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Show 1 8C Lakeside Review, Wednesday, July 30, 1986 . (iiiT JOB- fw CLASSIFIED INDEX S- 3 GENERAL INSTANT CASH PAWNLOANS ) ( ( Waterproofing ) leak! vour os ,et repair basement, FREE Est. A PATCHING. ASPHALT 5. ) Auto Class ( WINDSHIELDS-Factor- Diamond Concrete Tired of water in vour base- ment? Call Dayton Construc. tion 392-11- Auto Repair ( ) Mike's Mobile Maintenance will conduct the Davis Coun- ' ty Emissions tests every Tues. and Thurs. at Clearfield Auto Parts Store, 70 South State, Clearfield rear parking lot, from 11 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No Appointment passn, Necessary. Vehicle lee Carbu-retioor tail S9.00. Ignition, Electrical, - Brakes & Air Conditioning . Repairs. I ( Weddings Must have rates classified 546-21- Cement CONCRETE Guaran -l teed work. All types of flat work removed and replaced 30 ship. Residential cial. Phone - Concrete work. Driveways, sidewalks, steps RV pads etc. quality work a reasonable rates. (: Concrete LOST t FOUND .OST. Eye glasses, in a black and white tweed case. Reward. Lost around Clearfield between 336 Ann St. and 8. Big Vern's. 40 ) PERSONALS 399-16- Cement Repair Repair and patch work on steps, driveways, patios, sidewalks. Cracks and spauling repaired. Plas-- tering, concrete, breaking out and hauling away, flat o . work, water proofing . foundations, leaky base ments repaired. No iob too big or small. 12 yrs expert ence. Free estimates. 298-029- 8 LDS SINGLES Dating Introductory service. Men and women of all ages. Latter Day Ideals 782-472- 4 Cleaning Mormonlsm-FactFiction- ? Cleaning Specialist reasonable prices,825-39-free esti0, mates. c Decks CUSTOM QUALITY Redwood decks. Licensed. Free estimates. . - 479-89- Fencing chainlink fencing installed, repaired All types, sizes, styles. Insurance welcome. Phone for free estimate. wood, 6. Household Cleaning' ( housekeeper Experienced would like to clean for you 4. Negotiable rates. GRANNY CLEAN Residential and commercial cleaning. Reasonable. or clean your home. Reasonable rates, very depend Will able. ( 1 Grading, top soil, fill, rock work, terracing, sod, sprinkler systems, fences, retain' ing walls, weed spraying or whatever your needs may be. Free estimates. Call 9. Odd Jobs Lawn care, yard WORK AND POWER RAK8. ING. Call Nathan Painting Best quality paint. Professional service. Licensed. Free estimates. 9. Painting, Texturizing . Water Blasting etc... JAKES PAINTING 479-33R&R Painting. Professiona its best. Free Painting at 627-19, estimates. ( tion. ACCOUNTING COMPUTERS Job ready in 4 weeks. Concentrated class room training in accounting bookkeeping and computer processing. Accounts receivpay able, accounts payable, roll, general ledger and financial statements. Student ioans available. Placement aid. Ogden classes start 7. Aug. 12. Call UTS Accounting Center ACT NOW Landscaping anytime 3 Accepting apptlications at Layton Pizza Gunner. Apply in person for delivery posi- Keep trying. 392-07- JOBS GENERAL (io 745-23- Quality Check it out, New message weekly NOT A DIETII! 100 Guaranteed Naturally lose or gain all the weight you have ever desired, while gaining unlimited energy, right now. Call Ken or On Photography READ THIS AD... Homemaker average $7.50 per hour demonstrating gifts, toys and Christmas decor. Part time, vour hours. For House of Lloyd Christmas party plan. It'S FUN, EASY, FREE! Car, credit end for phone required. Call or 773-06- Apartment resident manag er. Prefer mature couple. Send application to Classic Construction, 4185 So. 300 W, Ogden, Ut. 84405, Attention: Mark. ATTENTION !!l wealth, Gain independent earn unlimited income, right now. Call Ken or On CARPENTERS Experience in concrete forming. Northern Utah Work location. Apply at Rm 110, Holiday Inn, 3306 Wash. Wed. Blvd. between July 30 for interview Delivery photographer part time, for Auto Trader Magazine. Need economy car, great iob for when kids are in school. Layton Kavsvllte Professional Video Photogarea. rapher. Send vour loved-on- e a message from home. Tape verification, Demonstrate Christmas De.your insurance have vour wedding or baby's cor. Earn needed cash, no Call Investment. Call Roberta in birth captured forever. or Davis County Wendy In Weber County 773-53- 6. ( Remodeling A CUSTOM QUALITJT REMODELING - . KITCHENS, BSMTS. CARPORTS, AND DECKS. LICENSED, FREE EST. B'LAINE LONGFELLOW CONSTRUCTION specializin all types of remodeling ing 1. - and construction. Carports, redwood decks,a concrete, quality building fair prices. David Longfellow Const. 