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Show ," w-- Friday, Decectber.il, 1931 TIMrS. MAHNA. MAHNA ITT ATT Serves in Red Ranks as Spy Toronto. feergt 'John Leopold of bo Royal .Canadian Mounted Police told a criqilnsL court Jury hero recently bow for ten year he had eea an aotirt member of tb Canadian Communist party.-eve- n acting a aecretaryef ebo Regina' branch and atteodin! a grand CdmmUalrt inference In Moscow, to yet, the .ow down for the Canadian genrern-nen- t on the alma and ambition of be Reda Ip , the pomlnlon. When he lesaed In court against nine alleged Copjqmnlst charged under tb new federal law wltfi being member of an -- tHegai' assorts-tlon.- " Leopold .wocevhla. red uniform for tbo 5pl time Jn a . decade. Throughout all .thy preceding ten years bis wearing apparel has been working niffoY rough Clothing and bla haunts the secret 'councils and conclaves emissaries la Canada cf Moscow, A Be told of Moscow's .hopes" for Canadian secession from The Brit-laemplre.of plans "formulated for a Red revolt in Canada; of secret codes end. communications from loscow ; of an "A" Commnnlat party vhlcb worked legally in the open, nd a Z .party which worked underground; and of a shake-of tbo Ggnadlan Communistic arm ' the demand of Moscow because was not sufficiently actlv in strikes and unrest among -, working population. Leopold's entrance Into tbo wit--a bos reserved for jh last, item tbo crowns case In tbo sensa-a- l trial, and recognized aa a Canadian Tell of Mo cow Hopes of Secession. - crown effort at convicdesperat tion. for, with Leopold public testimony went bla further usefulness an police epy In the Red ranks. Nine pairs of scowling eyes glared at him from tb prisoner dock as he relentlessly bared tbo secret of .the Canadih Red organisation and revealed the secret name by which Individuals were designated . Iff party communications. Tb pretentious aspirations of the Communist element. Involving Canadian break with the British empire and .Red revolt in the mining and Industrial center of the Dominion, reveal for the first time the reasons tor the anxiety of tb Dominion government In strengthening Canadian laws against illegal organizations and seditions utterance. When tb Bennett government at the last session of th Canadian parliament took onto Itself virtually' autocratic authority to deal with uprisings or movements aimed at government authority, It had before It all tb Information whlcb Sergeant Leopold gave to the Criminal court But the government revealed nothing of It to parliament at that time. Sergeant Leopold was known In tb Communist party which ha served aa Regina secretary as J. W. Eaaeiwatn. Ha said he became one of tb most trusted members. His sensational testimony relative to -- b Ule-&ll- y g rALIANS ABROAD ,rAlb NATIVE LAND tiona, so consequently the value of emigrant remittances In the past two yean has fallen off. It In highly significant that the National Saving 'bank receives more than 10,000,000 yearly for deposits from Italians living abroad. These postal savings constitute considerable part of the total savings deposits of Italy. This means that many Italians resident abroad prefer to deposit their savings In Italian ratber than In the banks of the country where they are working. Tbs distribution of Italians living abroad Is equally Interesting. Tbs Americas, Northland South, claim nearly 8.000,000 of the 10,000 00a Tbs United 8tates cornea first with over 8,000,000, Argentina comes sec id Home Millions of Debars a Year. l5ke th Jews, ; In that are scattered all over the d, butidifferlng from .them In they have a homeland. nearly 0.000 Italiansone-foufyh'o- f tlj isnlas total population, Ilv In gn lands. A ese 10.000,000 Italian represent ntegrafrand Important part of Italian .economic structure, for t well known that .practically y emigrant sends a portion of savings, horn to bis ' family lb y. Tbir baa helped in some isur to counterbalance Italy', svorabltrsde deflcItT 'onJjjlete ; figures art not avail-s-, bnt the Bank of Naples bandies than $20,000,000 annually aa nta for emigrants who are fording mopey home. Tbo amounts orally xsry with trade condi- jme. ... .jsw-- m USE 'METAL CUPS dr TUEKIK -- Moscows Interest In Canadian secession from the British empire cam when he wan discussing th Inner councils ef tb 1923 convention of the Communist party of Canada. At thin 1923 convention, he said, one Mortarity was th delegatt from the Communistic International headquarter at Moscow, Mortarity, ha said, reported that slnco tb previous International conferenca In Moscow, n commission