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of 41 the ear deaf jie and I 1 that bat Is by constitutional 11 doornen Is causell ly an n cond iticia of the dumus filling of 0 the tube when this lube tube lets gets inflamed yon you have a rumbling bound sound or imper to at bar sg and when it la ii milady clod clo ed d Is the it 0 union unit the lan in bi talen 0 ont rita and tid 1 betor to its normal oon con heiting will be destroyed foi tot eye 2 j bior cc ont out ot of ten are ate cani by cafano which is nobi inc an billum In flan ed rd cancil candil condition ion of the lutto otts faces wo we will give ou oue colars for joy illy case of deafness cn ed by rm catarrh hat that cannot bo ba cured by hall 4 cure bena tor for circular circulars trw free F J ILO 0 Tol edoo 0 b S elj ld by druggists 35 hull a R family an are the emst it 11 0 W the andani ilarra excursions of the will mil on august sl ticket tickets will be bold id only for regular lir truo lb IhM cat Vate 5 nal Ij going coufou limited to date of 1 and no atop allowed final limit fi ft r return august tit following rates will be in effect to castle valley jowui from an 1 torrice to price C legate and return fg Q I 1 rom bilt liki L ik I to r 1 toi i ou tta and a V rt t u re 1 from athi to PAT 0 to palca sab albl 1 reum 44 i tu to catl ite an au I 1 r turu in 70 to scofield yx fild and return ja b A AMDY CATHARTIC V ab ALL so 4 ilse faff art ore the k 14 11 1441 41 ajr absolutely hupf G mr ft fa t 14 1 ia at J 1 1 DR TO L H U RS I 1 EXPERT RT DENTIST in gold cold and crown clown work t tr t 1 1 located in halff eaic ake the last 13 years a r s il 6 wili UE BE I 1 11 1 huntington 1 ington aug 27 to sep sepa 3 scofield august and Cast legate august ath to 2 ath price I 1 september ath to ath extracting and FILLING of the NATURAL TEETH by the 0 latest PAINLESS PROCESS ork guaranteed first class and at Loi lowest iet arites MATHIS HOTEL N newly furnished furnish cd throughout i w clean and neat rooms and ani it o 0 v cuisine cuisine unexcelled under if new management RATES 1 50 AND PER DAY H C SMITH MANAGER PRICE utah a P JI X P 11 A varr BAUM BRAFFET ATTORNEYS R N EYS AT LAW PRICE UTAH will practice in all 11 the stele and tare court courts loftice cao u main alln org door wet west ol 01 prim 1 broling company it 1 atom pat iab oo 00 siw si w with pr Is me pun flin THE THIE OF irrigation master master it by rt wilcox 3 fa min A book of pages and loo il tion own bound in cloth price 2 by mil prepaid pre paid we print the lest agrical Agri cul cui tural journal on earth try it and keep posted address FIELD AND FARM DENVER DENVIER COS experience COUNTS FOR MUCH 4 fh I 1 aba it to plaits pi t inc nr I 1 barabad if new in this line of worl work tad and saps w guarantee arst cleas cl aik oik ai t fj low pric ru ron are r ready to I 1 ester kosir house lot we fievre with YOU 1 I ra roll make it in an object tuomas ferron utah THE CULLEN SALT CITY centrally located RATES sa 9 and per day ar C awing prop pren ATTENTION aela I 1 I 1 to cell call attention to the cra cr low ailees I 1 am nin charging for I 1 rel repairing miring boots and shoes viz menal boling and hobling Ho Ifo cling eling 75 Lat lades ites soling and neeling Ilc dingi 75 SO 50 C F N k BEING i for work to a very tan fc fact or woon arst clau class work I 1 Is desired I 1 bare have the experience jid aak tra wel rl ul ppe or wj work 1 I will do all kawl of ts WORK el caray and will dispa teb I 1 mob the manufacture or of litt its can cans a specialty as 1 l fol followay lowas a cans U ION calton cana M immelt ferron haill 60 TRADE IF VV aap A iw adlair as a plots aa od a g 41 q fr A 11 lam hawy tim tei ta rily facury f tm tiff loi in W lun hinto arn lb lima la 1 mcw in AMERICAN amod artt arv f huou of k an ilbok a OX ON I 1 toot free MUNN A ak CO 1 urba a bt kw 42 tk THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE lung lunz troubles and consumption can be cured aim A effla kw ir lri kiml eiria II 11 9 make ft 1 f rne offer sliver la to the stingy dished new pw yot tot T A blochin bloc nin di lila die dis covery of a fell atle aid and ear enro for consumption lu let je culos cn losi js aud and all 11 in throat larff furs 11 II 1 chest di lieff lie seMet Wf conglis cata catarrhal aft afoo deim I 1 weakness 1 ion of elgh sua adl 11 II cen coa of wafting away will THREE frer bottled BOTT LEi aaU all differ mt ot of bis his new di y o jav to a any rea tea let of I 1 lie JA I 1 avoca ivoca vocal writing whitin wr itin for thein HI disnew new 81 1 red thou aula saula permanently by ty t y he its tim timely ly ube and be he it a bimble professional doty daty to suffering tring humanity to donate a nil inal of hid his infallible anre dence dally daily develop deT elope diew woL broider derp ati and d this great clit mist patiently meriting for year bits ralta as beneficial benefi ciRl to humanity as ca etin be claimed by aur mur mcclern kalne hi ili assertion artim that lung blea and nit con om are curable it in any ally climate ia is iby letters atten of anti c toj s filed to bits find earo peau in irom th carml in all faita latits 0 at uil wort bcd col I experts a co colloid llotd tint that tron c hial chest and nd inns long 16 lead to i idah speedy certain death HI write to T A Buc nin M R U bolh atut post eed and the an fn fr ine dicine wll will be lay pre roily mont nt kalmer er ers take instant rd t I 1 lita propos km two eleax pie lie the doctor ductor tbt that yoa you sit w h beitf fw offer in 1 competent woman to do work and to take charge a of ui bo and gar etre will pv 3 per arek apply to I 1 it car f Cb chronic rIe in ISO when I 1 my illy country cout itry so a I 1 la in A 13 33 li it ivan pence I 1 rania vartia I 1 diarrhoea dian boen it has giau 11 ll of I 1 ru ul 1 tyer silim I 1 have t t is ilin iqs n diff ervist a I 1 seat alid 1 doctors wl wi hint any paun nent tell f not ot conj lon A i a f i a I 1 u tit 1 too a rami lo 10 bottle of 0 chakib alai alalu tos colic Cli ant Dui Duir thoe linen remar DU an I 1 utter after that I 1 b boucht tight ant t took W w ti tt ot lit lolale and 1 bow I 1 ca can y that j mil I 1 moot bj b thankful thank fal etious Is to ru arn ter this great Rein fly ay and nd recommend it to all 11 II suf dufferin ferin veto vete ran if it in doolit write in yonn you gratefully henry allis town ia pa hold ly dealer |