776-00- CURRAN ENT. Free estimates, references avail. 394-79HOME CRAFT CONST. New const, remodels, con Crete. Free remed Quality finish work, Call for eling, low priced.0. free estimate VERN STACEY . professional Remodeling FREE ESTIMATES, Don Pedros is now hiring and day time prep cooks Apply night time waitresses. or Thurs. Wed. from at 350 No. Main Lavton. EARN BIG $$$$ Showing people how to save SS on groceries! Wed. 7 pm Holiday Inn In Ogden. See Mary or call $, have Dec. Earn off. Sell quality handicrafts as a Home Party Rep. Limited openings. Ogden, Logan Areas. Experienced Sewing Operators. Apply at Sierra Lingerie Co. 300 W. 12th ST. from 3. Equal Opportunity Employer upholsterers Experienced seamstresses wanted. and 6. 3000 GOVERNMENT JOBS Now Cist. Ext. Hiring, dall (fee) Live in positions for Nurse Aides, 5 days per week in Weber and Davis counties. Call Connie 392-637- 8 Men, Women, Door-to-do- or up to sales. Fuller Brush, 625-31- S15hr. Models needed for localna tional print, runway and Roofing, all types. Also flat commercial bookings. Expeo pitch. Plus paintir rience not required, training remodeling. Call 392 available. Contact Studio Z at Roofing Expert 35 vrs ex C 8. Roofing per. All types of roofing free estimates RON CLARK ROOFING Roofing, shingles, repairs, conversion to pitched residential, free est. ( Roto-Tillin- 0. g Custom Tractor work, 54 . heavy duty tiller and rotary Free estimates. . mower. anytime. Roto Tilling Service Gary's Also leveling, weed cutting, Free estimates, 825-50- G Sheetrock TAPISHEETROCKING, NG, Finishing, end Texturing. Quality but affordable work! Paul Need Extra Income? Make ' ( Sprinkling Systems Sprinklers designed and in stalled. Guaranteed quality. ( 0. , MODELS SEARCH We're looking tor new faces, to model, If not qualified training available for glamorous and exciting career. Call Bobby WORLD FAMOUS BARBIZON MODELS Mothers helper for loving family near Boston. 4 vr. old and infant. Light housekeeping, 5 min. to LDS Church. Own room, travel with fami-l- v. Call collect Need ambitious sales person to sell home improvement alumiproducts. Awnings, num siding, etc. Commission sales s. only. Call for bpp. Wed.-ThurCustom Craft Construction 782-28- 0. Stamp Collecting J Attention Collectors Call Quhid's Stamp Shop after 6 weekdays VCR-T- V 100's or even 1,000's monthly. Save SSS'S on name brand foods, de-ta- 5. ll Night auditor, Thurs.-Sa- t. p.m.-- 7 a.m. Experience preferred. Oak Forest Development Child care needed after school for 2 children, ages 9 7, 2 hours maximum. Negotiate SSS. and WANT TO BUY A HORSE? Repair Football season Is coming Beat the rush. Labor $39.95 TVs. 10 or less on most 19 comsu-mer in years experience and industrial video. Co. The Video Service Clearfield. etc. delivered to vour door FREE. Trend Card is here! Call Cinnamon Tree for 9am-5o- Then turn right now to our livestock heading in Classified. I 9 Can't face the thought of house cleaning? Find some help in classified Car need repairs? Use the Auto Services Directory in Classified ; bdrm, split level, by owner, no agents. Brlckalumlnum woodburnSiding, bullt-in- s, ing stove, l'A baths, ap- $65,500. Assume $59, Desparate. of life. Year A quality around home on l'4 acres 2500 sq. ft Plus 2 car garage, large storage. 4 bdrm., 2 bath, 3 fireplaces, central vac, plus more. Deck overlooks golf course. 5 mins, to 4. Pirtevlew. $105,000. ATTENTION INVESTORS on Rental property large double lot. Great potential for building. 541 Harrop, Ogden. Low $30'$ or best offer. For sale by owner. 4 bdrm, 2 bath, fireplaco, air. $395. 1257 5th St. praised MO. will help with financing, and closing costs. Payments tax approx. $400 including and Insurance. 1042 Sullivan. 3. 2 Work activity ease manager BA Required, experience working with disabled adults. p.m.. Hrs. Mon.-F- ri $13,500. Contact Weber Vocational Workshop, 2504 F. Ave. Oaden by with 4 excell. cond. $68,900. 1966 W. 3875 So. Roy. BY OWNER nice home In Pleasant View, with nice view of mountains and city. 5 bdrms., dining room, extra iarge double garage. Priced for quick sale at $95,000. N. Ogden 4 level, 4 Bv owner bdrm, dble car garage, excell cond. $69,900. Immediate 3. occupancy. Call By owner, unique, lovely home, supurb cond. Custom sq. ft. See to features, 1500 Will list at appreciate. S90.000-S80.00- 0 for private for appt. sale. Broker. 