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Show IXigni Timet, ' Tbs ore best ra laughed that when btr husband got boms seen To tee neb sport night and told bee of having When be played oa tb if bens ia s row oa tb fence, lookpan with a Utah Ewiy Friday at ing at s sew poster that read: Now spoon Entered at th postoffk at Magna. Utah a aecond class ma3 auttrr udct da in the time to lair ia coal. Building Foreman; Excuse me. but act March 1. 1179. Congress of n Club met at the an you the lady wot'i singing f The Lady: "Yes. Iwas singing. Why?" home of Miss Mayme NsaaeUy WedSUBSCRIPTION RATES Foreman: Might 1 ask yoa not nesday afternoon of last week. Tables to bold tb high note to longf The Oar Year .11.00 12.00 Six Month of bridge wen arranged sad prize men have knocked off twice, mistakPayable la Advance swarded. A on o'clock Uachtoa was ing it for the noon whistle." Advertising Rate Given on Application. eggs. served. Mrs. New rich: I want to buy a Now, bow thoughtful of those of music for my little girl who piece Editor sad Pablishrt fetchH. A JARVIS bens to save me tb trouble of Election of officers of tb Adah is learning to play the piano. ing the eggs. the thought. Clerk : Y madam. Hen it twilShe fully understood the nutter. Chapter wen bad Wednesday evening for twenty -- five cents. How leased oa S3 00 bond. Preliminary ight' at the Maeoaie 1W1 ia Garfield. would that suit? hearing was held for the accused sun. Mrs. Hattie Park was elected Worthy Oh sbt'a farther along than that. October 30, and oa evidence submitt-e- d there foaad Matron, Sam Mats. Worthy Patroat Why last week the played a piece that William Tctsedct Jadge that was probable cause to believe Mrs. W. W, Waters. Aasooat Mat- cost fifty cents. Haven't yoa got Charles Boyatoa. 32, committed a crime bad been committed, sad that a dollar f" Associate something for about W. E. Tarton and ron laicide at bis borne la Garfield Sat- there was probable cane to believe A pretty young women stepped into Patron; Mil H. A Link, secretary; urday by a charge from bi shotgun. that Boyatoa bad committed it. Jadge the over to bound reseder Mrs. Charles Aadenoa, treasurer; Mrs. s music shop ia the city the other day. T discovered oatside Boynton He body was jurt She tripped np to tb counter when of the back door of bis borne early District Court to stand trial oa die Forrest Radchaugh. comductor. aadMm. Satsrday morning by a passing small charge. Associate conductor Jack Deaton. Funeral services were held T Beads y boy. Bob Lunt. who immediately raa Installation of offktta will be held home and told bis parents. Deputy St the Deseret Martaary. Interment W. J. Reynolds was notified and in- was in the Salem, Utah cemetery. Monday evening at 7:30 p. m. st vestigated tb case, and from circumtbs Masonic Hail ia Garfield. stantial ev ideate, deduced that Boyn- ADVERTISING DOES PAY credited is to The following itory ton bad pat tb shotgun against , Oa pianos and organs sb tb.. the side of tb bouse, then placed tb a former director of advertising for one of the largest oil companies now the After forehead Making srnngs sad mystsrioas sds.. bis against gnn in this country : And the watchman calls out. concussion of the gua which blew the in operation A merchant keep bene aboat To an what she's about. back of Boyatoa s bead off. his body mil away from bis borne, and daily As be got oa bis cold nightly sds. fell from the steps, to the ground. lira. Roltmm Have yoa bough October 9 bis wife fetches boms about fifty eggs. Boynton was arrested For three consecutive days now she any of tbo paintings at tbs sxbibttf Hey diddle, diddle. in Garfield by local sheriffs sad chargUrs. Newricba Odasaa, Me W The sex sad tb fiddle. Hr has foaad the nests empty. The ben ed with second deg tee burglary. Tb drummer discovered tune; bat later re house door was intact so was the lock. aevsr buy raa dy nude pi cturea. was to THE LIAGIIA HUES laid Miu, -- d therefore bow bad tb thieves got late the