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Show rui IYiLiy December xi 1 ri ry ' 'S C3PSJLES3, I i I BAI3E3S 11, 1CSL finakce Believe It or Not by Ripley STAIZ3 TEST VELL TOLD Muafuttm FImhIwi INVENTED TKEx tnuporutioa Estimating ofthat automobiles aow U the h&Ddi of the America "car-yeare- " pub M,o bo-lo- w normal, and that thle dadclt will eventually hart to be mada up, Richard H. Grant, rlca praht-den- t of tba General Motora Corporation, recently told the American JJanker Aaaodatlon conrentioa that employmer In hla company may be greeti. tbla winter than laat year. "Employment daring the winter montha la a very Important thing, o far ae our tor-pMr. Grant aald. ration la convened, In Novem her, December. January and Feb - eruary wa will be employing at laaat m many and probably more men than we did thla paet year." In order tl gauge the outlook lor next year market hla corporation, ha aald, attampta to aet np aalea indlcea baaed on lntenelre aelea- tide atudiea In addition to obaerrn tloa and common eenae. "Wa are la the habit of looking npon an antomobUe not merely aa an antomobUe but aa tranaporta-tlon,-" ha aald. "We figure each - automobile produced aa six years of tr ana porta tion. Than by following up records of production yearly, we get a graph which indicates "what ought to, be n normal lnrea-tor- y of transportation In tha bands of tba American people, and whether there ary more or leaa mllea than might ba expected. According to our figures, there are about twelr mUlion years leas transportation in this Inventory at tha present than haa been considered normal since I m 1904 hi wa e , . a mm tosmicuM H iMMl ixwic mnat-wie- t o . , M CMC WAR 33 MCSEMCS MIS 653 vr Atoms sSTowwpM m gUTU - iwi man ' Mfecutev nu CmiCk tvftwustur runrewne or pfH ktvim m rcri " 1$ is QiHiPAs M Of eoerse yoa believe HI Ckrittmts eesle ew 25 years eld ia the United States have saved thousands of livoe tiaoo pooplo bofsa to hay them to pat aa holiday letters ead packages. Bat the battle against tuberculosis is sot yat won. Othar thousaada rtmala ia dirs ssrf af tho'Msns of provoatioa which Christmas Malt soa givs. . telligent advertising of many products that have to do with bodily care. I refer to the manufacturers and distributers of such things aa more healthful shoes, more effective Tbs teacher was trying to impress npon her pupils' minds tbs distinction accorded Francis Scott Key. "Why is he so famous ? asked the teacher. "1 guess because be knew all four toothbrushes, food products with more wholesome values of nutrition verses of the Star Spangled Banner, and countless other practical Ideas was tbe reply. that have become commonplaces of our dally business life, and that have become a part, too, of the very texture of the personal habits and health of great masses of our people. Yet te Cease scene ne nwnlt eagerly Is that t little Innocents quarreling oret Wou be extra helping of splnae fiu Horn. CAmnsntoa A , action that vpilgcanmost constructive be taken toward bringing about greater stability to our busk ness life Is tha development of more balanced attitude to the minds of ajl of our people la regard to the ties, helping tide many truslneea an terprlaee ever their difficulties, helping many concerns to earn money, helping ereate the economic scUr! ties that mean payrolls and spending power to their soaee of influence, and faithfully keeping guard over the working capital and savings funds of their depositors," the Economic Policy Commission of the American Bankers Association says to s recent eurvay, adding: "It eurely stands strikingly to the credit of the banking profession that, durlsg a period of unparalleled International aceaomie depression, this vast majority of bankers bars so competently, courageously aad so successfully met tbeir difficulties and obligations. Tbs effects of tbo drought, the demoralisation pf agriculture, the stagnation of Industry, the breakdown of trade, tbe Inability of so many heretofore desirable customers to meet their obligation! to the beaks, the Impair meat of pubUe confidence by and false rumors resulting to unreasoning runt, tbe abnormal depreciation of quoted security values eves to the moat wisely conceived Investment accounts, the utter collapse of reel estate values U these things have occurred on a nationwide and worldwide scale with unprecedented severity. "The effects of every one of them have smiled the banks with destructive forces because they are of the very essence of a banks economic substanoe. Yet, as we have shown, the great bnlk of our banking deposits has been protected without harm, aad our banks to a vast majority kave continued to right relation-thi- p between saving and spending. There Is more practical, workable economics to tbe sentence: Save during prosperity so cs to be able to epend during depression; than la a whole library full of charts and tables and books on political economy. I do not believe It to an lmprfto tlcable dream to bring about an era of more Intelligent saving and pending on the part of our people. It is not Impossible to change the habits of the population. It has beau done to many linen The habits of our people have been Improved and the health of the nation promoted In many ways by consistent programs of advertising and education that have brought about better hygienic understanding and practices. The medical profession haa virtually banished the scourge of some diseases by persistent. Intelligent campaigns of preventive sanitary measures and Inoculations, requiring new understandings, new habits among many mlllionn of our people. Also a large part o thla evolution of public health improvement has naturally developed through the In ti PRIZE HONEY FOR YOU! A prize contest commencing November 1st an(d ending December 31st, 1931, will be conducted; the following First Prize prizes to be awarded: $25.00, Second Prize $15.00, Third Prize $10.00, Fourth Prize $5.00 and five prizes of $2.00 each to be awarded to registered students not receiving one of the other prizes. Prizes 'to be awarded for best essays of 400 to 500 words on the subject Why We Should be Patrons of the Salt Lake & Utah Railroad, (Orem Line) V -.