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Show 'mo 440 HOUSES FOR RENT Attractive Ranch Style, N. 4 Osden, nice neighborhood, vn uiuik i, win eiwmemary. bdrmt. family room. Landscaped, fenced, patio, storage, carport, $490. Deposit. references and lease required. No PetsNo Smoking. 0. Available Aug. 30. acl1 table $80. 1225 W. 700 N. cond. S450. Mark cha?rlT No calls after 10PM 3 bdrm. $375 plus deposit. ale. System tor Business. Phone Includes power an 6tB.hone ? s incoming lines. or ifiyOorbest offer. bdrm remodeled home,, Fruitvegetable dryer bsmt, $375. mo., fenced yard. Large family size, $75 2658 Gramercy Call 3 bdrm up, 2 down, new Canoe plus paint, 3 baths, family room, 1, Motor $375 dbl garage, fenced yard, 175 mo,or 1183 E. 1100 So. Clear2 $500. field. after 4 P.m. .1 Bedroom Basement, min. to base or freeport, S. 400 E. Clearfield. . . deposit, $200mo. ties. W. Layton. 2 plus utili- need refinishing $10 ea. 0phenWJVl20d'. Jrdasll - ?!. 2. Toys, baby items, bedroom house in the country, close to Ogden, Fort Ln $250. i size APPLIANCES, T.V., STEREO 2625 N.', Layfonl An,elope off )N Comfortable bdrm. 2 bath, I Heavy Duty Steam Cleaner,- on E. Side, dishwasher, I PriCe r w'ilMr. onCr,,iC range, air, family room, dbl. I S'1 camp trailer, 4 oarage, $495. Cali Cute Clean i Bedroom house, $300 plus utilities. 1662 after 4. Ogden Ave. 782-57E. Layton, 4 bdrms, 2Vi formal dining, baths, garage, $575 Plus deposit. Avail. Aug 1. Call Joe 544-42or ' . - .fenced New, boys 10 spd. 479-5- 2 N.E Bench. Excell. Location. - 3 bdrm. No pets. Dep. today $400 mo. Mini truck camper. '78 Ford N.E. Lavton. Totally remod-- 1 Courier, 5 spd, 6 pack eled 4 bedroom, I1, bath, sleeps 4, new paint, family room, fireplace, large .co?d- - throughout, ?xcf fenced yard. $450. (lacksshell). $3500 Newer 2 bdrm. near HAFB, Mpv;je Camera ft Projector . .. fenced, air, deck, sprinklers, f. Howell Super 8 like new $120 both or $80 proiec-tno pets, avail. Aug. 18th, or alone. see now $395 E: Real nice 4 bdrm., 2 bath, MOyrnG-SALAfter ' Aug. 1 and all day large family room with Auo. 2 Dishwasher, tires, stove, large fenced yard, gaetc. 217 E. Burton Lane $490 a rage, many extras. 0. Kavsville. Call month. After 4 for Information, RentLeaseOptlon 3 bdrm S. Ogden home, $450. Moving Sale Price ducea on every hand-maFenced, 4214 S. 900 E. gift item! Doil' quilts, baby owneragenl baby afghans, stuffed Rent or lease with option, quilts, animals and more. Reva's ' Layton area, 4 bdrm, 2 bath, Quilts N' Things, 1359 Marifamily room, fenced yard, lyn Dr. Layton (behind Slim-son- 's kid and pets ok, avail Aug. Market). Wed.. Thurs. 1st. Call after 5. 6. and Frl Must sell: : Lady's diamond solitaire ring, carat, never worn SlMi) 393-42S495MO. or NEW HOMES dayseves. 1135 W. 25 N., Clearfield f Must Sell! Playpen, Childs back-carrie- r, CONNERS 8. CO. high chair; baby bed. Infant .Washington Terrace, 3 portable . bdrms. on main. horse, New paint carpet. Stove and fridge, Must sell 3 spoof Bornette t and cooler, lots of storage. No Excell. cond. surger. - smokers or pets. $450mo. $350 Best offer. . plus deposit and utilities. Neighborhood 7. Garage Sale Furniture, lamps, tables, '1 Yr. Lease, Eden 4 bdrms. mirrors, pictures, children's b 2 family room, baths, large clothes, bike and more. Sat, acre fenced, Z garage, 2 Aug.2, 10-- 4. 702 E. 1475 s! horse stall. $650mo. Aug. 15. Kaysville.(Hess Farms) 9. Nishiki 18 spd. trail bike. Like new, $250. camping MOBILE HOMES gear :(34lT J , furnished or unfinished. after 5PM Call $4-- gate Terrace $5. 2 wbsherdryer, appliances, sheds. $325. plus deposit. 546- - $50. MOBILE HOME PARKS (35( Come move to Quail Ridge Mobile Home Community. We'll pay for the move, and hookup of your single wide. Dbl wide-we'- ll pay for the move plus W of the tear down and set up. Quality living with club house, pool, spa and exercise room, plus 3 mos. of Vi rent. Call for 2. details, at Dbl or single wide spaces now avail. Family section. Layton Area. Call Do you need help getting located in a family park? Let 8. us help you! COMPUTER ACTION recllner-$4- 0. 8. Used kitchen cabinets, formica counter, kitchen sink, washer and dryer, building supplies, misc. Used Mig welder, Lincoln SP150, includes cart, cylinder, stitch timer and roll of wire. Sold for $1500 new, now $850. Ogden Welder Supply, Rectangular models, SPACES ARE LARGE $195 4. VALU-DRU- SALE PRIVATE AND QUIET Frl. and Sat.. Aug. 2, 9am-6pGilt items, jeweONLY "50" SPACES il lry, back to school, much much more. Most items at or AVAILABLE in below our cost. Valu-Dru- g PLENTY OF ADULT AND Sunset, next to Wlnegars. FAMILY SPACES TO VW engines rebuilt, 12 mo., I 12,000 mile warranty, $500. CHOOSE FROM Brakes, struts, tune ups, mufflers, clutches. Call CAMBRIDGE PARK I or 776-29- 11 OFFICE BUSINESS (iso" GARAGE Office space in Lavton. Ex cellent parking, carpeted, In' dividual conditioning. 