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Show If kilNL- - TTlfra MARK Friday, December 11, 1931 A. UTAH FINNEY OF TOE FORCE ip YOU, COl "O no 'zt . nn TKERS'S SICH A THING AS CLAME SMART.1 ZZM SUSlS IT AM EXAM Put! TO ,ealci a wvfJ Drive it a 3 h 12 l t t J F, H .a a cvvj; 9 t i For Domaitie Peace Teacher Yes, children, one of the duties of the lord high chamberlain was to pat the king to bed. Willie (who has observed things) And did he have to think up excuses to tell the kings wife) Homemade bread wasn't fluffy; It was solid, but yet light," We speak of It In the past tense. THE FEATHERHEADS -- PARKERS HAIR BALSAM FT1 ? iBawvwPwdraa-etawHwraa- J I liiiwCuiirj MW1U HOkEsTON SHAMPOO ideal tat ante withParkar'aHairBalniB.Makntba soft and fluff r. SO Msti by nail or at drug. Carta. HJaeox Cbanical Work Patehsca at oAlong the Concrete I Cant Convince Police "I saw yon arguing with your wife on the street yesterday," "Yes, I was trying to convince her that the police wouldnt refuse to tag the car merelyhecau?e she Insisted It was all right to park that near n fire plug Events in the. Lives of Little Men One of the worst things under the sun is a shady reputation. .Watch Mothers Childrens colds head cold often "settle and chest when they may become dangerous. Don't take chance tt the first sniffle rub on Childrens Muiterole once every hour CjMMON ' forftve hours. Children's Mustgrble Is Just good old Musterole, you have known to long, in milder form. This famous blend of o3 of mustard, camphor, menthol and other ingredients brings relief naturally. Musterole gets action because it is asaentificawnrer irritant aot hat a calve it pens trates and stimulates blood ctrcularioo, helps to draw out infection and pain. Keep full strength Musterole on hind, foe adults add the milder Children's Musterole for littlo tots. AS druggists. Coins to Sa!t V.Tien Yea g Ltki I mCKIE, THE PRINTERS DEVIL miER. vwo swuas ma sowetwwja ter "Vf TAPER AUUANS At V USf VXWttlT Ewnmoeas VJOOREO NjWUVOJES Ott RfrtD& WOWJE OttOWI Some TU' fcttUJMAOttNOO CtOS CWIMA HV5 HOW TAPER EAMtS TWtm StMNttjrmS T05MEXW30UI W? NOO EVER VVOTVCa UOUl i - EV(& tMN HAS Ape OPfEtt FOUX Start a sewcswee vurmv SEE of Mickies Pd Pcer es ARE bn tUE VJM-ViW- S AROOVJO U PUURM.RPSJ-P4SWS tWOR Taper EtZWESSMDkVMO SAVE SOW VsKXTt FVMD VKJMSVWPC JEST "O Use The KEHCUSE ; mm "AD Expenne" Sates PLANA Oatr) Wack-oad- a (Goa $750 InahdlBt ill rone tts foTVroinr aasoaua.-datio- n aatartainnoais Chain treat with bath; SatonUw night nbant daan; diaaori nr II krooidao. PLAN B (Goad THE CLANCY KIDS Driving a Sharp Bargain to By PERCY L. CROSBY A . l,cC,NuT)T1,aICuv Aar TUw) Tenons - $10 Days the btlnriw lahtlif Satton and tanuM antartainmmrts Chain front room with hath, t dart and 1 night) nr atornra; dinner, lank, toot sad taachoaat to thoatm PaMI or a. . O. Choapn Thoa Stasias at Bond" HOTEL NEVEIOUGE c. w. Wtot . K Suttoa Ma t Goal Mgr. Gonl Mtr. CUk Salt taka CH. 77: o Ideal Vacation Land , Semites ASS Wittier Lexg CnSfemlns mountain typo hotel dry nir elonr starlit nights fareneel Bntrt Ptoygrownd LL MLlVflBHM S dead id rondo-tower- ing Jubi reo-Hi- glw .. |