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Show y I 'arc a Tfcsea, liars Vtsh ftilty Ttctz!bttr 'g a!' V 11 1231. MM IfAI.IE LIANIIATTAi; Legal Notices VS FRED S. LUFF and MYRTLE A. ARTHUR DELL STEPHENS. LUFF. Defendants. to be told at SherifF. Sale at the we front door of the Coaaty Coarthoa in the City and Coaaty of Salt Lake. DeState of Utah, on the 1 Sth day of of noon o'clock IS cember. 1931rt eaid day that certain piece or parcel in Salt Lake teal property eitaate deecnbed ae Connty. State of Utah, folio we. All of Lou eighteen bandied and ainety-thre- e (193) and inEighteen High' hundred ainety-fon- r (1194) according to the land Park. Plat & official plat thereof ww M tilt o PUt. of record in Book SUMMONS Defendant. THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANT: You a hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after wanes of this summons upon you, if semd in the county in which this action is brought, otherwise within thirty days after works aad defend tbs a bore entitled action, aad In case of your fail-ar- e so to do. judgment will be rendered again you according to the demand of the complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. This action is brought to it cover s judgment dissolving the marricontract heretofore existing beng tween yon end the plaintiff. ROMNEY. MARION to-w- it: "A, "F wcorft of W paget 24. 25, and 26 lake County. Pa rebate price parable U lawfnl money of tie Uaited Statee. Dated at Salt Lake City. Utah, tW 19th day of November, 1931, a Attorney for Plaintiff. 1122 Continental P. O. Addrew: S. GRANT YOUNG. Bank Baildiag Salt Lake City. Utah. Sheriff of Salt Lake Cosaty, Utah. Pint pnblkatwn date La publication date By Earl M. Wiltoo. Depety, D. M. Draper Marion G. Romary. Attorneys for Plaintiff. SHERIFFS SALE Firet publication date 12-1 -) 1. Lett pablicatioe date In tbt Dietekt Const of the Third Judicial Dirtrict in and for tbe County of Sait Lake. State of Utah. SHERIFFS SALE THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF BERKELEY. I corporation. la the District Coart of the Third Judicial Dirtrict in and for the Coaaty - Plaidtiff. of Salt Lake. State of Utah, V. UNITED BOND ft FINANCE COR- PORATION. a corporation form- JOSEPH S. MOUSLEY aad DORA erly kaowa ae UNITED STATESF. MOUSLEY. hirwife: HYRUM FINANCE CORPORABOND S. MOUSLEY and JANE DOE . . tion. MOUSLEY. hia wife; CONSOLplaintiff. IDATED WAGON AND MAVe. CHINE COMPANY, a corpora-tioKOST PAPANICOLAS. aleo known SALT LAKE CITY, a ae KOST PAPANIKOLAS corporation: EAST JORDefendant. DAN CANAL COMPANY, a VALLEY JORDAN tion: to be eold at SherifFe Sale at the We a corporation; FIRST BANK, front door of the Coaaty Coarthoa in the City and Coaaty of Satt Lake. DOE. SECOND and THIRD DOE. Defendant!. State of Utah, on the 30th day of December. 1931. at 12 o'clock noon to he eold at Sheriff Sate at the We of eaid day that certain piece or parcel front door of the County Courtbou of real property eitaate in Salt Lake in the City and County of Salt Lake. Coaaty. Suit of Utah, deecribed at State of Utah, on the 30tb day of follows, December. 1931, at 12 oclock aooa of eaid day that certain place or pared and Eact feet 1292 Commencing real property situate in Salt Lake South 0 degree 12 minatee Ea of State of Utah, described at County. com959.85 feet from the Nortbweet er of the Northcaet quarter of Section follows, Commencing at the Southea corn30, Township I South, Range 2 West, aad running er of Section It, Township 4 South. Salt Lake Meridian, 1 West. Salt Lake Base and Rang thence South 0 degree 52 minutes Ea SO feet: thence North 88 degrees 53 Mendila, and rnnaing thence North minutes East 134 feet; thence North 0 160 rode: thence We 45 rode; thence We 35 rod; degree 52 minatee Wert 50 feet; South 80 rods; thence thence South 88 degrees 53 minatee thence South 80 rode; thence fa 80 West 1 