2. 3 $500 3 $335,000. Call Bob bath, Mark, or Classic Realty 1. or For sale by owner Beautiful, New Listing 3, per Child Care in my E. Lavton home. Openings after Aug. 8. Clean loving environment. References available. 544- - immaculate 45 bdrms, 3 dble1 Insulation, heat bah., macfilne in fully professionally finished bsmt You name the terms. Owner anxious. 0270. in my Layton horn.. Near HAFB, all ages. Child 4. Weekendseves. Home In Rov By Owner 4 bdrm, 3 yr. old 9. Child care in mv Rov home Infants welcome. Call Donna Child Cara in Rov. Valley View and No. Park school 1. areas. Licensed. Child care in Rov. preschool activities, 1 opening. Large family home Harris vllle, dbl car garage, 10 yrs. old, large family room, IVi bsmt, acres, walk-o- SI lO.OMofter. Low down and assume FHA or $56,900. Ogden East Bench, 4 bdrm, 144 bath, family rm, bsmt finished, beautiful decor, landscaped, pro- vider will give your child the best. Fenced yard, ol meals, 1. lots of love. Have an opening in mv Clearfield home. Full or part-tim- e babysitting welcome. Near Freeport Center. 0. Joyce Hey moms, I'd love to care for vour little ones. Give me 6. Clinton. a call Infant care in my home from 3, hours. 825- any ages 3979. Licensed Babysitter, meals provided. Lois of fun, lots of Lo . good care. Guaranteed. cated in Roy. Excellent ref erences. Phone Little Stars Pre-schoOpenings for afternoon sessions available. Clearfield ar auto sprinklers. 7, Quality Carewillin Wash. Tertakepick-u- p race home kindergarten for Roosevelt and Wash. Terrace Elemen-tar- So. State St., Clearfield, 36 years experience, very reliable, dependable and clean. Grandmother wants toe. care for newborn baby Have references. Call Ruth (no INSTRUCTION HOUSE Decorated Models Teachers Reach flute, guitar and piano in the Clearfield area. Call of Singing. Merry-Go-Roun- kindergarten for 4 and 5 year olds. 2 hours, once weekly. S18per mo. Register now for fall classes. Phone Linda 1. Holmes Why throw away 3 years of piano training on your child bv hiring convenience or vou can have cheap, whenfrom the start? excellence who knows someone Hire HOW to teach music, reading, writing and arithmetic!! Call M. Fisher BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 3 Snack bar, buiMns and full inventory.. $7,500. Can be moved. Call after 5. m I 1 1915 E. 2080 544-330- 3 Afiontitiia hew Hatties WOODSIDE HOMES 1 2. Beautiful home with a view,34Msq.ft.,3$93 (iv)C garage, bdrm, (2M 8'j, down, I Building Lots Over 300" to choose from Layton, Kavsville, Rov, and Clearfield. IVORY 8, COMPANY For sale bv owner, 1,675 sq. ft. rambler on beautifully acre. 3 bdrm, landscaped up, baths, laundry room dinand kitchen large family ing room. 22x26 sg. ft. family room with wood stove finished down. 4 car garage, 2 up, 2 down. Full sprinkling system with secondary water, 2 decks and brick patio. 9, 3 $95,500. to 100suSordinatlon full 1. eves size Bv owner, gorgeous E. with bench lot, spectacular view of the new Mt. Ogden Golf Course. Will list in 30 days at $35,000.0. For quick sale $31.000. Choice 4 acre lot in Pleas ant View, $19,900. Also 9 5. acres for sale. 1 OR 2 ACRE LOT NORTH PLAIN CITY 50 3. For sale by owner 4 bdrm., 10 2 bath. assumable. Many extras. $59,000. Layton area. 8. Great Family home, E. rambler. Kavsville. 5 bdrm. All brick, fenced $73,900. Bv Owner. RENT BY IVi Trade Acres in Plain City for house In Ogden area, or after 4. $45,000. 5 OR 4 OWNER, baths, family West point bdrms. room, wood stove, large fenced yard. Close to school and church. Easy assump T7low RECREATION (tOU bdrms, 2 baths, 2 storage room, sheds, large family $56,950. well cared for. Only or Homestead Realtors R Abide. 8.5 77 e. $12.000. Cabin and 10 acres in Hardware Park Estates. Good hunting and snowmobiling area. Firm $30,000. Owner 4. will carry contract. (jeerea'jon property in Deep Creek, Morgan County. Under appraised value.7:30-- 4V acres. Call between 9. after 4 Repossessed 20 Acre Parcels, near Bear Lake. Nothing down to Qualified buyer as low as Payments SlOOmo. Call SCARE CANYON beautiful cabin on 40 acres. I New Homes 814 FHA-V- A 2. e 30 yr. Fixed Payment e No points to buyer e Our lots or yours e Our plans or yours 546-499- (ncn 3 $52,990. NO DOWN VA and I will pay all your closing costs and all discounts points, for 9'a interest. Al so low down FHA. Remodeled 2 bdrm starter home, in Clearfield with garage and large lot. only $39,500. payments undert. 