0. central SALES ) Children's items galorel 6, Clothing sizes toys, equipment, girl twin outfits, and maternity clothes. Plus, 4 van chairs, ski boots, air Call evenings Shops and offices, 2 bay area shop with office, bath- room and storage space. Complete with air, and heat. 110 and 220 outlets. 1 bay area also avail. Low rates. clothes, shoes, kerosene heater, kilchenhousehold Items and more. Sat. Aug. 2, 2 p.m. 248 E. 1900 S. Clearfield (off Antelope Dr. behind Lakeview Apts.). GARAGE SALE 1. (vo amp ac, new only burned 3 230 condition, 9. rods. $200. After 4, 6x6.8 ft. patio door, $50. Four 4x4 windows $100, elect tove $50. Twin bed $25. 4 chair table set $25. CLEARFIELD Prices every day. Pictures, STORAGE frames, plants, lamps, pants, shoes, blouses, shirts. All sizes. Radios, cameras, books, couches. CJ'S Emporium. 166 S. Fori Lane, Lav' CLASSIC STORAGE 2087 N. Main, Sunset Free mon'h's rent. $15 and ton. up. 1130 Washington Blvd., Weber High shops, ranges froml 3,000 sq.ft., 5,900 sq.ft. Se- Yard Sale, antique furniture, 8x11 rug, tires, stereo, stove, kitchen misc. 3 spd bike, 1851 more. Aug. W. Gregory, Lavton cure, clean, ample parking,compressed air, light manu- - Yard Sale. Sat. and Sun. 9 Furniture; new facturlng. Private and overa.m.-7p.- head doors. Phone (440 A Ole I screen...20 Dysan Financial Abacus 45 20 CompuServe sub kit Disk Mechanic 50 Dollars and Sense 120 Turbo Toolbox 25 Amdek 310a monitor 135 Princeton color... 2 and used misc items. pcxl Timer Brunswick Table, 4zX9, 2" slate, excell, cond., 81600. 77AUCTION?? WHY SELL AT AUCTION7 Instant Cash Flow The auction method is ree- - Yard Sale, Saturday, Aug. 2, Photography supplies, yardage, glassware, books, 130 and many misc. items. W. 250 S. Kavsville. FURNITURE (450 Beatiful A S CARPET poster kingsize waterbed, like new, or $450. 393-42- 1 yr old, dayseves. 'conven'ent CapiaI?Ii.? quickest, moM Dresser, twin, and efficient system to sell in dark wood. 8350. American today. For the most efficient man Complete Queen size bed and head board. $200. or best agement of your estati offer. sales, business liquidations, Industrial equipment, excess Couch, love seat, 2 end -l anInventory, real estate, tables, coffee table. Oak etc., contact Llving-- I ing room set. 400will sell 5. sloo coffee table, other misc. 2. furniture. excell, i Gold chairs $50.newea.trampo-llne cond., also 33" 815. Call yard turniture, auto tires,; size waterbed, wavebikes, toys and more. 12661 King less mattress, padded side W. 1625 N., Clinton. Aug 2 rails, bookcase headboard 8250. i 710 Shorthair Mix. 12 wks old. 2 female, 2 male. Free to good home, pure bred Irish Setter, 2 yrs old. Call Free to good homo, 6 mo. old female, Blue Healer Toy Collie Mix, German Shorthair pups, 1976 9. SCHNAUZER Registered male. Schnauzer, Miniature AKC, BlackSilver, Salt Pepper, 1 9. male. 4 females. Sheltie pups, AKC, male, 1 female. Sable and white. 6 6. wks old. $150. Siamese kittens, (30. Box trained. Call 8. or Small puppies, tails docked, had snots, 12 weeks old, free 7. to good home. thoss 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. 1975 13 ft. Covote Good Cond., furnace, ice box, stove, $1375 nepo. 7720 S. Hwy 89 Willard, Utah Lot 977 17 ft. Jewel Trailer, Surge brakes, heater sleeps 782-4- 97S ft. Security 20 self contained, camel axel, good cond. S3500offer. 1976 GREAT DIVIDE 28 ft. Call weekdays after 4 p.m. 67 Jet trailer. 16 ft., new s, paint, new upnolsteryeur-tain6. $1350otfer. 1984 Kit Companion, 24 ft. 1 Used season, fully equipped. $7500. 82 Starcraft Tent trailer, sleeps 6, has stove, sink, furnace, ice box, excell, cond., $2500. or best offer. LrOl 1 1 Travel Trailers 5th Wheels 15' to 40' nsvsr-usa-d WESTERN items in classified 31 ft. before . TRUCK SALES '3110 Walt, Ogden I 621-04- Good used Armstrong flute with case, Bundy Student Trumpet 100best offer Electric guitar, red with black tiger stripe $200. lead rhythm Experienced g. Call Call Red Roane Appy Morgan Mare. Great mountain horse. Experienced rider. $450. tandem axle, like new. Excell. cond. side walk-ou- t, 82,200. after 6. Too Many Horses to Ridel Must sell 7 yr. Registered Paint Mare. Professionally trained and shown. Excellent for winning in H or Posse. Very solid mare. If you're looking for a cheap horse don't call. eves. WEANER PIGS $40 Bob Holmes 6 vr old AQHA Gelding Must sell, $275 6 It ft. flatbed gooseneck Upright Piano. $750. eves. lz ton 6x9 steel bed, with stake side, excell 9. cond. 8600. Tilt boat trailer with rollers, 200 or 4. best offer Call Trailer, 4x13 with spare tire end wheel, good for hauling firewood, wheelers or 3 snowmobiles, $550. 