abed? Oa tb following smarming, when returning fruitlessly from the shed, she met all the ben oa tb road nearly ball way between the shed and tb boast. Whstevet they were doing there the coaid not tell. Wbta the next went to mad the fin she was surprised sad delighted to find a solution to tbs mystery. Then la tb cost place wee all bet Just-A-Me- brought Utah Friday December 11, 131. clerk was assorting music and in Have you her twreteit ton asked; K tsed bit in the Moonlight' f" 1 be clerk turned, looked, and said; ' It must have been tb man at tb other counter; 1 have only been ben a week. HOTEL IIEWHOUSE SALT LAKE CITY tracber was trying to impress upon her pupils' minds the distinction accorded Francis Scott Key. "Why is be o famous?" asked the teacher. I gum because be knew all fout Venn of the Star Spangled Banner," waa the reply. Th. best- - In Wholesome Food.! Private Dining Rooms Luncheon and Dinner Musis by the Hotel Kewhouoe Harmony Bn . 400 Rooms, each with Bath. : 00 to ft 00 Smslo Flror-oOaraga Adjoining W. K. BUTTON. Gen l Ugr, of Mother (to Bobby): 'Surely you did something else but eat at the school treat ? rrrvrnnuY'ii.! CHAUNCEV W. WEST. Asst, G.nL Ugr. at ' Bobby; Yet mummie. After tea we sang a hymn called, Wt us ring, full though we be." Mother learned later that the hymn eelccttd had been, Weak and sinful though we be." Yot to Coaio scene a a unit vitger.v Is that it little Innocents quarreling cm b gxtrs helping of spins e. Worn A -- Magas, and Cafeteria Caf Tb t. GARFIELD UAH TAKES OYII LIFE tlirni, uis Homo (Vimiutnloo. Full Weather Report Weather reports now Issued front the meteorologlral office of the British air ministry are bused oa Information supplied by nearlv 600 air stations In Europe and western Russia. A prize contest commencing November 1st and ending December 31st, 1931, will be conducted; the following First Prize $25.00, Second prizes to b awarded f Prize $5.00 Fourth Prize Third $10.00, $15.00, prize and fire prizes of $2.00 each to be awarded to registered atudents not receiving one of the other prizes. Prizes to be awarded for best essays of 400 to 500 words on the subject Why We Should he Patrons of the Salt Lake & Utah Railroad, (Orem Line). This con-- , test to he open to residents of Salt Lake and Utah Counties, only Employes, or family members of employes, of railroads or, other common carriers transporting freight, ex press or passengers, are excluded. UP YOUR UnilE LIVER PILE , WITHOUT CALOMEL And YouD Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin to Go eunk and th. vortd ft M M sour and onlko. a lot of ealta, ini, oonk. don't oil. Uuiin Mad, or ehewm r "dduy mkat oiMfaae. nua and oipoe thorn tofull owt and buoyant and Foe Uwv teat do It. They only move tbo h I a nan nmovement doowi't rt at lor your Xfca rnn-- donrn-Md-o- pour out two it I, afyou, Btw. ItIntoabouid your howria dally. Mn food lir W W It thh Uquid bii bOo is not flowing trwly, your Just dkeays In the bo4-C- joaa'tUoua 4(t.up Ityour Send essays to Aldon J. Anderson, Traffic "Manager, Salt Lake k Utah Railroad, Salt Lake City, Utah. atomaeb, You haw a oo aad you ImI down and ouL Your who. IttataMthwo UTTUI UVi.lt Tod, dd CARTER'S tbw two FILLS to BOOM, of bile flowing trwly and make you wonderful LT-- bi fontain gu," ftmuinf tret, miU vetetiible bit. flow Irwly. Mows to nukin tb. Ask Cnrwrt for . U wr lor pilla. ut Hum Uiw Fill. Look far tbo name Carw1 oo th Pilia Uum Uvw Jai m lby itctnotfonallij UcanoiW" dot c'ucl aamMia,ttoatallstona. km what youve really wanted in AIL-ELECTRI- C youre not only . .'vncaaT your home . fol- advantages lowing tins splendid idea of giving som- ething sensible, but v-v "la'TO i .7 I - tntof Combination How pleasing! How typical of the spirit of Christmas! affiliated Cok22Hcb VkPm.lMonogrq Under 7 Defendants. Sal at th West to bt sold st Sheriffs I front door of the-- County Courthouse ia th City and County of Salt Lake, I State of Utah on the 7th day of 1932. at 12 o'clock noon January. I of said day that certain piece or parcel I of real property situate in Salt Lake I County. State of Utah, described at I follows, I 500 shares of Tinitc Standard Mu-lin- g I Company Common stock, repre-tented by Certificate No. A 5454. Mining 1200 share of Eurrka-LilCompany Common stock, represented 5.