400 mo. 773-61- Owner Transferred mo. All otters considered. 3 bdrm, Lavton. Assumable 834 HOMES loan. Asking $71.000. 8 Qualifing interest rate. 3 bdrm. home, 2 bath, family room, 2 car garage In Clear-Hel- d. $69,900. A.P.R. 10.15. Call Storybook Homes, 8 or Mike. Debbie, Joel Rent To Own! $495 MO. NEW HOMES 1135 W. 25 N., Clearfield CONNERS 8. CO. wide, appliances. bdrm, upgraded park. $2995. 10 By owner, 12x64 3 bdrm, bath, air cond., covered heck. S4500offer. Dble wide 3 bdrm, 2 bath, excell cond, many extras. Adult section. Located Lay 5. ton area. Call DESIDERATE, will pay $50(ito buyer. Dble wide In Wes(wood Village, many extras.l. Excell cond. Below apprals-a- North Ogden home for sale by owner. 3 bedrooms, finished family room, fenced yard. Automatic sprinklers, air conditioning, great neigh5. borhood. 159,900. HOMES ESTATE HOMES bath, dbl. wide, large fenced yard. Many upgrades.4. Hill gate Terrace. Call 2 bdrm, 10 wide, appliances, upgraded park. S2995. NEW HOMES Full sized lots. Start at available. Money at 8.5 Large lots, secondary water, many other plans to choose from. Decorated models 12-- 6 p.m. or open Mon-Sa- t. call Cathy or Gayle at WOODSIDE or MOBILE Wil Appraised at $21,500. sell for $17,000. 3 bdrm. 2 Superstructure Inc. NEW HOMES 4 level split in prestigious Oak Forest. $69,000 Slate REAL (lOU 0 1 OF I Beautiful 5 acre cabin site, stream, view. E. of Hunls-vill- World Realty 1 Middle Fork of Ogden River near Huntsville. Cali today or collect Ogden 9. or SLC MAKE OFFER Will consider trade on new houses. 1400 E. Washakie, Shadow Valley. 132 N. Blue Sage, Tanglewood. 2265 E. 2500 N 2085 N. 2350 E. Oak Forest. Bob Penton 479-65394-66- Stu- Pepper dio, $259. Clearfield. Rirtoe Apts. 776-66Nicely furnished 1 bdrm apt. for rent. S255 includesjhol water, heating, snew removal, carport. Washerdrver are avail. Close to College. NO PETS, SINGLES PREFERRED, $165 deposit Refor appt. quired. 00 HOUSES FOR RENT ) AAAAAAAAAAAAA . Beautiful new Lavton home, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, and extras, 2. Call 500. An Medium Large home in Pleasant View. Nice yard with view. 5 bdrms., dining area, garage, S650mo. with $650 deposit. Available Sept. 1. Attractive 3 bdrm homeT. E. 600 N. Kavsville. Newly gapainted, air cond, dble mo. rage, fireplace. $550 Call Del- - UNFURNISHED (290 APTS.& DUPLEXES ) Roommate or I e Nice wanted. Free Coble Tennis Court Covered Parking e lighted TV (Offer expires July 31, 1986) Person girl lo Share house. Must like kids. Call 2. Debbie Tidy Female Roommates, home near beautiful share WSC. Cable TV, wash$175. Bedroom Apartments Available Swimming Pool LDS (4nn Bedroom 2 Bath Washer & Dryer Hookups 540 West 3. UNFURNISHED APTSi DUPLEXES i 1500 North, Layton (text to AAAAAA So. Ogden Mead ows Apts, plus Condos. 1 and 5. 2 bdrms. Laundry facilities, balcony, carport, tennis courts. S50 discount with this ad. No kids, no dogs.Please Call Sherrie or 825-18- Uf 00 MN Hill Jay AAA 1 AND 2 BEDROOM apts. available now. Newly remodeled, unfurnished apts. with fridge and range provided; carpets and drapes throughout. Very clean apts. located in quiet neighborhood and minutes from all level et schools. Private parking and playground tor Lease options children. available if desired. Cablete TV installed and paid. On-silaundry facilities. 1 bdrm, $230 and $240. 2 bdrm, $290, $295, $305. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call for appt. 1 In WE CATER TO KIDS! SPACIOUS 1 & 2 BDRM APTS FREE CABLE & HBO SPARKLING POOL CLUBHOUSE BACHELORETTE bdrm apt. Very clean and quiet neighborhood. Fridge and range provided, carpet and drapes through- out. On-si- te laundry facilit. Cable TV paid. Private parking. $2302. and $240. Call for appt. AAA Layton, 2 bdrm. Deluxe, privacy, parking, storage, yard. Bonus rent. LAUNDRY FACILITIES 5. AS- Call Paul Barlow PROPERTY A GREAT DEAL AT SUNRIDGE Price Reduced! Extra large wooded lots. Little or no down payment. Long terms. Private hunting and fishing. Approved for building, piped spring water to each lot on 4. INTEREST acre, horses .61 Ok. Irrigation water. $16,500 9. or offer. Call tion, low payments. 429 2525 N. Sunset 164S ... Homo For Sale 300 N. West Point. Half acre, S64.500. Call Female roommate wanted to share 2 bdrm apt. Call AAA verd. FOR SALE HOME 0, 0, 7, 0. 0033 WANTED erdryer. I FIXED 8V2 ) Beaut. 