1. CAMPERS Supersprite, years old, almost never used, like new. Books Included. Must see. $750 or best of' 8. fer. Call Lane Trombone, Used, very gooc cond. $175best offer. Upright Piano, needs some work. $400ofter, or part trade Violin. Wurlitzer Organ. vr. old Quarter horse $450. FARM IMPLEMENTS 1973 Chapparal Camper, 1972 7 ft. cabover camper for small trucks, stove, sink, Icebox, sleeps 4. S795offer. 2. 8 ft. slide in camper shell, with 2 burner stove. Icebox, sink. 8450. insulated aluminum camper shell for long wide bed pick 8. up. tlOObesT offer. Pick up shell, fits a D50 long bed Ram, 80x60 in. 8200. 525 Canyon Rd. Tee Pee 8 ft., V cab over, with sliding front window, heater, stove, sink, ice box, and jacks. $300. trail- self powered svslem. Model A4115H. Electronic piano Like new. 479-63CP-3- (490 0 ) ANTIQUES Executive Walnut Desk with Vx inch plate glass, brass handles and leather executive chair. 700.00. 1. RV hand bucket and scraper. Alt In good cond. 3, New Ford 757A Backhoe Attachment,' fits 1000 series tractors. Supplies 17S S. Main Kaytville AVIATION BUILDING (500" MATERIALS ) Corrogated roofing, 9' $230, 22' $5, 28' 8. Lumber: 479-7)2"x8"x 18' 4. 8 FT. RAILROAD TIESI 8 while they last. Discounts and delivery available. Great for landscaping, walls or tence post. FARMERS! clearing out railroad lie or fence posts leave message. (540" GOOD THINGS TO EAT BLACKBERRIES Order Peaches Now! For Aug. and Sept. Red Havens, 8. Elbertas, S9.50bu. FERTILIZER S TOP SOIL XAA top soil, sand and gravel, drains, grading and excavating. Call Excell. Sand1Y loam top soil and fill. Call The Sand Man, (sio" AND FEED 2ND Crop Alfalfa Hay, In Field. 1985 Cessna 172, under wholesale $53,000. 1985 Cessna 182, $79,500. Lease backs avail. Call Spectra Sonic Aviation Learn to Fly all Spectra Sonics Aviatli (670 1965 BOATS t 544-40- MOTOR ) HOMES MARINE Class A, 27 foot, sleeps 6 to 8, available Aug. only. 8. 20ft. Fully self contained 1979. 318 engine on Dodge Chassis. 9, Motorhome rental: Class A 27 ft., sleeps available only. Aug. 1977 Revcon 29 ft. Rear bath, generator, air, tandem axles, tow mi. excell. cond. 745-34- '84 Sunstream, Beachcraft 84200. Excell. cond. inside and out. 6. mounted tires. SSSQUICK Beautiful Mahogany Metallic, incl. chrome rims, camper shell. 16,000 ml. 1977 Chev Short Deluxe. Loaded, new palnttlres, chrome rims. 1973 Chev pickup, 4x4, excell., $1600. Call '80 CJ7 hardtop, 6 cyl. good shape. $3800. Dodge 4x4. 4k ton, p$, pb, air, 400 C.I.D. Towing 1978 6. 7. wheeler, 1. Ford Ranger 4x4, shortbed, black, new tires 9. and rims. Call 1985 Ford XLT Lariat, diesel, loaded, sharp as 8. they come. '83 Ford 4x4, ton F250. Excell cond. $6000. Call ISUZU 39,000 Mi. Nice Tires. 3 in. lift 84050. 1973 Jeep CJ-- 5, 38,000 miles. In mint condition, $2995. Call PARTS SERVICES 21ft. Cuddy cabin. Lika new cond. Full canvas, camper top, new boat cover. 260 Merc Cruiser. Best looking, best running boat at the lake. Used only 5 times. $14.500. Catamaran for sale, 16 ft. Hoble Cat, $2200. Call work. parts, needs 257 SlOOOoffer. See ) Subaru Wagon GL 4x4, great cond, new tires, good off road and in snow, air. 11X100 776-03- or best offer. '84 Toyota 4x4, sr5, loaded, exceil. cond. Must sell, make Offer. or Yamaha ) '78 Beauville Van. Cruise, air, run well, looks nice. 6. mi, 27 AUTOS FOR SALE ) TRUCKS 8)4,500. or offer. 1975 Corvette T-t$7000. Excell. cond. Call 0. after 3 p.m. 1971 CORVETTE 454, 4 speed, $6500. Call '76 Winnebago, A. Low mi. Loaded. 13,995offer. good gas mile-agasking S4500. 1979 Subaru 4x4 wagon, new engine, runs good, looks good. 81900. Call '79 Super Beetle convertible, radials, mags, excell, cond., low mi., AMFM stereo, 77 Datsun 2S0Z, excell cond. amtm, Bra, 82800. 479-01- $7,495 or best offer. 22, maroon, with louvers, nice shape, runs good, 81,650offer. 1965 Mazda RX7 GS, for sale or trade, white with Interior. Good cond. gray 7. 82400. '77 Chevy Vz ton, rebuilt 350, auto, new exhaust, runs '80 Mazda, RX7, clean car. Air, sunroof, tinted windows, must sell. 4995best offer. good. 81800. '71 Chev 1 ton 350 (our bolt main turbo 400 trans. Both have low mileage and will pull or haul anything. $950 or best. 7. 1984 Nissan 300ZX Turbo, anniversary edition. Call Low mi. 8. 1970 Opel GT, excell. cond. must see to appreciate. S2000best offer. Ask for John p i&m Class Nice. 5. 1300. after gine In excell shape. 1500 or best offer. after 5. 197S Chevy Monte Carlo, 350 $?00 or will consider engine. trade. Chew Chevette, 4 dr, 198S New, eir, tilt wheel, less than 9 200 miles. SS000. 1978 Chrysler Cordoba, p.s., p.b., air, new radials, nice car 82695. '78 Cougar, air, very good low 2 cond., $150. 1979 Delta 88 Olds 4 door, excell family car. good MPG and cond. Call after 6 pm or 5. weekends Parting out complete. All good glass, wheels, tires, brakes, frontrear axels, no or engine. '73 Volvo 142DL, runs good, low maintenance. 