34 feet to the place of beginn- tod s the piece of beginning, containing 62.5 acre, mow or lew. ing. Together with 15 shares of the capSubject to and together with a right ital Mock of tbe Ea Jordan Irrigaof way orer: Commencing 1267 feet tion Co., mid sham being represented East and 12.85 feet South of the by Certificate No. 1713-C- : aleo toNorthwest corner of the Quarter Sec- gether with 30 there of the capital tion aforesaid, and running thence Mock of the Draper Irrigation ComSouth degree 32 ifTututct East 4848 pany. laid share bring represented by feet: thence North 88 degrees S3 min Certificate No. 136. ates East 50 feet; thence North 0 deTogether with all other, rights of gree 52 minatee West 1848 feet; every kind aad nature, however evithence South 88 degrees 53 minutes denced. to the aw of water, ditcbca West 50 feet to the place of beginnand canals for the irrigstion of mid ing, being lota 9 and 10 Block I. premise. Chambers Park, unrecorded. Together with all tenements, bertdi Together with all and singular the laments sad appurtenances thereunto tenements, hereditaments and appurten- bdongiag or in naywiw appertaining. ances 'thereunto bclonging or in M7 Purchase pike payable ta lawfal wise appertaining. money of the U sited Staten. Dated t Salt Lake City, Utah, this Parcha price payable in lawful 2nd day of December, 1931. money of the United States. S. GRANT YOUNG Dated at Salt Lake City. Utah, this Sheriff of Salt Lake County. Utah. 2nd day of December, 1931. By Ead M. Wilton. Deputy. Ricbatde If Mitchell. S. GRANT YOUNG, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Sheriff of Salt Lake County, Utah. Fir ptblicatioa date By Earl M. Wilson, Deputy. La ptblicatioa date Homer Holmgren. 1. 3l 1- n: mi-akip- ut cor-po- re to-wi- t: to-w- it: 1. 1, SHERIFFS SALE Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication Last publication date date la tbe District Conrt of the Third Judicial District in and foe the County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, BUILDING STATES UNITED AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 1. SHERIFFS SALE corporation. As soon as the contracts were -warded for tbe construction of them linen the problem of naming them wae taken np, hundred of names wen submit tad to the management from various source in this country and Europe and by careful udy as to their adaptability they were eliminated datil the on only Manhattan remained name that embodied all the condition that had to he met. The name desired had to have n historical background; be should American: distinctly should rod in an" lot conformity with the ending of the name of the flagship of the fleet Levithaa. and. lastly, tbonld be a name not diffkult to pronounce end easily remembered. serv-paioc- clean n. 1 The Library It d epellttf by various tongues and that k mesne "People of the island of the hills. This it explained by the fact that the firet element Manh"i the equivalent for island and "sftin" is In diaa for declivity, tide, little hill. Again, it it pointed out, tbe new ship will dock in Manhattan, the name given to tbe island by the Caste Figu artivtt of 1614 and 1616 briieved to be the earliest map on which "Man-batti- n appeared. Hudson is mid to have had a copy of them map when be made the voyage to this country on the Half Moon. Further, "that Manhattin, in accord with Algonquin , custom- - sad analysis, , descriptive a cozy refuge In a brilliant wintry world, then is the moment to be prepared with better breakfasts. Here Is one which answers that. description: 3 Grape Fruit Halves Corned Beef Hath With Poached Eggs Toast Coffee Apple Butter , w Copied Beef Hath with Poached can Eggs : Mix one twelve-ounc-e corned beet, two cups finely chopped boiled potatoes and quarter cup milk; season to taste. Flatten out In a skillet with J little hot fat and brown well ore one aide, turn over