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Show .Jji . 'I. v'1' a -, xV ' .If', -. v V r, Av t V ' i ' . ' r ft 'i n. News about people and their lives . Wednesday July 30, 1986 omAfDiaAo Review IB Schools schedule registration Area schools have scheduled student registration for the 1986 87 school year. First day of school in the Davis School District is Aug. 25. Parents registering kindergarten children and students new to the school district should bring: Certificate of birth. Children must be 5 years old by Sept. in order to enter kindergarten. Verification of immunization for DPT, polio, measles, rubella, : and mumps. Physical examination signed by a doctor. School registration will be held at Sunset Elementary School for all kindergarten and new students Tuesday, Aug. 5 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students who registered in May prior to the closing of school need not register. Registration for Wasatch Elementary School in Clearfield will be Aug. 5 from 9 a.m. to noon. All kindergarten children and all new students will register at this 1 time. School boundaries also include Julie Estates, Melanie Acres east of the power line, Lakeview Apartments, 1000 South in Clearfield, apartments at 75 W. 250 N. and Bruce Apartments. New this year will be teacher's planning time every Monday. School will dismiss at 1:40 p.m. on that day. Crestview Elementary will hold registration for all students on Tuesday, Aug. 5 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. If the student has previously filled out a registration card, they are asked to drop by or call the school to indicate any changes or additional information. Registration for East Layton Elementary will be held Aug. 5 from 8 a.m.-- 4 p.m. in the school office. If you have any questions please call 546-791- 8. Registration for students who attend Clinton Elementary School for the first time this school year will be held Tuesday. Aug. 5 from p.m. to 5 p.m. at will 1 the school. Only children entering kindergarten who have not already registered or other children who did not previously attend Clinton School during the last school year need register at this time. Children entering kindergarten e need to have through a registration card on file at school in order to be enrolled. Students who attended Central Davis Junior High School or preregistered at the elementary school will register on the follow-in- g dates: Ninth-grad- e - Monday, Aug. - Tuesday, Aug. 1; eighth-grad- e - Wednesday, 12; seventh-grad- e sixth-grad- Aug. 13. Times each day: a.m.; H-- n; P, A-- 8-- Q-- Z, -3 p.m. Students new to this area (who have not preregislered) will register: names Student A-- G Wednesday, Aug. 6, at II on a.m.-- 3 on Thursday, Aug. 7. a.m.-- 3 p.m.; Q-at on Friday, Aug. 8, at 11 a.m.-- 3 p.m. There will be an orientation for all new and seventh-grad- e students and their parentsguardians in the school auditorium at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 19. Registration for all new pupils to Hill Field Elementary and all kindergarten pupils is Aug. 5 p.m.; 1 H-- P 1 Z from 8 a.m.-noo- n. There are morning and afternoon sessions of kindergarten and preferences are taken on a e basis. Morning classes are usually the first filled; however, some placements may need to be made arbitrarily in order to balance the classes. If you miss this day come in as soon afterwards as you can and register. The office will be open weekdays from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. until school opens. On Mondays, the students day will be shortened one hour and 45 minutes to give teachers a planning and preparation period. The early release time on Mondays will require working parents to have a place for their children to be supervised until they return ' i home. The daily schedule will be as first-com- e, first-serv- . follows: Grades one-si; 8:25 a.m. to 1:20 p.m. Mon-Se- e SCHOOLS, page 3B x: ) t 9 k |