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Show a a fc? Cur Annual Christmas Edition in Ili6 Mail On Thursday Decent:-- D fr-- M , ; i I J v WdL congress k ia imioi d now look forward to amnl months of tndlraa debate, with mo attempt and at may constructive IrjULtioa every maker of both bo um talking for political effect, with aa eye oa the coming elcctioa rather tbaa oa effectiag a qukk fall eetwra of proa v ' . '' ai perone timer. Some fire thousand bill were the first day. Very few of tbeae are intended for anything bat borne eoaaumptioa aad nothing eaort will be heard from the majority of them except when candidate refer oa the ttump to the "Bill 1 famed and introduced." Preaident Hoover proposed aix remedies for relief of banks out of eight E rid recommendations submitted. es tty be feels a dole to bank baa ao doles to iadividnals Ql efface. whil Next to having are mort pernicious. the gOTftament assame obligatioa rnaninf into bUlioaa to assist banks, be feels lb next most deserving subjects for relief me the railroad. It items to be tbs idea of Mr. Hoover that by taking the international bankets aadrr the g ornamental wing and making their loans to Germany coltactabW by canctllatioa of the billions of dollars ia debt dne the govera-aaea- t; by putting local baaken back oa their feet at government expense by buying tbtir bad debts (frozen a war of ptoa- assets) : by tutting ptrity ymoag baildiag aod lota ocietice by baviag the government bay tbett depreciated mongagre; aad by getting the atock market speculator back oa velvet by giving larger aad broader privilegea ia the matter of rediscount. that prosperity of the class affected by these beneficent meat-r- s will ia time filtet down into the lower aad lean favored working clasa-- a evidently feels that jktpepenty come to the labotvr in the ia-- . duset auaaer the yoaag man bad ia auad when be wished to contract J W ihsii Id ' . ' trrocb month: give it to Mary. Mary will give it to John. John will give it to the cook Who passes it right along. She gives it to father. He give it to Ma. yoa bet. Ma gives it to the preacher. The fellow 1 want to get 'TO ; - ' W . j Wby all this indirect asekuace to the fellow who k oat of work! Woaid k not be better to lend, to the man who k behind with the payments oa bis borne, the money direct, instead of to a ml (Rate dealer, to be bused oa to the borne baildcr at a profit to the middle maaf Neither scheme k workable, bat U either k to be adopted, let the borne builder be tbs direct recipient of the govern stent's boaaty. m Every scheme prop need by the political powers ia Washington calk foe VaR increase ia "Credit". Tbs caaet of tbs world' condition today k generally admitted to be the fails re of credit. Oa the narrow foundation of tbt single gold stand-- . ard waa erected eupcmractare of credit that became top heavy aad coll- Speed, yet; M apita of tbt knowledge of the earns of the financial apset, measam are proposed except those that will tala rye oar obligatioa aad obligate the government to farther ex teasioa of credit. The plant taggesud by Mr. Hoover are based oa the issuing of bUlioaa of "Credits, bat even the disentsioa of a plan to broaden oar foundation of teal primary money by the sm of silver k foririddtn. Debt k what hardest the world today. aad farther debt will aot pall k oat. ao matter whether they be called credits, debcatares. or plaia bills payable. Tbk coeatry baa juR passed through a period covering several yean of proaoaaced prosperity. - during which time industry enjoyed greater tetaras thaa ever knows ia history, aad right when we thought, or at kaR wen taagbt, that condition wen permanent, that standards of living would consfm to rise, aad that nothing could yuad ia the way of oar advancement antil "poverty had beta abolished' tbt paper losses of the Rock speculators of Will Street rutted a (lamp that has pat tbs govern meat in the hemiliating position of having to ttRorv the old War Finance Board to help us over tbms pipiag times of