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Show llizzi Tires, ILtyna, A GLEAM OF LIGHT one. living in the Camp will Booth Tarhington, the writer, lived on the There will be the usual get program before the borderline of eternal darkness for over a arrival of Santa. The Camp school children year, lie suffered from a serious eye trou- are arranging their customary good program ble which practically caused blindness. Ills and several other numbers will be offered. doctors had just about given up all hope, All are invited tothia program. Mark but Tarkington refused to accept their dethis date on your memo pad. cree. lie couldnt write, so he dictated. lie couldnt read, so secretaries read to him. Kindly old lady: You say youre been lie kept on writing stories just the same. on the force eight years, whyhavent you An iron will would not let him admit that some service stripes on your sleeve f he was licked. Cop: I dont wear em lady, they chafe Some time ago a faint flicker of light my nose. crept into the black wall before him. They tell us that now the light is getting brighter GUARDS ARE IMPORTANT every day. As he emerged from darkness Accident figures prove that out of every these were his first words. 100 injuries in industrial plants only 15 perI dont believe anyone knows what a cent, approximately, result from thrill it ia to be able to see color and form, or unsafe machinery or equipment.unguarded The reeven though things present a smudged pic- maining 8! percent are caused by some failture yet. It makes all the difference in the ure on the part of the men themselves, such world. You know, after all, SEEING is as thoughtlessness, poor judgment or disreally living. obedience of rules or instructions. "'What a sermon there. What a powerful These figures refer only to the number of plea to preserve our eyesight as one of Gods accidents, not to their severity. We should most precious gifts. remember that, although the machine accidents are fewer, they are much more serious CHRISTMAS IN THE CAMP thau the others. Getting your am caught in Yes Sir, Santa Claus is going to visit the a set of power-drivegears is far more serious than hitting your hand with a hammer boys and girls in Smelter Camp on December or 6 dropping an object on your toes. 23rd, promptly at j30 P. M. At that hour There is a rauoh higher rate of deaths and he will again crawl through the famous chimney in the corner of the Safety Hall, crippling injuries for machine accidents than accidents. .Therefore we and there is no doubt that he vaill bring for make should it a point to see that all always enough toys, candy, nuts and fruit to satisfy are in place before and devices Kiddie guards safety in filled there has one of who every his cards and brings it to the Hall at that starting up. time. Mr. Tim Guhin will distribute the Guarded machines ss well ss guarded cards and he will see to it that every child minds are needed for safe operation. n non-machi- yul::: A SAFETY IN JAPAN Let us bead every effort to eliminate accireprint below extracts from Rules During 1930 in the United States about dents now. so that the future will not, be for Safety taken from a Japanese safety-fir- 99,000 persons were killed by aocidents marred by tkfc hardships and unhappiness poster: one person every five and a third minutes. that attend any injuries. A third more than in 1921. to W quite ufe, attention oace more. Then our MERRY CHRISTMAS will About 10,000,000 persons were injured by Tha waft to sccidvntj an looting awiy" and accidents. One be followed by a HAPPY NEW THAR. "IdU ulka. h person every three and st in-de- ed one-sixt- My wife can drive nails like , light Tom: xung. i j. Tim: You dont mean it t ''Tom: Sore I 'do.. lightning, 'you know never strikes twice in the tame place. -- ' , Teacher: Tommy, why do you spell bank with a large B I Tommy: Cause pa said that I' bank was no good unless it had a large capital." Locky heah, big boy, To say to me an 111 make you eat yo anything Sambo i words. llambo : Hot dog, Chicken dumpllna an t vratermellon. . - - You sometimes find a pearl in an oyster stew remarked the waiter pleasantly. But the customer only granted VIm looking lor oysters. - Whats this, honey t said Mrs.' Young bride husband as he speared a slab from i the dish. Thats Lucifer Cake, dear. I thought you laid you were going to . make angel eake." 4 fell, I was," bat it -- - as low as We would aay that the above are good dents shows that most of them ean be prevented by are and thoughtfulness of indirules In ANY language. vidual motorists, pedestrians and parents. 