and brown on the other. Slide out onto a hot platter and lay nix hot poached eggs on top. Serves six. ' Tke first and only d car vMi r Amy-price- no urns small 5 of the topography of the island at the date of its discovery and its settlement, all the early Dutch pictures of New Amsterdam bear witness. Rev. John HeckeWelder, well kaowa Moravian missionary who devoted the greater part of bis life to Cbrietianix tag tbe Delaware Indians in Pennsylvania aad Ohio, is said to bavt been on of the first to offer an entymology foe tbe name. Mr. Tookrr quote bis history. Manners and Customs of In diaa Nations. 1817. as follows: .Tbe current account given by the Delawares sad'Mohegane of tbe scene which took place when they were first mad to touch spirituous liquors by tbe Dutch who landed on New York Island. , They called it Manahachtanienk. which in the Delaware language means, tbe island when w all became intoxicated'. Dr. Heckewclder later qualifies this, a quoted by George Folsom in the Collections of the New York Hirtori-ca- l Societies, by saying: Tbe Delawares call tbit place (New York Island) Manahatuaiag or Mannahatb tanink. to this day. They have ft qnently told me that it derived its name from this general intoxication, and that the word comprehended tbe same aa to say, The Isand or place of .t t rr & i Tcs crar Clicvrclct Six ccisfcinea tfcs cdvcnfcisa cf trc inventions . to coonre riloii, qniot, ensy ceoi Cynsro-LIc- i end Free Wheeling cUTelng end positive control cf the engender every driving condition . One of the biggest driving thrills in mod- era motoring is now available at one of tbe very lowest prices in tbe automobile market. is combined with simpli- 5"enf Syncn-Mes-h and the in note finer Chevrolet Six! JbiFrm Wheeling 4 gear-shifti- Jo other car offers this ng double-featu- for re is Ettb money. ognised ae the most advanced typo of 80 Syncro-Mes- h rec- ease and car control, far beyond anything yon have ever enjoyed before. They give you quick, quiet, easy shifting and complete mastery of tbe car, tinder all conditions of road and traffic. They enable you to do thing in driving that are impossible to do in a car - . ' without both these features. j PRICED AS LOT AS Then, along with these two big motoring thrills Chevrolet offers you sx performance, higher speed, faster- - acceleration, greater smootbnesa, smarter Fisher bodies, matchless economy, and a first cost among the lowest fat the motor car market. Certainly, its the great Arocricao Talus for 19321 tranacsiaaioo ever developed by that new, sensation which adda so much to the seat of driving. The two make a Cp-te-da-te CUtchlesa combination! They bring ghost ah entirely new kind of driving ilfrfai. K to-w- it: ?nc .k rUmt. DwA. MUUqm. nyytJ Dtlivwrf prices. , 1. and talks, was given. sun-Ulnin- Hm aeeo-elatio-n, Lions Club F Success t. SHI? Magna- - Garfield Better Breakfasts lOYALTYCZ L. IJEWEST' The kindergarten teacher asked on of her young pnpils what tbe eyes met Thursday evening at the Baptiat were for, and was promptly answered. for their regular busi-- n Churcbroom Anothet was asked "To are with. Cover were laid for meeting. the no was for. and the answwhat 20 member at long tables, attractivt-l- y er was correctly given. Tbu she askThe regular business ed. "And what are decorated. yonr ears forf proceedure of the evening wae carried "I k6ow. insisted a half dozen little out after the dinner and a short pro- tote as their hands wiggled in front gram. consisting of musical number of the teacher. "They ars to keep The Tbe Stake Officers and Teachers Benefit Bridge Club of the Oquirrh Stake met for their met Friday afternoon at the Women's regular session Monday evening Qabrooma for their regular meeting. the Pleasant Green Chapel. DiscusMm. J. A. Webb aad J. R. sions relative to tbe welfare of all orJarvis, hostesses, served a dainty oat ganization