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Show tm fnri wwswm Llama Times, Magna, Utah Friday December 11. 1931. ALWAYS SPEAKING This Week SLICK STUFF kj ARTHUR BRiSBANB Califorsia'i Public Schools Money, Queer Thing Young Lady for Sale Biggest Pumpkin Vine . California is honored by its so premacy is public school education, from the lowest grade to the guts University. governor, who The thanked God there was so public school la Virginia and hoped there would he none for one hundred years to come, would be horrified at Californias school system. formerly, la every town and city, the finest building was the residence of some dignitary, the next in grandeur was the publie prison usually. la modern California, and many other states, to their honor, the public schools surpass in beauty and Importance all other buildings. High schools here are surrounded by beautiful parks; each public school has its athletic field. ' In California every child must be educated at public expense. Hr. Whitney, secretary of the Baratow school board, was discuss ing, recently, the case of an unfortunate child, crippled by infantile paralysis, unable to wglk up the steps of any school. Must such a child go without education or be educated at Its parents' expense t Not in California. A teacher will be appointed to attend solely to that childs educa-- J tloa, in its own home, and the cost of books and teacher will be divided between the county and the state. That will make some taxpayers roar Bolahsvlam," but it must make the angels smile, if they ever British I . f f c I 5 t Women, generally Williams Right you brother, theyre generally Thompson speaking- art, - peaking. WASNT HE THE GOAT? I saw that channel swimmer she's s slick piece of stuff. Did she have oa her coat of greaser JUST A CRAB Mrs. Fied Barton entertained eight of her friends Tuesday afternoon at her borne on the B. 8 G. Row. A one oclock luncheon was served, marigold and chrysaatbeuma as the centTwo tables of bridge were erpiece. arranged and attractive prizea awarded to Mis. Agnea Wiliams, first and Mis. T. E. Bnrke, second. Miss Bernict Matt, who was operated oa s short time ago for appendicitis ia reported at recovering very rapidly." v well-know- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tamer, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nielson, Mrs. Vesta Cavenee, Mr. Minnie Cash, Mrs. Margaret Patterson. Mrs. D. J. Evans. Mis. Tim Hanson and Mrs. M. J. Mrs. Leonard Sorenson waa hostBrady all of Magna. Mr. and Mrs. ess to the L, F. A. Club Wednesday R. M. Lcasy, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin The bnaineee Slater, Mr. and Mrs. Jack evening at bet home. Johnson, of the meeting was carried oat. and Mr. and Mrs. L. Orton and Mrs, A. three tables of bridge later arranged. W. McFarlanc all of Garfield journeyPrizes wen swarded to Mrs. Jess Mc- ed to Tooele Wednesday evening to Arthur first, and Mrs. Veri Haws, attend the joint visitation of the Grand second. A midnight luncheon was Chief of the Pythian Sister Lodge served. The L. A. F. Club will meet of Utah, tire Grand Chancellor of the at the home of Mrs. May Turpin WedKaigbts-o- fPy thias of Utah. Mrs, nesday evening, December 16 for their Leatrus Turner of Magna and Joseannual Christmas party. The mem- ph Pelty of Salt Lake, respectively. bers will exchange gifta. All members After the open lodge meeting and proare invited and urged to attend. gram, a luncheon was enjoyed. Mrs. J. G. Hadley, who broke her foot the first of this week, ia progressing Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Moyes were dinner guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Taylor. very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Walden and AMERICAN LEGION BASKET BALL on, Jack aad Burke, have returned Continued from page t home after a brief, enjoyable vacation spent in Morgan. and defense (kill against the Dopef n hoop eta. Ramblers, .Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wall announce Anaosncemmt was made by Art the arrival of a baby girl born the Marsh, manager of tbs Magna Seam, will bt pLyed once week. latter part of last week. Mother aad that games The date will be posted before sack baby art doing very nicely. Congrat- game. Them win be two game is the last week of the fust half. ulations. The local boys, who have beea The Garfield Literary Club will diligently practicing at the Utah Copper Club during the last month, have meet Monday, December 14 at 2:00 speedy sad accurate seam, developed in the Womens Qubrooma. All composed of former Cyprus , High members art urged to attend this meet- School basketball players. The boys will play Pleasant Grove. ing. Fort Douglas. Bingham. U. S. Mines, The Merry Matrons Bridge Club and their old foe. the Green Cab Boys met Thursday afternoon of Lit week in the near future. It will' be remembered that die local bo ye made sn exat the home of Mrs. Bland Sorenson. cellent showing bat season. Special guests were Mri. Eric Anderson, Mrs. Ed Gardner, Mrs. C. E. Mrs. George Denton entertained the Pickett all of Magna. Mrs. Tracy of officers of tbs Adah Chapter of the Salt Lake and Mrs. R. J. Henroid of Eastern Star. Saturday afternoon at Garfield. A dainty one o'clock lunch- her borne in Arthur at a eon was served. An afternoon of Covets were bid for Bridge bridge was enjoyed and prizes awardwae bur enjoyed, with prises being ed to Mrs. Anderson, gsnt prize and won by Mrs. W. E. Turton, fiat Mrs. Orem Stewart, dub prize. and Mrs. W. B. Boucher, second. t bridge-lunch-to- ll. . Flapper (after ordering big dim ner) "Dou't chew that menu card while you are waiting. Only one animal eats paper." He WeU tint I the goat? EASY TO GET AROUND Do you know what an larSure TU7 autocrat ini inio It's a crab who thinks everybody ought to get out of the way of his auto. BECAUSE OF HIS LEGS HUSBANDS do smile. And, more Bolshevism. Barstow, n small town on the Mojave desert, - i5l thousand dollars a spends fifty-on- e year for public education, more thn for all other purposes combined, and sends school buses as far as fifty-tw- o miles, bringing children at public expense to the high school, 104 miles every day for the round trip. That costs the taxpayers for every child more than one hundred dollars a year extra. Money is a queer thing; nobody understands it For instance, the British are forced to abandon gold after trying to force it upon India, which has been a slher country for five thousand yearn The pound sterling drops lower and lower and British prosperity rises. Unemployed are fewer; cotton mills that have been closed are running on full time. Lancashire in The Thoughtful Gift Do She (to new acquaintance) you have any difllculiy going around curves? Autolst (demonstrating at once) Not the slightest, my dear. a Do you call him your beau be-cuse he's your sweetheart? No; I call hlui my bow because of bis lega AX PREFERRED Fireplace Heater Kitchen Heater Circulating Hatter Rang Refrigerator Water Heater cleerful la spite of Gandhi's cott boy- China, boycotting Japan, send to Britain business held hitherto. One dollar is so valuable and expensive that Asia cant to use it.aad, therefore, cant buy from us. can make the joy of Christmas last throughout the Order s bedroom or year. kitchen extension telephone for instillation, just call our business office. at-fo- rd as A beautiful little lady," 21 yearn Order Today old, height 6 feet 6 inches, weight ISO pounds, hair blonde (natural), So in your quarrel with Smith eyes brown, wishes 110,000 for her to decided the parents and will marry "any reyouve bury spectable white man, deaf, dumb, hatchet? yes; Ive decided an ax would crippled or blind, it he will provide give better remits." the $10,000 and can support her. A visitor from Mars would learn with interest that such a bargain could be carried out quite respectA DOLLARS WORTH ably and such a sale would be Clip thU eotpon and mail It aith $1 for a lix werks trial subscription to very different from transactions on In carried the oldest ordinarily THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR profession. Tw PubtUhed by The regular American boy who has examined pumpkin vines in his father's corn field betore frost, musing on Thanksgiving pumpkin pie, remembers a vine, a few yards long, with perhaps as many as ten greenish yellow pumpkins attached. J. R. Plummer, of Winchester, Ohio, had this fall a pumpkin vine fifteen hundred feet long, that produced a big wagon load of pump-kin- a It covered the entire garden, was three and a half inches thick, climbed a cherry tree, covered part of a high fence and spread over