has been set up to discus th prospect of Canadian Independences What did they mean by thatT" asked Special Crown Prosecutor Norman Sommervllle. Secession from tbs British empire," Leopold replied. This Moscow commission, Leopold explained, had consisted of members of tbo executive committee of tb Communist International. Leopold Introduced and Identified a liters trunk load of Communistic literature and communications which had figured tn ona way and another In Canadian Communistic activities, and In tb relations of tht Canadian party with Its Moscow directing heads. . One of the Interesting revelations was the coda system used by the party. It was a cipher code, be said, based on n certain page In recognised publication of th party. By writing numbers certain letter were Indicated as, for Instance, tbo number 37 would mean tb fifth letter In the seventh lino of the des,, ignated page. I WHO WAS Monk vTX Labor 26 Years on Old Building. 'Ashburton, England. Tb great medieval abbey of Buckfast, which has lain In ruins for four centuries, soon wlM stand tolly restored ti j t monument to the labors of a little group of Benedictine monks, j For more than twenty-si- x years, working. In relays of six. tbe monka wbo lived nearby in tbo beautiful Devonshire valley, have been rearing tbe vast monastery from Its original foundations, laid In the Eighth century. Virtually unaided, they bave rebuilt It In all Its former detail, and next August tt la to bo consecrated. Tb abbey Is a magnificent gray and yellow stone structure. Only tbo crumbling central tower and tbe foundation remained when In 1905 the' monks decided to restore It. Although Bone of them bad any knowledge of eonstructloa work, they were determined to do their work without outside help. There was but on brother who knew bo to handle a hammer and BEST TO INSULATE HEN HOUSE WALL For sport Schiaparelli' has do ;ned this hmart frock of hemberg dark green patterned iq motifs no In orange and 8panlsh tile, e costume Is made brilliant with tal dip fastenings and a scarf in orange. Tbe ront disguises a divided skirt. hand-ocbete- d Open Up Radio SjxtemJ , Germany to Venezuela Berlin. Germany' sixth oversea -telephonic connection v thla ttipe bsa Just been with Venezuela have- - been Connection and Rio Java wit Siam, possible Janler. trice last year. Bnemw Alrea. which, waa first reacted throe opened. J bas connexion over ago. second line. tee opera ten The Venezuela through the Nauen and Beelltz stations here. and through a neuly opened atatjoo s.l Marcay, neai Caracas. The fee 'la 10 a minute. a f By Louiso II. Comstock , run-do- wrote tbo famous "Mother Nursery Rhymes wt will never know. Borne of them, such aa Rid a Cock Bora to Banbury Cross" "Little Jack Horner," and 'London Brldg is Falling Down." are obviously of English folk origin; others have been borrowed from a famous collection of French folk tales called Tales of My Mother tbe Goose, edited In 1697 by Charles fact Perreult It la nevertheless that our own country can claim a real Mother Goose, through whom these indispensable nonsense ditties were first Introduced to tbe cblldreo of America. Mother Ver goose, her grandchildren called her. Her name was Elisabeth Vergoose, and she mad her home with her daughter and Thomaa Fleet. In Boston, early Like In th Eighteenth century. many grandmother she held active, If doting sway In tb Fleet nursery, and eang her charges to aleep nightly with tho rhymes. Thomaa Fleet waa a printer by trade, and Important as tb editor of Boston's first newspaper, th Boston News Letter. Recognising th valuo of Mother Vergooses rhyme, ho wrote them down end tn 1719 published a printed copy which sold, and sold well, at two coppers tlr, WHO Thera la ona Important advantage la building th poultry boost wall with a dead-ai- r space between tbs studding, and that la that this dead-air E A D Iw Mawronma yoo aoj your children need rweree of stardy . resistance to ward off those nasty colds. Scotts Emulsion cl Cod Uver Oil will help von gsrn this resistance. Ita Vitamin growth and forufict agsrnst the common cold. then that's a wealth ot Vitamin D that help buld strong bone and teeth. Doctors will tell you how good it adults ss well as growing children. And the it for pleasant flavor of Scott's Emulsioo makes it easy to Scott St Bo woe, Bloomfield, N. J. Sales Representatives. Harold F, Ritchie St Cm, Inc., New York. MOTHER GOOSE Only Method of Eliminating Frost Deposits. tmp sTiks SunmmmSHJlm nwM,luUww.ill la It Btsssr rUm4 ttttC IU1( inntiuiiUit'tmii apse affords considerable Insulation and this ta th