5 acre lot on Pleasant View bench. Super view with 9. Oak brush. S29.000. Beautiful corner lot, 33rd. Taylor, So. End Mt. Ogden Golf Course. 8.7, only $68,000. Hurry and Call Paul Barlow i $225. 2204 Jefferson, 6PM 2 Apt. $185 plus V4 utilities.o. Nicely furnished. No smok-inafter 5. 7. 1 New homes, Lavton and Clinton areas. Call now! Lynn Glauser Constr. t bdrm. heat fiaid. Brand New Furnished Layton, large 2 bdrm, car pet, drapes, appliances, hook ups, covered parking, no pets. S290. After 5. 1 Meadows Condo. $290, bdrm, large closet, no hook-UP- S. Full Size Female to Share 2 Bdrm. 5 Acres Plain City, Approved for single residence. $35,000. Negotiate terms, ENERGY EFFICIENT" 2 bdrms up and down, no large dbl garage, APR or Homestead Realtors -R ESTATE LOTS ACREAGE 1 ROOMMATE 280 Laurie at ext 325. 9. klers, eir, unfinished bsmt. $4,000 down refinance or asUHA. $70,900. sume 10V5 points, $1,900. ) Tenant pays utilities Positive cash flow REAL ) " Call nice 6. after 7.Zfc2911 All brick, Ogden $5,000 down. 30 vr contract, sprin- S300PIUS lights. Roy. PARK $ j $ AAA furnished studio apts.t. $249. Lavton. Low $50 depos-l- Clean 3 bdrm apt. WSC, no petssmokers, no after 5 yard work. llearfield, 2 bdrm apt., air, to base, garage, close 5. $300 mo. Clearfield, 2 bdrm basement apt. J235 plus gas. No pels. Deposit required. Clean, 3 Clearfield bdrm. $350. Carpeted, 2 car-por- ts, no pets. Cute 1 bdrm. apt. in Layton, $300 per mo., we pay utlli-tle- s, girls preferred. 3 bdrms. KAYSVILLE new dishwasher, air, very nice. 721- N. 400 W. CLEARFIELD great AAAAA NOTHING DOWN x, Beautfiul Ogden Must sell. Call EAST LAYTON AREA Fruit trees, 5 bedroom, family room, walk to school. Owner Slto.500. E. Lavton. By owner, 1 yr. 3 dbl. INCOME Clean 2 bdrm. apt. Carpeted located Swan and Taylor, ; 1350 W. 300 N. ) ESTATE PROPERTY REAL 7. Coming Aug. IS PARADE 5 COUNTY MORGAN (210 bedroom, luxury Circle) homes to be seen this week by Checkmate Realty. Call 1, Kent at anytime. $1)0,000 and SI 15,000. SALE CONTRACT Layton 4 bdrm split entry, $61,000. 5 down, no closing interest with costs. 10 plus pymts of approx. $509Home taxes and insurance. d. in good cond. In good 7. ro'- - Home Builders 776-050- 0 FURNISHED APTS. & DUPLEXES (300 . i"c,uded-;330month- Newly .decorated 1 bdrm duplex-aptlocated close to WSC, stove, fridge, air, also has washerdryer hookups. Adults only. No pets. PLENTY OF ADULT AND FAMILY SPACES TO CHOOSE FROM CAMBRIDGE S18.500. Lot 40. Estate liquidation sale, OAK FOREST Weber Basin 7 5 Buy It, liytue AVAILABLE l Utilities . SPACES BO" ONLY Split-Leve- Mon. Sat. OAK FOREST 825-560- 776-35- 3 l, Clearfield bdrms., deck, fireplace. S69.000. Call after 5. 2 Clover Estates (Pin Oak i "776343311; 776-125- Town House, s, hook-up- Bedroom BasemenNo Apartment, fireplace. or smoking. pets, children J l'J baths, Centerville, gas, pool. Close to freeway. Adults, no pets, S435mo- - Carolyn Bedroom Apts, at 740 25th SI. Washerdrver hookups, S235 mo. very nice. Must see. New 2 bdrm apt. $325mo. Air conditioning, fridge, stove, garbage disposal, free washer and dryer available in laundry. 2741 W. 5600 So. 6. PRIVATE AND QUIET 3. -- 2350 W. 5808 S., SPACES ARE LARGE AND COMPANY BY OWNER. West Clearfield area. 3 years old. 2200 sq.fl. finished, many extras, 2 ga- 8, Call 1 bedroom, 1 rage. S260mo. 338 E. 200 S., .Near Clearfield. HAFB Truck Gate. Studios, 1 and 2 bdrm. apts. $165, 200, S210. Excell, tree laundry facilities, t. parking, Very clean and qut-esecurity lighting. Sunset. Small 2 bdrm Apt. 128W W. 1850 N. $220 plus utilities, plus $100 deposit. area quiet, $200mo. plus electricity 2 bdrm S3 25, Nut ups, carpets, patiOTenoep no pots 1 water Pd. 782 7800 r 2 bedroom apt. th North Lavton. S275mo. Dishwasher, disposal, stove, refrigerhocl5u' ator, washerdrver Cable TV. 1725 N. 1450 W. "NEW PARK" AM ANNUAL IVORY $56,000. S62.500. FHA 8.5 Bv owner, enioy the country 1100 In West Point, sq. ft., 3 bdrm, woodburning full bsmt, stove, upstairs; 12,070 sq. ft. lot. All for musical d VA 3. to 6 p.m.j 399-447- Beginning Flute and Piano Lessons. FIND VOCAL FREEDOM 0. Barbara Jenkins Rich Vocal PerformanceElectteaching background. ed to National Association of NO DOWN NEW HOMES 7. Would love to babysit vour "children" in my Clearfield 2. home. mrnmr 6. v. 1. DOWN BuHding a new home? Comyou sign. pare with us before Brelwood Co. 1750 E. 300 N. No Sun-da, West Point72:7 P.m. CARRIAGE PEACE 9. $500 S99.900. 