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Show k. 1 riiay, December 11, 1931 Sally Scz Smart Dinner. Gown Bermuda Gets Its First Street Railway Bf mum Year Hens and Yea Dy crcDlizcdlVai: l(c:p3S:;ln Youno Dtliy Celilstef to. hftffi 4 asul wU dawen nwo4 m pswgtan, kvB 4 n4iw fiiihum I Mm to umm tod Yew itl j rrmgef WMlfflfFtoltoto irm t SOUR MILK WBtoALL nso know that we ought ap our sour milk, but many of ea are remise when It comes te doing It It seems ee much easier to throw the milk away when It has become etate than to set it aside te become thoroughly soured and then to bunt up n recipe calling for It Ton really dont need a special sour, milk recipe to make use ef sour 'milk In cakes, cookies, muffins dr biscuits. In tact a recipe Is difficult to give that will alwayi bold good, beet use sour milk varies and therefore demands more . or la ode When eoda la need with sour milk, carboo dioxide Is formed just the tame gas that ts formed by baking soda. In either case the carbon dioxide Baking Us way through the dough or batter when beet la applied produces the desired lightness of texture' Our experience la that U Is bet-- r to. use tbe eoda sparingly, and te use some baking powder even wltb sour milk to ee to avoid any excessive soda flavor. Because tbe amount of acid In aour milk varies It ts bard to give precisely tbe requisite proportion. A quarter of c tea spoonful of eoda la enough If n Uttle baking, powder te need .with (he flour In making cakes, cookies, etc. Otherwise n level half of soda to cup of thoroughly soured milk la the rule If the sour milk Is very creamy leas butter er other shortening Is needed jn the recipe Then n Uttle more of- - the sour milk may be needed In order to get enough ' . -- liquid. Don't bo afraid to use aour milk In tny recipe where fresh milk and baking powder are usually need. tbe suggestions given Following above and your own judgment, yon cannot but succeed. f Okl la the manager in, please?" "No, hes out for lunch . Will bo be in after lunch?" .No; thats what, he went out after." r 'N N. -- a '1 . nos 1 many years the people of Bermuda and the visitors to'thdr charming Island In the Atlantic have been satisfied with tuck vehicles . transportation an waa afforded by old fashioned horse-draw- n' and by bicycles. Automobiles were barred. Just recently, however, the capital dty of Hamilton became modern," for It acquired, g street rallwty. The photograph shows n scene at the. official opening of the , line, an event that brought out the residents of the little town'.ep roar sweetheart's gruff dads J Bono Mao, Just bo Industry tactful, -- -- show prudence, now, while you still can, ind whatever your abject is Bar riago Bay be, 'ay youll Bake it a good thing (or 'ILAVijlVc, 0 cI tzz luM M Pure Yirtfa Wool Had la E!rJ.ets Interaoantnin West 351- utah woolen kills v Salt Lake Clw THIS WEEKS PRIZE STORT or What Win Santa Bring? Will I Giro tor Christ-is- ? will bo the question asked f the nation for the coining nth. Let ns all get the Christmas rit, the spirit of giving and dge ourselves to give more nstmas gifts this year than 'ore. "Shop early I" Do not let a day ia without adding something to will it Christmas list, end-yt have to go outside of the region to do your .iristmaa shopping. HRS. DAVE BANKS, Minersvllle, Utah Vhat on it GRAINS OF GOLD 3E WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL Make Creim Tal Setter .'sstsn Kadi For Western Trade Safe ' Year Cncar When Not to Forgive There is something contemptible bout the man who forgives an lL Womans Heme Companion. in-a- artificial rrr-wx- u. ratda Lxtcnsioa limb co. Tracaae Are Support Blaatw Uoiotrp Shoos EataMbhcd la Salt Laka la IMS -ftu Was CN4 Satictacliea CaaraaMS Salt Lake ;M W. Third So. (It. artificial Umba Brecva Ci. Safe PEX-K-HAH- AN Toat Dmggiat Yap LOTIOri D INTEKMOUNTAIM DEUDmnE By TnORNTON WHY