- This contest to be open to residents of Salt Lake and Utah Counties, Employes, or family members of employes, of railroads or other common carriers transporting freight, express or passengers, are excluded. Send essays to Aldon J. Anderson, Traffic Manager, Salt Lake & Utah Railroad, Salt Lake City, Utah. r .5. The Outlook for BmSmm "Consequently, if we retain the same purchasing power la this country, it is quite evident that on the first upturn of business there will be a rush to replace that Inventory. In developing this graph. It has tome out very strongly that very llrd year ia a big automobile year. Tba biggest automoblla year was 112 when 4,100,000 cart ware produced tor American This year the' Industry will produce somewhere between 1,800,000 and 1,900,000 cars. As 19SS la three years after 1921, if economic conations were normal wa could be ears we would do S tremendous business, because the third year la the time when the bnlk of tha replacing takes place." -lie' added' thit'iherbai'etactors at work that maka it uncertain how will be, instancing that big tha "money la being boardeu from lack of confidence and thla takes away some purchasing powsr that wa would otherwise have, while family budgets are beO cut pn account of changes In income conditions, which again means that purchasing power for the antomobUe, like a good many other things, wlU be knocked down." As a result, la said. It was necessary to measure what statistically would be a big year against a practical consideration of the curtailment of expend!-torse which la going on and determine how big tfce year win be under these circumstances. "From a long haul standpoint re gardleas of how many automobUea are sold In 1932, at are storing np big business tor the future," Mr. Grant aald. "There wUl be fewer automobiles sold in 1921 than will go to the scrap heap. With out of the Inventory, nine percent more gasoline was need np to August 1. 1931, than , waa used la 1930. With fewer an-- ! tomobiles, Uj people must have been runnll. them faster and longer to consume the additional gasoline. Thla means that we have ome 22,000,000 people working bard to make a fine business tor ear Industry when ther Is an economic recovery Ne Fain optimism am not 1 attempting to ereate any false optimism I am not speaking without a statistical background. Using tha besk sense we can, we have drawn ct. .elation. from the figures wa have, and 1 am willing to maka the statement that aa far as the conduct of our business tor the first half of 1932 Is concerned, we shall set the Indices somewhat higher than tha actualities of 192L We are willing to aet our advertising budgets and our selling expense on that kind of Indices. With economic conditions as they are, and since the obsolescence Is so great , and we have sunk so low In tbls i year's sales, we figure that the first I half cl 1932 must necessarily batter than was the first half 1 1221." Aurciatiou. 22.004 banks aU ovor mob-sear- HABITS By ROMS C. STEPHENSON Former FntUeut Amerkec Ismktrt tha States are "quietly and efficiently serving their communi- OVta Tw.It. Million Yurt Lm Treat Ntlim'i Car le hTh.e CMuIdered mtry Be la twelve million FiliAim lie Interest MOTOR SUPPLY IN HANDS OF PUBLIC FALLING OFF TolU WOULD ALTER OUR Econo cJe Pulley Commission f EzLr Associstloa PcIiU Out How 22,000 Ex< Protect Pub Leading Automobue Unit poets to Employ More Men TLU v nter Then Last Normal, serve, support and strengthen their customers and tbeir communities with unflagging and uneonquered devotion." There IS a Difference in Gasolines Be Sure the KindYou Buy Is L t . How can you tell the difference between yariouskindsofgasoliner- - fr nt Here's a simple test: J !t r When you notice a strong and unpleasant odor , it is likely theres too much sulphur of one per present more than one-tencent which government specifications allow. th Pep 88 always has less sulphur than specified by the government. Pep 88 is better than government specifications in every Voices cnly Goodyear . c52cro - ear-yea- particular.- - . " Avoid sulphur in gasoline. More th?.n a trace of it, under heat and pressure in th: cylinders, forms deadly sulphuric acid, which eats metal. This is more pronounced in cold weather. Sulphuric acid burns bearings, cylinder walls and wrist pins, and pits and bums valves. . i 1 Just drive up to any Pep 88 pump, and sulphur-fre- e gasoline. get the quick-startinin notice the .Then improvement your cars performance. ..it g, - , ' OT) TD7WTW': I CAIT - IQlI yuunno UAU T Wken you think of safety, think of thebuut known safety treed in the world, Thu time to trade worn tires for new Goodyear IR rJ iJ i. (CD Qjj Co) to NOW. Sl.St GOOD USED TIRES AND UP i PAUL0S AUTO COMPANY I.IAGNAT - UTAH iffrsJrr.rrfrfJrrr; cCl Qactczictd by UTAH OIL REFINING COMPANY, Sdt Lcht City |