peace. Sue there k "Something Rotten", fade he should deliver arveral speeches ia the . senate daring the comiag months, for oar ealightaaeat. He k evidently oat of touch with bk coast it seats if he imagines that any of them read senate speeches. If be wishes to instruct ae he should aukc a film, or pat it ok the radio. The presides! advisee that there riwald be mote Red ia oar political structure. He k the first president to admit there was say steal, let alone advocating mote of k. H. A. Link was elected Worshipful Master of tb Garfield chapter of the (i . (! S Ill' UdDSEJSS EIYERLY asm were ured. December 7, 20 men from Magna, 6 from Garfield aad 4 from Hunter were pat to work. Tea tea mi of horses were also used. t The men have been working principally on the curve at the uve ia Garfield, blasting, to make tbe road wider and eliminate aa far as possible the dangerous curve where to many accident have occurred. Dirt from tb blast baa been hauled to various points along tb road to bolster np 'shoulden". Extensive widening and surfacing at other place between Magna and Garfield are alto evident Mea have also been working at the Garfield Smelter, hauling slag to fill ia lam bogs and boles. Perilous ice and snow formation oa tb road "have been cleared away, making tb road safer for travel, and at haxatdous place along Seated oa the tbe road have been strengthened and Four generation art represented ia the above picture. left hand aide k Mrs. Peter Lama, Standing directly rebuilt behind her k her daughter. Mrs. Oluf Olsen, and seated oa the right hand side k Mrs. Emit Williams, daughter of Mrs. Olson, holding her small daughter Nancy Carrol Williams. - A family dinner waa held recently at the Olsen Coven were laid for 12 guestt at a beautifully home on Bdv Avenue. decorated table. Tbe Cyprus High School basketMrs. Larsen k a resident of Murray, while Mo. Olsen and Mr. William ball team wiii play the new South ! redds hi Magna, u Higb School equad December II at a practice game, Cyprus Gym. The game-wi- ll begin at r:)0 p.' as.. and promises to be an exhibition well worth seeing. Authorities say that the Cyprus boys in action, have nude tbe remark that Cyprus baa one of the speediest Boys and girk of Magna, Garfield basketball teams in Utah, sad predict Mia. Charlotte Larson Ek. a red-deof Pleasant Green and Magna and the Smelter Camp will celebrate results for tbe Pirates in tbe league r r yean, died at a joyous Christmas tbk year, from this, year, for the past tbirty-fiv- s made by official of Cyprus trounced Hcber Gry hoop-ster- e her home Tuesday at 3:10 p. m. of announcement last Friday in a practice gam at acral debility. Mn. Ek wa born the Utah Copper Oub aad tb GarJraly 31. 1843 in Sweden, and came field Smelter of the American Smelt- Hcber, thereby scoring even on a fend. Ratted Ur year when tbe Hcber Gty to this country in 1888. She k the ing and Refining Company, A- widow of John F. Ek. beautifully decorated boy marched off with a game, that bug, Mrs. Ek was aa ardent and faith- Christmas tree, with all the trimmings, tbe Cyprus boys should have bad.... ful worker of the L. D. S. Church presents 'a everything will be featand a devout member of the Pleasant ured at tb Utah Copper Club, TuesGreen Relief Society, though for tb day, December 22 for kiddies of Magatna and Garfield. Toys to delight paR year (he had beenas unable to math as she the heart of every child, candy, nuts tend church function desired oa account of her extreme age. and fruit will be distributed and a She was a member of the Pleasant unique program has been arranged. Green Ward, and known and respectThe Smelter Camp k planning a ed throughout the sake for her good- celebration for their kiddies, WedTbe Americas Legion Cyprus Poet, She waa held ia ness and kindness. December 23. Festnesday evening, No. 38, will begin tbe basketball aerher and many esteem by regard high ivities will be begin promptly at 6 ies of the Utah State Amateur League friends for tb performance of all bet p. m. in