SOME BIRDS FLY SOUTH AND SOME STAY Um PRODUCT Classification of Twine There ere three hinds of twins: ontical, unlike and Siamese. IPJEJE? - masse, Bobo Industry. Babbit asked Porky the Porcupine If it waa discontent that caused so many of the birds to fly away to the sunny Southland at the coming of cold weather bo did It more to change the subject than with any hope of learning anything. Prickly Porky had been preaching to Peter about contentment, and it bad made Peter feel a little uncomfortable. Ton know nobody likes to be preached to, Peter least of alL So be tried to change tbo subject Now be didnt have the least Idea that Prickly Porky would really know anything about the matter. Like almost every one also bo always thought of Prickly Porky ss rather a stupid fellow. He is slew moving and does little but eaj. and sleep, tad altogether la regarded by his mors active neighbors as rather stupid So Peter didnt really expect to. learn anything when ho asked the question. It was matter that bad bothered Pete for a long time. He never could tee any sense In those long journeys which so many of his feathered frieada made every year. If Tommy Tit the Chickadee and Drummer the Wood, pecker,, and a .few other-- who stay ail winter could stand the, cold why couldnt the rest? He had studied and studied the matter without growing one bit wiser. So just Imagine bow surprised be was when Prickly Porky stopped eating long enough to look down at him and aay la the most scornful way, as If he thought Peter th most stupid fellow that ever was to ask such n foolish Question: Discontent has nothing to do with It Its simply matter of getting enough to eat ,1 thought everybody knew that Peter didnt like tbo way In which Prickly Porky said that but h. wanted to know more,, ao he wisely swallowed the sharp retort which vu on the tip of his tongue. I didnt he confessed very humbly, "and I dost quite understand new. Little Tommy T!t. doesn't seem to bare any trouble finding enough to eat la this weather, and If such a little fellow as ha can stand the cold weather I should think that Welcome Robin Sad Carol the Lark Peter WHEN t sttcdcy U. OURGESS doesnt Tommy Tit eat worms and bugs j And doesnt drummer the Woodpecker? If they can "But D find them why canU Welcome Robin the others?" Peter lelt Yery And pleased with his retort "Why dont you eat nuts Hie way Jack Squirrel AttV. deand Goldie the Oriole and aU the Happy manded Prickly Porky. ...... . ,, others could do It too. Because I havent got Abo right "What does Welcome Robin eat? kind of teeth for cracking them," demanded Prickly Porky. Petbr. "What 'I silly quea-tlon- r replied worms and and bugs "Why, 7-things," replied Peter la a rather buf 8o If yon had nothing uncertain voice. "Seen any worms and bugs end nuts you would starve while Happy things since Jack Frost arrived?" Jack would grow tat, wouldnt you?" persisted Prickly Porky. "I guess 1 would, replied Pet looking pnazled. Bht wbit baa that got to do with Welcome Roblfi and Drummer the Woodpecker?" "Nothing I" replied Prickly Porky, "only Drummer baa a bill for mak tng boles In trees and In tbe bark where certain kinds of worms are always to he found, and where bugs hide their eggs, Welcome Robin hasnt and there yon ere. Drummer can find n meal any time where Welcome Robin would starve. Jta tbe same way with Tommy Tit He eats millions of eggs of Insects, so tiny that yon wouldnt be able to see them nt All probably,' and ho finds them on the .Twigs of trees hidden under the' bSfk, Welcome "Why Don't You Eat Nuts ths Way Robin never could fill np on those, and even If he could, be couldnt Happy Jack 8quirrel Dose?" Hie feet ere not made get them. Prickly Porky. foe climbing upside down to Uttle asked Prickly Porky, and the tone twigs ss Tommy Tits arc Thats of his voice was enough to mako all there IS to ft.1 Those who can Peter feel very foolish. find enough to eet stay, and No." 