were had and many new meet-an- d o'clock luncheon, to 19 guette. Tables plana wtre originated. The next place of the Opuirrh Stake OffiManhattan meets with all tbcw con- of bridge were arranged and the prize ce! and Teacbct will be annonneed ditions. Being an Indian same It it foe high score was won by Mn.Ferd-i- c at a future date. partly American.' Its pronunciation it Barton. making your pinna for the not diffknlt. not nearly as much it Twenty five young people of the It la Just as important winter Mia. sad Mr. R. D. Young and Magna Baptist Church, chaperoned by nomenclature other aboriginal and g to lay In a goodly supply of therefore it not easily forgotten foe it son, of Richfield were gaesu of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Breck, attended a breakfast menus as It is held the Immanuel to nee that the furnace or steam-heatin- g at mesne to much to tbe average Ameri- sad Mrs. E. G Webber. rally Salt Lake Church in apparatus is in order, or Baptist City FriimschookbUd. the even Another can, la plenty of coni and that there Reese A entertained W. her Mrs, G day evening. props rtaat fatter it that the name, bring wood on hand. One type of fuel refreshwas and afternoon. An dab given, Monday gram light heat the house and the other the important in American history, would bridge body which woull you nay wan be pronounced and spelled tbe tame in attractively arranged oat oclock lunch-o- n ments were afterward served. the more Important? 12 served was to Special gnests. any alien tongue. Just about November the family American The Mrs. Ed Gardner, Mrs. Legion Auxiliary met g aests were winter apdevelops a man-elseMrs. T. A. Hansen, sad Friday evening of last week at tbe Utah Jack Ridd, There baa beeg considerable dispute petite everybody wants a good Mis. Jack Bulks. Tables of bridge Copper Clubrooms for their regular breakfast and needs one. It over the origin of tbe name Manhattan make any difference were later arranged ad prizes award- business meeting. Two ntw members, doesnt but William Wallace Tooker in his order of the day In whether the Blanche and Sorenson Falter ed to Mrs. R. G Parka, dab prize, Mary book The Origin of the Name Manbusiness, school or were initiated into tbe Auxiliary. When the sparkling November sunaad Mrs. Ed Gardner, guest prize. hattan",. admitting (hit nncertalaty After the business of the evening, Mias light thine in on the breakfast o aad doubt come to these conclusions; Mis. Carrie Peterson, Mrs. Haas Helena Evers gave a piano solo and table, when n fire In the house That tbe name wae bestowed upon the Land feels good and the home becomes aad Mia. Sam Myles tatrrtain- - Mrs. Paul Schultz gavs a reading. island bearing it. according to all records of the Dutch and English, that tbe name is of aboriginal origin irrespective of the manner in which it was Plaintiff. In the District Conrt of tbe Third Jodkial District in and for tbe County NIELS P. LARSEN. INC. corpora of Salt Lake. State of Utah, ZION'S BENEFIT BUILDING SO tion. R. G. ADAMSON. MRS. T. G ADAMSON, bit wife: J. R CIETY, a corporation WILLIAMS. - THE LANGTON Plaintiff, LIME AND CEMENT COM v. PANY, a corporation. NIELS P. GEORGE WHARTON as adminisLARSEN. J. T. GOUGH, and F. trator of the ettate of Lillian WharLUCE. ton. deceased, also known at Lillie defendants. WHAR GEORGE and Wharton, be told at Sheriffs Sale at tbe we to A. her husband. TON. RAYMOND PONS and L. T. DAVIS, doing front door of the County Courtbouw butinew as Pont and Davis, HAR in the City and County of Salt Lake, general intoxication 7th day of .RYJ.COLEMAR doing businne State of Utah, Meai2 the o'clok noon of a Coleman Painting Co., E. B. Juury,19)2, piece or pared of WICKS COMPANY, a corporation. laid day that certain H. B. COLE. FRANK A. CAFF-AL- real property air satt in Salt Lake Utah, described at LESTER BILLS and LIL-- " County. Saw of foUowi tow it : LIE DUNSTON. Lon numbered 27 and 28 of Block Defendants. 