the Safety Hall. A at tbe Utah Copper Club with a bang duties of home and church, will be givtn before Tbe game - will - Mm Ek k survived by one son. the arrivalprogram Monday evening. of Santy. but old Saint commence m. Tbe Vvil at 8:00 Theodore p. Ek, Nick bimself, will be on band immedand foar daughters, will match tbtir basket --shooting boys Mrs. J. D. Coon. Mrs. J. B. Coon, iately afterwards to greet tbe small (Con tinned on page 10) aad Mrs. J. H. Jenkins, all of Mag- guests, aad direributc nuts, fruit, canna. Mrs. H. D. Nielson of Hunter, dy and toys to all children who will 1 ) 34 grandchildren, great randchildren fill ia tbe cards, dinributed by Mr. ; one brother, Otto Larson of Tim Gubin. Andrew Mn. sister. one and Magna, Tbe various fraternal, civic, religBackmaa of Salt Lakt. ious and social organizations are likeFuneral services will hr held Sun- wise planning treats for the kiddie day at' 1:00 p. m. in tb Pleasant during Christmas week, but as yet Greta Chapel. Interment will be ia complete plant are not available. the Pleasant Green cemetery. Further announcements will be made in the near future. ' Members of the Rats George WashCommittee, of ington Bicentennial which Mr. T, P, Brockbank. principal of the Cyprus High School, k a member, bare completed plans for s booklet that outline proposed school programs to be given in commemoration of tbe celebration. Tbe booklet will be distributed by tbe state School office before February 22. 2 to all grade aad high schools in the state, Tbe booklet will contain activit-ieand programs suitabk fot elementary school, ascondary schools, institutions of higher learning, and parent teacher associations. Tb programs rcpNssat a year s effort on tbe part of tbe central pUnning committee, which . besides Mr. Brockbank, is Lofter composed of G. N. Child, Bjarnason, A. E. Jacobsen. Rosa B Marimoa. Lois Miller. Christen Jensen, Joel E. Rieka, Calvin S. Smith. Sitter Made levs aad 1. L. Williamson. article by Aa informative Mr. Bjarnason suggesting method of using the' programs will be included in tbt booklet. Tbe Utah plan for tbt celebration k to have each child in tbt public and private acboob. contribute 3 cents and each school teacher 23 cents.. Tbr, proceeds will go to tht erection on the capitol groands of a statu of Geo. Washington, and will furnish for each school a colored portrait I print of tht tame subject. , 19-3- s -- , 1 Hy Facer To Flay With Cardhab id SOUTH HIGH TO PLAY HERE FRIDAY in-th- e 1 cant think why tbrf malt fan a boat Mu Smith's voice, blue Jones has a reach richer voice." "Yea. but kli Smith bil 8 ps;S s, oil-clo- th library-cafeteri- Tcacrunj DRAPER, DEC 14 well-arnag- . SHORT ILLNESS Emma Louise Hy Fscrr, star and Arthur former baaket-ba- ll ace first baseman. Is the gratified possessor of a contract to play baseball for tbe St. Louk Cardinals, world's champions, fot the year 1931. Facer, who was chosta on the all-tDenver tram ts a first baseman, ram ia the limelight agd attracted the attention of Jack Ryan, brother of Baddy Ryan, ia Dmvtr tart summer. The offer to play fot tbt Cardinal waa trade red to him by Ryan, who icouta for Gbby Street of the Cards. Facer will report to tht Cardinals' training camp in Florida in February, If the former athlett does not edge out Ji Bottomly for first base on text year's Ordinal tram, be will more than likely be farmed out for the season. ar RELIEF DRIVE IS SUCCESSFUL -- - old Hail, daughter of Mr. tnd Mrs. Lyaa B. Hall, of 233 East 3tb South Street, Salt Lake City, died at the borne of her aunt. Mrs. Del Orton of Magna, Saturday afternoon at on oclock of The child death came pneumonia. ae a great surprise and duck to relatives and friends, as die war ill only a few boey before bet death. The child was bora ia fairview. April 9. 