475. '86 Dodge Daytona, auto, like new 5,000 mi. Free 5. equity. 3. '71 Volvo I42S. Beautilull New motor, clutch, paint. 30MPG. Must see! 1971 Volvo 164, 4 door, new paint, new tires, air, 4 spd, A-n. p.s., no rust. p.b, 81095. 1 Dodge Aires Wagon, below low blue book, front wheel drive. 81700. '73 Dodge Charger, 2 dr, 400 Cl, aulo, needs tires, trans d. work. Good parts car for 8. 8650 offer. '85 Escort L, aulo. air, ps, pb, low mi. '64 VW Baja air, AMFM stereo, like new, 6. 85900. Call '79 VW Rabbit, 4 dr., auto, cruise, low mi., extra clean, 0. $2,300. 84.995. J 8450. Call 1985 Va Ford '76 Old, very good motor, good body, asking $1000. 0. '83 Ford Thunderbird, air, auto frans, S630o. also V-- '62 Corvair 8100. 1983 Ford Thunderbird Tur- bo, sun roof, all options, after 5PM. 1980 FORD FIESTA low miles. After 5 weekdays, 8. Only $3,000 mi, 1982 Fairmont, while, tan or, 4 dr, 6 cyl, auto air, amfm, ps, pb, 5. cond. 12895. Ford interi- trans, excell tires. 82800. 1974 Station wagon, good cond. 2 extra snow tires, extras. 8499. 84 Pontiac Bonneville. V-like new. Air, tilt, cruise, wire wheel covers. Low ml-le- s. or Pontiac Grande Prix, loaded. Great fuel mileage, excellent shape, price of $3,000 is well below book. Call 1979 Pontiac Firebird, 301, 4 spd. emfm stereo cassette radio, p.s., p b., air, $2200. Call after 5 p.m. Powerful 1979 Chevy Monte Carlo, clean. Crager rims, 399-t5- il High book $2000. Low book Best offer gets. of- Blue '84 Z-Camaro, S spd, 305, air, AMFM stereo cassette, power windows,excell, cond., $11,000 negotiable. 1983 Buick Regal, 6 cvl, loaded, limifed edition. $5950. Excel!, cond.. Call TRANSMISSION SERVICE ANY Call 1972 6. Mercedes DieseL interior. Original 9. '71 Monte Carlo, 305. pb, p$, air, good cond. $1,800. . Must sell! '80 Chevette, air, good cond. 81400best offer. 1976 Mustang II Ghia, 9. 81,000. 1974 Mustang II Ghia pack- age. p.s., p.b., auto, air, sunroof, everything operafional. condition. 84,800. 1982 Olds Firenza Call after 6 00 p.m. 17' 68 Chrysler. Open bow, 130 Volvo, IO. runs great. EXPERT 16 foot Boat and For Sale Trailer plus all equipment, REPAIR OF AUTOMATIC STANDARD TRANSMISSIONS COMPLETE TRANSMISSION i COOLER i CLUTCH TRANSMISSIONS AN0 CLUTCHES $1500. negotiable, 825-79after 5 p.m. 2 ft. Aluminum Boat. Very good condition. $350. Call 5 ft. boat. Midwest trailer, 50 h.p. Merc, motor. Boat CYCLES a SUPPLIES ) needs lop deck paint and CR 480, must sell fast new interior. Best offer. 1983 tor 750, with extras. Must after 4:30 pm. 1, see to appreciate. 16 Ft. Hoble Cat, Doublel ask for Scott. trapeze. Harking lib trims. T974 Goldwing. Fully after 6. $1.995. equiped. Excell. $2295. Cycle 1975 21 Ft. IO, full canvas. 8. trailer. 275. Fred days Musi sell 86500besl offer. Eves. after 4. '79 Honda ATC 110 3 wheel21 FT. LUGER SAILBOAT er 250. 198 Yamaha IOOcc 3 sails, sleeps 4, many extrail $275, '78 Yamaha 90cc 8260. tras,1 trailer, motor, rigged after 4PM for man. 82500. '82 Honda Custom 450, nice 18 H. Side Winder, 454 Berk-- , ride, EXCELLENT c6nD ley Jet, $3200. 1082 W. 1800 extras, $895. see at 961 36th N.. Clinton. or call Ttransmission TELEPHONE TANNER TODAY Any Major AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REPAIR COMPLETE RESEAL $899I I1 Most Rear Wheal Drive Carsj AERVtC 1 Ctrt Ponign Ownership Crt Truckt Warranty Available RV Van$ ATTTf 2 dr. hatchback, auto, FWD, air, tilt, amtm stereo. Excell. 5 cond. 83400 offer. '77 Olds Toronado, new motor, new tires, super clean. 81500, 'best offer. '7wmsazissimss Chapparal 162 1985 90 h.p. Johnson outboard, low hours, excell. cond. $6000. 4 V-- sod, factory air, p.s., p.b., looks good, runs good, Layton Auto Sales, . ask tor Dave. '68 Mustang, 289, 4 spd., du-- al exhaust, no rust, 4, excell. cond. 81900offer. '83 Olds Cutlass Supreme, 4 door, V-- 6, loaded. Excellent 8450. Call Trade or Sell Citation, $850 or best de- pendable transportation. 850 or best offer. '72 Ford V8, excell. cond. pspb, radio. s?5make offer. Handymans dream, '83 Camaro, p, loaded, front end damage, must see, best offer. 1982 Honda Accord, 4 door, ps, pb, air cond, amfm radio, cruise control, real clean. after 5 pm. 1982 Mercury Lynx st wgn, $2700. Call Lorraine at after 4 30 1982 Merc station wagon, loaded, $3800. Must sell, '71 Maverick 2 door, AMFM cassette, good 2nd car, $450. Inquire at condition, clean, tapedeck, 8. 1980 Ford Maverick, 1972 $600. After 5 30 Scott. 1972 THUNDERBIRD $600 Call 1976 Toyota Corolla, good fer. Ford Grand Torino Elite, runs good, but needs exhaust system. $550 or best offer. Call after 5 Plymouth Duster slant six, runs great, auto, power 1976 Heights. 1972 Ply. smalt blue with while top, miles, new paint and low steering, power brakes. $500. or offer. 1976 Toyota wagon 4X4, runs $2500. or offer. 