30.000 persons were accidently killed in Doctor: You are all run down, try a few homes. electric baths. Most injuries in homes result from falls, Patient: No, doo., my brother burns, suffocation fires and poisons. A lew drowned that way at Sing Sing. precautions will help you prevent these various types of accidents in your home, . ECMSTHINa TO LOOK FORWARD TO. 19.000 INDUSTRIAL WORKERS were killed in the5 United States in Christmas ia a time to which wc all look accidently 1930. forward, even if it does shrink the bank proper mechanical safeguards aeeount Opening the heart and the pocket-boo- areAlthough essential, careful working habits and for those we love and for those less safe wll prevent the most frequent fortunate than ourselves brings a real feel- typespractices of industrial accidents. ing of happiness, . 20.000 fatal accidents in public placesre-ultln- g from drownings, use of firearms, Lack of money does put a crimp in our Christmas everyone will admit that it it falls on staircases, elevator accidents etc. Individual care and safe personal habits the hardest time of the year to he broke, but will prevent most of these. money alone wont make Christmas - as many MATTER HOW TRIVIAL THE NO skin-flia rich has found, out. One of the SERIOUS RESULTS ARE OFTEN most Important thinga for a merry ChristAVOIDED BY PROBER FIRST AID GIVmas is having the whole family safe and AND FOLLOWED BY EN IMMEDIATELY sound and able to enjoy the days celebraCOMPETENT MEDICAL ATTENTION. tion. That is one of the rewards of working safely ; it ought to be sufficient compensa-io- n DONT LET YOURSELF fon being careful when the unsafe way when you have done your level best. Worry ooked quicker, and easier. ' when success dejiends upon aceuraey. When you feel like taking dangerous Hurry evil of a friend until you have the Think short-cut- s during the coming year, just think facts. of Christmas 1332, . Believe a thing is impossible without trying IN-JUR- nt lit up bright ieacli ' a In pairs . 7V1 asT when they am-Je- t genuine Goodrich Tires, made by the eldest and most experienced tire manufacturer, lor ae little at $4,981 Lest than a five spot, for the size that cost you eighteen or twenty dollars ten years e Jo and then you didnt Jet hall the tire. Weve priced .them this way deliberately to end this depression, and . were certainlydolnjplentyof business! This Goodrich Cavalier la the hand-tome- at tire you ever put on your car. 26 more mlleaje, more traction, by actual test. The famous name Goodrich rijht on the sidewall. (This name will help when you trade In your car.) r- - Backed by out Juarantee and the' Goodrich Juarantee. Right now we have a full ran Je of sizes, but theyre ' JolfiJ fast. Join the parade to the most dramatic tire values In history. Come CHRISTMAS COMES BUT ONCE A YEAR : 433-2- 3 5.63 433-2- 1. 5.69 6.65 4.75-1- 9. 4.75-2-3 5.03-19...- ... 5.C3-23- .. . .' 5.25-21....- when chill gray dawa making its leisurely wap over wintry world looks curiously In through blinds apoa Christmas tress adsaes with lights and groups of little pajama clad figures huddled over heaps of bright before this toys many days eventful morning; Christmas, s jovial spirit, has entered the cvarket-pUee- s of the world. 1 lolly-hun- g .windows display Chrlatmea , turkeys, chicken end goose and an occasional suckllug pig with an spplo ia its mouth. Others are gives over to piles of nets end figs sad raisins, to Inter Acting looking cans marked "Phim 6.00-18..,..- 633 . 719 M.. .., 6.00-19,.- ., 1 5.C321,,mmm 735 5 ... M 837 533-1iT m.. 833 6.00-2- 0 6.00-2- 1 6.50-20- . 7.00-2- 0 9. 88.75 1230 12.95 ... 5.50-20..- .. , 6.75 .... ..., 535-20- .. ....... 