1922. aad waa attending school ia Castle Dale, where she resided at the bom of another aunt, Mrs. Andy Peterson. Surviving beside her parents k a brother. Lynn Bateman HalL virr us was good Memben of the Magna Ward Relief Society and tbe Relief Society presidency announced tbe first of tb week the results of the Food Drive that was conducted for the poor and needy in thb vicinity during Thanksgiving week. Thirty seven baskets of food were distributed to needy families ia Magna, and from surveys made by tbe aforesaid organization, as far as possible, tbe nnemployed- - and needy of this district were completely taken care of in a commendable manner. The Magna Ward Relief Society wiah to extend their thanks and appreciation to the following who assisted them in their endeavor: Tb Elks organization for money contribution. The Magna Motor Company for aid in providing transportation for distributing the. food. Mist Anna Pehr-roDean of Grit at the Cyprus High School, and tht Grit League who contributed groceries for the destitute of tbb district and various mea who contributed time and service. From accurate reports the d and needy in Magna, Garfield sad surrounding locality have been given help aad are being takes care of by tbe local unemployment organization. In instance as tbe one cited above, in a manner exceedingly enviable, aad adequate measures have been taken to administer relief daring the coming holiday season. Various organizations aad anits an now completing plant for Christmas festivities for the unemployed. set - a. good "Tee. re Tvt hoard ha - U2 ktt fV , to ' Teacher: "Who can tell me wby we only should always be neat and cbeanf Mary "In case of accident, teacher. Voeka until Christmas (KHIIWI lyjv--- ' wm m 4 - Rb J this eurieuu toeklng host naY travel on both land and Water 9 of this typa am wed In northern Canada to haul booms of loos oroo forgo lake during tho spring drives.. When It la necessary to movo om of thooo boats from ono take to another, tablet nr fattened r"troro a napetnn on tho boat to Cm bate of a troo and tho boatgo-- wfi ?.ltt ' bar got tb odg sow. But Congrats man die, and whoa ttr It ta aom way drlvo I SOW w (ouyl lawi. f m fI j w T4AT s " te or tho other. But with tho old ate tax. If ho la driving a Rolls Royeo, why you know tho Gov-Ur- n man! got a big eut out of him, or ho could-an- t . (w-- tiThen of Uh. course tho I want to do something that will draw oat the conversational abilities of my "That's easy. Gvc a musical." 2 0mkmd 'In they dia at tho right Um why that always brings oa eompUcaUon. Now tako tor instance dowa ta Texas, right whoa and where waa racaotly the only Republican Congressman ta Taxes out of about 18, wall ha died- .- Wall they may not have Um for aa election, ao the Governor appoints eomaona ta hta pines Now you know that Govonor Is aot going to appoint another Republican. Be will naturally put In a Democrat ' Well you ae what that death dose whan It eomas at a Um like this. Well they will heve all kinds of ai gumente and thennnnlgnna ever tha Those Republicans Speakership. will hate to give that ap. Of course If they should win It it will perhaps fall to Ttleoa. and a flne fallow too. Ho visited mt whoa ha waa out ta California test summer. Be wu a great friend of Nlek's. Bat tt looks Ilk the old Pralrio Dog of Uvalde will go dragging into hie hole with' tho swag.' U tho Democrats eaa hup thalr health, or lit rather tUl tho first Monday ta Dec amber why Head Mea next they ought to be tb Uma Poor Mr. Hoover with a foreign Congress oa his hands, that looks Ilk its too much to add to all hta other troubles. Then will eom aloe tho argument over how to rale eom more money. "What to Taxi "How to rate I cant so whero tho argument against the Sates tax eaa eland up. It looks to be, (leaving out essentials) that tt would ha a mighty fah tax. tt you bought high priced things, every on would know that you had paid your tax, ev you eouldent hav them. Aa it la now yoa cant look aad toll if a man Is paying a tax or not B may bo avoiding (sat", r"' H'f r"4r h j - e oe ; l:u , A survey, which k sponsored by the Research Committee of the Utah Education Association, of tbe etabil-it- v of teaching positions ia Utah, fot 1930-3- 1 ba just been