546- great. 8. 1784 or 1970 Plymouth Satellite. New battery, stereo. $250. Fruit - '79 Ford LTD Parting Out '49 Chevelle Malibu, all but front clip. 350 Rick or Bud. engine. Escort, take over payments. Wagon, 9 passenger, $895. 7. 7. '77 Firebird Formula 403 Cl, auto, air, ps, pb, amfm cassette, new tires and engine. 83000best offer. 1972 Fleetwood Cadillac, runs and looks pood, Ambassador Station Around Town Loyal Friend, 1965 Dodge Dart. $200. dr, ste- $3300. 1981 $500 or best offer Call John after 4:30. 1984 VW Jetta GL, auto, 1972 Blau Punkt hatchback, reo, excell, cond., condi-lio- AUTOS FOR SALE ALL MAXES . 1983 Dodge Colt GTS, 2 5. (990 ml., $1,800. 2. '81 Cutlass LS 4 dr sedan, very clean, California car. 8 Air, etc. 83600offer. 1981 Datsun 210 Good Condition $1700 or best offer. Super bus XR-- 7 air, excell, cond., 479-91- tires and Beetle, new engine, stereo, good tires, excell, cond., 9. Call SlOOOoffer, 1980 Cougar 7. door. 52,000 miles. Good 5. condition. $2000. Call 82400. 1970 Volkswagon Monte Carlo, air auto trans, $ 500. 0. Call 1978 Chew Nova, 1 owner, 84,000 original mi, body- - encond., 1977 Toyota Corona SR5, pb, radial tires, runs good. 0. $850. 1977 Toyota Corolla 5 speed, Volkswagon door, 7. 1978 Chevy k, Volkswagon Rabbit. p.m. sale. 2. 7. new brakes. 81000. 8 4 cond., sunroof or 393-67- '80 Chev Impala, 4 dr. nice family car, 1950 for fast dayseves. 1983 Toyota Cressida, fully loaded, excell, cond., call after 5 p.m. 1980 Toyota Corolla station wagon. 5 spd. 64,000 mi. 82500. 1400. 7. excellent fully loaded, like new, excellent mpg, 393-42or cassette, 9 . 479-70- 1980 Chev Citation. '85 Toyota Corolla Air, AMFM stereo, $6,700. SR-- 5 Caprice Estate passenger wagon, lots of extras, immaculate cond.' '86 Toyota Corolla, 5 dr. hatchback, air, ps, amfm cassette. '79 Sapparo. 1 owner, ex- cell, mechanical cond., many extras. Does need paint. 4, 2. after 7fM 1983 Chev 3. driving light. after 6 Call Ron 0. offer. Call 1984 Chev. Camaro, Steel Blue, air, auto trans. Shadow kit. Less than 20,000. ml., Flero Pontiac, 1984, Red. Air, low mL, new tires. AMFM stereo tape. Too many cars, must sell. must sell this 260-- week. nlng good, 81295. '84 Renault Alliance, low e, '84 Toyota Corolla 9 pas- '83 Cavelier, auto trans, air, amfm. Great car. $3995 or ax-ce- ll. cond., low ml., like new. Excell, rrfi., $7000offer. $8795. Caprice Estate senger wagon, high mileage special, fully loaded and run- - loaded. $6800. '85 Nissan Sentra XE, 81700. 1964 Rambler 4 door wagon, 3 spd, overdrive, runs but 9. smokes bad. 8150. 77 Red Chevette. Good n, 2 new tires. $650. Datsun 1977 5. '83 Mazda 6 26 LX, oxcell, cond. air, cruise, completely 1981 '82 Corvette, Glass Auto Trans., excell, cond., 3. 26 ft. ) '84 CORVETTE Like new. Must sacrifice. 1974 260Z Chev, '79, Silverado, diesel, short bed , pspb, amfm 1963 Chevy Pick-u6 evdinder 295. FOR SALE SPORTS CARS 1979 280ZX, aute, cruise, air, os, pb, power windows, power mirrors, amfm, louvers, good tires, runs and looks great. $4400. or offer. or 950 AUTOS (970 tot. Fully loaded. $1500 down, sod, overdrive, excell. MPG. bed carpeted, insulated. Metal side shelves. 1977 Ford Van, new paint, pb, AMFM stereo, CB, carpeted Interior. Very clean, $2495. or Grand 1800. Oberhelm OB8 MIDI, mint S 1700. Yamaha 400 DX9, sounds, $500. Korg CX3, Organ, $450. Rhodes $275. Hammond B3, Leslie 147 $700. Mike '86 Chev custom van. See me before going to the car 8. take over pymts. '84 Chev Custom Van, load-- e d, 13,500. or assume lease. 7764543 '84 Chev. Custon Van, loaded, excell, cond., $1 1,900. New fires, many extras. Electric CP70. Nash American, 2 door station wagon, complete, very rare. Needs complete ft., 454 GMC, Class A. Roof air, Jen, ladder, rack, elec, step, light Oak interior, rear bed, silver blue upholstery, couch and dinette. Windshield cover, Immaculate. 827.900. 86450. 1985 Toyota SR-- 5 Xtra Cab, 4X4, sun roof. 32,000 ml., excell. cond.. $8900offer. 723-14or ask for Kirk 1985 Toyota 4X4, stereo, Duraliner, $7100. Chevy 2 dr. hardtop, auto, trans., good cond. 1955 $3600. owner. Honda Accord LX, 2 dr. hatch, 5 spd. excell. cond. 83000best offer. 1979 Honda Civic Hatchback, low mi. excell. cond. or t 84 after 4. FOR SALE N. 776-64- 3. VANS at E.. Layton. 1300 Must sell, '85 Nissan 4x4, excell. cond. must see, 7800offertrade. 1953 Volkswagen, 2 motor. 1,000. AUTOS 5. or Jeep CJ5, 2 soft tops, bar, extra gas tank, ex- 1972 roll tra restoration. 600 or best offer. Call The Sandman, mobile sandblasting, your place or mine anytime. Call 1978 Cadillac Eldorado White $2700. Call 773-440- 1 1974 Cadillac sedan DeVille, 85,000 original mi. nice Interl- or. 8900. '67 Cadillac DeVille, 4 door, hard top, needs engine work or can be used lor parts. 