8. super program. ea, Affordable rates. AS LOW AS 8. $48,000. OPM 12 Con-sid- er $51,500. reaj 4 bdrms clean and .iFceiv decorated home In Clinton, has wood burning stove Incallfamily Marroom, excell value, or Homestead tin at 6. R Realtors Best buy per sq. ft. 4200 sq. ft. rambler, 5 bdrm. loaded kitchen, main floor laundry and family room, lovely view. Kavsville Walking to all schools. Only or Move In before school starts, $1500 down, 10 loan P&l $460.68. Nice 4 bdrm, I'i bath, 2 car garage twin home in Roy. Home. acre. 0. trade. 3 bdrm brick rambler with fireplace and garage. Many extras. Quiet neighborhood. Convenient Clearfield loca-tio- n. ut CHILD CARE Layton area with pre school activities. 9. or Call 1 SUMPTION" Fenced yard, 3 $69.500, 6. Experienced day care 1 choice secluded Vt acre south east Ogden view lot. Pool, horse facilities, 4 car garage and MUCH orMORE! AAA Caro in Rov, clean home, hot meals, activities, 90 down, 4 bdrm, fireplace, fenced yard, sprinkler system. Harrisvllle area. Will negotiate terms. Carry contract. after 6 p.m EXCLUSIVE ESTATE Large custom home on Helpl Nice middle age man needs money to survive, will work any iob part time, full Bill. time. 7 davwk. hr., drop Ins OK. bdrm. 2 bath, carport, sprinkling system, 4 Kavsville Country Muttonhollow area, 2 story, 4 bedrooms, 2Vi baths, $92,000 firm. i- TIRED OF RENTING? buy this Mobile Home for only $500. down and $175 mo., when vour ready to move Into a house we will buv this mobile home back. Interested? Call Will carry contract on '68 12X63 mobile home. Expan-d- o on livingroom. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 decks. ed Privacy awnings. carport. Adult section with great view. Excellent Good starter condition. 2, home. 1976 12x60, Buddy, 2 bdrm. on shady lot in Clearfield. S55db. Very good cond. Lots 5. of extras. Call 12x62 Kit, all appliances, washer, dryer, evap. cooler, price reduced to $5000. Close to HAFB. Call 10x64 Mobile home fixer upper. Needs some cleaning and minor repairs. Located area. In good convenient Lavton. Close to schools, free-wa- v. and center shopping For Info call OVER 300 LOTS Anxious Seller 20,000 below appraisal. Spacious , 0. " 6. 0. 2359, or Bob i. Super nice, 24X44 1979 dbl2 wide Sundancer, 3 bdrms, baths with garden tub. Hot Springs Mobile park in Willard, low park fee. $15,300. LAYTON, ROY, KAYSVILLE, CLEARFIELD 285 N. 1500 E. ANXIOUS OWNER By owner The 9 to 5 iob without the 9 to 5 hours. Earn S6 to $10 per 6. hour. Call Avon. hrs., bedroom, brick, carpeted, finished basement, 1JA bath, sprinkler system, fenced yard, 636 Brinker, Ogden. Reduced-s84.90- New office in excellent location! Splits andor desk fee. Earn What You're Worth!I Let's talk confidentially, have what you're looking for. Home Sweet Homes Realty. 24 Bdrms. S. OGDEN HOT TUB REAL ESTATE (joo 3 Mid $50's Appt. $59.500. ) CARE garage. "BY sional family In New York City metro area. Room, board, and salary. Phone CHILD bdrm. starter, bsmt., nico area, above Harrison, Io. yard. $43,900. Beautiful E. Bench for Yearly position avail,to aswarm friendly person sist In child care with profes- WANTED 479-92- . bdrm home, completely remodeled, real nice area, down 3 8. SITUATIONS 3 your home, 14x70, 3 bdrm, wood burning -r stove, good cond. LOCATIONS house needs 6. or Affordable Building Lots, Meadow Park, Clearfield. Contractor readv to , build mobile 1974 bdrm. TathThooltups, deM. Mobile Home, Must sell $3,000. Sinflle wide, 2 bdrms. Super deal, e'cent TbdrmTbsrniapT.Rlverdaie Owner Agent. "8" school. Old Privacy. Nearwork. $55,000. f considered, oHers COUNTY DAVIS area No dep. Free rent. Sunset Call City, 2 bdrm. 2 bath.6PM , collect, after Roy area, 2 bdrm duplex $275 Washerdrver hookups, plus deposit, no pets. rn 2 bdrm duplex, 1 for rent. $250 mo. No kids, $75 cleaning deposit. Ogden 825-57- S299 30?. Sorry no pets, f.rnon Acres 825 021 Only $10,800. 14X70, 1976 Champion, flexi ble terms, with $800. down per mo. payment and $220 or plus lot rent. 773-61- Uiverdale Nice clean Sunset Utah Located on park School next door Extra large and dean Washerdrver hook ups Walk in panfry Free HBO and cable Energy DUPLEXES Newly removated Washing- 2 ton Terrace townhouse, bdrm, la bath, washerdry-e- r hookups, cable TV, air cond., no pets, or 2 BDRM APT Nice clean 3 bdrm, in park, fenced yard, HOMES for rent in Washerdryer hookups, carporl.Sue Call MODEL ACRES, SO. WEBER 2'j Horse property, lots of trees. AAAAA" All SACRIFICE FOR MOVE! 2500 sq. ft. 4 bdrm., 2lz baths, Vi acre with option for more land. Finished bsmt. Excell. cond. Well Insulated. Auto sprinklers. Friendly, quiet, Kavsville neighborhood. Moving E. in 2 weeks, Must sell. $81,000 or best offer. Z3U XPTSi APTS.