completed, and statistical reasons for the withdrawal of teacher from tbeir positions are somewhat startling and utererting. la Rudying the entire tabulation, which k publUbed ia the Utah Ed acational Review, Granite School DU trict gives tb following 'reasons for withdrawal of tbeir teachere : Marriage claims 5. and transferring to other dUtrkts takes 9. while only one teacher k working ia another occupation. Two teachers were compelled to diicoatiase their teaching duties oa account of ill health, three did not- - meet teaching Raadards, and three other teacher withdrew for various aot luted res ton. Out of the 287 teachers employed ia the Granite Dutrict. 23 or 8 per cent withdrew from school duties. Other int retting fact taken from the tabulation show that 282 teach era in the entire state discontinued teaching in the dutrict ia which they were employed oa account of marriage, of thk number, approximate! 238 withdrew from the teaching profession. Tbe announcement k also mad that tbe number of district ia Utah where married teachers arc aot em ployed, k also on tbe decrease. It k also noted that 95 teachers left tht teaching profession to enter other linn of employment. Only one teacher out of 419 was obliged to withdraw on account of ill health. Only four teachers employed in Utah ia 1929 30 were not employed ia 1930-3- 1 as a result of old age. All four wm in Salt Lake and are now receiving benefit from tb Salt Lake Gty Teacher Retirement Fund. Less tbaa out of every hundred of tbe 1929-3- 0 teacher were aot offered contracts for 1930-3- 1 on account of meeting tbe Randard requirements of teachers, ia the state of Utah. anem-ploye- Esr kvsband Is awfully u Dam-aera- -- CmmMm -- fght ov or Ua fpoakorahtp. It looks Ilk tha Stntty amtHHMMnr aolgy groaa for ovary man coming hi win have a schema tn roller the nnem-ployeaad tta going to taka months just to read all the Elite that via he Introduced. Of eourse they have to go to Commit too ftrsL but tt w(U tako tho outtra Coagraa aad Sonata Mumbors to mako up nnough Commute just to road all of om. Thoro In going to bo mnny a way ta aava tho Country. In tact thuro will bo ala budrod ways. Thar ta about fra hundred Congressmen and 168 Senators. Thar in going to bo aa awful lot of other thing too to argue about. This cancellation of tho dobt for a ytar that Hr. Bom var did, that's going to start a lot of yapping. They will uy ho dldont ask thorn about it Of ooano as a matter of tact he did ask thaa, that ts the mala once. But that ta what will make am sort bscausc ha dldant aak tht othara. Jut knowing that Urey vuaent tho mala oaao will taka om ooror than avar. Thaa Its going to com up to a continuation of tho Nation aot paying, Tharc la going to bo grant prueuro brought to hoar from ths big ftaaactal latorosta to gat a total eaaooUsUoa. Course that wbat they want Europo owta thorn big gobs of mouay, ao 1 1 wa eanoaUad what they awa na, why that would loavo thalr loans la hotter shape. Tot ato what Urey would low aa a taxpayar 1a cancelling would bo nothing to what thay would gala by having ths frat mortgage oa Em rope Instead of ths cooond ad they kava sow. Wall an that will ho draggad out aad a trad dally aad by tha hour ta this usxt teasioa of Congma. Thaa will pop tho old Longs of Na Uobs argumant again. You lea v havt dona a taw things la F j 1 law month that i r! tho var; ef telr ta T a I f ,i Shown Ia Survey va a I prowl This is to bo a oaaloa of Com A modern cafettria opened with a patronage of 100 students Monday noon at the Cyprus Junior High School. It waa Hated by official ia charge that the primary object of the cafeteria will be to provide wholesome food foe students of the Junior High School in their noon meal. With the help and of Mt. Waiter Williams. cooperation instructor of manual art training at Cyprus High School, and hi student an unused c lass room has beta converted into a sanitary, modern kitchen, splendidly equipned for this worthy enterprise. Mrs. Viol Jones, Dean of tbt Janior High School