an , adjoining field. Good soli and fertiliser explain At Startling Holiday Prices You by-Ja- pan Christian Bcirwct Publishing Society Bottoa, IdaMtcbURetu, USA. H po tW tod th daily food newt gf th world from Itt 800 tprc'il wrir-- s ll M WU M dtpdriMHiU dtvotad to women t rim! children Intern i snort mustr Anonco, ducstiM, radio. etc. You will be glad to welcnjre Into cjr h' ns o fearteM an odvocoU of pete and prohibition. And don t mus BduL. Our Doj aad Uw Sundial and the other feature Tkb CMataruN Science Monitor Back Bay Station. Boston, Mp woeke trial ubscrlptKHw- -I enclose one dtlUr PleftM tend ma a ill). , There is no need to worry about surplus population (or the next thousand years. Texas aione. wtth intensive cultivation, could feed easily all the eighteen or nineteen hundred mil lion people on earth, and have room left for more oil fields. Lord Robert Cecil, Intelligent and sincere worker for world - peace, Unless the world disarms, it , says, will perish. The day is coming when war, which is wholesale murder, will disappear from. earth as cannibalism and slavery hare practically disappeared. But the world will not disarm yet and it will not perish. The world stood the One Hundred Tears War, thp Beven Tears War, and the Dark Ages that followed the Jamah of barbarians after the downfall of Rome. It endured the black death that of all the people killed la Europe, equal, la proportion, to Ivs times as many as were killed Ja the Great War. This world 1s able to stand a great deal la the gray of brutality and suffering. SrOiatt, ImJ (0,111. W KW ww heart-onl- y Then give her shorter, more pleasant hours in the kitchen. Give her more time for leisure. . . more time to spend with the children. Bring cleanliness, cheerfulness, pride and joy to her 1 ! RANGES HEATERS 25 to 50 percent Off 25 to 50 percent Off K-9- -- S4S.00 Moor 2 Drum Heater Peerless No. 20 Peerless Nor 40 Peerless No. 10 Estate Hcstroia No. 200 2125.00. . 43.50 30.00 35.00 50.00 ChambenNe, 5241 Clark Jewel 6877 B Clark Jewel F 92 Clark Jewel 2 Clark Jewel 7898 Estate Heatrola No. 100 Remarkable Reduction REFRIGERATORS Down 15.00 17.50 15.00 51.50 48.50 Installed. A Few Dollars Easy Terms. e A.n.n A n a a a n n m. m. A A n n a A.S.t.n.S.. TRICKS ofMAGIC o tfo HOW TO BREAK PENCIL WITH DOLLAR BILL - F-- for Christmas. . .but every What gift could express your day, otthe year.. sentiment in a more Fitting way this yearthan a Natural Gas Range with oven heat eontrol, a silent gaa refrigerator, a bathroom or kitchen heater or a cheerful fireplace heater! Come in and see the alluring prices, eolors and amax-jn- g convenience of these gifts. Picture her delight Take a tip in confidence. Y6u want her gift to show loving Vonsiderafion! You wtmther to know you chose it to make her life easier . . .happier. ..$145.00 Electrolux ELB5B 145.00 Electrolux EL 4 150.00 Electrolux EL 7 Tappan Comb. Range and Refrigerator 2178 00 1 Many Other Startling Offer. Only a Few Dollars Down Term to Suit But Get First Choice. Your Holiday Budget . V: a: Your Natural Gas Company wants to be a leader and not a trailer in passing along to you not only the New Low Gav Ratee. but also these nnuiual reprice reductions on ranges, kitchfrigerators, water heaters, en beaters, firrpbce beaters and warm air circubting beaten. prices Note the the variety of models and colon to choose from compare then w suggest you act quickly. A few dollars down convenient holiday budget terms place these useful gifts in your borne before Christmas. t A ilaSH m pL M , ht somebody bold nn octagohal pencil between both bunds, pine mg each band near tbo tips of the pencil and extend the arms slightly forward. Then fold dollar bill lengthwise, grasp It with one hand close to the end, and announce that you will break the pencil with the dollar bllL Raise yonr arm, bolding the bill, and as you swing It downward extend the Index finger of the hand eo that the finger hits the pencil, breaking It If this la done quickly the audience wilt not see the extended finger, end to avoid suspicion after the pencil la broken Uf linger should Immediately be brought hack to IU original position. (Opjrrtahl. WUl L Uadhorutl - , M. that one-quart- er n. MAGNA FURNITURE COMPANY WASATCH GAS CO. erring twenty-on- e Utah towns with prompt and courteous public t '4 |