& DUPLEXES TSo.a09defi 3 bdrm, lvj bath, wood burn-in- g stove. S13.SOO. 1982 Nashua, 24x60 luxury home. 3 bdrm. 2 full bath, with garden tubs, separate showers, brick fireplace, formal dining with built in hutch, dishwasherdisposal. You move this one to desired location. Super family home. Come see, make us an offer. $138,900. ill ESTATE REAL (iiiT 1638 Rushton, beautiful 2 bdrm. red brick home. New floors, full carpet, hardwood $44,500. unfinished bsmt. 3 bdrm. home, in Extra nice Mt. Eyrie, 706 E. 1400 No. fully fenced, beautifully landscaped. Priced $39,900 5, for a quick sale. Kris Network Homes and Land must sell! 4 Absolutely bdrms, Vh bath, wood stove,e. new carpet, $40, 500negotia-bl3. Qwneragent AMERICAN PARTIES INC., commission io 30. No delivery or colphone nec lecting. Car and773-91or essary. Call (io REAL ESTATE WEBER COUNTY (180 Start now, demonstrating gifts for quality toys and HOME TOY or private patio. s, built-in- ITJJ Store Help Saunders VAL- Must come out between 6 p.m. and take a look. Mark Jackson and Bob Godding Classic Realty, Open House or Office eves. 1500 sq. ft., Lusiom Dutii kitchen, dishwasher, $48,000. or Due to the expansion of our 5 facilities, we tonow have work in our openings left A opstore. great Roy retail portunity for those who are attending college or working Hours are Mon. thru days. Frf. from t p.m, to 10 P.m. and some Sat. If you are 18 years of age or older and looking for a great Income and opportunity, call8. our Personnel Dept, at Survival Skills instructor BA Required, experience working with disabled adults. acaAbility to teach basic demics and manual commuri Mon-Fnication. Hrs. p.m. $13,500." Contact Weber Vocational Workshop F. Ave. Ooden by Terry . 290 Must sell! Nice 14x70 OAK FOREST, E. Lavton 2441 E. 2250 N. (off Joni). 5 baths, 2 family bdrms., rooms, panoramic view, OWNER, Year round river front home. Wildwood. Close to services. 543,500. $200 PER MONTH For vour own 2 bdrm brick in a good location. Fixed No agents or inves tors. Call 1,650 sq. ft. Only $52,000. Or 2 bdrms., I3 baths, fireplace, on- garage, deck. 1,140 sq. ft. ly $45,900. Down Low VA, FHA, NO Yardwork or Upkeep Pool and Tennis Court Clubhouse, RV Parking SUNDOWNER CONDOS 700 S. 1600 E., Clearfield 5 min. W. of S. Gate HAFB 3, 9, 4. ; many outgoing personalities. If you qualify apply Mon. between a.m. at the Layton Hills Mall Sizzler. Contact Robyn Rich. Now taking applications for part time positions. shift. Long term care facility. Contact G. Matsumura, Memorial Care DNS, Weber 1. 2700 W. Center JOBS SALES CANYON-BI- MOBILE UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED ESTATE HOMES REAL 260 T baths, fireplace, garage, ductions control experience, typing 50 WPM, 10 key addition, telephone skills a plus. We offer a pleasant working excellent atmosphere and an Call 627-16benefit package. for appnl. or send resume to Attention: Cheryl Anne Larson, GSC FounCommerce Wav. dries, 2738 84401 Equal OpOgden Uf. portunity Employer (sT pm daily. BEST 6 Summer Work for will pay Sl.50-J2.0- 0 your good cond. Used Levis, eves. 501's. OGDEN UE!! Example: 3 bdrms., 2la 5600 S,. Roy. Airline Coupons BUY OR SELL ) . OPEN HOUSE Sizzler Steak Seafood and Salad will be opening a new restaurent in Bountiful. We are accepting applications for experienced cooks and cashiers. We are lookingem-for hard working dedicated ployees. Mature individuals with positive attitudes and HUMANE SOCIETY Lost and Found service 3. Concrete Specialist-license- d contractor, quality concrete. C. J. Concrete. 15 years experience. 100 allsatisfaction guaranteed on orworkmancommer- - 2. 4. WINDOW WASHING. Rest- dentail or business. Lowest No for appointment. agents please. Grand View Acres, 2 bdrm. condo, S. Ogden, fridge, stove, storage shed. $24,000. re- 776-44- Carpet Cleaning Livingroom & hall $19.95 and get (1) Extra Room Free. A- vr Counties. Instant Wedding cent experience and good Rent elegant line dresses, 5 references. Call Connie lavender, 3 blue. Corsages, line bouquets, flowers and PROUDUCTION CONTROL boutonnieres to match. CLERK. Aggressive local Large white lattice backmanufacturing firm has impieces drop. Table center mediate opening for the right with draped chiffon and inperson. Responsibilitiesorder flowers. clude entry data, filing, and status, scrap reports other clerical and secretarial Window & Screen duties. Requirements proCleaning Carpet Cleaning Call 1 3 ESTATE REAL CONDOMINIUMS l(i9o.asffil Sale failed. 