Girls, conducts the activities ia the kitchen; Cooking area-aildishes, aa electric Rov and other necessary kitchen needs were contributed by the Granite School Dutrict Board. Aa adjoining room has been transformed into a combination library and cafeteria. H.ong washable covtrtd tablet an utilized serving tables and dainty curtains covrr the windows of the Each child k served soup, crackers, milk and tome kind of frait. Payment for the food will be charged at the rate of 20c per week per papil. but children unable to pay are served gratia. Various civic organization! hive stained ia making the cafeteria a reality aad a succtt. Tb Americas Legion aad the American Legion Auxiliary gave tbeir support to this enterThe Utah Copper Company prise. donated carpenters to repair and paint the floors, woodwork and walls and individuals havt also liberally gives supplies aad money. The project hat been under consideration for quite a period of tim. both ia Cyprus Senior and Janior High Schools, bat thus fat, plans have not yrt materialized at tbe Senior High School. To continue aad conduct aa enterprise such ts this, financial sup port k necessary, and it k to be bop ed that anyone able to do so will con tribute to tbit cause. Mark Lloyd, principal of the Cy pine Junior High School, originator of the plan in tb Janior High School, aad all workers expressed themselves as being very well' pleated "with tbe results obtained this week from the project, and expressed their apprsci ation for the cooperation and support that they received fr'm all" a lions and ind,.. ; nt : mighty pniz CELEBRATIONS FOR AGED RESIDENT PASSES AWAY KIDDIES PLANNED AMERICAN LEGION HOOPSTERS PLAY going 0a Opening Day ! u about. Ccm. School Cafeteria Announces Flans Serves 1CD Pcpib Oil CEK7AY We!l 3 f rood in lira po--h KILLS 1.0. Si know k just whnt I VMkV ' CHILD DIES AFTER t iu n 12, 11, 1S31 EXTENSIVE WORK bone-draw- n j I . i2IDAY, IIAC.IA, In aa sffott to relieve the unemployment situation ia Magna. Garfield Hunter and vicinity, rotated work for the 140 beads of families report ha ed unemployed ia this 'district been .and k being provided by tb Rat road work commutes. Tb men are touted ia shift of oa week. Ia or dtt to avoid duplication, careful record are being kept of tb men employed. Investigations bars also been mad to see if any fanning of the men who are employed oa thg toad work, are ia argent want. The men with families are given preference in tbk work, though if the money allotted to this d itrict k sufficient. work will be provided for other who are not heads of families. Fourteen men from Magna and five from Garfield were employed November 23 to work on tb roads brtweea Magna and Garfield, November 30. 1 1 men from Magna. 7 men from Garfield and 2 men from Hunter were hired. Ten teams of hotses and two - lathe." i f AID TO LABOR y, ikfeef H F7- - socccediag Gso. Denton. Tb mtetiag was held FriOther memday evening ia Garfield. bers appointed to offices are W. T. Ahlquirt. Senior Warden; J. E. Corn-leJunior Warden; Eddie Nicholson. Treasurer; D. L. Underwood. Georg Denton. - Trustee Secretary; foi three years, and Hodge Marshall. . Trvtre for two ytm. , gave Tbt newly elected officer apsecbm of thanks, aad the retiring officers were tendered thanks for their post splendid services whil in offices of the organization. Twenty seven members were present. much t nnnTjiF Sfcur Gznerdions Masonic organization, ll' i , .S&'.i. 1 ' post-fenc- GARFIELD LIIONE ELECT 07HCL1S - ' 0 .... - D - c Ei aad k k aot ia Denmark. Oat seal tor announces that, owing to the public being uninformed, big f L-- -m 17& ? cyr ciOissj ecu It away. Ws dont miss tha gaso Eaa tax, tta paid ta such a way that tt ta painless, Mr. Essrst test a hunch of sp to Canada to stady tt. aa Its used ta Canada, and &y all claimed that tt waa "Craat" WeH anyhow w will have eoma esdto-Bren- t ta Congreta this toll anyhow, tt they cant ba Instruct!! and they cm at least ba amm;.:& Hi they will be toe thla 1:2. ss bene-JC-U- (, mt, KxrM J bsj I |