14 of Douglas Park Subdivision to CO IN HANO to be told at Sheriifi Salt at tbe we . Lake City. Utah, together with front door of tbe County Courtbouw Salt the rnon The Qsr Bur all tenement, hereditament, apin the City aad Coaaty of Salt Lake, esse meats of every kind Cam Our 0om You Mo purtenances, Utah State of on the 7th day of Jan. end character, all interest in any party 1932, at 12 o'clock noon of eaid day wall or walla need in connection that certain piece or parcel of real pro- - with winparty property ot to be need situate in Salt Lake County, therewith and all interest in and to the of Utah, described at followe, ground beneath the same, all water right, including water right represla companies, or Tbe West half of Lot 48 and ail of ented by Mock thereunto belonging or in Lot 49. Block 2. HACKETT'S ADDITION, as platted and of record in aaywiw appertaining. Parchaw price payable in lawful Book "D of plats, page 3, record of money of the United Sate. Salt Lake County. Dated at Salt Lake City. Utah, this Parchaw price payable in lawful 7th day of December, 1931. S. GRANT YOUNG. money of the United State. Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, tbit Sheriff of Salt Lake County, Utah. By Ead M. Wilaon, Deputy. 7tb day of December, 1931." M. V. Backmaa, S. GRANT YOUNG. Attorney for Plaintiff. Sheriff of Salt Lake Coaaty. Utah. First publication date i By Ead M. Wilaon. Deputy. Lart publkation date M. V. Backaan. BARGAIN Upright piano for sale. Attorney f of Plaintiff. See V. U. Batten or call reeidenct 1 1 1 31. Fir publication date 54-R2 bon Last publication date a - GIVEII A!.2?JCA3 After sixteen moatbe of profound t444444444444444444444444 Mady and considerable research, the IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF management of the United Sums Liam THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISha decided to name tbe fir of the TRICT. IN AND I OR SALT in and for the 30.000 ton linen aadcr o attraction COUNTY. LAKE STATE State of Utah. at Camden, the Manhattan. The name OF UTAH AND THRIFT JANET G STEPHENS. for tbe second of the two large ehipu Plaintiff. to be bnilt in this country it MiQ under : i consideration. n SHERIFFS SALE la the City Court Coaary of Salt Lake, PEOPLES FINANCE ' CO... corporation. ed at the Womens Clubroomt for Mrs. Clifford Jones, recent bride, afternoon. Progressive Thursday games wtre played and enjoyed by 35 gnests. Light refreshments were The W. B. A. entertained at a pubaqj, 'ooouinjt atp u; uiq pa lic card party Monday evening at the guest was the recipient of many useWomen's Qsbroom. Five tablet of ful and beautiful gift. 500 and fonr tables of bridge were The Ladies Aid entertained at a were Prizes st 500 arranged. Silver Tea Wednesday afternoon at R. first. Robert J. Ridge, to the Chart brooms. A baazar BarBaptist hire. Fred consolation, Jarvis, was held, the proceeds derived from ton, firet, and Mist Margaret Patter-to- the sale to go to the Church Fund. Prizes consolation. at bridge refreshments were served to 15 Light wen woo by MmAgnse William, ladies. firm aad Mrs. J. R. Jarvis, consol! ation. Light refreshments were later The Magna Literary Club met served. The W. B. A. quilt that wat Wednesday evening at the home of raffled off wat von by Mis. Carl Mrs. Ivy Hall in Salt Lake. Tbe reMadsen. gular basinet proceed u re of the club was carried out, and special hook , Mia. Thomas McGill entertained "The Imperial Palace wat giv-e- d Monday afternoon at a birthday party by Mrs. Etbond. Aa attractively in compliment to her son. Stuart. arranged luncheon was afterwards servDiversified garnet aad refreshments ed to 20 members. were enjoyed by fifteen guests. mm Easy G. M. A. C. terms." ranCAT mrj cisnwm APEKICAn SEE TOD . .. ilelt? VALUE ses COE loss DEALER EXLOV Pantos iXraG if 2-- 14 |