3 bdrm, brick, replumbed, rewired, air cond., unfinished basement 'tract. 1300 $42,000. Carry sq.ft. 2679 Eccles N. OGDEN BY OWNER $68,000. 5 bdrms, family room, large patio and auto sprinklers. Drive bv 2840 N. 975 F nr rail No. Ogden, reduced to $69,800. 4 bdrm, walk-obsmt, Ig backyard FRUIT HEIGHTS CONDO Bv Owner, Price Reduced for Quick Sale. Single story, 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath, Kitchen Built-in- s, Ref. Air, Large Etc. Family Room, Patio, Qualified Buyers Call Home Health Aide, ) PRN needed in Weber and Davis v seconds installed as low as S70. Layton Roy 8. 1, Ogden m posiFull and or Part-timtion for Physical Therapist and or assistant. Available Mt. Ogden Physical Therapy Dept. Excellent benefits, competitive salary, multiple continuing education and opportunities. Imme0. diate opening. a, (no LOW DOWN! WASATCH GUNS 8. LOANS 2606 WALL394-665- 0 Physical Therapist e Asphalt Work 11 TO LOAN MONEY . ex- cell. cond., one owner, 1961 Kit mobile Tiome, 50kl2, . bdrms. Shed, awning, cooler, and refrigerator. $4,000. Lavton. For sale, rent or traoe. 12x65 2 bdrm, located Hill-ga- te Terrace 95. For Sale: 10' x 56' Mobile Home. 1 bedroom, air conditioning, patio cover, 2 storage sheds, new skirting, storm windows, sprinkler system. Appraised $5,000. Selling price $4,500. Excellent condition inside and out. ImmedLocated iate availability. south gate HAFB, Hillgate section. Terrace MHP, adult 825-93Corner lot. Phone: after 4:30 P.m. anytime weekends. Fruit Heights '72 Broadm more, 14X60, excell, cond., excell Adult Park, 2 bdrms washer and dryer, extras $7900. Mobile home, 14x68, wood stove, dishwasher, air cond, storm windows, fully covered deck. $14,700 or make n ter. Call AAA $259 MOVES $275350.00 PAYS 1ST MONTHS RENT IN YOU E. Clearfield bdrm TS259 bdrm $259 Furnished studio $60-1deposit . No leases washerdryer hookups Laundry rooms Free satellite TV Tennis courts Garages available 5 min. HAFB 2 bdrm 773-301080 So. 1500 S299 Lo. 2 AND 1 1 AND DEPOSIT 3757 GRANT AVE 6218820 111! Wallace Associates bdrmstudlos AAA $110 4189 So. 300 W. Rlverdale $299 Lg. 2 bdrm $110 Deposit Free satellite TV Washerdrver hookups Free storage Near shopping and schools, one block east of Rlverdale Shopping Cntr, Labelle's, 3. sorry, no pets. Across from So. Ogden Goli 8, Country Club. S309. Near new large 2 bdrm Apt. kitchen and dining area. Free HBO and Cable T.V. Well managed. Call Bob al rr Everything is stacked in your favor! Against mountain, E. Lav- -' ton, 3 bdrm., 13A bath, appliances, 1hookups, fireplace, child OK, no pets. cable, K CentrarAlf Conditioning K Energy Eff dent Gas Heat if Free Cable TV Tanning bed $355. -- A Location Best location! Extra large 2 bdrm. apt. $299. 110 deposit. Walk in pantry. Separate dining from living room. Extra large bdrms. Free HBO. Sunset Ut. Located on park. Walk to school, church. Close HAFB. Must see! QUIET! 182 W. 2400 No. Sunset. ANCORA APTS 1184 W. 4400 So. Rlverdale. 2 bdrm. fireplace, cable TV paid, washer dryer hookups, carports, storage. Near elementary school and park. weekCall Craig at 776-56after days. 5:30 and weekends. I nice 2 bdrm. bsmt. No smoking,- drinking, or pels, near HAFB. Clfd. Clearfield, 2 bdrms. Ipt ulililies. $100 de$250 plus posit. No Children, No Pets. apts. Each 2 bdrm, stove Balcony Fully Equipped Club house Indoor Jacuzzi 2 Swimming Pool i Extra Storage Covered Parking K Central Laundry JJfFull Size WasherDryor Hook-up- s Ask About Our SPECIAL Longer You Stay The Less You Pay." fridge. Own utilities. S350 including cable. No smoking, no pets. Attractive 2 Bedroom Townhouse In Sunset. New draperies, carpet and paint. No pets. $295. very nice large 2 bdrm ant., patio, hookups, available immediately. Also nice 3 bdrm available end of Aug. 0 Deposit, references. 1 Bdrm apt All utilities paid. $215. per mo. $75. security deposit. Come see 387 14th St. Apt C. III rear. Or Call 1 bdrm apt. No kids. pets." Clean. 2662Masn' By appt. only bdrm apt. Roy Wash JCherky ICreekt , " 1651 West hivwdol Pood (East of M5) Rtverdale 627-400- 0 Managed by b ? soil met vo hookups, close to schools. S275mo. erdrver 7 T k h irfr if i r t |