Show the 1 11 jay at ibe the setting ot at the district court last 1 amk a grand jury was wa and ou on fridy friday brining it is follows fol lonii the erod jury was we la in session foar four 1 dry days and d tell cases and 1 round and returned larned re indictments ia la four c buee the jary inquired loto into and tag rations county offic lats anil atul re corts of tb the county and found hut they bad dona done their daty duty and kept the records an the law low direct they in 1111 the condition of the county jall and found it in which to keep prisoners for the principal reat ju that it 14 a are trap and alio aleo that the jail la li not of cleanliness 1 bud nd the construction of a new jau jall |