8500best offer. mo 392-2)- $500. Call casselte, '82 Chevelle Super Sport, new paint. 327, Must sell. (940 seat. 198S wheeler, Needs engine work. 1800. Serious Inquiries only. Call after 4 p.m. Also new Chevy 350 with turbo hydromatlc 350 trans. $800 Corvair 1943, completely reexcell, cond., stored, 81300best offer. '56 Ford, Town Sedan, runs good. Also '71 6. Plymouth Duster good cond. sunroof. $8,375. 1980 Honda Accord Hatchback, 5 spd, clean, low mi 1974 4. After $2,500best. 5:30 and weekends. 6. '85 Ford 4x4, dual tanks, 10,000 miles, 1 owner. shaft drive, electric and pull start, reversa, racks front and rear, trailer hitch, excell, cond., used very little. 1450. Call after 330 SALE after p.m. 1973 Buick Regal, 2 door, 3. mr Honda Prelude, air, AMFM 1975 Dodge and Good $1,100. 7. FOR '73 Buick Century, runs great $600 or5 best offer. '85 Honda Accord LX, 2 door hatch back. 1979 $975 or otter. 1. 8600. 1. package, club cab. '74 Dodge Ramcharger 4x4, p.$., p.b., auto trans, air, plus 2 sets tires and wheels, $1800. Long bed import shell with sliding window, $100. 2. 1 Ton, 4X4, 10 ft. flatbed, dual rear wheels. New clutch, pressure plate 982, 185S Honda, 3 wheeler, like new cond. Run excell. 8675. anytime. 1982 185S 3 wheeler, near new, 750. 200 4 runs eves 1967 Chev 4X4 Good Condition, $1,200 984 Honda ATC 125, excell. cond. $700 or best offer. Call Yamaha 6. Must Stewart. 1977 Datsun B2I0 hatchback, 4 spd. $1.756. - Deluxe Pkg. White. 8. Call . '77 Buick Skylark, auto., air, sell radials, good cond. LE, loaded, 20.000 miles, $6950. Call or , 1982 Buick Riviera. $6200. 86.000. 1983 Chev. Short, Big Wheel 200 Yamaha, less than 20 hrs. Front and rear racks. $1150. Cash only, firm after 4. price. 1983 200 E Big Red, Low mU excell. cond. Must sell. Call CASHSSS Top prices paid tor clean trucks and 4x4's Butters Auto Sales, Roy 1983 110 ATC Honda Used very little. $550. - V-- 4 ALL TERRAIN 200X low hrs. 2. '82 Bronco XLT, 351, oil. Call 1974 YZ80, smalt frame. 1977 DT125. 1968 CB350, they all run Your choice, $125. 7. '79 Dodge 16 pass. Van, auto, elr, cruise, nice $3,995 1983 Ford utility van, 6 cvl. 4 $585. Yamaha speaker 11 ft. cabover, new lacks, self contained. 8)600. 8 foot Stagg Sleeper, 3 ft. high. Insulated, good shape. 5. 8250. or best offer. International tractor 4231 Case 555 pull swather, 69 New Holland baler, farm (660 6.2 Liter, fully loaded, excell, cond Inoul. 810,900offer. Blazer S10, 1984, V6, 2 tone, excell cond. Loaded. Make offer. 1980 Blazer, 350, p$, pb, auto., new tires, lift kit, stereo. 8. Honda condl casselte. Only '84 Corolla ) '84 BLAZER ti900ofter. 1986 Yamaha YZ80, approx. 20 hours. $950. Free case of condition, 0. SALE 4 WHEEL DRIVES FOR AAA '84 Bronco with extra, must see, low ml., no cash down, 9600. s233mo. 1951 83500. Call -F- Yamaha Yamaha XT 600 1852 miles, never taken 84 Cars Trucks Motor Homes Motorcycles, etc. CALL NOW Llvlnoston Auction Co. sunroof, pick-u- AUTOS (960 1985 $399. ) 1 Shape. 81.250. 84 Honda 70 3 Anyone can sell Now taking consignments: spd, air, p. windows, mirror, amfm stereo, beaut, car engine, pood. $500. 78 GMC Long bod Sierra, dual tanks, p.s, p.b, auto 0. trans. shell. 82)00. 1983 Mazda longbed, excell. cond. Must sell. $2799. Yamaha 1980 Special, shaft drive, cruise, saddle bags and windshield. Excellent StOOO. 390 AUTO AUCTION!! 2251 So. 1900 W. Ogden. (Old Hwy) WED. evening Aug. 13; 6 P.M. 37.000 ml. 86700. 79 BMW 5281, 4 '66 Ford 44 ton pickup, needs some work, runs $600 or best offer. Call 1980 Yamaha 400 Special. Low mileage (only 12,500) 0. Great condition. $590. (770 air. Pioneer $900 or best offer. Honda 1984 1981 Magna, after Military $600. Ford 69 exce. 83 Accord LX, ton, air cond, '67 Ford 1966 er, tandem axle. Asking 6rgan for Sale. Wurtltzer V-- Vz 73 new tires and front springs. Asking $800. '68 Ford, good wood hauling truck. With shell, S650ofier. after 6 8. 650 Special. Call 1984 Suzuki RM250, $900 Call after 5PM Trade or Sell 1981 Suzuki GS650 L, shaft drive, many sunroof. snowmobile end utility er. 1 HONDA XL2S0, S42S. 3, Excellent cond, Mountain Green. 1981 Honda XL250S, new muffler, new tires, runs good looks good. $600. Husqvarna 500 XC, 1985, watered cooled, excel), every extra you'd cond, want Is on this bike, need to sell fast 1979 Kawasaki 400, low mi. Excell. cond. $600. CLASSIC AUTOS Coleman I ft. motorcycle, trsil-e- r, Ford OGDEN'S 1ST PUBLIC Anyone can buy . AUTOS FOR SALE IMPORTS (880 I 7 AUCTION 825-62- cond, 0. mere ,V Ail AUTO 197S 280-$1500 best offer. good cond. Good tires, cov 1981 AUTOS Trailer, gelding. 1971 0. Motorcycles. excell, kit, $1700best offer. 2,300 4 cvl., 2,000 cyl., 302 V-- 8. Priced 4. for quick sale. $195. Call mo. old Hereford bull calf for sale. $250. Older Hamilton (Baldwin unmaker hunt-In- 4. guitarist seeking working or soon to working Country Countrvrock band. Can also sing lead vocal. anytime. New Young Chang Granc Plano. 