'confessed Peter, but " cant find enough to eat go. Simple, But' what?" demanded Prickly Isn't Porky sharply. (A br J. Llord.) WNU A to-e- - Iho-ew- bo itr a c. On the Trail MoCt i Nwpvr (WNU Service) B Tow many cooks ere apt to spoil the policeman on the beat .A. By Nina WJIemt .Putnan) t Ql 11 is Ml Srodlcata) Old Gardener Clears Saysu fruit should APPLES beor other pot Into water quarters while wet wltb dew or rain. Ik1 0 I A l ins Stops cold spreading. Sprir.kU your handkerchirf during the do :your pillow ot nlgKt, a ... i I'. AT . a very good way to keep apples and : )( 4 I t AU DfU McKesson sod ns n pears, vegetables well, oourr crisp, fresh ststo, Is tq pack them Ip dean, nearly dry leaves. Use a layer of leaves, then n layer of apColonial Como Law" plet, employing more leaves If the j What may be said to be the first room a dry than If It la moist Vegegame law was one passed In 1023 by tables maybe kept hr decidedly the Plymouth colony, declaring nil Th moist .leaves. x Plums and peaches bay she was naae-l- y and fishing to he free, exeepf Shunting Own ffoify not caught temwill 'corhlnq keep long unless the on private property. with eleven '6o(tea, agd perature Is down'to 83 degrees. bootieggsr These fruits must be ripened on the Its lucky db copy pouidnT qukee Bnaiaeta Matte ease ef It , , tries to be of good quality. j Hubble What was ths motto of ' '(CoortluhLI WNU Service, fc Bell atBaicouO vriru eanfaw the . Siamese twins? Bubble United we stand, divided white grapes, Ted cherries, diced we cant make n cent. and Mix' all (he peara, ; pineapple. chUted Ingredients - together and IF,YOUr,-;serve glass cups placed on pink RpMEMBJER:; hearts on serving plates. i TFTT 1,4, Chicken Croquettes. a -- H . By DODQLA-piAtL06Make one cuprul .of white aaace jl 1 1 Vi nalqg chicken stock wltb milk eg H erbam. Take two cupfuls of minced AETHER XT roses iloogi os U one-hatbq, Chicken, teaspoonful each '. f salt, celery ealt and onion Salt VF oV - , Whether ths r sjldblcds and zing, of teaspoonful Mix all tho Ingredients, cool, If I may know 4 um woOXorgoV-Tha- t will be spring, then .form Into email croquettes, cons "or cylinder shaped. Roll ,1a Whether the eHftrsrt.blu or Polyteckic College of Eagineerinf g?t3r, beaten egg to which two tablespooa-ful- i DA mi IUm m, OddaA CdMe the sun inhy shine, of 'water has been added theb Leading Engineering School crumbs and set away to chilL If yon are thinking of uo today; : j It shall to mlfie. LWptniqr StantWxU la Tfkirl Sown Try In hot fat and servo with --mushoi 4 f v .FotWMm ity-O- wr (jmhw PlM. t . , room, sauce. 1 I Ckmtnd U pm JcpM M nil . If you remember me, that to fill. UnloO i (ft, lilt WaUn Ad nblMti mltM. All. that I ask of fate, prsctJc tbmiili coufmsf, Whether the ehsdows rise or fall, la XltetiM, McchaaiMl, Civil, AvrlUt-rimrBlractaral aad Or eoon or late. '.Roosevelt Obelisk al Nnv ana- la Avro shall1 beat Whether the 'wtlid aa AltplaM Eailnmtai. Special a la Alrotaac Asia z about J; , d JMeehantn, JUachiaa Electric A I a d . trilm'iinnlfljdd a -- A- - mm a! Mia-lit- ml 1 Nutty Natural if History IftON B A 50-wo- rd Intennoun-tai- n THE GREAT CRESTED SNAFFLE Im- mutable law of social order. Far from us be tbo dangerous maxim that it is sometimes 'useful to mislead, to analavo and to deceive mankind to eniure their happiness. Cruel experience bps at all times proven that, with impunity, these sacred laws can never be Injured Laplace. Artificial Silk Chemists have . developed five methods of making artificial silk. Here is a curious creature that was often reported seen by prospectors In th Klondike during tbo Gold Bush, but U believed to Uvo tbe unahablted mountain chiefly Georgs Barker, diminutive New to tho south, ranging between Ekag-wa- y and Sitka. It baa been made Tork university barrier, who captured the