13.70 14.60 14.90 15.20 15.60 1735 1930 Padding. , JTN7. u )t i fa Fruit enthusiasm. One of the many beautiful things a boat Christmas Is that It keeps alight tha warmth sf family olfaction that is one ot the eldest interpretations of the yule-lo- g aad its feasting and special foods hsva had an important place in tradition. Many ot the old Christ- - SS Fig Pudding, Cake,? aad Mincemeat,. and to of canned goodly sollectleas Christmas -J- eUiee - sad jama Groeers sad butchers end bakers become people of great Importance dispensing holiday prori-- . sions aad advice with a sort of ZHckeoe-Uk- adh- ) r ( morning of those who dine at midday on ter of each canapd. Use tiny MANY days before the Christmas belle sound Christmas. pickled pearl onions fur berries. ovar now covered , housetops, Flashed and excited though they Christmas Sweet Potatoes'. SUPER CAVALIERS 1 6 full piles 4.50-2-1 f Pudding, plum porridge and fermity With beef, pork, mutton of each sort M ofe than my pen can report . Prom Pool Robins Almanack, Christmas, 1701. . $133 t "Now enter CUthimas like a man Armed tenth spit and dripping pan Attended with paltry and plum pie halt-diaw- ... tory excuse. Harbor bitterness within your own soul. 04.80 Mi SlsttU' No 'Wonder, 4 ply it. Waste time on futile regrets. Imagine that good Intentions are a satisfac- OUR IOOX around aa much at you Eke corn'd here to seepeople buy CAVALIERS country. About toller. With trimmings red and blue ; But it had nothing on our guests, For they were that way too. rrrv In now! 4 18,000 children under. 15 years of Stop tht machine when cleaning. The machine on age were killed by accidents. One child every motion will bit yon any moment. 4 30 minutes. Loaf bain nod abort life. About $3,000,000,000 was the cost of all Dos' throw, dont drop and dont roll. . accidents. $99.00 every SECOND. G for smoke ia not merely a apart, bat i 33,000 were killed in motor vehicle accithe mother of fire. dents. , The movement for ulety ia for yonr oryn benefit A study of the causes of automobile acci- The Christmas tree was Trno rate. seconds, One person out of every twelve in the Latt boars, and tha morning accidents. Attrition first to gear, atcoad to belt, third to k . ... 1 DO YOU KNOW THAT We - I 4.43-2- Utah Friday December 11, iz: e man filahea such as fermity maationed ia tha little versa above ere now obsolete, but the spirit of Christmas should enter not only Into the greet feast of the day, but. ns In old times into the tha Christmas Ev collation, Christmas breakfast and certainly tats the little Informal final meal are with gift wrapping and giftdelivering, with tree trimming end the other delightful tasks of Christmss Eve; the family may be enticed to a half hoar of quiet by the following Christmas Eve menu end, it e guest or two happens in, it will be Wash one large sweet potato tor each person to be served, cut hole through center lengthwise with apple eorer. Open a can of Vienna nerve-restin- g sausage end place one sausage in each sweet potato; bake until tender. Apples Staged with Pineapplei-Ta- ke six large baking apples, core and peel half way down. Stick two cloves in each. Take one eight-ounc- e can Hawaiian pineapple tidbits, fill cavities in apples with plneappe and sprinkle six tablespoons fcflgar over top. Mix cup water with pine-app- e syrup and pour around the apples. Hake as usual, 400. until tender, basting frequently with the synsp. Serves six. Snappy tVinfcr Cocktails'. Shake e cans totogether two mato juice, two teaspoons lemon juice, one teaspoon sugar, one-hal- f teaspoon salt, teaspoon sauce, teaspoon Worcestershire let and sauce, of this little foretaste holiday stand in over night. refrigerator cheer. The .menu ip equally suit- Scrvea-sl- x. able for Christmas supper. Cranberry Com Mai Jins: Beat -Mistletoe Canapes. Free jDne together one egg, two tablespoons can sardines from skin and bones, sugar, one enp sour milk. Sift mash, add creamed butter enough one cup flour, one cup cornmeaU f to make a paste, season highly teaspoon soda, one-hal- f with lemon , Juice and e¥ne teaspoon salt and add to above. Santd or toast lightly Stir in three tablespoons Milted pepper. diamond-shapeslices of bread. butter and one hall cup canned Spread with sardine mixture. Feel cranberry sauce, using tha thick off thin skin from green peppers part rather than julco. Cake in which have been previously pap buttered muffin tins at 00 for boiled in water with a pinch ot twenty or twenty five minutes. soda. Cut In shape ot mistletoe Recipe makes eight large or leaves and arrange bunch In cen twelve email jhuffias. - one-thir- nine-ounc- one-eight- h one-eight- & one-hal- d 0 |