5'2". 3995. Call after 5 p.m. pet 1, ask for Brian '83 Honda Shadow VT750, like new, low miles, some 6. accessories. $2,000. 1981 Honda Silverwing Interstate. fully loaded, must sell, excell, cond, $1250 or best offer. 1981 Honda 110 Trail Bike, less than 100 ml. $695. Antique HORSESHOEING AFA certified Call Chris Large Spring Lambs and ewes. 4 Days of-f- Mare, posse and for Stedham MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (4M 7 Yr. Old Bay In Excell. cond. Best offer. Ford engine 4 7. $600. offer. 1984 Honda 700 Shadow. AUTO Big Gentle sorrel thorough- bred geldlng, 13 year, 300. Call $400best AND markings, unbroken. Queen 8. potential. $500. Arab quarter gelding, 9 yrs old, well broke, $30. Call 776-17after 5. eautiful Reg. Sorrel Quar- er horse mare, 5 yrs. old. insulated, wire, shelves, pood cond $2500. 773-27Datsun Pickup, with shell and built in sleeper, 3. runs perfect. $1495. 81 Ford 150 Custom. PS, PB, cruise, 4 spd, amfm cassette, Explorer Pkg. with shell. Extra clean, 40,000 mi. after 5 Must sell. Ford Courier 1979. 5 spd, AMFM cassette, shell, car1974 after 1974 Honda 7540K, travel trunk, fairing, low mi. Eves. 944, S spd, loaded, air cond, excell cond. 19,000 actual miles. Call Dr. 6. Greenwood Porsche 924, 1977, great cond. $4900offer. after days '78 Spitfire convertible, rebuilt trans and rear end, free dent. Runt great. 1)700. 9C 1 AUTOS FOR SALE Porsche 1983 duals, bed, 1 Honda lhclude$ helmet, excell, cond, $400. Call 4. POULTRY Excell, blood lines, $1100 JUmWffWfna '76 Contractor special: Ion Dodge Caravan, low ml, 12x7 walk-l- n $1200 550 1973, 1985 LIVESTOCK S10 Must sell quickly. Excell. cond. Elite 80, white, good cond. $700 or best offer. evenings. 1981 Honda, 900F, low mi, fairing. 0. Very nice cond. Many ex- tras. 1978 Coleman Saratoga sleeps 8, many extras. Very good cond. $2000. 22 ft. Airstream Safari. Single axle trailer, air, gaselectrlc fridge, tub and shower, magic chef 4 burner excell cond. stove, stereo, 479-37$3000. "I Lakeside Review. Wednesday. July 30, 1986 SALE FOR TRUCKS '55 Chev. 327. runs good. $900. Scooter. 150 1985 Honda 2, Persians, CFA registered, raised with TLC. $75 up. Call after 5 p.m. weekdays, any-ti- Soil Airstream Trailer. Honda Elite extras. Make otter 1980 Yamaha 50 Enduro, ) 8. $2300. 968 16 ft. Kit, excel! cond, $1200 or best offer. Call any-tim- e eves. LABRADOR MIX PUPS 6 weeks old. $25 ea. (5) weekends mvEL trailers 1. 773-78- 78 (570 table 70. Sewing machine! cabinet $25. Baby cradle S45. Spanish oil painting $25. 3. Free Puppies, LabGerman 30mb, 614 W. 1680 N. Clinton MISCELLANEOUS Call 400 2200 Roland color monitor 300 li pc network software. 50 Racore network 2 nodes 200 IBM and music stand. $225. SIDEWALK WELDER 49 $25. Hanging light for entry wav, Antique 4. gold, $50. 1973 Toyota Celica, $650.00; 2 Boy's Bicycles, $15 each; tires 15 and 16 in.. 0; Love seat, $70; rocker. $45; spreader. $10. Call m Instructor is selling inventory on hand. Save uo to 75! Wed., Thurs., and Call Reva at Frl., 11am-6p- 59 Desqview 4. seat stroller, and $250. 1350 W. 300 N. Inventory Reduction Sale Specials early and 5 table chairs-5120- 2 Used Trampolines NEW PARK' Dan. 825-15- and american ., 2 Desk $40, $65. 2 Schwinn Super Latour bikes, 12 spd. M,any extras. $150 ea. Solofiex, weight machine excell. cond.. $400.nego. Your PC Begging to be used? C. Langley, the Com' AngloArab Gelding, regisputer Tutor. Classes now tered, 4 yr sorrel, beauTiful available. CaTM? HOMES N COMPUTER ACTION Amiga Computer complete with 512K, external disk drive, Textcraft and Graphi-craf- t. $1295. 2146 N. Main, 8. Layton. Last chance. Mega XT $795; turbo AT Jr. $875; Call for specs. TRS 80 Color Computer and books, $100. Recorder $30. DMP105 Printer and paper $100. Atari 2600 and games 2. Layton area, 2 and 3 bdrms, clean, air, in upgraded park, kids ok. $195-529- 5. Lot spcace included. 2146 carrier, child Kittens and cats, computer, 512K Processor. $1395. 8. Main, Layton. new-$4- 5. Mobile homes for rent or Sani Porta-pottrent to own. Small down - Maple Hi--console stereo-550- ., 1950's $30. 7X5 pyml, will finance: 'Small Olivetti adding Lay,onarea-MOBILmachlne-$2- 0. New Browning compound bow with case arrows-$125- ., spd bike. Like new, with 8. compatible. drives. Lotus Wordstar software, carrying cases included. Call 394-20or after 5 pm. COMPUTER ACTION Leading Edge computer, Amber or Green Monitor 640K, drives. Word regulation size, $150; Hardwood 2 in. Butcher Block Table, Extends to 72 in. $150. 2 children, must find home $30 ea. Avail July 29, IBM memory, Apricot Pool Table, New cond. full 3. bedroom,! vr, good 825-27- Steve. spd, Pool table as is, AKC Champion lines. Outstanding quality. I females, champagne anc black. $100. FREE KITTENS, 6PM FREE KITTENS, box trained, males only. Apple HE, Monitor, printer, 2 disc drives, extended col. card, plus many programs, like new cond., $1 0. 