Intercollegiate metropo- unosually timid iy the depredations run at Van f the pomennltn grizzly, and when litan park In tbe record rime ef moving from one valley to another 29.45, which waa 21 seconds better carefully hoists itself on tta hydraulic exterior legs to peer over than the previous me I y crow-countr- y a My head, er:tfc wlmJfie shall oof KJrrow,. shaff not tfodbt, V. .If yon. but dare. Whether tbe world be .cold or kind. Whether toen'(jratoo-rblamAn that I aak to Jubt to find" One than tiA.' lame: AU J that -- 1 need' the " whol day through;,,.:. .. ; M , What?r the, (lay jnay.a, . I fiozyemembftk. and know: that og , . .. Remember me, the ridga' Bfoie u can crow over It baa to lower fUelfato keep from bumping a(o the.irogen clouds that hang dose te the mduptalna a that latitude 4 Two pieces Of maoMonl ato which Sre Inseityd toethglqkg form tbo peculiar legs of the anliuak Tbe tope of the oVerabodYnfif popped pop t corn and the Test peanuta A large fiou&lajMktwt forma the heed, end the body la a single peanut Neck .and crest ere doves, and tba expression to pen and ink. (A SitrawlltM Hnmia irlev.l . (WNU Mnlet.) w Shea, it .table-spoonfu- . I ahcratcrtca. lea (ltd )rr jerer' As Stadcsta zalttH h tnudaf thatr Writ tor tree , . ccuraac. w. n. oibsoii w. Fncldcat catalog. i wood Eaglatrar Salt Lake Citys ! fewest Hotel A i fl? m art Fv Jv.nllj HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE before ot FOR thetheoccasion either there to noth d Sbop, Battery, lallaf aa4 LUNCHEON FOR BRIDE nuptials, lng which the hostess can kfford which will be loo much troubled For the beginning the following cocktail will be moat dainty : . Cupid's Cocktail. Boll together ono-thlrof cup wafui of sugar with one cupful ter, or better, canned fruit Juice, for two minutes, then add- - four eflemcm Juhw and CooL ChlR one cupful eacn of seeded lxsiti-- a. CrapMr BicUtal, Kydraallc, Steam (term. tteiftJAnfVrNU'eArvies. feve-apli- Intermouutaln Similar to your stay in Column --P. O. Box 1545, Salt Lake City. If your story appears in this A fl column yon will receive check fo- r- VJeU V ' r.. KITTY'McKAY t -- CogfoeanoN Truth and Justice Truth and justice are ths - 'NN May Bo Round tho Corner rich wife?" Tea, 'but she hasnt declared acy dividends so far." Boston Tran-scrip- t. "Hasnt ho got -- per week will bo V)JeUU paid for the best article on Why yon to 'V New Civil Woe student of history who thinks Ang tho conflict between North and South waa a savage affair, should have over-heir- d East and West on the way borne in the taxL Judge. one-fourth Off AA should n s o made Goods above. Send prose or verso Products lies lt Harrier Sett Record Salk Laks Clio H-- ia e - 'ilH.lj a Water la Plants Water makes up 50 to SO per cent of growing plants. Tijctmcal Psooucts o n tl-- CLAUDE KEGM LIGHTS I (A bf Vv Du taw RKO-Rtdlnatat sr.'-la -- smertly Intriguing dinner gown tbit combine black-crepwith Alencon lac Tbs forms the bodice end la wppllqued on tbe skirt ft Is placed ever souffle. Tfca bolero worn with It has fluted cap sleevds. Tbe evening wrap It of gold and green transparent rultet jtcdhire with tox fur. ures ' Mach 'US Irene -- Packed With Power r It Isnt necessary for women to be voters In order to become rulers. a GASOLINE f f t Worth While Charlea," said Mother, "what jroifidyou like to givo Sister for her ahnlverahry?" "Well," pondered the little boy, something we can eat." p L '..This f 200 Tile Be tbs 200 Rooms lUdtt connection iu every roots. ! RATES FROM to the huge President velt obelisk which was recently dedicated at Summit, Glacier National-. park, Mon tafia, on .cQtrplm Uon of the Roosevelt highway. fUO . Jmt tfpmit i Uarmmm Ttirrmocb Roose- "Pobr dumb katrlnka. you cant Ddr1 asys catty ERNEST C. RDSSITER, "She told a deep-se- s (liver, keep a good man down." W. N. Service) U-- , Salt Lake City, No. A. 63-- 1! 31. t n--' |