- - 66T 8. by Certificate Nos. 653 7459, 7543, 6308. 7518. and 4736. nd 154 shares of American .Founders Corporation Common stoclft represented by Certificates Nos. 99025, Nl K Overlooked Anything! Step-Dow- n Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States. Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, tbia 7th day of December. 1931. S. GRANT YOUNG. ' Sheriff of Salt Lake County, Utah. By Earl M. Wilson, Deputy. Fabian Sf Oendenm, Attomeys for Plaintiff. First publication date ram mi Last publication date 1 SHERIFFS SALE In th District Court of the Third for the County Judicial District in of Salt Lake. State of Utah, a-- td -- ZION'S BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY, a corporation. Plaintiff, days! Christmas! t: 225024 and 20186. methods of by gens Improvement Lr SCHULDER, y CHICAGO OFFICE 520 NaMichiaonAva 4414 F4tono SuAo 422 rate, at.no greater cost than the antiquated Make this a Home Hotel hion Eppley Hcfcri president Have these modem servants, under our appropriate! I LCirniY CHAaiSBKXm3N Heating. the years. I .T3 lU. COU8LI WITH ACM mtracttvb wtmjr.MONTHnr AND L&SIDfeNTlAl. RATES tho MAUDE 2?id3. T' Vs. , in the rmdaw wost.LouIoviile. Ky; end Rti3burRh.Pa3nd th Hamilton chan of Hotel in California-- ' of and Electric Water through V ThsAfetondrio E 1 e c t r i c Cooking, Electric Refrigeration thatcon-tinue- s RATL3 wrm itfM la th District Court of th Third Judicial District in and for the County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, THE CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY ' OPSALTLAKii i4i irf torport- tion, Plaintiff, EYCtYTHING which superior service bringing to your family a source -- of -- comfort and en- How. TKl VUsY CENTER OP thousands of others are enjoying . . the youre joyment all ... the SHERIFFS SALE I Have .When you Switch to v artwv i & VS. - - HUGH HOLDAWAY .and PEARL H. HOLDAWAY, hi wife. Defendants. r turoizisnuium n:irr TiJtauow Make it a point on your Christmas flhppbg tear, to vuit car store. It will he st plan for the purchase cf a pleasure to tell you 'about our liberal a Hotpoint or Westinghouse Electric Range, a General Electric Refrigerator and improvements for an Electric Water Heater, or any cf thest Combination your home. Well be glad also to show yea th ccceemy cf cur Service. Rate for Drop in soon, or phone us if yea prtfer, and will have cur r:p repetitive all no. nizzit in yea cbHgxttd ca you. We are sure youll be int:::::d tuut-paynu- ute All-Elect- ric to be sold at Sheriff Sale at the west, front door of the County Courthouse in th City and County of Salt Lake. State of Utah, on the 7th day of January. 1932, at 12 o'clock noon of aaid day that certain piece or parcel of real property situate in Salt Lake County. State of Utah, describ-- ., ed as follows, G. . ih rv;;ca It'S nswer loo lot to buy Christmai tools, (or the hlp thpy hrinf to the of court, to shop torly and buy Christmas Its fortunate bats 51 and packsf (rota Thanksgiving ootil lotto Thoo evsry too, pwl torly, 1 health and happin. gag b uoeoratod wab thro littla symbols yr. bt, il, GRANT YOUNG. Sheriff of Salt Lake County, Utah. By Earl M. Wilson. Deputy. M. V. Backman, Attorney for P.aintiir 31. First publication, date - cfficjjILT to-wi- t; feet East of Commencing 78 the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block Salt Lake City Survey, 10. Plat and running thence East 37 feet: thence South 6 rods; thence West 37 feet ; tbenc North 6 rods, to the place of beginning. Purchase pnee payable id lawful money of th United States Dated at Salt Lake City. Utah, this rw-- iy - to T " d S. 12-1- Last publication date l- 1- 32. |