most Important factor ta controlling tb deposit of moisture and frost on tbe Inside wall Frost deposit la caused by tb Inside wall being cold, and Mrronite Largest of recognized the pops, although tl;ej anything that can ho done to a patriarch of their own. There Lebanon's Many Cult have tb wall and keep tt warmer, are only 3,421 Protestants In tha LeBiblical Lebanon, Asia's only banese will reduce th amount of frost derepubllcThe ancient chare tea Christian stats and smallest one such as the entbs tt eliminate and posit possibly Syrian Jacobite and the In the world, haa seven different If tt ta desired to spend n tirely. claim th majority confessions Ita among 826,618 Inhab- of 11,000 church-goer- s qnlt a Uttl money on a poultry classed aasg itant, according to tho last .census. tha minorities. Next to the Mardn-Itbouse wall and make It especially s mau Despite peoemigration among good from this standpoint, tt would In strength art tho Sunnite Mosof their faith, Christians again lems with 136,040 and th Shllfer ple be advisable to further Insulate this maintain their majority. The largest wall by using a stiff Insulation board , with 113,533. group la the Uaronltea with 214,313 between tbe studding, dividing tbt adherents. In addition there r 20,. air apace again Into two Toothers Ar Human 448 emigrant of this faith In the It la also Important to spaces you got a nlc mark In deFather United ho State taxes still to pay bave this Insulation practically airportment, thla month, Buddy, the homeland. on form of circuo They to not as air let tbo tight. Young Hopeful Yea, Dad, I told th oldest Christian churches. Ita late from on air apace Into the history goes back as far as tha her I liked that new hat she bought. Such a wan will add other. Fourth century, retaining Aramaic to the bouse, but tt ta the as the church language. Sines the Every man haa an Idea that others only satisfactory way to eliminate Middle ages, the Maronltes have think him Important frost deposit on tbs wall entirely. Tb air spaces la thla wall are practically as effective aa the Insolation material Itself, so you can sea tbt ond with nearly 2,000,000, whlla BraImportance of having them. each. sil has practically n correspond.Artificial beat In poultry bouses Elizabeth Vergoose must b given ing number. These figures refer 4 la coming to b used a Uttl more credit aa collector, not aa originator only to Italians of the first generawhere than especially formerly, sbo tn tion born In Italy and wbo bav of these poems. But spirit birds are being raised. was standard-brereal Mother Goose, "who temporarily settled tn other counseems tt If It Is used Judiciously, melodies shall never die, while tries. Canada and Uruguay have nearly, to bo practical ; and that means of nurses sing and babies cry." must net he used 200,000 apiece, and there la n big course, that it as to so get tb birds used enough V V V In th flat, until Chile la lapse I other condition. a hothouse to reached with the next greatest numROBIN ADAIR ber. Peru la estimated to have near words, use a small amount of heat, Daus and Intervals tt at only ly 8,000 and Venezuela 7,000. . kota Farmer. Whats this doll tows to mst In Europe tt la estimated tbero Robin's aot hsret are more than 1,500.000 Italians livWho lst I wished to see? ' Robin Admlrl ing outside the borders of Italyof Grade Pullets a They whlcb the major part, or nearly love-lorDevelop to Maturity THUS wrote the about thaLady 1,000,000, live In France. A considfaKeppel Some pullet mature and start erable proportion of these are manmous Bath, place, English watering It la sooner but than others, ual laborers who went to France laying You vowed to keep in touch with this friend and that. to whlcb ahe had been banished by during tbo countrys shortage of la- not every one who takes advantage her father In the vain hops that If bla of and thla fact But you didn't. Tunc slips by. You're drifting farther pullet grades bor, although a certain percentage out of eight" might prove out of are political exiles from their home- accordingly. Many ponltrymen sepa mind." For young Robin Adair, howapart each day. Renew those friendships this year with land. Switzerland baa tbe second rate their pnlleta Into grades, put ever well be as tbe hero sound may thema Christmas card- - How -- while stocks are complete Into those pens by pullet larger number, 160,000 and Great ting of Carolines ballad, was as a Britain third with 80,000. Germany selves tbat develop before the oth- realLady and you hrvthc leisure select you cards and remind no great match for an and Austria each bave about 20,000 ers, and, are ready to go on laying earl'sperson those friends that out of sight is M out of mind I daughter. This la an advantage for the apiece, stua medical was Adair young birds, since they can be put on a t laying ration as they are reedy for dent who, after some youthful It end allowed to go on laying They scrape, left his native Dublin to need not be held beck from tbe rest walk penniless to London and was of tb flock. It la also an advan- on th way run down and Injured tage for the remainder of the, flock; by, coach belonging to a, London they will have more room, more of society woman. 