825-64- 10 like new $100 will help to nueter or spay. - .Lavton-14x7- Call COMPUTERS, VIDEO GAMES ea. 5 Free Spirit Cocker Kitchen range oven WRINGER WASHER Maytag deluxe, used very little, $150 or offer. 399-49- 0776. 330 plus LDS Chruch Books For sale, rent or trade. 12x65 2 bdrm. located Hill- - puppies. $50 each. M Poodle, Vi Terrlor, 3 males, 1 female, O Free blackgold cat, female 1 with dinettes, couchs. 825- -r Sears 18000 BTU window air conditioner, 220 volt, 3 Spd, auto fan, excell cond, $350 or best offer. after 4:30 Sears Washer and dryer, good cond., $150. 1970 Nova, needs work. $100. or best offer. Wedding decorating equipment. mobile home, Beautiful golden and white Rentals Washers, ranges, freezers $4, TV's $2, beds, Rent To Own! 2 bdrm. $65.00. Call Harvest Maid S drawer food dehydraters, $60 ea $100. - , $150, Gold Hot Point range, use only 3 yrs, $150. Brown frost free G.E. refrigerator, $100. Kenmore sewing machine, cam, zigzag, $50. Huffy bike. $70. SPORTING GOODS $225. Call Arch Poof Table. 6 mos old. $600 new, Now only $250. Blue 10 Beautiful Cdckatiel with cage, playground and food, Refrigerator, cond. good GE kitchen stove, excell, cond.. 4burner, 2 oven, $200. Ltmited openings for high duality hand crafted Items. Call FOR RENT Sale Brown, Cerllfled-Lik- $425mg2n5d-8n- bdrms, 2 baths,! yard, carport, $475mo. plus deposit. ? For white gold wedding Carat, solitaire, with ff'es $250. ' 0. -- 5 cu. ft. freezer 10 Ca" Sondra IBM Selectric III, like I Fully remodeled lViz bdrms, Pets ok, kids ok. - garage. $300 mo. Avail. 724. Lavton, $75. hand-mad- " 544?0S142 (680 AKC Toy Poodle pups. Black, male and females, 3. choice. $250. Call Alaskan Malamutes AKC Reg. It weeks, $125. or chairs, excell, cond., $295, 9x12 run chllds or playroom, holiday boutique e your Needs 1 platform and ladder. New travel cover. $8500. '78 Sea Ray 22 ft. Cuddy cabin, 350 Chev, 260 Mercruiser, power steering Power trim. $9,500 firm, $175. Call Butcher block table with ..building lot, etc. I $175 each or wooden folding chairs. 7 Girls 2, 0. $30. 9. full 1977 Seaflite 20 ft. 231 hp, Volvo outdrive, full Call after 4 p'm. AKC Golden Lab pups, registered, top bloodline. 100 each. AKC Miniature Schnauzer Male, Pick of litter. 1st shots and puppy cut. $175. or AKC registered German Shorthair pups-reato hunt 4. this tall. $100 ea. AKC registered poodle puppies. 1 black female, $200. 1 black, 1 white male, 3. both. Garage Sale. Fri. and Sat., Aug. ) and 4 $100 cleaning no smoking. S. Super single waterbeds (2). Very nice, drawers, mirror headboard. S304 $650: bedroom home. No pets, 1 tlon. Mercruiser, outdrive, AKC German shorthair, AUTOS ) (gjjo 5 mmmtm connestooa too and travel cover. Very clean. $8,500. 0. Brent! 1969 Reineil deep V, 19 ft. 155 OMC inout Buick en- Oine, Conestoga top, good cond. $2900. Call anytime AKC English Springer Span iels, registered. $100 each t satellite $y$. 10 30 AKC Alaskan Malamute Pups 5 females $100 ea. males $125 ea. AKC Cocker Spa niels. Older, $75. Queen size waterbed, com plete, 4 poster, 6 drawer pedestal, solid light oak, 4 mos. old. $450. ?. or Queen waterbed complete, drawer pedastal, excell 9. cond. Asking $300. Sofa (traditional ft. brown 2 velvet). striped chairs, r end tables. Very good condl 1 PETS & SUPPLIES Adorable Free Kittens, Queen size bedspread and matching lined drapes, $60. 8. 1 $200 ) (750 marine i. patio fumtiure 7 piece jSSmsfiril 3. bdrm. 1027 No. Street. Og-- 1 den. fireplace, air, stove, fridge, fenced, $425. (600 0. BOATS i ,m ail,, mill with 15 h.p. Johnson and trailer. $1600. 18 hp Evnrude boat motor, like new, less than too hours 5. running time. $600. JET-SK- 1 1985 550. modified excellent shape, includes sk vest, 2 five gal. gas cans. Great buy at $2495. Like new 14 ft Starcraft Flat bottom, t'j H.P, Johnson new. Used i trailer. Like times. $9,500offer. 1978 Olympic, 19 ft. IO, 198 Delivered, $75cord. or Firewood, white and yellow Pine, $95. Dry barkless Pinion, Si IS. Includes delivery. 0. Taking orders now. NEW TWIN 6 ED, $75. Complete, 399-51- r?ntemPorary ) (670 FIREWOOD JB9SHBL Jii Jil L rirvpiaiv infoia spin ana offer. Call ssss SaCiSPVJK?S5( lots of room. On Harrison. No smoking or pets. Children 1. welcome. $350. $600 mo. $150 3 bdrm, cleaning deposit. Clearfield 3 30 wiiii 6 spanisn nang-cranchairs. Must sell. Beautiful Country Oak Bdrm Set. Bed, dresser, night stand, and Amouir. See to appreciate. $1850 or best ,WT 5464654. ..Jlctric typewriter including typing bdrm. house, clean and 3 a Large dining room table Tites (2 with - 3 , (450 MISCELLANEOUS $50 OFF with Tanner coupon tST |