendent 'In charge of I curriculum, and Reva Wallis School d1 II a-t- I u ,Fr A Grade Toms dr-ste- SP U. pome chops COUNTRY - SWOTS PREMIUM CELLO PACK 8PARERIBS I. LB. Lb. 59c cun STYLE PODS BOAST rum Lb. 49c 4Be I CERTI-FRES- White, Whole Wheat H Large Leaves I ; 1 5 w-o- z. 39c PEG. ' TOMATO TASTEWEUj ' "i PABCAHE tBX CAN M-O-Z. i for SPECIAL GET 53c TODET TISSUE 39c r ACQUAINTED OFFER1 niBLET Vi PARFAIT PIES TANS HEAT PIES FROST N FLAME LIBBYS 3 Snow Shovel FROZEN M LBS. PIECE ! I PIECE 3 dusters W )1,39 P fl ,39 ft Completer Set With IMI Purchase ! E ':'J WITH PURCHASE kCnsn GAMPBEU8 6f M LBS. Lb. 49c certi-fres- h 5 Lbs. PABCAEE E-BE- OF FLOUR M of Chicken, Ckeam of 9 lor $1 mwAM CELERY OF VEGETABLE 7 lor $1 LET TOUB BOSE FACIAL SOFLIN COUNT LEAD YOU THE FINE DISPLAY ARIZONA TISSUE -m NO. 1 CBABDEBBIES "r EXCELLENT BAKERY GOODS RAKED RIGHT IN MILOS CUBES 2 APPLES OF m 0 0 i TO I SETTING With $5.00 Purchase Lb. 39c Chocolate Peanut 9oC MUMC 3 Gnm Drops ad diet-Iric- t, , My S13S RED ROSE -- 3 Cans $1.90 PIERCE EARLY SEASON SPECIAL faf (S , - a I r.lMHA TINY I 4 Vi oi. Cm 3 IOT COCKTAIL 0 VANILLA OR STRAWBERRY (for 95c SPECIAL BAG PACK 0 Gal conn I iLb. LONG GREEN 10c WASHINGTON DELICIOUS 2 te use STORE. Eol A Freshly tV., V ; V ' f r' ivJ !. ;!i' ' Qahed Boll IN THE COFFEE SHOP rji DABEBY AND COFFEE SHOP MIMLCD SOUTH STATE ' OPEB FBIDAY BIGHT Tfl, 9 P. IL J; |