8b took him home TOUR LOCAL DEALERS CARRY TRIM an opportunity at the mash hoppers, with be, superintended bis recovand altogether a better chance to ery, established him tn society and grow and. develop. As th beet of Introduced him to Lady Caroline. and waa returned to Delmar Yon Camel and Locomotives Set to an old Irish Mr. Lady Carothese develop they hi turn can be trowel," said Dom Anecar Vonler, put tn a laying pen,, and the rest lines little poem became immediate- . One of tbs biggest concrete bridges Gabn- ,- Yoaemlt councIl Boy Scour d tbe smiling abbot But will have a still better chance to ly popular, much to tb chagrin of In the world is along the new railway executive, who returned It to tbe Jewwe bqd a firm belief tn Providence Aleler that originally sold It to hi fadevelop. Several division! may not her father. 8ince, however. It failed lines being bum through Turkey. A young and great determination. be possible where housing accommo- to soften hie heart, she took advan- though only a little over 300 miles ther. The Jeweler cleaned the watch, brother waa appointed to mix mor- dations are limited, but where suf- tage of a prerogative of her gener- long, the two lines penetrate difficult replaced a few parts and now R tar for tbe solitary builder, and one ficient pens are available thl sepa ation. went Into a decline" and thu country, necessitating the building of keeps good time. by one other brothers were assigned ration 2,000 bridges, large mud smafi, t ofjh mostforward.bIrds yon het poI&UiLfl Jeeenl Loadnn about to tasks. nd many tunnels.' In Angora aa Stoke by Posh Bottom from the others wilt be found to bo auction there waa put up for sal At no time, however, have more beneficial an exquisite miniature of Robin average of 8,000 blasts of dynamite One man, by merely pressing push than six monks been available Adair, Lady Caroline and tbelr three a day are used to dislodge the rocky buttons, stokes all the 81nce no appeal baa been mads for wastes. More than 18,000 peasants boilers tn a New York bechildren. funds and no money ever paid for Hen (or Hatching and shepherds are employed on the tel. The boilers burn pulverized coil, wages It baa necessarily taken work besides thousands of peasant and when a button Is pushed exactly' If bens are used for hatching, sewomen who labor as stone breakers. the right amount of coal to keep tie long time to build the monastery. -- lect, where possibleT those "which LORD FAUNTLEROY As time went on the monka workAn oriental touch la given to the pic- fire at proper heat Is automatically have proved good mothers.- -, Al a LITTLE ture by thousands of camels used to released from the bunkers of the fire ing with white aprons over tbelr rule, this maternal ability will BURNETT In all robes, became expert masons,' car- prove the same from year to year, transport supplies as the building box. VIVIAN waa never guilty of wear progresses,- penters and decorators. They de- and those which have deserted or cided to Install an electrical lighting broken black velvet a Ing will In CozSItzl all eggs carelessly Loag-Borio- d system, so one brother studied books probability prove unfaithful to tbe nit with a btg whits collar, and Watck Rom want you to. sell this property T on electric engineering until be wae end. ben has already been surely h detested long curls and B. 1L Von Glahn bought a watch for what It will bring. If able to build tb dynamos and other broody for a week or two. she may wide brimmed bats with streamers of a Stockton (Calif.) jeweler in 1878 can get a better bid than thatr equipment grow tired before the eggs hatch. aa much aa any of th numerous and lost It in a plowed field. Last A woman scorned hunts up aomr Choose preferably one tbat has Just even year olds wbo did wear them. spring tbe watch was fonnd where it Nevertheless, It as Vivian Burnett bad been buried In the field 43 years, other man and proceed! to get oven Bocks Weigh 679 Pounds commenced to sit. Fill the corners of her box with who was responsible for this amazEklo, Nev. Two buck with a toroad dust or ashes. Lay 1 a ing Juvenile fashion some year ago. 379 tal dead weight of pounds were RELIEVES HEAD, CHEST BACK COLDS bagged here recently. EL W. Bohn heavy sheet of paper saturated with For It was h wbo Inspired his r kerosene. Add more duet or ashes, mother, Frances Hodgson Burnett, shot tbe find, a weighing 800 pounds. Frank Horn got and lastly straw sprinkled with In- to write the book that set this style, sect powder. Give her tbe eggs at Llttl Lord Fauntleroy." and tbo tb latter, a night It la sometime advisable quaint ways, tha sweetly candid to throw an old piece of carpet over eyes, the friendly, kind Ultls heart the nest for , Stainless "Rub In" and inhalant unsurpassed day or oo until she that endeared Ita small hero to all Is fa'ly settled. readers, were VIvlaBa. Jnprever,iing and.relieving cold congestion's View of the new bridge over th ftp. Rnrnatt lallu ihu atorf In this SOLO AT AU QUALITY Kill van Kail Huklng Port "Richown book, Tbo Romsntle Lady, a 'McKESSONtROBBlHS; SINCi till stoats dbuo mother. Sunshine hi and T famous "Canned mond, Staten Island, Bayonne, biography of N. J, which was dedicated tb book shout an AmerAn interesting report on the nae shall writ for us In that way, another centun Place for tio Amateur other day. It wa built by the Port of cod Uver oil In the laying ra- ican boy with aristocratic English will find ns with nothing of common fosThere la a current extendency of New Tork Authority at a cost tion tor hens is found In a Univer- connections." Mra Burnett to say. by many of our Interest to say to each other and no I tered, shall regret Vivian of 16.000.000. ' and one claimed Missouri whlcb bulletin day. sity of says that two lots of bens, one of which be he. Little Lord Something or clever writers to scoff at the "ama- meana Isby which to say it ConverThis Is sation already becoming a lost art wae fed a ration containing 2 per other. Wbat a pretty title I Little teur" and tho dilettante. An evening of talk is a rarity. One an which with I have attitude A very Lord whatr what cent of cod Uver oil and the other Lord , th same ration with no cod liver dsy later she bad written on a slip llttl sympathy. We might as well plays bridge. Harold Bauer, In the Etude. oil, th one receiving tho cod Uver of paper still preserved. Little Lord take our food by sniffing at another to as confine onr mua person's tn plate column, ten time oU averaged 48.1 eggs from Dcem Fauntleroy There are two ways of doing a her 10 to March 81 while tbe one aa though testing out IU appear sical activities to an admission fee at ' somebody etss performance. If we thing even three, four or five, wher' not recei.lng cod Uver oil averaged an re and sound. on letting other people do things It comes to making friends. 40.8 egg. Both lots bad acceu to Nobody knows Just why she chose keep all available sunshine. Fauntleroy though tt la a common enough English name. Indeed, shortly after the book waa published, one Hens Eggs Bigger man, quite unknown to her, wrote It has been shown that If birds Mrs. Burnett asking Just why she art handled properly, they will lay bad chosen his name I about 80 per cent as many eggs as (A till Swim Nvwspovr Untoa.) Just a shake or two of this fragrant, antiseptic year-olhens as they did as pullets Tbe egg will be larger and have a powder gives that finishing touch to your Saaday School Loaaoas toilet. Pure and delicately medicated, it greater market value. Throughout The program of International Sun the year pullet eggs 111 run small absorbs excessive perspiration and cools the er In size than ben eggs, hut for day school lessons was formulated1 skin. about eight weeks they will he much In 187Z At this time 22 states. Price Be. Sold 'H : Proprieton: and Canada Potter Dro St Clwmlcai Cat. smaller and bring only about 73 pei territory. Grrat Britain. Mau. The Maldea, missions tn India participated. cent as much. Eggs from hem gJSJg" Try tha saw Cilksn program, whlcb has been continued will also be worth consideraol SlmuilUun. r In a for provides plan more hatching purposes this which lesson should alternate be ggs from pullet. tween the Old and New Testaments In-ul- urn'iii Assyro-Clialdea- son-inla- t well-know- n . a a ii d .3 S - n 3 8 8 3 drifting 3 u CHRISTMAS CARDS gray-balre- coal-burnh- y v,.v v , short-trousere- 'I and seven-pointe- five-point- t New York Dedicates Another Bridge n AH WHO? MEDIEVAL abbey BEING' RESTORED NICHOLAS Dangerous days Miladys Toilet d , two-yea- f-- A |